
fondue you

Wendigo I


1 Year

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth1K
02-14-2021, 12:11 AM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2021, 09:56 AM by Wendigo I.)
Wendigo Klein

Something strange and marvelous had happened. Wendigo was wandering along, minding his own business when all of a sudden the mountain farted little red bits and black smoke. It had been quite scary and was literally the best present he'd ever gotten in his whole entire life. There had been bits of fire falling all over, but try as he might he couldn't catch them. Each and every one turned grey before they hit the ground. Sure they were still hot and his paws had a couple good sized welts on them now, but heat wasn't fire. It wasn't the same. The game of catch was grand though and he'd spent many minutes racing over the mountainside trying to catch the hot bits.

Finally, exhausted and bored, Wendigo had wandered off. It was then he discovered the actual literal best present that blew the first one out of the water. He found a river of hot red goop. It bubbled up from a crack near the border and was chugging along in that direction. Wendigo had gone to it immediately and watched from a distance as the goo oozed on. He wasn't sure what to do with it at first so he did what any curious observer would do: he poked it with a stick. The stick caught fire and burned away immediately causing Wendigo to shriek in delight. From that point on he raced around hellbent on throwing everything light enough to lift into the river.

The different reactions were so good. Some things popped and sizzled, some seemed to squeal under the heat, and others were heavy enough to splash as though tossed into water. The ones that delighted him the most were the ones that caused a small jet of fire to shoot out. Whenever that happened (and blessedly, it was often) Wendigo squealed and wiggled in place, his joy apparent to any observer. This was just too good! Best day ever!

screams | actions | whispers



2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
02-14-2021, 03:33 PM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2021, 09:06 PM by Kali.)

Kali was out and about doing good girl stuff, because of course she was a good girl, when she heard the maniacal shrieking of her brother. She stopped in her tracks, auds swiveling back and forth as she pondered where or not to investigate. Knowing Wendy, it was definitely something not good, and maybe even something that would make mom mad. Her melanistic cobra lay curled firmly around her neck, not enough to constrict her but enough to steal some of her warmth. He poked his head around, purple tongue flicking out to lightly touch the side of her muzzle affectionately. Abaddon wasn’t big yet at all, in fact he had hardly hatched but a week and a half before, but Lilith and Recluse had agreed to give him to her as a companion and she’d squealed in delight. Ever since the pair had been inseparable.

“What should we do, Aba? Should we go see what the trouble-maker is up to, or just tell mom right away?” she asked, bi-colored gaze glancing over to him. He flexed his hood, tongue flickering out wordlessly once more and she hummed. “Yeah, you’re right. We can go see, and if he’s doing something bad and one of the adults sees, we can just say we were trying to stop him. We’re so smart,” she said, nuzzling her companion with a laugh. Then, she was off, trotting through the snow up the mountain until it eventually began to thin out and volcanic ash became plentiful underfoot. Eventually, Wendigo came into her sights and she paused, brows rising in surprise. She watched as he chucked an unknown item into some red sludge, the item beginning to sink before bursting into flames. She gasped, back-peddling for a moment before shaking herself. No, she couldn’t run away. She was a Klein and Recluse’s daughter, after all. “What’re you doing, Wendy,” she called from some distance away, eyeing him suspiciously.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-15-2021, 02:54 PM

Misery was searching for something to interest him along the terrain with limited results.  A few sticks got sniffed at and chewed on for an unusual scent, crevices got his muzzle pushed into them but without much luck.  There had to be something fun to do.  When he heard Wendigo farther off Misery grinned.  Well of course if anyone could find fun it was his brother. Misery picked up his pace into a trot.

The black and pale silver wolf paused before making it all the way when he spotted a bit of movement.  Some sort of snake was crawling super slow and with the awfully strange patterns.  Watching it he spotted a few red splashes on it and caught the scent of its blood.  Something had got to it before Misery.  Misery thanked whatever animal or act of nature had found it first and grabbed its tail, hefting it in the air and trotting along.  Luckily for Misery, it was a ratsnake and one that apparently was hurt enough there was limited fight left in it.  Wait until Wendigo saw what he found!

The snake was forgotten almost immediately when he saw Wendi playing with a red pool of some sort.  He passed right by Kali with just a glance back at her before moving to this red flowing goop.  Kali and her snake could see his new toy, some helpless snake dangling in his mouth.

