
Meat-Lovers Club

Cannibal Cult



2 Years

02-14-2021, 09:57 PM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2021, 12:18 AM by Lyssa.)

The forest was dark, the setting was gloomy. Any wolf would be foolish to go out in the given weather, especially alone, but not all were born with the wonderful aspect of common sense. A blur of black fur traveled through the thick trees, feminine snout lowered to the ground, eyes narrowed, ears pricked with the intensity of the hunt. Tail curled skywards, legs moving deftly. Not far ahead, the prey sat, gazing up at the moon from a break in the canopy. He was ultimately calm, body relaxed, tail waving back and forth in a lazy manner. This prey was more than half asleep, for they had left their loyal pack to get a good night’s rest.

A wicked smile curved the huntress’s expression, a loose chuckle escaping into the cool air as her victim came into view. Her prey twitched an ear backward, his head turning to shoot an orange-eyed glare back at the darkness. “I told you to stay with the pack, Brenner.” The thick voice called into the misty void, eyes tinted with annoyance. His nose wriggled slightly, trying to discover the scent of the intruder, but the huntress was much more skilled than a simple pup, crouched downwind. “Brenner?” The white mass of fur inquired, shoulders tense with worry as he scrambled to his paws. He held his head high as if he could even try to feign dominance over what crept in the shadows.

“Hush now little snow-hare. I can hear the fear in your voice.” The voice of the huntress replied, her taunting dulcet voice ringing out into the clearing where her prey was beginning to panic. Out into the moonlight she stalked, ash-speckled mane fluffed with intimidation. Her pale green eyes shimmered with unhidden intentions, and her prey could see very clearly.

“Who are you? You don’t live here…” The white-furred male lifted his head higher, taking a step back, tail held high to match that of the huntress. However, his expression flickered with doubt and fear, the one thing that instantly marked him as prey.

“You don't know, do you? Perhaps it's time to find out.” The dark female purred before launching forward, a display that sent terror into her prey’s heart. He stepped back, but loose pebbles underpaw caused him to lose his footing, a dire mistake.

Like a true predator she acted on oppertunity. Despite her insuperior size, she easily managed to overwhelm him whether it be the sheer fury of her offense or the steady-beat of her heart compared to his. She could hear the thud-thud-thud of his little heartbeat quicken, conciously aware of what he feared would come. “Please, struggle a little harder!” The huntress whispered into his ear and then cackled softly. "It's boring if you don't." There was a touch of amusement in her voice as if his torment was nothing more than a game.

As quickly as it started, it was over. The clearing was filled with a short-lived scream, replaced with a gargle and the splatter of something wet as it struck the ground in great amounts. The excitement was short-lived and it was clearly the huntress was disappointed with the outcome. "How anti-climatic." She said with a bitter sigh.

Skillfully she carved the prime pieces to stash for later. Though she had to be quick knowing the smell of blood would draw others to the clearing. When the dark figure finished butchering, all that was left was the severed head of her most recent kill, orange eyes wide, mouth agape, set on the very area he’d been sitting, gazing up at the round circle in the sky.

short-story by Tiger. Adaptations by Scarlet.

To my knowledge, there are no cannibals on Ardent. A while back me and a friend created a pair of cannibalistic characters one of which is my character Lyssa. She's on her own for now since her papa went missing a while ago. Her father is currently up for adoption here.

The idea for this cult isn't equal to a pack. Lyssa and her father hold their own set of values and have no regard for traditional authority. The cult's members could have their own lives, families, and other affiliations beyond the cult. The cult would have a hierarchy in which the lead-roles would be respected and would keep order but would not provide protection as members are expected to be able to fight and take care of themselves. If an unpredictable and dangerous environment where your character could get hurt or even be killed sounds frightening, then it isn't the place for your character. Established members are less likely to get badly injured or killed unless issuing a rank or maim challenge.

Cult Benefits

- A place to train and sharpen skills.
- A sanctuary for ruthless, dangerous, and unstable characters.
- Group hunts
- A place to punish, torture, or kill off unwanted characters or encourage character-development.
- Members can have their own lives and affiliations outside the cult.

Cult Negatives
- Unpredictable environment with dangerous individuals.
- Likely to not be popular with other packs if discovered.
- Cannibalism duh

I'm open for all sorts of ideas regarding how the cult functions and character ideas.

Cult hierarchy would look something like...

>>>The Apex<<

A pair, trio, or quartet that act as a counsel. They have the most authority and respect in the cult. To become Apex it is a mixture of skill, popularity, intimidation, and wit. Like all ranks in the cult, they too can fall in and out of good standing and lose the respect of the people.


Exceptional in both character and skill. These are experienced hunters within the group capable of training apprentices, leading hunts, and are the most trusted and respected by the Apex.

