
Peekaboo Little White Running Hood


06-04-2014, 08:23 PM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2014, 09:43 PM by Valice.)

Seeing the Alphess of Tortuga approach her after a while of waiting, Valice would look with sincere eyes, her body immediately shifting into a submissive posture that would feel quite uncomfortable, but knowing that the alphess was enduring such a sickness would cause her to pose so without hesitating, as she would already feel a bond towards the pack with such high hopes and determination. Soon, she would walk a few steps back and return to a submissive stand, eyes looking up to whom she would hope to call Queen.

"I am Valice, loner from nearby lands. I have sought out your pack and wish to join under your rule to assist in whichever way I can, even if it means my death for you, Alphess of Tortuga, or may I call you Queen?" Her tail would wag slightly as the bold and determined voice would ring out between young and sharpened teeth. Valice had heard that the Tortuga pack was low on members and would do whatever she could to assist them. It was her calling.

"I do not know much about herbs and such, however I can be of security to your pack and I can assist with hunting, since I have remained without infection and can provide food that will not sicken those that have been struck by this horrid plague that I wish to help destroy, just as it did with my mother, father, and brother. My family. There was not much hope for them, so I have come to you, Ruler of Tortuga, in hopes to make a difference here and potentially save lives for the future of your rule and generations in the future." After speaking, Valice would bow, for she would know that the Queen was fighting hard and had a true spirit with courage and endurance, which would honor Valice to have in her presence.

Your Speech,


06-07-2014, 12:54 AM

She felt like she was dying. The fever had lessened but she still felt as if she was going to die. Luckily, the bloody tears had stopped- some herb had helped cease that disaster. It was extremely unattractive. A howl shifted through the forest, and she drew herself to her feet- leaving the confines of the den she'd been in. Someone was at the borders, and Qanik had been so busy, Roman could surely handle one wolf, couldn't she. She coughed and stumbled- leaving the den she'd been sharing and headed towards the sound. It took a while, but she finally arrived to see a strange female. Coming to a halt, she spoke, getting straight to business. "I'm Roman Armada, Queen of Tortuga. What are you seeking?" Her voice was hoarse, and her body quivered with effort, but she would stand firmly. She was the alpha- the Queen, she had to be strong.



06-07-2014, 09:45 PM

Seeing the Alphess of Tortuga approach her after a while of waiting, Valice would look with sincere eyes, her body immediately shifting into a submissive posture that would feel quite uncomfortable, but knowing that the alphess was enduring such a sickness would cause her to pose so without hesitating, as she would already feel a bond towards the pack with such high hopes and determination. Soon, she would walk a few steps back and return to a submissive stand, eyes looking up to whom she would hope to call Queen.

"I am Valice, loner from nearby lands. I have sought out your pack and wish to join under your rule to assist in whichever way I can, even if it means my death for you, Alphess of Tortuga, or may I call you Queen?" Her tail would wag slightly as the bold and determined voice would ring out between young and sharpened teeth. Valice had heard that the Tortuga pack was low on members and would do whatever she could to assist them. It was her calling.

"I do not know much about herbs and such, however I can be of security to your pack and I can assist with hunting, since I have remained without infection and can provide food that will not sicken those that have been struck by this horrid plague that I wish to help destroy, just as it did with my mother, father, and brother. My family. There was not much hope for them, so I have come to you, Ruler of Tortuga, in hopes to make a difference here and potentially save lives for the future of your rule and generations in the future." After speaking, Valice would bow, for she would know that the Queen was fighting hard and had a true spirit with courage and endurance, which would honor Valice to have in her presence.

OC: Sorry, I was really really tired and didn't notice I pushed edit instead of repost. Dx Sorry

