
The joy discord can bring


06-01-2014, 06:40 PM

The day was still in full swing, but the temperatures remained cold and there was nothing she could do about it. Long, graceful legs carried a dark blue babe across the dead grass, her paws caressing the ground they touched. As each step kept up its own soft and relaxed tempo, Pandora's brightly lit turquoise blue eyes looked around. Everything that had been full of life before was now dead to the her. What a shame for the girl's first visit to the thicket.
Taurig and Maija's legacy lived on in her and the four siblings she shared. The said legacy was something she wanted to keep up and make them proud, but as she continued to grow, it was becoming less of a priority. Pandora Selene Artenie was becoming a girl of many qualities, some of which had not been revealed yet. All she knew was that she felt a power reside inside herself and it would not go away. Brimming with self-confidence and assurance of how she would greet the unknown world, she continued to think of all the possibilities that lay in front of her.
That day, she wasn't looking for anything in particular. Her plans for the future had yet to be made, but she had an inkling of a thought to catch up with her Aunt Sibelle. Since Maija had decided to take herself and their family away from the island, she knew that there were other connections waiting to be touched again. The problem was, Maija hadn't told Pandora who those connections were, leaving the young girl in a daze. No matter. The half-Romanian didn't let that dampen her spirits. She would make her own connections, and retain them for the future. After all, you never know when they will come in handy.

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4 Years
06-05-2014, 07:02 PM

Russet paws would carry the petite girl over the sun warmed grass, her base pelt would blend well with the tall vegetation. All around her the dormant life produced a monotonous tone, as gold rimmed eyes took in the environment around her. As her usual habit luxurious two toned tail was flagged above her speckled back. A smirk would be placed on the Adravedni's lips, confidence apparent in her dainty steps. Dried grass would disguise her as gentle form searched for those she would call family. She only wished her eyes to lay upon those that birthed her, long term goals had not been realized yet as the young she wolf would walk farther. The dry grasses would turn into thick brambles, dusty ears would fall to her skull at the sudden wall.
Bright gaze would observe the thick brush, the girl would make a decision to stop, not wanting the nasty burs caught in her silky coat. However attention would be caught on the sudden appearance of a darkly colored she wolf. Isolde's gaze would focus on on the marked girl as her golden dipped paws would carry her easily through the thick plant life. Blinking the young girl's head would tilt curiously at her appearance. Once again debating her entrance into the brush.

touch the stars

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06-05-2014, 07:45 PM

The chill in the air was enough for scents to be extra pungent once hitting the right nose. For Pandora, the scent was so strong that day, her nose had wanted to push it out and bring it back in. Ecstasy was something Pandora was not used to, but upon recognizing that someone else was there, she wanted to become wrapped up in the unfamiliar sweetness. Her eyelids closed, gold tips revealed that naturally graced the outer edges of her eyes. Eyelashes fluttered until she felt the scent wane in its thickness. Slowly, her eyes opened and the owner of the perfume was noted not too far from where she stood.
She immediately thought the girl looked lovely (the parts she could see, anyway). A gentle smile crossed her face and she started to move through the brush and around the sharp thorns. Her body moved as if it was built for such tight spots and if it enticed anyone, oh well. Pandora would take the blame for making others' paws sweat and brows furrow in frustration, but that would happen in time. Oh, if only she knew what kind of journey this girl would provide for her.
Her gold-kissed paws continued to move to open spots on the ground, touching cold places that hadn't been caressed by such dainty paws in a long time. Then, as she stood in an awkward position while facing the girl, she changed her mind and direction. Rather than go back the way she had come, she immediately turned to her left and proceeded to find a new path through the thick, bristly web of branches and thorns. Gold-backed ear pricked in the girl's direction and Pandora slowly moved her head so one blue eye could make contact with the russet-furred maiden. She noted a few spots on her back and her curiosity increased in hunger. Instead of changing her mind again, she gave another soft smile and voiced, "Not chicken, are we?" before beginning her next mission through the underbrush. She hoped that one of the wide arches of empty brush would appear so she would be able to properly stretch out any muscles that were going to be misused.

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4 Years
06-05-2014, 08:07 PM

Gold rimmed eyes would become quite trained onm the other girl's form as she slowed, taking notice of the princess. Isolde would find a curious smile on her lips as she watched the other wolf, wondering exactly what she was doing any why she might be in the thicket. The Adravendi-Mathias girl had absolutely no reason to subject herself to such a mess of a place, why would this girl be within? The russet lady would watch the stranger draw near, seemingly just as curious as Isolde herself. Still an innocent being the two girls would not realize what th efuture would possibly hold for them Or the hearts the due would break, all she knew was her eyes could not be taken off her unique pelt and markings. The cobalt girl seemed just as one of a kind as herself.
She would stand elegantly as she awaited the girl's presence beside her, grin turning up into an expectant smile. However the golden accented girl would turn, teasing the appaloosa marked she wolf. Features would fall in disappointment as she turned away, only appearing as a tease in Isolde's mind. She would watch, still curious however as she turned, finally giving her a voice to lovely form. Creamy brows would furrow and a loud snort of protest would leave her. "Are you going to be the one to pick the burrs from my pelt?" she didn't expect her to answer, but if it was right she would certainly be falling in behind her.

