
i'll be the one



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
02-06-2021, 06:46 PM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2021, 06:46 PM by Hikaru.)

After a fun evening with his apprentice and Mortis he was feeling the length of the day. His coat was still wet and he was eager to be in the cozy den with Mortis. Hika could have fallen asleep right then, he wasn’t bothered by the show earlier. He didn’t know Magnus but he was proud of Aslatiel for stepping up. Mortis had seen everything through a different lens, and Hikaru appreciated that about him. For that reason Haku was still awake as he aimed to snuggle up against Mort’s massive shoulder, right underneath his shimmering feathers. Kaiyo could easily consider it his favorite place, which led to even more thoughts about Mortis to race through his mind.

He focused on Mort though, they’d been through a long day and his friend needed to process everything he’d seen. Hika settled his head over Mort’s arm and looked up at him with a sleepy grin. Hika couldn’t focus on the thoughts that kept coming to mind when Mort wasn’t around. The thought suddenly struck him. Whenever he wasn’t with Mort it felt like his mind was on him. The thoughts returned now, the same as with Keetie, or Aslatiel. How much he cared for the dark Fatalis heir. He cared enough to shun the feelings, he’d seen Mortis after the scene with Hanako. Besides, he was a prince and Hikaru was far far far from a princess.

”Long day?” Hika asked softly as he brushed the thoughts away. They had a lot more on their plate than Hika’s pesky inner thoughts.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
02-12-2021, 02:12 AM

Oph was a wonderful distraction, she was delightful and bright eyed. Playing with her and Hika had felt… right in a way he almost couldn’t describe. Like family. Having his little siblings about made him wonder something he never had before. Would he have kids one day, like that? Like Oph? Bright eyed little wonders that saw everything new and bright, that helped Mortis to see things the same way? Probably not. He didn’t think he would ever find love like Zee and Sirius had. But the thought of someone like that being at his side, of it being just like today. Him, Hika, Oph. Maybe he shouldn’t think about the future too much, there was a lot to enjoy about the moment.

As though summoned by his thoughts, Hika sneaked up on him, crawling under the wing that Mortis gladly scooped about him. His friend offered him a sleepy smile. That half asleep, content expression on Hika’s face set his stomach into summersaults, and he grinned back at the other boy. In truth, Mortis hadn’t been thinking much about the fight. It was a lot to take in, his uncle was gone when would he see Magnus again? Deathbelle was pregnant? would Motis get a chance to see the kids? And what about Asla? When had she grown so much. She stepped up, and took the position. She ranked higher than him and Azure now, and it seemed to rather suit her. She had looked like she truly belonged as she claimed her place as winner. He had gone off to play with Oph and Hika, and loved every minute of it. He was so different from his beloved sister, and yet the ties between them were strong. He was drifting off in his thoughts, and almost forgot the question. He blinked sleepily, and looked back at Hika. “You made it better. With you, it always goes so fast” he said it without really thinking, half asleep as he was.




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
02-12-2021, 08:26 AM (This post was last modified: 02-12-2021, 08:30 AM by Hikaru.)

After such a crazy day Hika had enjoyed seeing that bright smile on Mort’s features as they played carefree in the snow with Ophelia. His expression had been naturally attained and the three of them had fun giggling and rolling around in the cold. He could easily see the scene repeating as he trained with Ophie, and again Hikaru was reminded just how well he’d fit into the new pack and his new world. This was where he belonged, next to Mort and curled underneath his wing. Which the winged heir pulled around him without prompting.

Mortis relaxed even further as Hikaru took his place beside him, and both yearling boys felt the exhaustion from their play. The combination of heavy physical activity and the bitter cold of the day made for some very tired young wolves. He wasn’t even sure Ophie was even awake by the time they handed her back to Sirius and Zee. He had very nearly asked Mort to carry him back to their den, but he’d used his own paws and now he was even more exhausted. Snuggled close to Mortis, his warmth, the scent of him, and the softness of his fur further lulled the koi to sleep.

Mort’s words kept him conscious though, especially as he grinned down at him. Besides the drama surrounding the challenge they’d had an excellent day, and Hikaru looked forward to many more days like this one. Hike snuggled in closer to the crook of Mort’s arm as he spoke sleepily. Hikaru suddenly felt warm and fuzzy, he knew without a doubt that Mort felt similarly about him. He wanted to spend his days beside the winged heir, when they were together the sun shone brighter, the air was fresher, and his heart was lighter.