Your Speech,


06-10-2014, 04:43 AM

She was trying so very hard to listen carefully to the stranger. As the woman spoke asking how Roman should be addressed, the ivory queen felt a smile pull at her jaws. "Just Roman is fine." She said lightly, settling back on her haunches with a light sigh as the strange wolf, Valice, spoke- about why she was here. Roman would listen carefully, her violet eyes watching the expressions of Valice- searching for any hint that her words weren't true. The girl bowed, and Roman fought back a chuckle, surely it was the fever that was making her so giddy? On a normal day, Roman would want to grill a new wolf- asking more about them before simply accepting them, but she was so exhausted and Valice had said one thing that interested her, tremendously. "You said you've seen this epidemic before?" Roman asked curiously. Elli had done wonders so far, some of the herbs she had given them had eased a lot of the main symptoms in the other wolves, and even what little Roman had taken- had helped. "I'm in no position to turn away a good hunter, Valice. If you're words are true- I cannot think of a reason to turn you away." Mentally, she thanked the girl for getting to the point- and not wasting her time with random banter. "Welcome to Tortuga. You will be placed as an Ancillary, for the time being- once you've proven yourself loyal to Tortuga- you'll be promoted to the core rank of the pack." She explained, tiredly, though a slight smile pulled at her jaws. "Oh, and you don't have to bow." She said with a slight chuckle.



06-10-2014, 12:11 PM

"Just Roman is fine." Hearing this sentence would make Valice smile ear to ear, her tail wagging slightly behind the young dame. "Understood," Valice would say, awaiting more words to pierce the sensitive drums that would remain patient ad attentive.

"You said you've seen this epidemic before?" Hearing these words escape from the jaws of her new ruler, Valice would widen her eyes and pupils would decrease in size. She had tried to hard to forget what had happened. She had abandoned her family, but of course it was her father's instructions. Taking in a hallowed breath, Valice would begin to explain. "Well, my family was taken by the disease. We were hunting as usual, with my brother and I chasing the flank of one of the deer, my father and mother waiting at certain points to join in to bring it down. By the time we got to my father, he never leaped out of the brush where he was supposed to and we let it go in worry that something had happened. During that time, I had no clue of the disease. When my brother and I returned, my mother and father were both huddled in the den. He was with a fever and could barely stand. It hit him hard. My mother had no idea that the illness was that contagious and as she tried to heal him, she also contacted the illness." Tears were already beginning to spill down the she wolf's cheeks, no matter the attempt to stay calm. "We tried everything we could, but my brother and I never knew much about herbs. He took off to inquire with other nearby wolves and I was to gather food for my parents to eat and recover. Once my brother arrived, he too had contacted the disease from other wolves, however his never appeared until much later when my parents were far too weak to fight it anymore. My brother...his symptoms developed slowly. Really slowly. It was then that I was told to leave and never come back, because they all knew their fate. The disease was too new and foreign to their bodies and the knowledge of nearby healers." Shaking her head side to side, Valice would begin to regain her bearings, awaiting more speech to be heard of from her new ruler.

"I'm in no position to turn away a good hunter, Valice. If you're words are true- I cannot think of a reason to turn you away."
Nodding with calming breaths, Valice would begin to speak, her strong and endured shoulders shuffling slightly before the dame would open her maw to speak in return. "I hope you consider me so, and I thank you for accepting me into your pack, Roman. It has only been my dream since that day," Valice would finish her sentence before turning her head back to the path that the young dame had followed. Cold winter air would blow through the dame's mane as emerald eyes would look up to her Queen with shining hope and determination.

"Welcome to Tortuga. You will be placed as an Ancillary, for the time being- once you've proven yourself loyal to Tortuga- you'll be promoted to the core rank of the pack."

"Understood, Roman," Valice would say, her head dipping in appreciation. Soon, Valice would hear a bit of a laughter escape the maw of the alphess, making her chuckle along with her. "Oh, and you don't have to bow."

Your Speech,


06-19-2014, 04:49 AM

Roman would listen as the wolf before her began to speak- spilling out her story of the epidemic. She nodded thoughtfully, and her own heart ached as Valice spoke of the demise of her family. After witnessing the death of her own mother, Roman understood all to well, the toll that a loss took on a wolf. She felt herself connecting on a level of understanding with Valice. "I'm sorry for your losses." Even as she spoke them, her words seemed hollow- to formal. "I lost my mother too, at a young age. I don't know what I would have done.. if I had lost my parents and brother at the same time." She admitted. She nodded as Valice thanked, her moving to step away from the border. "Take some time to settle in, rest, and explore." She instructed, her tone light. There would be plenty of time soon to see the girls hunting skills- once Roman had healed. The search to find the cure for the epidemic was going to be more intense than ever. She wouldn't lose her pack.
