
You're In Your Head




3 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
12-11-2020, 09:08 AM

Searching for herbs: Alder Buckthorn and Trillium

Muzet wasn't good for much else than gathering herbs at this point. But her leg had been removed from the splint and she was getting around much better than when initially injured. The leg was still in pain and even a little stiff but she did everything she could to make sure it would heal fully because she sure didn't want to walk around on a gimpy leg for the rest of her life. She was still comfortable going pretty far from Habari, all of the surrounding packs had Kliens or those thought to be friendly to the Kliens so she wouldn't think too hard about what could happen if something went wrong or she hurt her leg more. She felt safe none the less if anything did happen.

She came to the Mangrove after consulting the healers of the pack, and instead of looking for some common herbs to bring back, she would go to search for the more rare herbs before winter. It was important to stock up now either way, but if anything she'd feel a lot more accomplished finding something a lot harder to come across day by day. Especially since she felt almost entirely useless with her broken leg the last month or so. Not that she actually was but she certainly couldn't help but feel that way.

She was told at the Mangrove that there were a red berries called Alder Buckhorn and a tall white flower named Trillium. Her eyes would scan her surroundings inside the trees and water ways after going a short distance to set up a new radius. She figured she'd find more luck along the tree trunks or their roots rather than just out in the open but she wanted to get a feel for the land not only for her leg, but maybe to spot some other kinds of herbs not to take back but maybe to discuss with the healers back at home. It was proving a little more difficult than she first anticipated but she had all day to go on her search. But did she look for the shrub berries first? Or the white flowers?

Total Word Count: 360 words
Word Count Goal: 2500 words

Walk "Talk" Think

Check out my absence here (Yes this is still active)

!Mature! For language and sexual themes.

(Mu-zah-ay Air-eh-bah)

Scent: Chocolate
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Season: Spring
Status: Single (Pansexual?)
Height: 34 inches
Home: Habari - Redbud Nook
Maims: Muzet has a blotchy spot across her muzzle from an acid tongue. The skin here is black but it is clearly visible that she is missing hair. Looks kind of like a large snoring nose strip.

Important Details:

Plotting Thread