>Skin-Crawler,  Pelt-Wearer,  The Shapeless aka Herbalist/Healer<

The only role with permission to provide care and basic-amenities to the cult's people. While it is discouraged to provide unnecessary care even to those in pain or discomfort as it is a waste of resources. Instead, cheaper less-costly remedies are implied to those in true-distress: A swift-acting poison or a snapped vertebrae being the most merciful methods. The only exception being pregnant mothers and pups, as those are the future and successors to the faction.


The cult's base rank. It's made up of all sorts of characters looking to crawl their way to the top. Some may be content to be here as it's certainly better than being... below standing. Members of this role are treated with moderate esteem.

Little Fangs (Apprentices)

Pups and adolescents who don't quite have enough knowledge and experience to be dangerous. These are usually individuals under six months awaiting or undergoing training.

The Unworthy

The lowest, least respected rank in the cult. These are likely slaves, prisoners, or members without social-standing. One with this rank can expect unfair treatment to say the least... Unfortunates with this rank are susceptible to hazing, abuse, and other forms of punishment. The Apex have the least tolerance for this rank and those who overstep will be swiftly and mercilessly reprimanded.

Cult Guidelines and Beliefs

- The first rule of cannibal cult is you don't talk about cannibal cult. Think of it more as a secret society.

- These folk have an unusual appetite for canid flesh. Which means they kill and eat their own kind. Some do so simply for sport and enjoyment. Lyssa for instance likes to toy with her prey and enjoys the hunt more than she does the taste.

- You are either a hunter or the hunted. Those who fall below a certain standing in the group will be treated as prey.

- Cult members are expected to be able to care for themselves. Pups are the exception, at least until they reach 5-6 months of age. This means that even if a pack member becomes injured or critically ill. They will not be cared for beyond basic treatment from a healer.

-They may be used as spies, killers-for-hire, etc depending on future alliances. Lyssa will likely end up with Lurid and her rag-tag group.

Character Ideas

You can find a variety of character designs here... free of charge for participants.

Lyssa is unpredictable, cruel, and takes enjoyment in the suffering of others. Those who wish to interact with her must be fully-aware and have discretion in their interactions. If you don't like the idea of your character being harmed then you are advised to stay far away.

Lyssa was born with somatosensory loss. It prohibits her ability to feel pain almost completely.

A woman's voice!

I quickly ran

Into the trees with empty hands

A fox it was

He shook, afraid

I spoke no words, no sound he made

His bone exposed

His hind was lame

I raised a stone to end his pain

What caused the wound?

How large the teeth?

I saw new eyes were watching me...

Nox Nightingale


4 Years

02-19-2021, 12:31 PM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2021, 01:05 PM by Nox Nightingale.)
I'm currently working on the overall outline of the cult. I'll need some help as I go along but I have found some inspiration and I will be listing it. Discretion is advised as many topics surrounding the cult are mature-themed. If you a squeamish or uncomfortable with topics of cannibalism, abuse, self-harm, etc... Please move on, this is not the place for you.

Cult Ver.1: Semi-Religious Themes


- Mauerova Cult Family

Idea Incorporations

The cult would still be based firmly on the 'strong triumph over the weak' belief. However, taking a more religious take on it, those who entered the cult (mainly those stupid or unstable enough to listen) would be forced to undergo physical trials in which they would have to prove their worth. Lyssa would likely be the one supervising these trials and maybe even taking part.

- Cult members would prove themselves through physical devotion likely by enduring abuse, torture, starvation, etc, or forced to harm themselves. It would either be a sort of 'initiation' for Lyssa's enjoyment or a trial for those who had fallen in cult-standing and want to rise through the ranks again.

- Punishment and subservience through similar trials. Those low in cult-standing or those taken in as 'pets' (weak individuals under the influence of the cult and either seeking protection or food.) are likely to endure abuse regardless. Lyssa likely being the main aggressor as she finds the suffering of others a pleasant passtime .

- Still thinking...
Lupa is Nox's bodyguard and second-in-command. While she clearly does her own thing, he's usually not far behind unless instructed otherwise.

[Image: g1hkYWI.png]

Laying down my past I scream.

This is not the end of me.

Time to bury it or me.

I can't take back who I've been but this is where I'll start again.



2 Years

02-26-2021, 11:50 PM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2021, 11:51 PM by Lyssa.)
Current Standing and Hierarchy


Lyssa is unpredictable, cruel, and takes enjoyment in the suffering of others. Those who wish to interact with her must be fully-aware and have discretion in their interactions. If you don't like the idea of your character being harmed then you are advised to stay far away.

Lyssa was born with somatosensory loss. It prohibits her ability to feel pain almost completely.

A woman's voice!

I quickly ran

Into the trees with empty hands

A fox it was

He shook, afraid

I spoke no words, no sound he made

His bone exposed

His hind was lame

I raised a stone to end his pain

What caused the wound?

How large the teeth?

I saw new eyes were watching me...