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06-05-2014, 08:22 PM

Pandora had already started her small journey towards an unknown placed piece of thorn-free branches when the other girl had given a protesting answer. Her right front paw had been between rising and falling, hanging in midair as she turned the same ear back in the stranger's direction. She scoffed herself and slowly move her head through the nearest briars to meet the girl's gaze again. This time, she had a hint of mirth in her one eye as she looked at how the wind gently pushed her fur across her slender frame. The gold accents of Pandora's fur - both front and back - shimmered in the light as she softly answered, "Of course. Why bring you so far without looking out for your well being?"
Again, Pandora didn't wait for her to answer. She lowered the frozen paw in midair and felt the firmness of the cool earth make contact. Such a feeling made Pandora's skin prickle from the touch. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she progressively walked and crawled through the twisted and dangerous bristles. Curvaceous as she was, it helped her all the more to avoid the burrs that were potentially able to stick to her smoothed down fur. It was something Pandora didn't want and she was ready to ensure her vanity remained intact. Ears remained attentive as she listened for the entrance of the girl into the brush.

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4 Years
06-05-2014, 08:36 PM

Her words would freeze the girl in place, her features again turning to her dusty form. It seemed the two were rather alike, the dark girl echoing her tone of voice. She would easily retort, stating easily she would be looking out for her own well being. Curiosity would grow, and with a graceful ease the speckled girl entered the briar patch. It was obvious the adventurous maiden would not wait, Isolde would hold to her end of the bargain. Dainty figure would wind through the spider webs of thick bramble trunks. While the girl didn't with vile burs stuck within her pelt at the same time she would find herself craving the promised grooming at the end of their trip. Blindly she would follow the she wolf, silently she her eyes would flick from bramble to golden kissed fur ahead of her.
Isolde would enjoy the mystery of her partner, she was unsure if she was ready to vanquish the silence that fell between them. Questions would pop up into her occupied mind, flashes of questions as she followed this she wolf against better judgement. She knew not even her name, but so easily she would crawl after her into the brush. Somehow she would not complain, curiosity occupying her and burning under her chilled skin.


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06-05-2014, 08:50 PM

Like her partner, Pandora's mind was slowly coming up with questions of its own. Instead of having a whirlwind of them, however, they rose into blackness like the letters from the Caterpillar's smoking pipe. After a few seconds, they would dissipate into that blackness and perhaps reappear later. Pandora's mood was chilled like the cold air around them, but her body heat only made it that more enticing. She hoped that such thoughts would not be rejected.
When she heard the girl slip into the brush behind her, she couldn't help but feel excited. Words didn't have to be said and explanations didn't have to be used, either. She was elated that such enticement came from little words, and her mother's silence made sense to her then. Pandora's eyes twinkled as she felt the warmth of the other's body not too far behind her own. Aside from her litter mates, immediate family, and Talvi's short presence, she hadn't been near anyone else...and it felt great.
The vane girl was sure that her newfound ally could see the back of her head and she twitched the golden ears for entertainment. They shimmered in the bleak sun that shined upon them and she felt the warmth of its rays sink into her skin. Words weren't exchanged until Pandora saw the shady break of the bush that she was needing so badly. "Not too far now." Excitement bubbled in her chest and swept through the rest of her slender frame. She was ready for a good stretch.
Her gold-dipped paws reached the outskirts of the shaded and secluded circle and she pushed herself through the rest of the branches. Once she was free, she took a few steps forward and shook herself all over. Her fur fell back into its proper place as she looked over her shoulder to see if the girl had made it in one piece as well.

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4 Years
06-05-2014, 09:14 PM

Isolde was close to no one, much of her life had been spent alone and so her social interactions were somewhat awkward and ill timed. However this encounter felt more natural to the girl than breathing. She would easily follow the golden marked girl, fur bristling in the chilly breeze as it was tousled roughly. She could feel herself wishing for the close proximity of the one she followed. Rusty ears would fall to her skull, her mind confused by the interaction provided her and the odd thoughts sprinting within her mind. Letting herself simply accept them as she had the invitation to follow.
She would wonder their destination, but keeping with her vow of silence, ears suddenly perking at lyrics were heard once again. Attention would be brought from the ground, chocolate eyes glancing from aqua gaze to tempting clearing. It seemed they were in the very middle of the patch, and this place, a pleasant break in the brush. Her golden gilded companions would step out, shaking her pelt from the imperfections that marred it. Isolde would emerge from the wall as Pandora brought her gaze over her shoulder. The auburn girl would wear a crooked smile as she brushed against the darker girl's pelt. "An enjoyable destination, certainly." Golden rimmed gaze would observe the clearing's gentle charm as she whispered her words.