”I never knew I could enjoy life so much until I started spending my days with you.” He muttered back softly, his expression still dreamy but perhaps not only because of how sleepy he was. Despite himself Hikaru lifted his head, realizing just how close they were. Thoughts of Keetie and her kisses swam in his head. Hikaru hadn’t ever been so happy in his life, and it was all thanks to Mortis. ”Mort…” He started sleepily not sure where he was going but before he could stop himself Hika leaned up to place a sweet kiss on his friend’s cheek. ”Thank you.” His own cheeks flushed red as his chest suddenly filled with panic at the repercussions of his actions.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
02-12-2021, 03:09 PM

It was nice, curled up Hika and sharing his warmth. He had never liked to be in his den alone. In his mind, the bigger the pile, the better. Now Hika was here all the time, and he didn’t have to be alone at night. It made a huge difference to the winged boy, though he couldn't quite put it into words.

Hika was looking at him, and saying his name. The sound a trailing question that had Mortis turning further towards. Wondering what he was going to say, what he needed from the Fatalis. If it was more warmth, he would pull him tighter into the embrace of his wing. Instead, the chase kiss aimed for his cheek touched his lips. His lips, and Hika, connected. For a second, it was... it was… indescribable.

Then panic set it.

He jolted to his feet so fast his head almost hit the roof. He buried his head in his wing, mortified at the rush of emotions that seared through him like fire. Suddenly, all he could think about was Hana. A kiss had changed everything, ruined everything. This hadn’t been the same as the cheek kisses he gave Deathbelle and Magnus. Even if it had touched his cheek. It had felt like something more, like it meant more. Like it held a weight of expectation that frightened Mortis. “Oh god, oh no, Hika. Don’t hate me like Hana does. I-I-I I.... I don’t know how… I don’t…” Why had Hika kissed him? What had he wanted from him? What had Hana wanted from him? He took a shaky breath. Did he want Hika? Maybe. Did Hika want him? Did Hika really know him? It felt like it had been such a short time, each day zipping by so fast. “I know you didn’t like your past home, and you feel good here. I don’t want you to like me because I changed your life. I want… I want you to know who you are here separate from me.” Maybe it was to buy himself time to understand himself, maybe it was what he felt. Everything was so muddled, so confusing.




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
02-12-2021, 03:45 PM

The little gesture was mostly a sleepy thank you, his mind was muddled from his tiredness. His thoughts rested too heavily on Keetie and what she’d told him, and the affections he saw Mortis give freely. Maybe deep down the gesture was meant to be so much more than his outward intentions. His deep inner feelings that he tried so hard to ignore manifesting in ways he couldn’t imagine. At first he thought the mistake a pleasant one, for a moment he pressed his lips to Mort’s and time stopped. This was nothing like when Keetie had kissed him, first or most recently. All the thoughts he’d been holding back and shoving down resurfaced, and then he saw the reality of those actions. Why he tried so hard not to acknowledge the daring emotions.

Hikaru wasn’t sure he’d ever seen Mortis move so fast, but before he could really understand what happened the winged yearling was as far away from him as he could get, and he had buried his face in his wing so Hika couldn’t see him. Immediately he felt a deep burning regret, he’d known better than that. He’d hurt his friend by doing exactly what Hanako did to him. Hika swallowed hard and sunk in on himself as he prepared to flee. He thought he’d ruined everything and then Mort spoke softly.

His iron gaze lifted, hesitant, as he suddenly felt empty and ashamed of himself. ”Mortis, I could never hate you,” his words were soft as the Armada heir went on. Dark tipped ears and kohl lined eyes lowered as he spoke, mentioning Hika being separate from Mort. Was this what a broken heart felt like? Stupid , stupid, Hika. He shouldn’t have tried something so ridiculous and he should have killed any feelings he had when they first sparked. This was a path that was possible and the sooner he accepted the fact the sooner he could get on with his life. ”I’m sorry,” he whispered again, struggling to bite back his emotions as he tried not to let the tears fill his eyes or voice. ”I’ll go wherever you want me to.” He was small compared to Mortis but in that moment he felt incredibly tiny.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
02-13-2021, 04:16 PM
His knee-jerk reaction should be so dramatic. He was a fool. He fanned some feathers to peek out between the gaps of them. Glancing at Hika, who promised he couldn’t hate him. The winged heir had started having weird feelings about Hika. Feelings he had been burying and ignoring. His friends' actions brought them all to the top, and he felt flustered, and almost ashamed.

“I really like cuddling you, Hika. I like you being here. I don’t… I don’t know about anything else yet. Can’t we just be friends?” that was what had broken Hana from him. Would it break Hika, too? Or would he keep to his promise not to hate him. He needed to understand his feelings, he needed to work through and decide what they meant and what to do with them. In the meantime, he wanted to spend time with Hika, he wanted to know where he was, and that he was okay. He didn’t want him sleeping anywhere else.



