
frozen tv dinner



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Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipPride - LesbianAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverBy the skin of my teethOverachieverSnake EyesCritical Fail!
02-02-2021, 11:12 AM (This post was last modified: 02-02-2021, 11:13 AM by Ophelia.)
Winter Withering: It's going to be a long time before fresh food is readily available again!
WC: 800

Brrrrr it was cold. A shiver ran down Ophie's spine as she trotted along, the stringy remains of a rabbit clutched between her teeth. It wasn't a kill she'd made on her own, rather her racoon buddy had sniffed it out and presented it to her as though it was a gift truly worthy of a princess. In all stank kinda bad and the taste it left upon her tongue was pretty gross but she just didn't have it in her to deny the present. Even if it was a really really low effort one. He'd wandered off soon after, off to do important racoon things she supposed, but even then she had no idea what to do with it. She couldn't throw it away, that would be mean, but the thought of actually eating it as is...made her stomach feel a little queasy. Like she'd eaten too much in one sitting. Guh.

Glancing around Ophie's dark brows furrowed as she struggled to come up with some sort of solution. Maybe... and this was a really long stretch but she'd noticed the others preserving food before the put it away in the stores. And whilst the dried meats weren't exactly fine dining they were edible and tasted a whole lot better than this. Clinging onto that idea for dear life, Ophie rushed to across the Plains and to store, where she nudged the door open to have a nose around inside. As always it was full of meat, furs and supplies, all very important stuff to keep such a busy pack like the Armada up and running. She wasn't exactly sure what she wanted to find though, maybe some instructions or a nifty guide that would outline everything she needed to do? She had no such luck and found herself slinking out of the store with her tail tucked between her legs, disappointed.

So what next?

Maybe she ought to wing it and simply hope for the best? Wasn't that how all skills were learned long long ago? Just wing it till it works, that was Ophie's mantra...or maybe it should be from here on out.

Heading back out into the Plains, Ophie gritted her teeth, further making a mess of the already shredded meat. Wait! What if she buried it!? When her racoon buddy had found it the remains it had been buried, maybe it needed more time to chill before it was good for eating. Even to Ophie that seemed like such a stretch but she was desperate and even the slightest glimmer of hope was enough to grab her attention. Rushing along with her nose to the icy floor, Ophie sniffed and snuffed as she sought out cold but not too hard ground. Her claws were growing in nicely and weren't quite like needles anymore, but her paws were still clumsy and a little too big for her body and thus she didn't want to make the job harder than it had to be.

Way out into the middle of the Plains, where the grass was at it's tallest Ophie found just the right spot. The ground was cool beneath her paw pads but when she poked at the earth it gave way easily enough. With a reassuring nod, she set down the mangled rabbit and began to paw and dig at the mud, staining herself brown and black, from muzzle to toes. As if she wasn't already filthy enough. Once she'd dug out a reasonably deep enough hole, she plopped in the body and began to push the disturbed earth back into place. That was the easier part to be honest.

And then she trotted off on her merry way, considering it a job well done.

Or at least that was until a couple of days passed and she'd completely forgotten about it- only to jolt awake out of a midday snooze as it sprung back into the forefront of her mind. Oh no oh no oh no! Her mind was a rushing and worried haze as she meandered her way to the centre of the plains, struggling to remember where she'd dug out the hole now that everything looked so samey.  But what was that? The earth over there seemed disturbed, all ripped and torn up as though- oh, hm. It seemed as though someone had stolen her rabbit, or what was left of it anyway. She pressed her nose to the muddy floor and quickly caught the scent of her racoon. It was at the very least a couple of days old, as though he'd dug it up right after she'd buried it. Which meant that...he'd gifted her the rabbit only to steal it back!

Evil evil evil! She'd get him for that, she would! Even if she didn't exactly know how yet!
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