
What's The Price

Seasonal Prompt



3 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
12-16-2020, 11:03 PM

Muzet had had an eventful year all together. Her body could show it physically but even outside of that it seemed like the entire year was full of change and surprise. She definitely felt like she had taken a big leap into the next step of her life and at least for the most part felt she was on the right track.

It hadn't been long since the beginning of the year that she had left her parents and their rules and their expectations. She felt like it was the best thing she had done in her life up to this point. She still had no regrets in doing so. Sure she had to adjust to life without a family to provide for her, but she had been well versed in the ways of every skill. It wasn't hard to learn to survive on her own and her rebellion was completely admirable to her today. She went off and did whatever she wanted. Skills in hand, charm in another. She met with different men after the appropriate age and learned the ways of maturity in that aspect. But the way her parents had treated her and her jumping around led her into a desperation of attention. She wasn't willing to admit it, barley to herself even. But it was distinctively obvious to her when she was rejected or forgotten by her peers.

She had sought out to put her skills to good use because being a loner was pretty boring after all. She did like the company of others all together. She didn't even feel like she had to adjust to pack life. After meeting Recluse and agreeing to join her in her desire to raise a pack from the lands, she couldn't deny she was excited to pursue the pack and show the alpha and her pack mates her dedication to them without even knowing them really. There was only a small part of her that felt like an outsider from the Kleins, but she was much more confident than not and it wasn't easy to knock herself off the pedestal she made and shined for herself.

Though after the big events last season, she had definitely started to feel useless and like her Alpha, Recluse, would be booting her out of the pack at any given time. She heard about some spooky stories about the Corpseghoul Swamplands and her curious mind had to take a look for herself. After all, she thought herself rather brave and once she entered the swamp lands, she was pretty confident she wouldn't run into any trouble. Ooo, spooky fog, spooky water.

She was gravely mistaken though and as she moved into the swamp further and became actually lost inside, she did have a bit of panic inside of her which was almost a new and unknown feeling to her. As hidden creatures nibbled at her legs and paws, a whole zoo of animals threw their poo at her and turned the drinking water into something black and horrid, and carnivorous plants nearly attempted to eat her, she had obtained many ailments whether they were short lived or would stick with her forever. Even one of them unknown to her, drinking from the satanic fountain of youth actually took a year off her life. But she was forever scarred from the acid of the carnivorous plant. And worse of all, at least right in this moment and something she would never forget, was the big bully frog that chucked one of his skulled meals at her leg and literally snapped it. She was able to luckily surpass the hypno toad as he lingered in laughter of her humility. But it still wasn't over yet. Still lost in the ever changing maze of the swamp, an evil, devilish creature emerged from near nothingness. She couldn't make out the strange, upright creature's face and it was all but a blur now from the pain of her fractured leg. Somehow she was able to talk down the strange creature, and luckily get away with her life. She would run out of the swamp lands quicker than she found her way in, even with a mangled leg. And she probably would to this day and onward, never return to that retched place. For a woman who showed no fear, that one would get to her. There was no way in hiding the fact that she would never step a paw into the Copseghoul Swamplands again. And she would for sure have an explanation as to why.

Still with the concern of how her healing leg would affect her in the long run, she tried her best to do all she could for her pack. She didn't want to end up homeless or have her reputation wrecked especially at such a young age. She did her best to gather herbs before the winter and she felt like her leg would be healed completely any day now. She hoped she did all she could correctly to go off almost seamlessly as if the leg was never injured. But one thing was sure, that she would never go to the swamp lands and she would never go head on with a creepy killer frog.

Walk "Talk" Think

Check out my absence here (Yes this is still active)

!Mature! For language and sexual themes.

(Mu-zah-ay Air-eh-bah)

Scent: Chocolate
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Season: Spring
Status: Single (Pansexual?)
Height: 34 inches
Home: Habari - Redbud Nook
Maims: Muzet has a blotchy spot across her muzzle from an acid tongue. The skin here is black but it is clearly visible that she is missing hair. Looks kind of like a large snoring nose strip.

Important Details:

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