
Boom Clap



6 Years
06-05-2014, 09:47 PM

Azalea could feel it. Pregnancy. It was a horridly grotesque thing that made her hungry and sick at the same time. The she-wolf moved fluidly across the plains, out to the little hill with a creek and some trees, the place she had given birth to Soren and Kismet.

Snow coated the ground and her breath came out all steamy. It was a miracle she was still in good health and she thanked whatever forces of nature were at work for that at least. Wolves were breaking out with bleeding eyes and fevers. Wolves were dying.

Atop her little hill, now in a state of disrepair since she hadn't been here since her boys were only just starting to get out and about. She laid down, looking back out the way she had come and lifted her muzzle. She sang long and sweet, a call to Sarak. They needed to talk.



8 Years
06-17-2014, 05:38 PM

Of course, he already knew. Her scent had changed, and she was between deathly hungry all the time, to him walking out to find a pool of sick not long after he?d brought her food. One thing he was immensely thankful for, was that she hadn?t caught the illness that was raging through the land. Her eyes remained clear, no bloody tears falling from their amber beauty. No fever wracked her form. And no seizures stiffened her legs or brought her crashing to the earth.

He had a gift in his jaws for her. A large haunch of deer, fresh from a kill, full of the nutrients she would need. Rabbits were out of the question now. They were good snacks, but for a mother pregnant in the middle of a plague, she needed everything she could get. He?d considered moving them to a cave in the Gorge. Laila was around there, and he felt she would be great protection for his mate and their unborn pups. Yes, that was a source of pride to him. These were solely his and hers. All the times he had ever wondered what their children would look like if they had any would be answered questions, soon enough. Surely a few of them would look just like her. Maybe one or two like him.

Her voice sang out to him, and his tail started wagging, while he changed course, picking up his pace until he reached her. He set the deer haunch down before her, stepping close to press his nose into her furry neck, a happy shiver passing through him at the simple touch. ?You called, beautiful star??



6 Years
06-17-2014, 07:35 PM

She saw him coming. Sarak's confident form strolling across the open to her with a prize in his jaws. Her eyes lit up at the site and she smiled widely. He placed it at her paws and pressed his nose into her neck and she leaned into him.
It had to be some crime for one wolf to smell so good.

?You called, beautiful star?? She "mm"ed. She didn't want him to move away from her. Goddamn it he was the best thing she had smelled all day. She reared onto hind legs, front legs locking around his neck and trusting him to shift to catch her weight. There was a left smile upon her face as she pulled her head back to give him a big sloppy kiss across his face. "Nice catch," she said aloud. It certainly wasn't his best catch though. No, that would always be her. Who ever would have thought the laid back boy granted a second chance at life by Erani would end up capturing the little spitfire Adravendi girl.

Finally she released him, stepping back to give them more talking space and less sexy space. "I'm pregnant" She said it in a resolute tone. It wasn't as scary this time, but no more pleasant. Her stomach turned at a thought, "You bring me any rabbits and I will kill you."

She took a few steps more away from him, turning to one side and holding her head and tail low. "Oh, god, just the thought..." She made a face, a shiver running through her that she had to shake off. She stood like that for a few minutes, breathing in and out before she looked back to Sarak, ears pulled back. There was a shy look on her face, embarrassed to nearly puke in front of him but hell, for knocking her up she saw full rights to puking ON him.

She sat down, cutting a look at the deer leg and making a grossed out face. Minutes ago that leg had sounded SO good and now her stomach churned to look at it. She sighed, clearly getting pouty. "I'm hungry but I'm not hungry and I'm gonna get fat and turn into a whale and then," She cut off there, the look of pure horror on face depicting well enough birth.