
chubby pubbies [CLOSED]



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
01-18-2021, 06:53 PM (This post was last modified: 02-15-2021, 11:38 AM by Poem.)

Poem x Sparhawk Babies!
The time has finally come! Newlyweds Poem and Sparhawk are expecting their first litter! These babies are incredibly special and very near and dear to our hearts. With this litter we'd like to see little angel babies. They are both on the good side of the spectrum but I'm okay with some mischief just nothing super out of hand. I want wholesome beautiful little family<3
3 max Available (But we may not choose to capacity)
Parents: Poem Destruction and Sparhawk Kestrelson
Siblings: Shae, Xarae Pup
Name Suggestions: Allegory, Stanza, Anaphora, Soliloquy, Irony, Parable, Parody, Satire, Simile, Tragedy, Allusion, Entendre, Epic, Memoire, Mystery, Poetry (Run any suggestions by us first!)
Last name: Destruction
Size: All the immediate family of these puppies are very tall and there will be a 50% discount on height to 42”
Designs: I’d prefer you use these but if you want to bring your own I ask that it stay with the character should it need to be readopted.  More designs coming?
Disclaimer: I’d like for this pup to be decently active, at least one post a month. The baby will be reclaimed after that time period unless the situation is discussed and we work something out. The design, purchases, and name will stay with the character. If extra pup passes are needed they will be paid for, and if you need help with gems for purchases don’t be afraid to ask!
The due date should be the 13th so i’d like to have all apps in by the 7th of February

UPDATE: PLOTS- puppies should expect to eventually get a raven companion like mom and dad (and grandpa, aunts, uncles, etc..)

Name: First and Second Choice
Design: First and Second choice
Appearance: site min
Personality: site min
Skills: mom and dad are both fighter/intellect
Plans: long term goals or potential plots












3 Years
Dire wolf
01-19-2021, 09:12 PM (This post was last modified: 02-02-2021, 08:35 PM by Riordan.)
FYI - I am a big advocate of letting things happen IC, so if some things on his app are basically a "maybe" - that's why (:

Name: Poetry then Epic
Sex: Male
Design: #3 then #17 - I would change #3 to have eyes like Poem if permitted
Appearance: While hard to believe when first born, the boy will end up as tall as his parents, topping out at 42". He will be lean and muscled like his father, but the mass and tone of those muscles relies upon just how much he trains. His fur is plush and silky, a contradiction of what lies beneath - though scars may very well accent his unblemished form once of age. Paws will be large and calloused, almost a badge of honor for a young man to show his experiences both in spars and exploration - even if he's the only one that will see them.

The boy's base coat is a familiar color from his mother, a dove gray morphing to slightly darker areas from his face to his tail. The soft gray gives way to white at his chest, underside, each paw, and tip of his tail. Dark gray caps off his muzzle and reaches up between striking eyes, making a point at the center of his brow. The same gray cover each ear, and appears again on either side as an interrupted tendril reaching back to his spine. A pool of this dark gray settles at the base of his tail and drips down the fluffy appendage, ending three-quarters of the way down. From the base of his ears, a dark ebony runs down to outline each shoulder and make a loop at the bottom of his chest. In the sun, this color just might show up as a deep navy instead of true black. This color also appears in the form of a slash on each front leg. Meanwhile, the authentic black appears as the trademark swirl of the Destructions on each haunch reaching down to his ankle. Beneath each inherited blue and lavender eye are his mother's markings, but oh-so subtly maroon.

His father's genes are a dominant feature of the boy's coat - his main color is the same deep red. Along his sides and down his back and tail, soft stripes of coal and gray wrinkle through the maroon, almost mimicking moonlight on water ripples. The crimson fades to black at his underside, the fringe of his haunches, and down each leg, while his ears stand stark in black. His features are surrounded in that same black, the color reaching up from his muzzle to sweep beneath each eye and peak at his forehead. Doze gray blazes directly from his nose, and appears again upon each eyebrow. Each soulful, red eye is underlined in the same gray, and may enhance the expressions of his many emotions. Beneath this line are freckles of gray that reach out to the border of his black features.

Personality: Perhaps a bit chaotic good when young, then maturing to Neutral Good. Through and through, Poetry/Epic is a momma's boy. If Poem lets him, he'd be velcroed to her side from the moment he could walk. He would learn the traits of his family from her - optimism, compassion, how to protect his family. When a little older, perhaps dad can instill his own traits within the boy with more success - loyalty to those that matter, and how to have fun! Poetry will pick up his mother's serious side early on, and perhaps even be a bit of a custodian to his siblings, making sure no one gets hurt and to break up any disagreements swiftly. Once Sparhawk's energy rubs off on him though, he will learn how to temper his somber tendencies with his wild puppy energy and curiosity. His father might be so successful at reaching Poetry's/Epic's fun side that he will be at war within himself when he grows older - to be serious, or to be fun? This will no doubt cause some awkward situations as he grows up, trying to navigate emotions as a young adult and learning that there are times to be fun, but also times to be serious.

