
Quit Badgering Me


"Goes by Aka"


Master Intellectual (240)

Expert Fighter (165)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Mammoth HunterIce Bridge Explorer
Pride - Pansexual1KDouble Master
12-18-2020, 07:26 PM

Áskell wandered through the Redbud Nook with no particular goal in mind. He'd finished a fight lesson with his father and was debating if he wanted to do any more crafting before dinner time. His focus lasted just long enough to get him through his lesson and then it vanished into thin air. He couldn't seem to focus on anything. He'd played for a bit with a stick and then with some clay but he just couldn't bring himself to really work on what he was doing. He supposed he was kind of tired but he didn't really feel like taking a nap either. What was a pup to do?

Flopping on his belly Áskell stared up at the trees. It was a nice autumn day, warm and sunny with a cool breeze blowing down from the north. It stirred the colorful leaves of the trees and tussled his fur. A few clouds lazily drifted across the sky but as far as he could tell it looked like a good weather for the foreseeable future. He ought to make good use of it. Looking to the north Áskell considered sneaking farther up the volcano. He really wanted to see some lava. Maybe if he was quick he could get to the top and back before anyone noticed he was gone although… it sure looked really high.

Áskell frowned, he needed to get his dad to take him but he had no idea how to convince the older wolf that he would… wait, he'd ask as a birthday present! Satisfied with his plan the boy continued his wandering through the nook until he noticed a bunch of dirt being flung into the air. His first though was that his brother or someone was digging a new den or storage space except that whatever was digging was rather small… and flat. Áskell cocked his head to the side as he snuck closer to see what was making all the ruckus. To his surprise it was a badger!

What was a badger doing digging a den on Habari's territory? He frowned as he watched the creature. It didn't seem at all interested in him and he felt rather indignant that the creature felt it was ok to dig a den so close to Habari's den site. Áskell snuck up behind the badger then reached out and attempted to bite it right on the tail. He succeeded and instantly got a reaction. The badger had been oblivious to the pup as it focused on digging a den for its hibernation in the slower winter months. However, once the pup's teeth touched the creature's tail it whirled around and charged. Áskell yelped in surprise and bounded away from the badger.

The badger only went a short ways after him before turning and waddling back toward its half made den. Áskell's ears flicked forward. What a weird little creature. He started to approach once more and the badger whirled around and hissed violently at the pup, puffing up. Áskell took a few steps back. He was six months old and larger than the badger but he still wasn't sure about this cranky creature. He noted its long claws and the fact that it seemed to be a waddling chunk of muscle with a thick neck. Not to mention it moved quickly for its size.

This was not going to be an easy fight but he had no intention of backing down. He barked at the badger and snarled. The duo faced off and it was at that point that he realized the badger was releasing an awful, musky smell. He wrinkled his nose and backed off a bit. Could badgers spray like skunks? He definitely did not want a piece of that. While the pup stood there debating what to do the badger turned around to get back to digging, assuming it had made its point. That's when Áskell struck. He bounded forward and bit deep into the creature's right hind leg. He jerked his head to the side sharply as the badger shrieked and twisted into a ball. It's long front claws shot forward and the pup let go. Áskell then took off running as the badger came after him. It was quick for its size but his longer legs allowed him to gain distance rapidly and keep it.

The badger huffed and slowed down. It puffed up again and hissed while Áskell lowered his head and barked loudly at the creature. This was their home! He had half a mind to wait til the badger was asleep in the middle of winter and then dig it up and dispatch it while it was still groggy. Suddenly the badger lunged again, it bit down on Áskell's front left leg and he yelped in pain before his jaws launched down and grabbed the badger by he head. He bit down hard and thrashed, eventually tearing he badger off his leg. He was furious now and wanted to teach the creature a lesson. The badger had no intention of going quietly. It attempted to slash at his face and only frequent shakes kept him from getting injured further.

Eventually Áskell just gave up. The creature was so muscular for his size that he was making very little progress though he did managed to toss it into a cow patty before he took off running. The badger made some sort of awful noise then waddled away. Áskell nodded sharply as he watched the creature leaving instead of heading back toward where it had been digging. He had sent enough of a message he felt of how Fireside treated trespassers. If the badger didn't want to be harassed by wolves all winter long it should go somewhere else. He didn't trust a creature like that to fend for itself. Sooner or later it was going to sniff out their winter stores and make a mess. He trotted home, eager to tell his mothers about the battle along with a few extra flourishes.