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
02-13-2021, 04:40 PM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2021, 09:16 PM by Hikaru.)

Hikaru went too far, and this was his punishment. He should have stomped his feelings out and he never should have tried to give Mortis a kiss on the cheek. He wasn’t Hanako, and it hadn’t been the innocent gesture Mortis gave to his family. Kaiyo just didn’t know what he was thinking. The winged heir revealed his gaze and Hikaru looked up sheepishly as he spoke.

He spoke much of what Hikaru felt, he didn’t want to den alone. Hikaru wanted to be here, and he could hardly comprehend what else was going on. The young koi would gladly smash down the errant feelings if he could remain here. With his friend.

”We’ll never be just friends, Mort.” He started, feeling a bit of relief as he stomped on any lingering emotions. ”Because we’re best friends.” And then he couldn’t help the grin that appeared on his features. He didn’t know if it was a mix of relief and stress mixed but the expression felt good and he meant it. ”I don’t want to go anywhere either.”



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
02-13-2021, 09:14 PM
Almost without realising it, his wing began to fall away. He was staring at Hika with worry, and a little bit of hope. He wasn’t sure what to make of his opening statement ‘We’ll never be just friends’ and then found himself blushing at the rest of Hika’s words. “best friends. I like that” he buried the regret he felt over Hika and Hana both. This was the way his world had turned, he had to embrace the direction. He had lost Hana, and found Hika.

“Good. I’m glad. Thank you.” he hoped it wasn’t awkward, he let himself creep sheepishly back to the spot he had vacated, spreading a wing back across his friend. He closed his eyes as if to sleep, but in his head, he replayed the kiss. That moment just before conscious thought ruined it all. The moment that was pure emotion. As Hika’s lips had lingered on his, the radiant warmth as lovely as his friendship. He refused to open his eyes again, in case Hika realised what he dwelled on.



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
02-13-2021, 09:35 PM

He was slowly letting his guilt drip away, they could forget what he’d done and go back to their normal routine. Something Hikaru hadn’t realized how much he needed until it had almost slipped from his grasp. Hikaru didn’t have anyone else, perhaps Raijin or Hattori but he still felt like a failure beside them. He didn’t want to rely on anyone else, he just wanted to be here with Mortis. Who liked the sound of being best friends. Hika smiled softly, his nerves calming and his body reminded him how tired he was.

He crept back to Mort’s side, relieved to have solved his mistake. Hikaru heaved a sigh of relief as Mort lay his wing over his back. He leaned into Mort’s shoulder, curling his body against the Armada heir like he belonged there. Hika would stay as long as Mortis wanted him here, until he found the princess he really deserved. Those emotions he’d shoved down returned in tiny whispers but Hika buried them away as he buried his face in Mort’s warm dark fur. Best Friends. "Goodnight, Mortis." He whispered softly when it became apparent Mortis was eager to get some shut eye. They could sleep on the days events and move on with their lives tomorrow.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
02-15-2021, 09:15 PM
He glanced across at his snow-white friend. Glad for the patience of the other wolf. It was obvious there was something between them. Something new and soft and growing. Something Mortis was a little scared to look at too closely. It was clear that Hika was a patience hunter, ready to give Mortis the time he needed.

The warmth of Hika against his side was familiar and comforting. Right. He leaned more against the white wolf, placing his head on one of Hika’s smaller paws. He closed his eyes, but there was a sleepy smile on his maw. The excitement and embarrassment all but forgotten with Hika’s easy grace. “Goodnight, Hika.”




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
02-15-2021, 09:31 PM

Hikaru was afraid he’d ruined something, broken a precarious piece of the foundation that held them together. However, Mortis seemed to easily fit back into place around him and the two boys easily made themselves comfortable again. Hikaru didn’t know what would happen in the future but he had Mortis here right now and that was all that mattered. He could sleep well tonight knowing that his best friend wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Mortis shifted, leaning over and lowering his head onto his white paws. Hikaru’s eyes blinked open to see the subtle smile playing on his friend’s features as he made himself comfortable. Hika felt his own grin lift his lips and he closed his stormy eyes. Sleep was quick to find him, and they had a whole new day ahead of them.


Hikaru woke before Mortis and carefully made his way out of the den without waking the heir. His mind raced with the events of the previous night but he silently vowed to make it up to Mortis. As quick as he could Hika gathered some breakfast, fresh water, and the bird bag he’d meant to give Mortis since he met the Warlord.

Certain Mort was still asleep when he got back Hikaru set up a little display of food, drink, and his gift before wiggling back underneath Mort’s wing and warming his cold toes in his thick black fur.
