
Alpaca Bag For You



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
02-13-2021, 10:45 AM

The side of the castle contained long stone room with an open face. This room faced a large expanse of grassy plain. From where she stood, the slate colored woman could see crumbling stone pillars perfectly spaced at the edges of the field. Was it used for fencing, perhaps? Even if it hadn't been, it would be now. An idea had struck the woman. There were other packs that raised livestock. She heard of one that raised sheep and the thought was intriguing. It might give the younger wolves something to do and teach them responsibility. Perhaps not sheep though... Resin would have to be on the lookout for something easily manageable and somewhat lightweight. Something unique that they could trade with other packs. That would come in time. For now... fencing.

Resin had howled earlier in the day, asking able bodies to aid in the reconstruction of the fencing. She had begun early in the morning, collecting fallen trees on a travois which she then brought back and piled up around the perimeter of the field. The trees would need to lose their branches and be stretched between the pillars to form a barrier between the field and the outside world. This way they could keep whatever creatures they captured inside and safe.

As the woman worked, she considered the various animals that they might capture and breed. Something easy, yet useful. Something that didn't take too much power to bring down. While out hunting on the Starlit Plains, she'd come across a herd of strange little beasts. They had long necks and were rather fluffy. The creatures were light on their feet and she imagined that they looked heavier than they actually were. The little beasts were of all different colors. Interesting to look at. Perhaps they could funnel the herd into the paddock that she and her pack were creating. If there was enough time in the day, she and a few scouts would go searching.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]