
Sugar daddy or something



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
11-30-2020, 07:52 PM (This post was last modified: 11-30-2020, 07:57 PM by Viper.)
Actually with Viper’s heat season coming up it’s got me thinking and I’d like to see if anyone would be interested in fathering her litter. I thought I’d wait until she’s 7 years old and I still might but I just don’t know what kind of trouble I’m going to throw her in until then. I’m going to be pretty picky about dad because I only want 1 viper litter. (Maybe 2 depending on interest on pups and stuff like that, loners can only have up to 3 pups)

There’s really all options available, enslaving, rape, just messing around, whatever. Viper’s emotional attachment (or unattachment) is weird and she won’t understand or feel what rape actually is. Even if it’s rape where the guy doesn’t like think that he’s raping? She recently had her first in-depth sex lesson (yes at the ripe age of 4 years old) and I honestly don’t even know if she will understand the big whoop about sex at all.

So the only thing that comes along with this litter is that these babies would be immediately abandoned after they are born and they would need someone to care for them. I’m open to lots of options with this, dads daddying them or someone random taking them/one of them in. Viper won’t even acknowledge she is pregnant and will not have any attachment to them when they come. Literally just up and ditch. Even if viper is enslaved or if she miraculously cares for or has emotion for dad, she will not care for these pups.

You can post here or DM me via discord if you want to keep plot secrets. We can talk baby daddies or wolves taking in the pups or potential long term plots afterwards. Just throw me ideas and I will read and consider all!