
What Changes May Come

Council Meeting



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
12-01-2020, 03:16 PM


Things had changed. With Armada on one side and Abaven on the other, Resin had been okay with claiming the lands between. Hibari claiming lands so close was a bit too much for the giant woman. It felt like being caged and this was not a feeling that she enjoyed one bit. Resin had been caged. It drove you mad. Though her territory was wide and open, she was feeling a bit of that cabin fever already. And so she thought of moving. Already there was a place in mind. She simply wished to mull the thought over and get the opinions of her council. They didn't know that they were her council yet, but they soon would.

The scarred woman released a long, low howl, calling for Tamsyn, Askan, Ulric, Luta and Dunkan. While she waited for them to arrive, she seated herself upon one of the flat rocks bordering the river that led to the falls. Up above the moon was full and cast its silvery glow over the landscape. It would be light enough for all of them to see and converse by. Autumn raged around them, heralding the oncoming winter. The night was chill, but not unbearably so. They wouldn't have to stay out in it for long anyway. Night was ideal simply because the children would be asleep. Once they were done discussing, they could all go back to their dens. For now though, they had a lot to decide upon.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
12-01-2020, 03:36 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

Getting all of their pups to bed was a feat in of itself so as she quietly backed out of the chamber where they were all fast asleep she let a relieved sigh pass her lips. A smile crossed her face as she peeked at them, love lingering in her expression. They were a paw full and then some. She had gone from not being sure if she even wanted to be a mother to being a mother to more pups than she could have ever imagined. She loved them all though, even the ones that had found their way into their family unexpectedly. Although... hadn't they all been unexpected? She chuckled softly to herself at that thought before slipping out of the den and out into the darkness of night.

Just as she was about to go find Resin to enjoy what little alone time their role as parents allowed them, she heard Resin call for not just her but several other wolves in the pack. It seemed like tonight would be one for work instead of pleasure. She went to find the scarred woman and smiled a bit when she arrived, easily finding her place beside her Aegis and leaning into her side. It had been pretty easy to see that something had been weighing on Resin's mind as of late so she was sure whatever it was would be the reason for their meeting tonight though she wasn't entirely sure what it was since they hadn't been given as much time to speak lately. Seven children to care for certainly took up a good bit of time and energy.



Master Fighter (290)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

By the skin of my teethSnake EyesVengeanceMammoth HunterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
12-01-2020, 03:36 PM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2020, 03:38 PM by Dunkan.)

Dunkan was on a nocturnal patrol along Urasa who as always didnt leave the wolf's side. They became brothers, buddies as others would name, and the feline became the brother he never had. Calm and steady both walked along the borders, out of them and within their territory. He wanted to check everything and too much wasnt on his vocabulary when it came to the duty and the responsibility.

But as he went, a call from Resin reached his ears. Nodding and without waiting he and Urasa made their way toward their leader, wondering what was going on.

Both arrived, and Dunkan gave the alphas a nod, and saying nothing for now he sat down before them. "Resin, Tamsyn" He greeted but other than that he didnt share any vocals, focusing those blue eyes onto both females.



He has a male Jaguar Named Urasa and a female red tailed hawk named Kaira ,They are always around him unless told otherwise
He wears a lion skull with mane and claw bracers.



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
12-01-2020, 04:15 PM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2020, 04:15 PM by Askan.)

Askan gave credit where it was due. He wasn't left to stew on his concerns for too long before Resin called out to her follows, her howl suggesting that there was much to talk about. He moved at a steady lope, crossing over the springs into the land of the falls. The pups were all nestled away in their dens and to Askan's relief he crossed no one on his way to the meeting. He wasn't in a bad mood per se, but he was very intent on finding out what was going on. How Resin intended to face the issues the Hallow's faced. By the time he had arrived there were already a pawful of wolves on the scene, Resin, Tamsyn and broody dunkan. Forgoing the pleasantries, he grunted in greeting and settled his weight on his rump as he waited for Resin to say her piece then open the floor.
[Image: dcn3i8m-9c82d108-20e7-4e4d-8c63-664fb310...DJDJeXfbOA]



