
Get Chubby!




6 Years
Extra large
02-02-2021, 08:39 AM

Poem needed to eat. She was carrying one or more little lives inside of her. That meant that she needed food. Lots of food. After tucking the furs around his chunky little wife, Sparhawk set out before the sun was even up. She needed to eat and the striped man decided that she needed variety. His wife and children would have the best of the best. Winter be damned. He was used to such weather, coming from the far north.

By mid afternoon, Sparhawk returned, his travois full of various dead animals. He'd done a bit of bartering as well with wolves that he happened to pass. Poem would have everything that she wanted to eat and more!

Pushing aside the fur at the mouth of the den, Sparhawk dipped inside. He pulled the travois with him since it would be easier to unload inside. "Moye zhizn, I've brought you gifts.'" Sliding the straps off of himself, he stepped away from the travois and moved to Poem, placing a kiss upon her forehead. He then went about unloading his catch. Pheasant, duck, elk, dried apples, honeycomb and honey, and...dried boar meat. The proud father to be turned his attention to his wife. "Anything you want, you tell me, okay?" He gave her a pat with one big paw. "How are you feeling? How are our children today?" The man sat, ready for Poem to tell him all about it.

Sparhawk -- Poem
Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
02-02-2021, 09:10 AM

Carrying their babies was right, not much time passed before Poem was really starting to show her pregnancy. They were very close to the halfway mark and Poem was settling into the idea of the growing lives within her swelling middle. She’d never imagined that pregnancy would be so exhausting, and she was often found napping in the den these days. She still took her patrols and kept active but there was a whole lot more sleep in her life. Thankfully her husband and family had all been understanding and helpful but in the end it was her body doing the work and she definitely felt it.

The sound of commotion outside the den roused her from her afternoon nap, before he left Sparhawk had made certain that she was snuggled in nice and tight. Feeling quite refreshed by the time he returned her bright blue and lavender gaze filled with adoration as he appeared under the flap of the den. She grinned up at him as he revealed his gifts and kissed her lovingly on the forehead. ”Welcome back my love,” She told him sleepily as he returned to the sleigh to present his gifts.

He listed his gifts and returned to her side, making certain she knew that all she had to do was ask and her husband would provide. She beamed up at him as he asked after her, and the developing puppies within. Poem took his paw before she spoke, placing his massive toes on the roundest part of her growing belly. ”Do you feel them moving?” She whispered as she peered up at his features. She’d only just started to feel them squirming underneath the surface. ”I’m a little tired, but when am I not?” She giggled and reached up to kiss his cheek. They are very excited to hear dad is home.” The moment felt nearly magical as she leaned into him as he enjoyed his first experience with his children.

Sparhawk -- Poem