
Will You Be My Lover?

Kairi's boyfriend comes back maybe?



9 Years
Dragon Mod

Valentines 2020Trick 2019
12-20-2020, 12:59 AM

"I'm not gonna give up now. I came here to find someone very important to me."

Alright. So I purchased the design to Kairi's first crush ever. Formerly known as Holland once played by someone no longer on site, I am now looking for someone to take up the role. I got really invested in the awkward romance that was blooming between them (icly they hit it off really well) and while it wasn't really a planned thing, it was something that was helping Kairi develop.

A quick rundown of what happened, was that Holland had joined Lirim. Kairi being the friendly girl she is, often went to see what he was up to all the time and although Holly was pretty awkward, Kairi made him feel pretty welcome. They also got the chance to bond together during the firefly festival as they did the activities together. Holland got them both matching pendants, and a spicy heat drink which is basically an out of season pass/instant gets her in heat thing because...well...they were so good together, we jumped the gun and were gonna have pups, but it didn't happen. However, when the player left, Holland obviously disappeared too. It was more or less during/around the time the volcano erupted, so Kairi has been searching for him high and low at least to see if he's okay, though deep down she wonders if she was maybe too much for him. Too outgoing, too friendly, etc. Or perhaps he had gotten caught in the blast or (hopefully) made it to safety (even if it meant leaving Boreas to escape). She's been trying to forget him, but to no avail. She's gotten a bit depressed, and although she was the type to wear her heart on her sleeve, Holland was her first and only crushlove ever. Call it lame or what have you, but she genuinely felt like it was her soulmate and she hasn't felt complete since.

SO, with that said...I've decided to adopt out her love interest because wynaut. Now, the only thing that must remain the same is the DESIGN, simply because I did purchase couples artwork for them and I don't wanna waste it. He also comes with other artwork as well. Keep in mind, the design & art still belongs to me and may not be used anywhere else other than on Ardent!

The only rules I have for this are simple.
-Please remain active. Couple posts a month at least. I don't wanna have to feel like I'm begging for posts from him.
-No super intense drama please. If you feel like killing him off/don't wanna play him anymore, I prefer you return the character to me. I really want these two to make it ;-;
-If he is set inactive, I will reclaim. If he lacks activity, I will reclaim.
-Age can be the same as Kairi's, or a year or two younger.
That's pretty much it. Now I'm not gonna be super duper strict or tell you what you can and can't do with him because ic shit happens, etc, but I would like to (hopefully) see the two of them possibly grow old and have kids together ;w;

<b>OOC Name:</b>
<b>Character Name:</b>
<b>Appearance Description:</b> site minimum (or more)
<b>Personality:</b> site minimum (or more)
<b>Reason for disappearance:</b> feel free to get creative with this, perhaps we can even involve it in a plot if you feel like doing that!
<b>rp sample:</b> (new players/people I haven't threaded with yet)
