
pull me like the tide




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
01-22-2021, 08:04 AM
They’d found no sign so far, but Void was far from giving up yet. There was still hope in his heart and he refused to give up on his mother yet. She was stronger than she realized, and even if she was led astray again he vowed to find her, he had to. Void’s mind was often on Eulogy and Desolate, but as he led his sibling troop south there was another wolf that crossed his mind easily. As Ashen approached Void couldn’t help himself as he began to drift closer to the borders of the island pack.

Massive dark paws carried the galactic young man as his paws brought him to the border. For a long time he just walked along the border, debating on calling for the wolf who so easily stole his heart. There was clenching in his chest as his blue and lavender eyes scanned the horizon. Void was just as conflicted now as he was the last time he’d met with the ghost like man. Guilt ate at him as he tried to convince himself out of seeing Plague. Eulogy needed and deserved all of his attention, so why was he here feeling like he needed to see the Abraxas godling?

Void grit his teeth, torn between duty and desire. Surely there was a way to have it both ways. They didn't have to stay here, perhaps he could get Plague to walk with him for a while… Void still felt conflicted, unsure if even asking was a bad idea. He knew Plague wouldn’t deny him, they were still getting to know each other but there were some things Void was certain of. One thing he was most certain of was that Plague would want to see him as much as he wished to see Plague again. Finally he slowed and mind made up, he called softly for the man that he craved.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-26-2021, 12:54 PM

After his reconciliation with Venom he felt like a new wolf. The weight and worry from the gap he felt between himself and his family was gone and knowing that his sister accepted his decisions no matter who he decided to love was enough make him feel like he was on top of the world. He had immediately wanted to go and seen Void out, but he had to remind himself of the mission that the night sky male had vowed to undertake. Even if Void did happen to be somewhere near the cliff to hear his call, he didn't want to distract the male from the important journey to search for his mother. As far as Plague was concerned, he could ride this high and this excitement for ages while he fought with the need to see the eyes that had captured his attention again.

Just as he was patrolling the border to wear off some of the anxious energy that was buzzing through his veins, a howl that he hadn't been expecting to hear caught his attention. He stopped for a moment, listening as he tried to determine if he was really hearing Void call or if his wishful thinking had finally gotten the best of him. Deciding that this wasn't a dream after all, he ran off to find Void, abandoning his patrol without a second thought. He was crossed the river and made his way toward the Obsidian Beach where he thought he had heard Void'd howl come from and soon enough he saw the familiar figure come into view.

A grin pulled at his lips and he hurried over to where Void was standing, pressing his cheek to Void's while his tail wagged gently behind him. "I'm so happy to see you," he rumbled as he nuzzled into the man's neck. He wanted to ask how the search was going, but he also didn't want to bring it up in case it wasn't going well. He wanted to hold up hope that his family would be found without incident even though that hope could feel awfully slim.




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
01-26-2021, 03:01 PM
Gloom and Spirit were tucked away for the night, neither of them quite had the stamina that he did but he commended them both for their efforts. They were just as determined if not as full of stamina. Void had been taking long trips and exploring since he was able to set foot outside Abaven, he was comfortable out here. He was half patrolling the area and half looking for Plague. He’d invited him to Ashen if they came close, and Void could smell the pack since they started looking yesterday. They were on their way away from it now, but Void couldn’t help but ask to see the green eyed prince.

Void didn’t want to get his hopes up, and walked slowly down the dark sand beach. He might have been too far away from Ashen, or he could have been too quiet but he wasn’t sure he wanted to attract attention that wasn’t Plague. Nor did he wish to wake brother or sister after a long day's walk and search. He’d nearly convinced himself he wouldn’t see the marked man that night when Plague’s pale formed appeared on the sand. Like the last time, Void could hardly articulate the feelings that seeing him caused.

Plague looked brighter, and his grin quickly spread to Void as he helped close the distance. Maybe a few weeks had passed since they’d last seen each other but Void felt like he’d been searching for Eulogy for an eternity. Seeing and now holding as Plague pushed closer and Void followed, somehow bolstered his hope. His mother was out there somewhere, and she was waiting for them to find her.

