
A Queen And Her Misfit Army

Nox Nightingale


4 Years

01-01-2021, 07:37 AM
So, on a different site, I wrote up a bunch of different character-ideas for characters to be incorporated into Nox's little group of misfits. I still have them and think they're worth using!  I'm a pretty active roleplayer (you can ask my friends) so you won't need to worry about inactivity if that is a concern of yours looking at adopts. A few simple rules to start with...

- If you become inactive for more than two OOC Months without any indication as to why. I reserve the right to take the character and put them back up for adoption.

- I give a fair amount of room for creativity when it comes to my adopts. If you have an idea for their initial design that you want to implement but are unsure, just ask, I don't bite.

- When you adopt one of these characters they are therefore yours by right. However, I would ask that you stay as close to their initial character and intended-purpose as possible. If you aren't sure about something, ask me! I'm usually very flexible and am willing to work with people with their plots even if I don't agree with them.

Quote: Name Suggestions: Vasili, Fabien, Nicholai. [Anything Russian, really]

Age: 3-4

Gender: Male

Appearance: The color of his fur is a collage of reddish browns, chestnut, creams are all drawn together with ebony highlights. His fur is course and his physique surprisingly lean, most likely from the climate he grew up in. His eyes follow the warm tones of his coat in colors like [yellow, orange, or red]<--  EYECOLOR UP TO THE ADOPTER. APPEARANCE OPEN TO CHANGE AS LONG AS IT REMAINS WARM IN COLOR.

Personality: Tempermental, Impatient, Calculating, Loyal, Protective. Depending on his history, he would've gone through some hardship. I would like a more 'soldier' or 'knightly' take on him. Feel free to add some qualities, he would've been a beta's son so you could give him the 'arrogant-but-no-totally-an-asshole' starter pack.  Up to you.

Things you should know about this character... He was raised alongside Nox in her marshland pack. The two of them would've been very close at one point. They were friends as well as lovers, often partners in crime in their younger days before Nox was banished. Nox was a wild teenager so he would have indulged in a lot of the trouble she liked to get up to (this includes drugs, mischief, and the like). When creating him, think about how he would've felt knowing Nox killed her own sister and watching her get banished for it. The Marshland pack of their youth disbanded after a rather violent uprising, incited by Nox's old mentor, Apollyon. During the uprisal, Nox's father was murdered by his people, Ceasar style. Keep in mind her father was especially known for his cruel treatment of those below him, including his daughters. [/color]

Quote: Name Suggestions: Melina, Corvina, Viatrix, etc. I don't really care as long as it's feminine.

Age: 1-4

Gender: Female

Appearance: Up to adoptee

Personality: Radical, (Gullible?), Unhealthily Devoted, Faithful, Insecure, Jealous [Overall a bit crazy]

Things you should know about this character... Nox thinks herself to be a Goddess in the flesh. She believes herself divine and has led others to believe so too. This character would be one of those so-called 'believers'. Perhaps she might be missing a few marbles, falls prey to the words spread by Nox's devoted follower(s) [Iza is the main one rn], sees a 'divine act', or simply is too gullible to know better. Really you can do just about anything you want with this character as long as it somehow includes Nox.

Quote: Name Suggestions: Arran, Solas, Lavelas, Vale. Overall something 'elvish sounding' in nature.

Age: 3-6

Gender: Male

Appearance: Up to adoptee

Personality: Since he was a young boy, he was interested in the unknown. He sought out knowledge above all as he saw it as the world's greatest weapon. However, this does not mean he cannot fight. He is as much a warrior as he is a knowledge-seeker. He is well-versed in finesse and strategy. He can wield a sharp mind as well as a sword. There is another part of him that some might find strange. He believes that his dreams are trips into the ‘other world’; The land between the dead and living. He claims to be able to converse with spirits and even regards these ‘spirits’ as his friends. He could be absolutely insane but who knows?

Aside from being a mystic, he is witty, calm, resourceful, and intolerant of stupidity. His intelligence may have led him to develop a bit of arrogance as well. He loves to have intellectual conversations and likes it when others ask questions, because “How can you ever learn anything if you do not ask questions first?” He has a great mind but a heavy heart. He keeps a tough-exterior up but he can be very kind and hates to see the unnecessary suffering of others… Unless they deserve it of course.

Things you should know about this character... Once a member of a lesser-known tribe in the far eastern reaches of wherever. After the murder of his beloved alphess and said-to-be Goddess after a successful ploy to kill her (think Caesar and the whole stabby situation). He set to destroy his tribe from inside out and punish them for what they’d done. (There are a few ways he could have gone about this. 1. He could have given up his tribe to a warlord in exchange for their destruction and safe passage. 2. A more direct route that involves violence, killing the accused. 3. Somehow manages them with an illness/poison, fire, etc) Anyway, after all, that was said and done, he fled his home and became a nomad. He would arrive in the ardent-world and eventually discover Nox. Perhaps he sees similarities in his old alphess and Nox and seeks to protect her from a similar fate. Or maybe he just likes an intelligent companion and seeks to aid her in her journey. OR, he might fall in love, pursuing her wherever that journey may lead him. It's up to you what his motives are.

I am very much open to ideas for his history and personality! The character I based him off on had a lot of secrets so you could incorporate that into his personality as well.

Quote: Name Suggestions: Blair, Amren, Zevran, Conlaed

Age: 1-6

Gender: Male OR Female

Appearance: Up to adoptee

Personality: Up to adoptee

Things you should know about this character... An assassin from a faraway land. Maybe they were raised by a mercenary group? I'm thinking maybe they don't enjoy killing people and decide to break away from it? Or maybe just want to fight for the right cause? Dunno. I'm open to ideas. I don't have anything specific for this character, just thinking an assassin-type char would be dope.

If you're interested in any of the characters above please fill out the form below! Btw each character comes with a full-body or headshot manip free of charge.
[b]History: [/b][i](Optional)[/i]
[b]Roleplay Sample:[/b]
Lupa is Nox's bodyguard and second-in-command. While she clearly does her own thing, he's usually not far behind unless instructed otherwise.

[Image: g1hkYWI.png]

Laying down my past I scream.

This is not the end of me.

Time to bury it or me.

I can't take back who I've been but this is where I'll start again.