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
12-02-2020, 11:50 PM

His usual routine ever since his children were born included getting up early and going to sleep fairly early as well. Between the time he spent throughout the day doing patrols, hunting, and working on improving the various things they had built around the pack in addition to the time he spent playing with their children he was pretty worn out by the end of the day. However, when he heard Resin’s call, he didn’t hesitate to pull himself out of their den, carefully removing himself from the pile that the pups had made around him. He gave himself a good shake to get rid of the sleepiness dragging on him before he took off at a quick trot to go find Resin and the rest of the wolves that she had called. When he arrived he saw that Dunkan, Tamsyn, and Askan had arrived already but he was pretty sure they were at least waiting for one more so at least he wasn’t the very last one. He found a place among the circle they had begun and settled onto his haunches, giving them a quiet nod of greeting.




5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - AsexualDouble Master
Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
12-05-2020, 10:54 AM

Lúta carefully tended the fire that would turn her clay containers into hardy ceramic vessels ideal for storing dried herbs. She had a few glass vessels that Raga was cleaning out. The macaque's nimble fingers were better suited to the job and while a few were cracked she planned to use those for dried teas and tisanes. The heat of the fire was lovely on the chill, autumn night. Though a little cold it was still and calm. A perfect night for a fire.

Her ears flicked up as she heard Resin's call. Lúta took a moment to speak with her companion and give the monkey a list of items to tend to while she was gone. It would likely take time for the fire to burn down to the point the pottery could be retrieved, however, she didn't want to risk an unattended fire.

Lúta grabbed her pack and wandered toward the call, a number of wolves were already gathered there. She dipped her head in respectful greeting and settled down to listen.



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
12-07-2020, 07:23 AM


One by one her wolves arrived. Tamsyn settled in beside her and the one-eyed woman nosed behind her lovers ear in greeting. Each wolf came, found their place, and waited for the reason behind the meeting. Resin wasted no time. The hour was late and some wolves present would have already been asleep. She would keep the meeting as brief as possible and send them all on their ways. Low tones emanated from the fae's damaged vocal cords but her words would carry to each of them. "Each wolf present holds and important role in the pack. Each wolf present has earned my trust. As such, each wolf present will be a part of my council. Together, we will promote the health and safety of The Hallows. In the end, this is not my pack. It's ours." The ashen woman dipped her head in a faint nod of thanks to the number around her.

"There are a few items to bring up. Obviously we are swimming in puppies. Henceforth there will be a ban on procreation until we have the numbers and resources to provide for more." She would have liked less pups and more warriors, but it was too late now. Thankfully Aranea had chosen to leave to have her offspring elsewhere. It may have seemed cold that the Aegis wouldn't welcome the pups, but there were more important things to think of.

"I'm sure you've noticed the sudden... tightness in our boundaries. The east has become crowded. Too crowded for my liking. Though I chose this place because of the healing springs, healing can be done anywhere." The woman's lone, sulfur gaze drifted from face to face as she spoke the next. "Once spring breaks winters hold, I intend for The Hallows to relocate." What would they have to say to that? Now she would open the floor for discussion. Anything that might be bothering them, any achievements that they've accomplished, any questions that they had. "If you have anything to say, now is the time."

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
12-08-2020, 11:00 AM

Askan sat and listened, ears tipped forward and eyes sharp as Resin pointed out that everyone here mattered. That regardless of what they said their voices would be heard and taken into consideration, Askan couldn't really ask for more, could he? He shifted his weight and found himself nodding fervently when she pointed out that there were too many puppies, two litters was enough but with all the strays they were scooping up enough was enough. He was glad Resin had noticed the issue before he'd been forced to whine, gripe and point it out.