Again he felt that same guilt, he could be using his extra energy searching! Void sighed as he relaxed into Plague’s greeting and embrace. ”I couldn’t come so close and not see you.” He muttered into the pale fur at Plague’s neck. His heart wanted to leap out of his chest and his skin tingled where their fur met. ”We’ll reach Auster in the next few days.” Hopefully, but the weather had been kind so far. He felt like there was a true storm brewing. ”There’s still no sign…” He trailed off and settled back on his haunches. Void was still holding out hope, but every day with no progress took its toll. He shook his head into Plague’s neck as he shook off the doubt.

”Tell me how you are.” He asked for the distraction softly as he pulled away enough to gaze into Plague’s endless forest eyes. He was quickly reminded again of his adoration, everything about the Abraxas drew Void in.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-14-2021, 11:01 PM

There was a strange sense of relief from hearing how Void couldn't resist coming to see him when they drew close to Ashen's borders. There was a lingering, irrational fear he felt over the possibility that the longer they spent apart the more likely it was that Void's affection for him would fade. After having so much of his family slowly slip away - weather it was physically or emotionally - he had a strong desire to hold all of his loved ones close to keep them from slipping away as well. Void very much fell into that realm of his life now and it took a good amount of self control to keep himself from trying to keep Void here or to let himself leave Ashen in order to help the man with his search. He was understanding of the situations they were both in and did his best to be patient, but it was growing harder by the day.

He couldn't say he was surprised when Void confirmed that they had yet to find any sign of his mother, though it was still disappointing. He frowned softly and nodded in understanding while he watched Void settle onto his haunches before doing the same at his side, leaning into him and tucking his head over Void's as they pressed into each other for a moment. That same electricity danced over his skin wherever they touched and it made his heart kick into higher gear, but this time it didn't feel as startling or confusing. The gnawing doubt that had plagued him before had been relieved by his sister's kind response when he revealed the secret he had been holding back from her. Ever since that discussion with her he had felt so much more at home in his own skin and all the more eager to get back to Void again.

When the star-marked man lifted his head again and let their eyes meet again, Plague felt a small smile pull at his lips again. Void's eyes really were like nothing else and it was hard to keep himself from getting lost in them over and over again. When the attention was turned toward him with Void's simple request to tell him how he was, Plague couldn't help but grin slightly. "I've been... better. Much better. I talked to my sister about us... She gave me her blessing." His tail began to wag against the ground behind him as he leaned in to brush his muzzle gently against Void's. "I still don't know what the rest of my family will think, but... I don't care. As long as she's on board then that's all I can really ask for." He still replayed her telling him that she just wanted his happiness over and over again in his head from time to time and there was very little that brought him more joy than that. Everything finally felt like it was beginning to fall in place.




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
02-15-2021, 07:18 PM
Void felt more complete next to Plague, like he was a piece of him that had been missing for so long. He’d been the key to unlocking the deeper emotions he’d never experienced before. He was hope during such a bleak time, and his simple presence helped Void to hold onto hope that he’d find Eulogy and bring her home. What after that though> Where would he go? He couldn’t abandon his family in Abaven, and he didn’t expect Plague to do so to his family either. For now he could shove the thought away and just enjoy the present moment with the pale man.

He spoke softly about his journey so far and Plague settled comfortably beside him, pressing against him supportively. Void leaned against him as he tucked his head beneath Plague’s chin and allowed him to hold him softly for a long moment. His affections were sweet and loving, and Void felt his chest warm. He closed his eyes and lingered in his embrace quietly before feeling the pull to seek out his gaze. Plague would direct his thoughts elsewhere, he could clear his mind of the turmoil within.

He felt good hearing Plague’s update, he confessed how well he was doing and brought a grin to Void’s features. He’d been so conflicted the last time they saw each other. This visit Plague didn’t seem like he was holding back anything at all. Us. His sister had offered her blessing, and Plague wouldn’t allow anyone else’s opinion to matter. Void closed his eyes to savor the tender touch against his muzzle.

