
frumpy butts



06-03-2014, 09:51 PM

The beautiful babe was beaten down. Blood still caked her very fur. Her legs were cut open. Her hind right thigh was chewed up. Her left front ankle was ripped open and her body was bruised. Nephele was not nearly a trained fighter and what she just went through wast.. tough. It inspired to train, but first the babe had to heal. Her body was a wreck, and that was no good. The proceline goddess had a need for looking perfect, and in those moments she was far from it. The fight was meaningless beyond repair. She only wanted to meet with her darling brother. To catch up. To embrace him once again. But of course, random ass people, on their land, had to ruin it all. Neph had no doubt her brother was furious. It was an obvious mistake but was it indeed a calling for war? There were barely any Elusius left, they were all missing. Artemis was the head honcho but she sat on the side lines at night. The woman had never felt so icky and ashamed. But, she would grow better. With style of course.

The tri-colored female slithered into the caves for refuge. Her body ached with throbbing pain. But, she did not stop. The woman wondered where her family was in those moments. When she needed them the most. Nephele may put on a strong show, but the babe had her weak moments. To be beaten down in front of her family and others. She fled before she could even speak to her brother. Which bothered her. The darling Elysius fae moved deeper into the silent caverns with wide eyes. Soon everything got darker and darker, she enjoyed the darkness. To hide her messy fur and bloody legs. The minx found a ledge on the side of the cave, worn down from erosion. She hopped onto the small ledge and rolled her sore shoulders. The light Goddess sighed and laid down, resting her head on her paws.



06-03-2014, 10:13 PM

He was furious. The beast of hatred burned deep in his gut, heat nearly radiating from him as he limped and stumbled along- following Nephele's scent trail. Hatred at the creatins who dared to claim his forest bubbled over, as he snarled and snapped at air around them. They had dare to attack a god, and the god's favorite fiend? They would pay. The closest thing to concern that he could feel, he felt for his darling sister. What had those bastards done to her? They would pay for every scar that would mar her beautiful being. He'd kill them all for her. This was war. Her scent led him to caves, and he slightly chuckled. Even injured she was resourceful- smart- of course she was, she was his. His claws scrapped against the stone as he followed her scent, mixed with the coppery and wild scent of blood. Approaching her in the shadows, he spoke. "Oh my darling, Nephele, those bastards will pay for touching you." He would coo lightly as he approached her.

His head would dip, attempting to gently nuzzle her neck. Pulling away, he would glance about them before he'd lower himself to the ground with a hiss of pain. His hackles raised, as he snarled lightly into the shadows. "War is coming, Nephele. I'll see their downfall- and seat you high on a throne." He said darkly, staring into the shadows. His tail curling around him, as the cool rock seeped into his body- relieving his pain.




06-04-2014, 04:01 PM

The woman was not one for anger. Her emotions were tucked within, only brought forth in some times. The babe would not react in some foul way as any other would. She would not lash out or scream. Nephele would tend to her many wounds and plot. The vixen was one of opportunity and manipulation. Though, she knew Novo was within the pack that attacked she and her brother. The babe would get back in some way or another. She knew her family would support her. Cerb was obviously full of unending rage and her sister was probably planning world domination now more then ever. They would make the others pay, she hoped, at least. A lot of their anger was fueled but false. Their home was overrun by strangers. A pack unworthy of existence. Cowards. Buffoons. But, alas, they would have to heal and gather for anything to happen.

He beloved brother would saunter in with a blood stained pelt to her rescue. She could hear the tapping of his long claws upon the stone ground. She smiled softly, to comfort him , perhaps. She knew he held anger still, but there was no need for expressing it while they rested. She would listen to his deadly words and nod softly. "We will lay them to rest." Her words were were venomous. Though, her lips still curled into her sweet smile. His massive body would dip down to nuzzle her neck. The luxurious female leaned into his touch and sighed softly. As he laid a sound of discomfort filled her ash dipped audits. Nephele leaned in and extended her tongue to kiss his muzzle. His next words brought a shine to her very eyes. The Elysius woman giggled gently and tried to nip his lip. "Dear brother, we will rule." The illustrious bitch was full of ambition and always found her way to power. She believed in her brother, more than anyone. Her eyes were full of ideas with a hint of lust as she was in the presence of her lovely kin. She loved him, in more ways then one.



06-07-2014, 07:48 AM

His mind was brewing with plans. His dreams would dark with the assault he would lay upon Arcanum. He would become their living nightmare. Perhaps before they attacked him and his Nephele, he would have tried to reason with them- for his land. He may have tried to explain why it belonged to them- but the fools had brought this on themselves. He would challenge every Arcanum wolf for their life, until he won his land- or he died trying. No god could help them now, they were slated for death. His ears would prick, from their flattened position on his head to hear Nephele's words, and he would growl in approval. Her salmon tongue kissed against his lips, and he'd turn his head into her jaws, feeling her affection- her love for him. A girlish giggle echoed around them, and she'd nip at his lip. 'Dear brother, we will rule.'

He shifted so that his body could press into hers, his paw extending closer to her, and his head lowering to rest on his other. "I'll find you a crown fitting for a Queen, my dear. Perhaps one made of gold or of bone?" he muttered into the darkness. He blinked, and sighed. "We must train relentlessly. Today was an embarrassment to our name." He said, his tone serious. He wasn't embarrassed with her, or himself- rather the lack in their skills. They should have slaughtered the wolves that attacked them.




06-07-2014, 12:49 PM

The woman and her King would achieve greatness one day. They would rule with such greatness. They would overpower all of the other eight Kingdoms. To knock down gates. Siege. Their plans would blossom, develop. they were conquer all of Alacrita with such ease others would cry with envy. Only around her brother would the lady show such excitement, such emotion. SHe normally wore a lovely little smile to match her delightful appearance. But, beneath that smile would be a thick bed of manipulation, rage, and vengeance only a woman of her stature could achieve. She could see herself upon a throne. She belonged on a throne. But, it would take time to get there. Nephele was but a yearling, but she got older by the minute. With the proper work and preparation the bitch would rule. Also, with the help of her brother, of course.

The alabaster demon would slither up to her some more. His fur mingled with her own. He was adorned with a light shade of cream to his pure fur. Though, her pelt was much more white, like snow. But, it was invaded with hues of gold and ash. Though, the tones only added to her quite luxurious look. The woman leaned into him slightly as he laid tiredly. "I'll find you a crown fitting for a Queen, my dear. Perhaps one made of gold or of bone?" The woman grinned lightly, the royal bitch would roll her shoulders lightly before her dark vocals were emitted into the brisk air. "Bone." The girl giggled a little more before his serious tones were heard again. "We must train relentlessly. Today was an embarrassment to our name." The little lady nodded once again and sighed softly. "Artemis could help, i have heard of her victories." She offered her own two cents, she really did know Artemis could help.
