
Lesson Very Learned



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
02-14-2021, 01:37 PM

Percy wasn't sure if he still had all of his toes. Or both of his ears... or his nose... He'd lost feeling in his extremities long ago, and at this point he was too afraid to check. He'd just let himself thaw out and wait to see what started hurting. Or at least, what started hurting more than his already-frostbitten, bedraggled mortal frame currently did. All he cared about was putting one paw in front of the other, getting as far away from that gods-cursed ice bridge as he possibly could. He wandered south, dreaming of spring, so when a plume of steam and ice crystals shot up into the sky ahead of him the young male was fairly certain the cold had finally cracked him.

Even if his brain had been replaced with a block of ice, that didn't mean he wasn't curious. First an ice bridge, now what? Giant land whales? He'd seen one breaching off the coast before, and whatever he just saw or imagined he'd seen looked similar. Just a helluva lot bigger. Percy stopped atop a low rise, looking out over a field of patches of ice and bare stone. I almost forgot what earth without snow looked like, he mused, while mentally adding another tick in the 'I've finally lost it' box. What's worse, he didn't see hide nor flipper of any land whales, just a few strange icy structures that looked not unlike anthills. At least if he was doomed to live out the rest of his existence in some frozen hellscape induced frostbitten fever dream, it had neat architecture. A faint rumbling sound caught his attention, and Percy swiveled his head from side to side trying to place it. What on earth was- WHOOSH!

A gout of steam burst up into the sky, towering over him by two dozen feet, turning instantly to snow before drifting off on the stiff breeze. Percy, now sat back on his haunches, eyes wide and claws digging into the snow beneath him, let out an elegant, "Meep!" ...How the hell did someone manage to bury the whale?

"Talk" "Listen" Think

Perseus' siblings may enter into any of his threads, regardless of tagging!
Note: Perseus also has a glowing mutation visible in low lighting.