Poetry/Epic will no doubt wear his heart on his sleeve, and have a hard time not allowing each emotion play across his features like a theater show. Lying will be such a foreign concept to him, and will cause some issues until he learns that sometimes, lying isn't all bad - sometimes, little white lies can save a friendship. His curiosity streak will be a permanent fixture in his life, often causing him to pry much too far into someone's personal life, especially strangers. This could even spill over into personal space as well, considering how chummy his family is. Trial and error is something that the boy will quickly learn is a undervalued life skill and will help hone his social (and fighting) skills as he grows.

Skills: Aiming for fighting and intellect, but may switch over to hunting and intellect depending how his childhood goes.
Plans: Planned nicknames for Poetry: Po-Po when little, advancing to Poe when he's older. Definitely want to work on whichever skills he ends up having, with lots of training with his family and the pack as a whole. I'd love for him to find a puppy best friend somewhere so that weird teenage feelings can cause some drama and see where that goes. Eventually find a raven companion, which will compliment his personality at the time - maybe be a bit annoying at first but grow to love it. He will definitely want to prove he's an asset to the pack and want to work up the ranks regarding his preferred skill. He will absolutely have to get into some mischief with his siblings while they are still young (would plot with those players obviously).



1 Year
01-20-2021, 02:31 PM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2021, 06:21 PM by Astraea.)
Name: Soliloquy (female) or Satire (male)
Sex: Female (large) or Male (x-large)
Size/Build: x-large/light or x-large/medium
Design: #1, #3 or #7back up

[Image: Spoem2.png]
The first thing one would notice about the spry little pup would be that she was quite possibly the runt of her parents litter. Though she would not allow herself to be held back by such a feat, for while she was smaller she was a mighty little force one that could truly be reckoned with. With a light build she would be lethal and quick to move upon dainty paws, to the point it would almost seem as if she was performing a dance. Though moving from her small form she was wrapped in a medium length coat of monochromatic colors. The most prominent one would be that of a light grey that would seem to shine blue in just the right light, it made her fell like she was to be a miniature copy of her mother with some markings being stolen from her father. Though she could not claim that as often for his coat was unlike her’s with broken marks that did not seem to endlessly wrap around her. Instead she held well placed markings of dark greys and a medium brown that was casted out of her monochromatic scheme. The last of her coloring though was that of white each color placed in away that would make her think she was a true combination of her parents which would always make her gleam with pride. (if it is okay I would like to change the design to be heterochromatic, one color of each of her parents.)

Back up design?
[Image: Spoem7.png]
The young pup would offer shock to the world for they notice that she was a spry little pup one so small that she could be thought of as the runt of her parents' litter. Though she would not allow herself to be held back by such a feat, for while she was smaller she was a mighty little force one that could truly be reckoned with. With a light build she would be lethal and quick to move upon dainty paws, to the point it would almost seem as if she was performing a dance. Though moving from her small form she was wrapped in a medium length coat dressed in the predominant colors of her most beloved father. The young girl would love to think that whatever force drove her to be had been gracious enough to deliver her to be a miniature replica of the towering statue of her father. A base coloring of light grey would cover her lower body while the top was a mix of rustic reds that could bleed into a crimson scarlet. To which she was quite pleased. Though those alone did not make her up for dark charcoals had graced her muzzle the back of her neck and all four of her delicate paws while leaving some stripping to wrap around her upon the light rustic reds that blended her fur. Though her coloring alone made her a miniature of the brute her eyes told a different story heterochromatic in nature but blessed with the colors of each of her loving parents.

[Image: Spoem1.png]
With being the offspring of two adamantly large wolves one would think nothing else than that each offspring would be equal to or rival the size of their parent’s. Though he would admit he feels short on the scale when he would catch himself thinking of such things. But as he looked at his build he would be reminded of his mother for she was like he in some sense. Through heterochromatic eyes he would look through the world something that would make him feel more at place between the shared coloring of his parents for through their union he was blessed with a left eye of crimson and a right of ice. Like his mother he held an under color of white that would wrap around him from beneath his neck with an over shadowing color of rustic browns that were muted in nature. His under belly would carry that of charcoal almost colored completely black. It was a wonder to him how he gained most if not all of his parents shared coloring. For his inner ears held his mothers blue grey coloring as well as her charcoal greys.