As for the second point, yeah. He'd noticed, he was pretty sure everyone who got off their arse in the morning did. But again, the fact that Resin not only addressed the issue but planned to move the pack once winter had it's way with Boreas was encouraging. The Hallows, despite it's current issues, didn't deserve to be written off as a lost cause just yet. His lips pressed into a thin line as he wondered where she planned on taking them, not that he disagreed. As things were there was a chance, even slim, that they'd get caught in some interpack drama that was none of their business. Not to mention the further they got away from that smug bitch Recluse the better, or so the salty Selwyn thought.

Resin the opened the floor and Askan was the first to speak.

"I was just about to point that out, but yeah I agree. But if we are staying here for winter I think it might be a good time to remind some people to pull their weight a little better."

It took a great deal of restrain not to start naming names- though he sourly noted Percy was up there on that list. Sure, maybe he could have been more diligent with his work-Lords above knew he wasn't perfect- but with all these pups there were a lot of hungry mouths to feed and the stores would start to run low on supplies if things kept up this way. Besides, with so many packs crammed into one area hunting was already difficult and with winter on the way it would only get all the more so.
[Image: dcn3i8m-9c82d108-20e7-4e4d-8c63-664fb310...DJDJeXfbOA]



Master Fighter (290)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

By the skin of my teethSnake EyesVengeanceMammoth HunterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
12-09-2020, 01:27 PM

After his arrival a few more wolves joined them tonight, the meeting seemed more essential than he initially thought. He sat silent as he with a emotionless expression observed them as they arrived. But as soon as the last one sat down he dismissed the rest, focusing just on Resin. Expectanly on any news or important discussion she may could bring on.

"Each wolf present holds and important role in the pack. Each wolf present has earned my trust. As such, each wolf present will be a part of my council. Together, we will promote the health and safety of The Hallows. In the end, this is not my pack. It's ours."

He nodded in response to her words, he certainly felt a hint of pride for he being handled so much trust. But despite how that made him feel, he didnt let those emotions lurk on his eyes,keeping them blank as they always were.

"There are a few items to bring up. Obviously we are swimming in puppies. Henceforth there will be a ban on procreation until we have the numbers and resources to provide for more."

He couldn't agree no more with Resin's thoughts. He couldn't lie, the sudden explosion of kids within the pack surprised him as he never saw that coming. He never saw how fast there would be pups within their numbers. He may could sound cruel or heartless but he was a realistic man before anything. And he knew that being such a small pack with so many new mouths to feed,it would make the pack's existence way harder. "I agree, we cant sustain many more pups in our current size. We need warriors no kids. We need capable and hard-working paws." He didnt care what others would think of his spoken thoughts but he never stepped back on his word.

"I'm sure you've noticed the sudden... tightness in our boundaries. The east has become crowded. Too crowded for my liking. Though I chose this place because of the healing springs, healing can be done anywhere." He took some moments to think on the matter. They in fact were now surrounded by packs that it became a threat,a threat for them as they were small and lacked the militant power to defend themselves in the case of a raid. ""The idea of moving would be the wisest choice now that our home is surrounded by potential threats." Eyes narrowed as he spoke. "Where should we move?" Then Askan spoke. "That's true, we cant have the luxury of keeping paws that won't give any benefit to the pack's growth and sustainment."



He has a male Jaguar Named Urasa and a female red tailed hawk named Kaira ,They are always around him unless told otherwise
He wears a lion skull with mane and claw bracers.



5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - AsexualDouble Master
Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
12-11-2020, 09:33 PM

Lúta listened quietly as Resin opened the meeting. The ban on procreation suited her fine. She was sworn to celibacy and would never lay with another in that manner. The next matter of business was relocating the pack. She could understand Resin's concern with having so many packs on their borders.

"I agree, I think moving is a good idea. While being close has the advantage of us being close to potential patients it also puts us close to potential conflict zones that could place us right in harms way." She assumed most packs had healers of their own and the majority of their patients would be loners. It would be less stressful and easier to focus on healing without worrying about their neighbors or any fallout from raids.

