

One Shot Skill Thread



1 Year
12-16-2020, 08:03 AM

Eirylys padded out from her small little alcove. She’d found the thing not even two days prior, but she was already quite comfortable with it. She hadn’t taken but two steps when a small, horned creature emerged from the side of the cavern… and charged directly for her. She screamed, a yelp as the girl hurdled down the side of the cave… and right off a cliff. She tumbled and stumbled, yelped and cried uncontrollably until she reached the bottom. She couldn’t see straight when she attempted to stand up, falling back as the world spun and dipped and whirled around her small head.

Once she stood up again her head wasn’t as dizzy and whirly and spinny so she decided that she would be fine as long as she treated the… the… wait… she’d forgotten to assess her own injuries. For Goddess’ sake she couldn’t focus this morning! Eirylys pulled a paw across her face, pulling it down to reveal some steadily flowing blood. No wonder she’d been so dizzy. She’d already lost a lot of blood in the few minutes she’d been sitting there, waiting on the dizziness to pass so that she’d be able to move again. ”What in tarnation… since when did all this blood get out of my skull?!” She reached for the cobwebs in a small alcove near her. She’d already explored pretty far down here and stored some herbs and things just in case this sort of situation happened to herself or someone else.

Hey, she may be harmless and quite naive, but she knew her way around the herbs she gathered and used! Ei wasn’t one to be under prepared nor underestimated when it came to the healing aspect of her daily life, and lives around her. The glowing mushrooms that surrounded her were quite weird indeed as well. Hopefully they hadn’t toxicised the herbs she’d stored.

Her paws were swift as she started patting the wound with cobwebs, fashioning a rope out of the roots of another herb she’d stored and tying it, along with the bandage she’d pasted onto her forehead, sloppily tied the makeshift rope across it and up and around her neck until it was fastened securely. Once finished she would climb her way back up the cliff-side and laying down for a bit so that she didn’t overexert herself.

She Walks|| "She Whimpers" || She Whispers