Trotting up he was about to ask what it was when he remembered he was carrying a snake.  Dropping the creature he placed a paw over its neck, feeling its tail or sides or whatever the rest of it was twisting around behind. “Hey, what's this stuff Wendi?” Then on thought glancing back at Kali, “So, watcha doin? Gonna play with us?”  Misery didn’t know for sure what they were playing yet but with Wendigo things always got fun.

Speech:"Want to play? "

Wendigo I


1 Year

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth1K
02-21-2021, 03:45 PM
Wendigo Klein

There wasn't much to throw into the lava here. If it had dribbled down into the Nook then he could have had a heyday. Here it was just rocks, rocks, and more rocks. Not that rocks were bad. They were nice and heavy and the really big ones made a big satisfying blop sound when he threw them in. But a rock was a rock was a rock...and he got bored easily. An attempt to switch to leaves was very disappointing as no matter how hard he threw it, it came back to him. To get one leaf in Wendigo ended up working it into a crack in a rock and then throwing that into the lava. But that also wasn't the same. It was just a rock wearing a crunchy hat.

Thinking size may have been the issue, Wendigo had just drew over and heaved in a huge stone when his sister walked up. The rock had been so heavy he hadn't been able to throw it far and it had struck the edge of the flow, causing lava to splatter everywhere. Wendigo danced back with a shriek and then turned giddily to face his sister. "I'm burning things up!"

And then there was Misery's voice. "Runny fire! It's great," he answered as he turned to face his brother. Instantly Wendigo's eyes went to the writhing snake. He dropped his head to the ground beside it, one eye smashing closed, and pawed at its flicking tongue while making 'pspspsp' noises. He liked snakes. They were like big worms that bit back.

screams | actions



2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
02-25-2021, 09:05 PM

Her other, equally chaotic, brother came up and swept past her, something looking like a limp branch hanging from his jaws. When she gave a squint, she could see that it was a snake and her eyes widened. Abaddon gave a startled hiss, his tongue flickering frantically as he tightened himself around her. What the heck was he doing with a snake like that? Snakes were awesome and beautiful and fearsome, not some toy. She scowled with distaste, wondering how she could possibly be related to Wendigo or Misery. Carnage she could understand, but these two? Surely she had some other, good siblings out there that had somehow managed to be switched at birth with these two idiots.

“I am definitely not going to play with you,” she said with a humph, planting her butt on the ground to make a show of it. She’d just watch and collect information for later.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-01-2021, 07:50 PM

Runny fire?  Well that was enough for Misery to realize not to touch it or risk getting splashed by it.  What about Wendigo?  Well, he wasn’t likely to get himself killed so it was fine.  The squirmy snake caught his attention again, the poor thing would have a longer life span if it remained still.
“Hm…” Kali’s response was ignored with no more than a roll of his eyes for the moment.  He’d respond later as the boy's mind was deciding what he wanted to do with runny fire as it was pretty neat.  After a second he grabbed the snake's tail and picked it back up, stepping closer to the runny fire before lowering his head down enough the snake's head and a small portion of its body was on the ground to slither while he held onto the rear.  The snake was trying to go away from the flame, so apparently, snakes knew fire might hurt.

Misery dropped the snake all the way but not to set it free.  He wanted the tail end to go into the fire first but he’d miss the snake's reaction if he had to hold the front end.  The snake tried to flee and Misery kicked at it and soon a game was ensuring of a snake trying to flee and Misery kicking it and blocking its escape.  The pup didn’t want it going in all in one gulp, he wanted to see how the runny fire would react to snake scales.  “C’mon, play with us,” Misery told the snake with a laugh.

“Kali, come on, don’t you want to see what happens?  What if snakes can swim in fire rivers?  They can swim in rivers, at least I think they can.  Maybe scales are so funny and smooth cause they resist fire.  It would be cool to see, right?” It would burn, Misery was pretty sure of that, and by how much the snake didn’t want to go in that sort of raised the odds.

The poor snake was already in bad shape and finally had to acknowledge it couldn’t escape Misery, in a last-ditch effort the snake bit Misery’s paw and squeezed.  “Ouch!! Oww..”  Misery grimaced and almost shook it free of his paw when he realized this was a good way to dip it in.

“Owww..” Misery hopped over to the lava stream with paw in the air, the tail dragging so that it sizzled, “Bets on if it swims?” The sizzling suggested bad odds, and the tail was twisting in a flail, though even that was slowing due to being drained of energy despite the horrific pain.  It would die soon one way or another.

Speech:"Want to play? "