"Do you have anywhere in mind Resin? There is a gulley to the southwest of here that is rich in herbs. It's also near a prairie full of prey but I admit I've only seen a small selection of the lands of Boreas."



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
12-15-2020, 04:47 PM

Ulric was glad when Resin got straight to the point of the meeting - not that he expected anything less. She was never one to go on and on with pleasantries which was something he always appreciated about her. He have her a soft smile and a thankful dip of his head when she declared that the wolves she had gathered here would be her council. He certainly wasn't surprised by any of the choices though he wasn't completely familiar with the healer that had come to join them last. The ban on any further litters in the pack also didn't surprise him though he did feel a bit guilty about fathering one of the litters that had put them in such a state. He certainly hadn't intended for he and Azariah to have children of their own until he was able to branch out into his own pack, but that wasn't the cards that life had dealt for them. Azariah and Tamsyn both had given birth to surprisingly large litters and that combined with the orphans that they had taken in as well... there were more tiny paws around here than there was anything else.

The news that she planned on moving their pack come spring made his brows lift with surprise, but he could understand the reasoning. With so many packs in such a tight space it had certainly begun to feel a bit tight. It was easy to see why so many packs would want to live here in this area since there was so many hospitable lands in this small area, but it had begun to feel a bit claustrophobic. He was a bit disappointed about moving further away from the Mangroves and the fact that they had put in so much effort to build up the dens and such here, but... they had to meet the needs of the pack first and foremost and if that meant moving away to a space that was less crowded then that's what they would need to do.

The wolves of the group spoke up one by one to voice their agreements and comments about the new rules and plans, his silver eyes shifting from one to the other to listen. When the question of where they might move came up the gears in his mind began to turn. He was sure someone like Resin would have already had some kind of plan in place for this question, but he couldn't help but think of the places that he passed on his many trips between Auster and Boreas when he was tending to his sister and mother. After Lúta mentioned a couple of suggestions in Boreas, Ulric finally spoke as well. "If you're really wanting space away from the other packs, it might be worth searching even further south... I've spent a good amount of time in Auster and that land is far less inhabited than Boreas is and I know of several places that might make for a good home."



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
12-15-2020, 05:05 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

Tamsyn smiled as Resin nuzzled her between her ears and the dark woman leaned her head into her lover's shoulder while they waited for everyone to gather. She and Dunkan had arrived about the same time, soon followed Askan, Ulric, and Lúta. Even though their pack was about as full as they could possibly be at the moment, it somehow still felt as if they were a small pack. This was probably because of how many pups were currently filling in their ranks which was echoed in one of Resin's points of the meeting - no more litters in the pack. It was a fair rule even though the mothering, softer side of her disliked the idea of preventing anyone from growing their family. They just needed some time to let their current collection of tiny fuzz balls to grow before they could welcome more into their pack family, that's all.

She glanced up at Resin with a bit of surprise when her lover mentioned that they would need to move once spring arrived. It felt like they had just fully settled in here and had just finished all of the construction it had taken to build their den and all of the other dens around the pack... but she understood the reasoning. It tugged at her heart to think that they would be moving away from the Armada, but she had made her decision long ago that she would go wherever she must to be with Resin. Her love for the scarred woman far outweighed any lingering affection she had for her former pack and her friends there. Her mint eyes drifted around the members of the Council as they spoke their minds about everything that had been brought up in the meeting, though her attention was mostly pulled to Lúta and Ulric as they gave a couple of suggestions for where they might set up their next home. Both options seemed more than viable, but it would just come down to what Resin wanted most in wherever they decided to move.



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
12-15-2020, 10:31 PM


As the group settled, heard her words then began their comments, concerns and complaints, Resin wasn't surprised when Askan was the first to voice his opinions. She rather liked the outspoken little man and his brusque demeanor. Obsidian ears flicked forward, catching what he had to say. Turned out that he approved of her litter ban. No surprise there. He also agreed to moving away from the packed lands of the East. She wasn't surprised by this either. What she was surprised by was his insistence that some weren't pulling their weight. "The kill den is getting stocked. Our borders are regularly patrolled by many paws. Alliances have been made." She saw all of this as progress and hard work. More could always be done, but she was satisfied with their current status. "What do you believe needs to be done?" She was open to his suggestions.