Personality: Chaotic Good
In the beginning just like every other young pup who is excited by the aspect of finding a new adventure in life he/she are filled to the brim with a playful nature, one that will never be crushed down into dust. he/she will always be looking for a new adventure or a wolf to play with or make fun. For he/she could very well be the life of any party, bringing about a smile upon every face. Playfulness was in his/her blood, for they could find the hidden depths of joy in almost every wolf given the time and place a true smile upon their face, be it from just being a friend to pulling pranks on others. The sky is truly his/her limit.

While he/she grows the sight of their hardworking father would make them wish to help him in any way he/she could. It would be hard at first since he/she was still a pup but as he/she grew. As he/she watched their father as well as many other wolves go about their daily lives he/she would see that all things in life could be easy to gain or gained through hard work. It was a two way path and with that he/she had chosen the one where hard work would prevail in the end.

As he/she grows into their own mindset they would evolve in nature as a new personality trait could be found/ one of true selfless intent would blossom inside him/her, to the point where if he/she could give a wolf the world he/she would do such. Greed was a thing that was cast aside for the years to come never would he/she display such an ugly trait.

As he/she grows and witnesses how cruel the world could truly be it softened his/her young heart, so much so that there was not a hair of cruelty in his/her true nature. Even in his/her dark times (yes there are bound to be some) they could not even muster a grain of cruelty what they had for food they would share, what shelter they had no matter how small they would share.

When the time came to fighting he/she would show that he/she is truly brave, though it would be in more ways than one. Fighting was easy for it was ingrained in their blood, each movement was like muscle memory. When it came to protecting the ones they held dear? Now that was a challenge for he/she feared that he/she would fail and what he/she would fall, but it would not stop them. Not in the least bit he/she would push until the end and even then with exhausted strength he/she would push.

Skills: Fighter/Intellect
Plans: long term goal is to have the precious pup enjoy life while being a hard worker for not everything in life if given freely or at a wave of a paw. From the beginning they will throw themselves into training hard, most of the time to the point of exhaustion though it would never be fatal to them. It’s in hopes to have their skills maxed out! Potential plots could be finding other wolves who have lived a full life and learning skills from them.
[Image: dckun0h-1bf58dac-c732-42b1-9b1c-4a64f368...UWk2K_EKD4][Image: dchuz07-24d33635-5486-4308-b39f-27a17d7b...cKewH3iJr0][Image: dckumoi-019122f3-7afa-4f71-b98f-0516e565...scwHNz3r40]

Ruaisar is a morning dove who will be present at all times unless there is a battle.



6 Years

Halloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-31-2021, 02:06 PM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2021, 02:09 PM by Mikko.)
Name: Villanelle (approved by Kat & Resin!) or Parody (or Elegy?? also approved)

Sex: Female

Size/Build: XL?/light

Design: #16 then #8


Design #16: Villanelle takes mostly after her mother in softness and elegance, sporting muted blues and grays as well as a dark mask that creates a slimness about her face. Her markings are simpler than those of either of her parents, consisting mostly of splotchy streaks of black and white about her shoulders and ribs. Don't be fooled by her outward simplicity, though, for she was born between warriors and carries the strength of one as well. Beneath well-kept fur and surrounding a lithe frame are muscles conditioned for speed, efficiency, and accuracy, making her a force to be reckoned with--well, when she has to be.

Design #8: One might not look upon Villanelle and guess her to be a child of her parents. Aside from her eyes, each a different but equally vibrant pastel, Nelle looks rather plain, dressed in shades of gray tinged with brown. Four ragged stripes stretch across her body, draped almost haphazardly over her spine and rump, with three more outlining her face and possibly creating more of a semblance to badger than wolf. Don't be fooled by this face, though, or by her bright and innocent eyes, for she was born between warriors and carries the strength of one as well. Beneath well-kept fur and surrounding a lithe frame are muscles conditioned for speed, efficiency, and accuracy, making her a force to be reckoned with--well, when she has to be.

Personality: Villanelle has an appreciation for poise and formality. Like her diplomat mother, she tends toward serious and bold, painting herself as proper before new faces and those she does not yet trust and saving a learned love of mischief for blood and close friends. On the battlefield she is a whirlwind, but amidst regular company, she is about as feminine as they come, delicate and deliberate in every gesture and expression.

Until she has a drink in her. She often forgets that she has her father's taste for alcohol and rarely drinks except for formal, political, and (if she can be convinced) social occasions, but once it touches her lips, she turns almost into a mirror of her father Sparhawk, warm and wrought with laughter and gossip. Never will anyone be able to coax her to test her singing voice in comparison to her father, but in those cases where she finds herself a hostage to one of his songs, she can be seen swaying fondly, even encouragingly, to its tune.

Whether feeling serious, playful, or angry, everything about her seems boldened by the lilt to her tongue, a faint accent picked up from her father but diluted by that of her mother. The roughness of this slight Russian accent, as it clashes with her prim and proper form, can sometimes catch strangers off-guard, something that secretly brings her amusement.