He let his mind wander and he swallowed nervously as his natural doubting ruined the perfect picture Plague was painting. His heart was punching against his chest now. ”Plague,” his name was a whisper on his lips as he sought out his green gaze. ”Is this real? You.. she..” He closed his eyes and leaned into Plague’s muzzle. He blinked back his heavy emotions, suddenly overwhelmed with all of them. He wanted to laugh and cry at the same time with the warring elation and guilt. ”I want to share my life with you.” He finally confessed, finding some words at least. ”But.. everything.” His mother, the distance that spanned between Ashen and Abaven, he said he didn’t care but the rest of his family, and what about Void’s? What would his siblings think? Would they feel like he was abandoning them?



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-15-2021, 08:10 PM

Plague could feel the conflicted emotions rolling off of Void in waves. It was strange - he had never felt in tune with anyone else's emotions until he met Void. Even is sisters were often a mystery to him, but it felt like he could read Void like a book. He could tell that he was happy at the news, but there was still that underlying guilt and worry that creased the male's features. He didn't respond right away when Void began to stumble through broken words, instead listening and leaning into each touch that he received. He could understand why Void was torn since his own tear between what he wanted and the duty to his family had caused the same sort of pull on himself. He wished he could fix everything for Void to relieve that worry and stress, but that was something that was just out of his reach. But hearing that Void wanted to share his life with him... That was enough to make him want to move the world to make their desires possible.

"I want to share my life with you too," he replied after a moment, his own deep tones soft and filled with emotion as well. He leaned his forehead into Void's with a heavy sigh, letting his eyes close as well. It would have been easy to give in to his craving to keep Void to himself and start convincing the handsome man to stay, but that's not what Void needed. Even as he spoke he could feel the heart ache it caused, but he managed to get the words out all the same. "But not till you're ready. When you're ready... I'll be waiting for you." When every minute felt like an eternity without him that felt like a daunting task to accomplish, but Void was worth it. He was worth every ounce of effort and heart ache.

Letting his forehead slip away from Void's, he dipped his head down to press his face into the fur on Void's neck while his foreleg came up to wrap around the speckled man's shoulders. He desperately wanted to keep Void from leaving again. Every fiber of his being worried that if he let Void go then he wouldn't know when or if he would see him again. It was the unknown that bothered him most. "Just... don't stay away too long, alright?" he asked after a moment, hoping that would be enough of a compromise for himself to ease some of that worry.




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
02-15-2021, 08:44 PM
He felt emotions with so much more strength when he was beside Plague. His guilt, his attraction, his turmoil. Void never felt anything like he did with this man, good and bad. Plague’s support was unwavering, even as he stumbled through his words the other man leaned into his touch and patiently listened as he worked through and produced a near complete thought. Plague understood him completely, even when he couldn’t put his thoughts into words. The echo of his confession was well received, even though everything was weighing on his shoulders. Plague’s words lifted his spirits, and his lips pulled back into a warm grin as he returned PLague’s affection. He pressed his star crested forehead against Plague’s pale one.

A sigh of relief left him knowing there was no rush to get every aspect of his life into a perfect line. Plague would wait for him, no matter how much either of them wished to ignore the obstacles in their way. Blue and lavender eyes found Plague’s as he pulled away slightly, promising to be right here waiting when he was ready. Void knew how strongly he felt for Plague, and he placed him easily with the important members of his family. He hadn’t confessed the fact yet but with how much Void cared about Plague his love for the man was becoming more obvious.

Plague embraced him and Void shifted slightly so that one star speckled arm wrapped around the Klein’s shoulders. He held him tight, unwilling to let go yet, but knowing their visit would have to be short. A sad chuckle left him, trying to let Plague’s mere presence, acceptance, and adoration lift his spirits. ”I couldn’t if I tried.” He assured him, burying his muzzle into Plague’s pale fur.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-19-2021, 01:40 PM

The assurance that he couldn't stay away even if he tried made Plague smile a little and he rested his head against Void's while they held each other for a moment that would be far too short no matter how long it was. He was already dreading having to walk away from Void again, but it felt better this time knowing that there was less questioning of "if" and instead it was just a matter of "when" till they would be together for good. The possessive male was already thinking into the future when he could really make Void his and it was tough knowing that their time together would have to continue being on pause for now.

