
A touch of lamb

year 15 healer prompt [falling fast]



1 Year
12-22-2020, 06:28 PM (This post was last modified: 12-23-2020, 02:29 AM by Astraea.)
They say home is where the heart is.

Mine is among the stars, across the universe

One shot

The blossoming stars within the deep royal blue sky above had held the yellow stained gaze of a young female as she thought of the home she once held so close to her heart. But as the days turned into longing nights of a memory fading from grace she couldn’t help but to feel the desperation of a life that had no place in the current path she had followed. No longer could she allow desperate thoughts of having the two pieces of her family come running behind to join them once more. For the thoughts would spiral into a deep depression, one that would bring an unhappy ending to her spiraling world. But that was not for the best, not now when she had others to look for to find and reunite with.

Constantly she had worried about mother, about how she was fairing in the new waters they wade in. Was she okay? Was she faring well? Or was Uncle Lupa or Aunt Izanami with her? Maybe even her younger sister Eclipse? These were all the questions that had fluttered in her head. Which had made her ever careful eyes over look that small scraps that ate at the one pristine paw pads. Sharp rocks had taken their toll, for slowly she had been forced to take notice of the small amounts of throbbing pain that ricocheted against her nerves. How far had the peaceful fae fallen from her own ways of keeping her body kempt like her mother had taught her.

Not only did she feel foolish for allowing such scraps to appear on her paw pads, but for allowing innocent blood to be trampled into the lands beneath her paws. ’What would mothers healing friend tell me? What herb would she have me find?’ The thought danced around in her head as she tried to imagine the women in white standing by her side as she offered her irish tinged voice filled with her own words of wisdom. Ones that would point her in the right way but here? Away from territory that was familiar she would easily lose her way, if not for the mourning dove that had grown attached to her side keeping her from falling into a dangerous space.

With that her yellow tinged eyes sought out the dove as she flew to greet her gaze, a small bird in her own right but one that was precious and growing in her own ways.”Ruaisar what herbs do you know of here?” her gentle voice came as she looked to the dove as she landed upon the ground before her to peck at the ground. Yes the young girl knew that the bird had no voice of her own but what good would it do to keep one's voice restrained? More so when she thought that with time she could quite fall insane. ’a plant so soft can be ground into a paste, but chose carefully for there are dangers all around’ came the soft voice of a woman who she would not see again in this life.

It was with that her eyes had widened as she thought of which herb the kind healer would have told her about, a few had stuck out. But one that was of a tender flesh that gathered in massive herds had stuck out, ear of lamb… where had she heard that before or was she thinking of the right herb? Something that was not so common but could be easy to find. ”Ruaisar, do you know how to find herbs?” her question was innocent in nature just like she believed herself to be. With her question in the air she pulled her rump from the ground in search of a semi tall standing herb with small purple flowers that blossomed with each tier.

Silently she had searched as Ruaisar perched upon her back softly singing a tune only the bird would know. It kept the medium sized girl calm as she looked for such a thing. Slowly the night had turned into pastel hues as soft rays of light filled the air around allowing the small stalked plant to stand out against the mass of underbrush that could lace the lining of tree’s. Though it would be a one time pick, for she did not wish to disturb a natural breeding ground for the plant. Softly she moved her paws against the ground one to gently remove the plant itself and to not to tear into the small amounts of scraps she already possessed. If luck would serve her correctly then the plant would come loose with ease and not disturb the few that sweltered around.

Gently it was pulled from place, which had made the young fae happy as she placed her ivory teeth around a sole before she placed a paw at the base, it would be a process to remove each leaf without a tear but she would go through with it so her actions would not be a waste. With a soft smile she looked at her work, the leaves placed upon the ground where few but enough to help with general relief, the cuts would soon be just a sore memory. With that hope in mind she started on attempting to wrap each one in place, for soon the effects would set in. Maybe an hour or more but soon there would be relief.
[Image: dckun0h-1bf58dac-c732-42b1-9b1c-4a64f368...UWk2K_EKD4][Image: dchuz07-24d33635-5486-4308-b39f-27a17d7b...cKewH3iJr0][Image: dckumoi-019122f3-7afa-4f71-b98f-0516e565...scwHNz3r40]

Ruaisar is a morning dove who will be present at all times unless there is a battle.