Skills: Fighter/Intellect

Plans: I want Nelle to dive deep into her parents' trades and possibly shadow her mother during her diplomatic duties. She'll want to keep her fighting skills on the down-low outside the pack but have them in her (figurative) back pocket should she ever run into trouble with a less-than-agreeable acquaintance. Of course, I want her to have kiddos someday, but this is less of a priority for her and more wishful thinking should she ever catch feelings for/be wooed by a boy. In terms of her immediate family, I want her to be close to her siblings, maybe even help take care of them since she'll be growing up more independent like Mom.
[Image: Mikko-Icon.png][Image: praxisicon.png][Image: sundaraicon.png][Image: NephIcon.png][Image: Karine-Icon.png]
Plot with me!

Mikko is a MATURE character. Discretion is advised.



2 Years

Critical Hit!
02-04-2021, 11:53 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2021, 12:29 AM by Rhaegara.)
Name: Tragedy or Satire
Sex: Female
Size/Build: 41", Medium build
[Image: four.png]
Tragedy, like most of her family, towers over an everyday wolf, standing at 41 inches. Delicate redwood colors cover her pelt, snaking up her front limbs but sparing the paws and covering the front of her back limbs. These colorings taper off on her sides and lower back, allowing a smooth gray coloration to line her tail and the back of her hind legs. These redwoods and greys tussle once more around her neck, the redwood only gaining grown near the top of her head around to her face, lines of redwood dancing out between the colors that contrast them. Underneath both eyes lines grey streaks that take after her mother’s coloration, a sharp dagger of black running up the bridge of her nose and tapering off near the crown of her head, finding some ground on the backs of her ears. She is built much like her mother, elegant but powerful, with a thick and rough coat to take after her father.
[Image: nine.png]
Large, like both of her parents, Tragedy stands 41 inches tall, sporting a medium build. Sharing much of her father’s coloration, Tragedy will carry dark and auburn colors across her fur, a light peppering of medium grays contrasting her pelt. Gray arches coming from her chest and wrapping around her back are met by spots of similar coloration near the base of her neck. Her tail is accented by stripes of a full-bodied merlot. Her eyes are a piercing red color and her underbelly consists of black hues. Lining under both of her eyes are gray stripes, and the bridge of her nose tapers off to a black face mask. In regards to her build, she takes much after her mother. She is sturdy, but her proportions are even and beautiful which allows her an elegant and put-together form.

Tragedy, first and foremost, is devoted to helping others. She believes in being good simply for the sake of being good. She values laws and traditions and is fiercely loyal to her family. Family outranks all, and she will grow to be fiercely protective. She will defend her blood with tooth and claw should diplomacy fail. She will learn from a young age that honesty and compassion are something to be proud of, but she will not be faint of heart and will not be afraid to assert herself if the situation arises.

As a pup, she will savor her father’s songs and stories, and as a result adopt much of his Russian accent, developing her phonemic inventory from a mix of Russian and English syllables, often slurring consonants as popular in her father’s native tongue. She will grow to be hardworking and dependable. While a wholeheartedly good wolf, Tragedy will not be prim and proper, but instead more laid back, happy to let life carve it’s path for her. She won’t take things too seriously, at least not the little things.

She will be more reserved when it comes to deep emotions and matters of the heart. In a very ‘conceal, don’t feel’ kind of way, she’ll be afraid to show her emotions when they run as deep as romantic love or hatred for another being, for fear of them overpowering her fundamentally good nature. In time, with trust, she’ll work through these thoughts and feelings, but until she does, she’ll be a tough nut to crack.

Skills: Fighter/Hunter (Or Intellect/Hunter depending on childhood development)

Plans: I'd love to play more around with the idea of family, duty and honor with her. I'd love to see her close with both her parents and siblings, maybe even a bit of a daddy's little girl? She would work hard and train hard but find time to sit back and relax. She'd max out on both of her skills over time, and I also definitely want to play around with having her open up on a deeper emotional level to a wolf outside of her family (like a love interest) over time because I'm a sucker for a slow burn. Definitely have her have a raven companion she can confide in, and overall just see where Abaven and IC writing take her, writing her from pup to adult and fully writing all development out for her.



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
02-15-2021, 11:41 AM (This post was last modified: 02-15-2021, 11:51 AM by Poem.)
Congratulations to Tasha, Lowin, and Dino!! We loved all of your apps, and Kyu I'm so sorry I don't have a baby to give you =[ Everyone did so well the decision was really hard.

You three all get your first choice of designs, but after a little bit of thought, Tasha, I don't think Poem would name her child 'Tragedy' I'm sorry that's my fault! Let me know if there's anything else I can do and feel free to DM me any questions! <3

oh and make sure their apps are put in by the 28th when they are playable!!