Dunkan seemed to be in the same mindset as Askan, stating that they had too many pups and not enough warriors. To this, she agreed. They didn't have enough warriors and the warriors that she did have were lacking in skill. "Our current warriors will have to work harder to advance in skill. I don't want to force training on everyone but I will if necessary." She was already training her pups that had shown an interest in fighting. They seemed to possess more drive than the adults, unfortunately.

Luta agreed to moving territories and gave some suggestions. She asked if Resin had any place in mind and the one-eyed woman nodded. In fact, she did. Before she could reply, Ulric spoke up. He suggested that they move to Auster and the big woman chuckled. "Auster is in fact what I have in mind." She nodded to Luta, showing the woman that she appreciated her words. "Coming here, I passed a massive structure. I spent quite a bit of my life in a similar place. Easily fortified. Everyone would have their own space. We would be kept safe from the elements. There would be prime hunting just outside of our door. I plan to send a scout to inspect the place."

Resin was surprised that Tamsyn held her tongue. She wanted the input of the dark lady. They would talk about it together later either way. "I will not force anyone to accompany the pack on their move. If any of you wish to back out now, that's up to you." She wouldn't force them, but she would certainly look down upon them for it. "Are there any other concerns? Anything else that needs to be said?" She was a patient woman but she knew that others were missing sleep for this meeting. Once everyone was satisfied, the meeting would end.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
12-16-2020, 10:21 AM

Askan squinted again, though this time more in thought than outright annoyance. What Resin said might have been true but he knew for a fact, whether she'd noticed it or not, that not every Hallows wolf were paying their dues. Maybe they just hid it better when Resin was around and didn't bother to put on the same performance when Askan laid his eyes on them. Whatever, it wasn't as though he was here to make friends. Though considering Percy was as reclusive as ever the true purpose of remaining in this pack could also be brought into question, not that he cared to walk down that path right now. No thanks. Instead Askan cut to the chase, though not before offering Ulric a sharp side glance.

"What about Ulric's woman? Can you honestly tell me you've seen her lift a paw since she had her sprogs? If she's adding more work for the rest of us the least she can do is pitch in too, don't you think?"  He sighed, he couldn't throw one wolf under the bus then look away for another. "And I ain't blind or stupid, I know Percy's about the same. Fuck knows what she's up to."

And there, he'd said his piece for now. The rest that followed didn't inspire him to say anything-or complain. He knew he needed to put more work in and that was something manageable he could do in the future, but he'd never been to Auster so there wasn't anything he could add to that conversation. Wherever the Hallows went he'd follow.

[Image: dcn3i8m-9c82d108-20e7-4e4d-8c63-664fb310...DJDJeXfbOA]



5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - AsexualDouble Master
Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
12-16-2020, 07:01 PM

Lúta's ears perked up at the mention of them possibly moving to Auster. She'd always wanted to do a bit more exploring that way and had also considered venturing into the southern continent if the herbs they needed became scarce during Boreas' winter. "Auster sounds good to me. I'm curious to see this place you've found and I can assist in building travois' to help with the move." She still had her own travois ready to go. True, it would be a shame to pack up everything again after finally getting things settled in but it couldn't really be helped.

She cocked a brow at the dark-pelted man. She didn't keep tabs on her pack mates, she had enough to do without babysitting everyone in the pack but she did feel the man was bring awfully harsh. "I don't keep tabs on everyone but Percy assisted me in setting a broken leg recently. As for Ulric's wife, would it harm you to speak a bit more kindly, especially in front of Ulric? I'd assume she's busy raising children though if she is suffering some harsh after effects that are hampering her please let me know and I will see what I can do."



