
Still in my Veins



12-19-2020, 12:01 AM
Sorin had ventured away from home as soon as he was old enough to survive on his own. He was nearing two years old and was capable of providing for himself - or, at least, he'd been able to keep himself alive thus far. He hadn't bargained for his wandering paws leading him into such frigid territory, though. The frosty wind nipped at his fur and grabbed the longer tresses of his coat to tug them into the wind's current. The shiver raking lines down his spine in these conditions were inevitable, given how unaccustomed to these conditions he was. He counted his lucky stars that it wasn't snowing at the moment - or was it?

His beryl gaze flicked up toward the frozen trees towering overhead, his eyes wandering over the skeletal remains of what once was a lush canopy filled with greenery. Jagged icicles dangled precariously beneath some of the branches, filling Sorin with the need to rush beneath for fear of one falling. Some of the shards of ice looked to be as big as he was, and he certainly wasn't looking to die anytime soon. There was too much left of the world to learn! Besides, the lands he found himself seemed promising enough if all the terrain was as unique as this.

The lad's crown lowered to the ground, his gaze catching sight of wisps of snowdrift being lifted from the blanket of snow he walked on. He performed a cursory glance, his keen gaze looking for any other prints that may indicate another creature in the area. The landscape was foreboding, to say the least, and it would make him feel a little better to know there was life to be found. So far, there was nothing to be seen that would bring him comfort. How concerning.