After an undetermined amount of time, Plague finally made himself gently untangle himself from Void with a soft sigh. He got to his paws and let his gaze meet Void's again, drinking in those unique eyes one last time before he had to go back to Ashen's lands. "Take care of your family. I'll see you again soon." It was as much of a statement as it was a reassurance for himself. Bringing his muzzle to Void's he gave the speckled man a soft parting kiss, the light brush of their lips making his heart do a wild flutter in his chest. Plague had to force himself to take a small step back from the man he was already madly in love with even if he hadn't managed to say it out loud yet, giving him a small smirk.

"You should probably get back to them... before I'm too tempted to steal you away now." It was part joke and part truth as he grappled with the desire to hide him away from all the things that were straining and pulling on him while knowing that he would never be truly content with their life together if he wasn't able to make sure his family was cared for.




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
02-21-2021, 01:20 PM
He could feel Plague hold to him as they lingered close together while they could. All too swiftly distance would grow between them physically. Void felt with more certainty the longer he held him that his heart would remain here in the man’s protection. Falling so fast, rushing into his affections, everything pressing against them, it was easy to feel overwhelmed. Through all of it though he felt the strong pull towards the pale coated prince. He wanted so badly to remain here, consumed by Plague’s presence. Void wanted to stay and get lost in his forest like gaze. However much he wished to indulge in his desire to be close, his duty to his family would remain his strongest driving force.

Plague was very much aware of this, and even as Void’s thoughts drifted to his mother the other man was pulling away reluctantly. Void felt a pang in his chest, feeling just as Plague did, wanting nothing more than to hide away together and forget the world. They both knew that was impossible though, and with effort Void forced himself to his paws. He showed great force of will as he refrained from leaning too far into Plague’s sweet kiss, he’d let the affection sustain him until they could meet again. This kind of love felt so foreign, but familiar at the same time. He wanted to explore the emotions more fully as they grew deeper with every meeting.

Dark ears fell to his head as Plague spoke again, reminding him that there were wolves waiting on him. His siblings, not strong enough to be without him. Plague had his pack and his family to support him, and Void wouldn’t have to worry about his well being like he did his own kin. Still, the temptation to be stolen away was great. Which only built upon his guilty feelings. He tried to smile as their time together dwindled to nothing.

”Soon.” He looked into Plague’s endless gaze once more, the corners of his lips pulling back into a sad smile as he swiftly stole away a final kiss. As soon as their lips met he was pulling away, he couldn’t stand another goodbye so without dwindling any longer he raced towards his siblings and their camp. He’d hide away his heart until he could be in Plague’s arms again.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-21-2021, 02:14 PM

"Soon," he echoed in agreement and let their lips meet one last time, the affection parting all too quickly and he watched as Void turned and ran off to rejoin his siblings. The sad smile on his lips faded as he watched the male's night sky form disappear from view and a strained, pulling desire urged him to follow. His teeth grit together against that irrational need to be with him immediately and for a moment he stood on the dark beach staring at the point where Void had disappeared. It was easier said than done to tell the man he loved to take his time, to focus on his family, to join him when he was ready... He wanted to be selfish with Void's time and attention, but he couldn't.

He lingered there for a moment longer before finally turning back toward home with a flick of his ears. It got harder to let him go every time he saw Void and they had to part yet again and this time was no exception. it got It would be worth the wait. That was the mantra he told himself as he trudged back toward Ashen and went to retrieve his armor and weapon from his den. Now more than ever he could use some sort of distraction and fighting and training had always been his best - or at least most accessible - way for him to relieve stress. It would barely scratch the itch, but it was better than nothing.