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
12-21-2020, 07:11 PM

Ulric's silver gaze shifted from Askan to Resin and back again as their leader responded to his concerns with examples of how the pack has been well cared for thus far and opened the floor for him to say what he thought needed to be done. He caught the sharp glance that the smaller man gave him before he spoke, shocking him when Askan pointed blame at Azariah - and not even giving her the common curtesy of calling her by her name. He bit back the angry retort he wanted to give in response, instead letting his blood simmer as Lúta came to the defense of Azariah as well as Percy, offering examples of what the two might have been up to as of late. He gave the healer a small, thankful nod before speaking up himself. "Until you have experienced how much work and energy it takes to raise five children I suggest you watch your tongue," he replied as well, his tone hard, but composed as he cast a glancing glare toward Askan. "I have doubled my efforts to bring in more kills, do more patrols, and have still continued to work on building out the dens around the pack to make up for the fact that Azariah is tied up with our family. If you have an issue with that you can take it up with me - not in the middle of a Council meeting."

He put aside the irritation he felt at the unnecessary harshness of the young man so that he could refocus on the other topics of the meeting - most notably where Resin had thought of moving them. He nodded in agreement and added, "I've seen the place you're talking about - I think that would be a good place for us to set up in. We wouldn't have to nearly as much shaping and construction to make it what we need like we did here." Not that he had necessarily minded building out the guest dens and such, but if they were going to make this large of a move it was at least comforting to know they would be moving somewhere that they would have suitable shelter right away. "If I remember correctly there are a good amount of plentiful hunting areas nearby around there as well... And more than its fair share of plant life." With the last comment he gave a glance to Lúta, knowing that a place like that would be great for the healers. When Resin asked if there were any other questions or concerns he gave a small shake of his head. "Nothing from me. You have my support."



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
12-21-2020, 07:27 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

Tamsyn was observant and thoughtful while she listened to the other's concerns and thoughts about what should be done, though when Askan spoke she raised her brows with surprise. It was one thing to feel that some of the pack members were not contributing as they should, but to say it in such a rude way right in front of someone that he should expect it to hurt was another thing. It wasn't the first time she had experienced Askan's sharp tongue, but this was a level of dissent that she didn't think would do well within something like a Council. She didn't feel the need to say anything on the matter since Lúta and Ulric said enough, but it wasn't something she would soon forget.

When Resin mentioned how the warriors would need to work harder in their training she nodded in agreement. Her days of being a General were behind her, but that didn't mean that she didn't see the need for that sort of training and experience - even in a pack like this where the main focus wasn't on war. "I'd be happy to put together some training and start building some strategies for such if someone would be interested in helping me do so." She cast a glance across the three warriors in attendance, curious if any one in particular would speak up. Perhaps Dunkan - considering he had been the one to voice the concern in the first place.

The idea to move to Auster was a bit of a surprise, but at the same time it wasn't. Boreas was a crowded place these days and she remembered when she went to Auster on the man hunt with Naiche how open and wild that area had been. As much as she didn't want to put that much distance between them and the Armada, it was the smartest decision and she was more than a little curious about the structure that Resin and Ulric were talking about. "You certainly have my interest," she said with a small smile as she looked up toward Resin. Honestly, she would move anywhere that Resin thought was fitting for them. She trusted her lover's judgement.



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
01-09-2021, 07:53 AM


Resin shot Askan a slightly chiding glance as he spoke his mind with very little tact. She wasn't surprised when Ulric reacted with verbal aggression. It was his right. Others gave their input in turn. It seemed that everyone was on board for their move in the spring. It was a little surprising. She'd thought that at least one of them would have disagreed. That they were all on the same page was a good thing. Less to worry about.

The scarred woman rose from her place. "Meeting adjourned. Those of you that have knowledge of Auster, I'll speak with you in time. Continue to do as you're all doing. I'm pleased with our progress." The ashen woman did fix them each with her hard sulfur stare. "Continue to work on your skills. Train those in need." This was very important. With one final nod, she looked to Tam to see if the woman was ready to head to bed.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]