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06-05-2014, 09:27 PM

The girl had made it safe and sound through the bush, all because of Pandora's guidance. She felt as if it hadn't been for her, the stranger would have been trapped in the bush for a long time. Who knows how long it would have been for someone to find her there, stuck with her legs at odd angles... Such a thought made the Artenie descendent mentally quiver. Oh, the humanity of it all.
Without even asking for permission or pondering how Pandora felt about personal space, she quickly approached and brushed her brown pelt against the cobalt beauty's. Pandora didn't have time to let it sink in before she returned the gesture, smooth fur against smooth fur. Her eyes twinkled in merry deviousness, but she didn't voice it to the young female. Instead, she softly blinked and leaned her head to the side as she softly asked, "An enjoyable one that hopefully did not tarnish your coat...Unless, of course, it did, then adjustments will have to be made." She sidestepped away from the girl, eyes looking at the fur that surrounded her face and upper torso. A couple were noted, but she didn't attempt to remove them without getting permission to slip through the personal bubble gates.

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4 Years
06-05-2014, 09:42 PM

Isolde had no doubt she would have made her way through the brush perfectly fine without Pandora, however she would have never set foot to the earth had the cobalt girl not led her within. As she found her way out though she couldn't help but be drawn to the warmth of their shared space. Strawberry fur mixed with the blueberry as a slight shiver ran over her pelt. The cold striking her rather harshly. Isolde would find the gesture being returned, She would smirk, oddly pleased by the returned action. "An enjoyable one that hopefully did not tarnish your coat...Unless, of course, it did, then adjustments will have to be made." the darker girl's words would flow into her audits, forms separating as turquoise orbs roamed silky russet fur. Isolde would blush slightly, remembering the parameters of the journey. Obviously permission was needed, "I expect you'll make good on your promise?" permission evident in her gentle lyrics. Too much time had passed since she had been groomed by anyone, family or otherwise.

touch the stars

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06-05-2014, 09:59 PM

Her eyes glistened and twinkled with the restless curiosity and desire to feel the girl's strawberry-toned fur. Excitement ran through her body like electricity and she was sure that her newfound companion would be shocked by a mere touch. Slowly, she took the two steps that separated them and a relaxed smile that matched her eyes appeared on her face. "I always come through with my promises." Her Romanian accent lightly hit the right words as she gave a hint of a toothy smile.
Pandora's nose then lightly touched the girl's left cheek as she started looking for the burrs that had tried to hide in the thick fur. She found one on the girl's neck and her teeth lightly clenched to the skin that had been pricked by the sticker. Taking her time, she pulled and tugged in various directions to get the burr free from the fur. If she pulled too hard and her companion squeaked, she would tenderly lick the area before attempting again. After a couple of minutes, Pandora was able to get rid of the sticker. She flung it into the nearby brush and groomed the fur that had been messed up. Teeth and saliva worked together to smooth the piece of pelt that was standing on all ends and pretty soon, it was as if nothing had been there.
Pandora advanced to the other side of her neck, but nothing was noted in that part of the fur. She continued to scan and look for other burs that possibly hid within the thick pelt, nose gently moving like a metal detector across her sides, spine, and lower back. Pandora took her time, making sure that she covered the necessary parts of fur that were the most important. When she came across one, the same ritual was carried out like it had been for the first sticker she had found. Tenderness and a gentle silence was what followed each discovery and pretty soon, Pandora had reached her tail.
A burr had found itself on the end of the girl's tail and Pandora didn't waste any time getting it unstuck. The thickness of her companion's tail was different than the rest of her frame and that made Pandora want to chomp down as if it were a piece of meat. However, she knew better and refrained from doing such a thing. The fluffiness of it made Pandora's nose tingle as she worked on the last burr. Her own plumage swept behind her, showing off the gold zebra stripes that graced her hind legs. The burr was then set free and she looked up to glance at the girl's turned face. "I think I got all of them...They weren't hard to find and set free..."

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4 Years
06-11-2014, 07:39 AM

Isolde could feel the gentle hum of electricity that crackled between their bodies. She could see the relaxation in the golden touched girl's smile, such a sight would ease her features and her body would visibly relax as Pandora made a step towards her. "I always come through with my promises." then suddenly the other girl was touching her, making good on her promise in finding the burs. They were stuck rather well, the first bur taking the cobalt the several minutes to dislodge, but the close company was not distasteful. The young appaloosa marked girl would feel a rather unpleasant tug as Taurig's descendant loosed the seed. Her delicate lips would usher forth a uncomfortable protest, but as she did so her companion's gentle tongue would soothe her skin.
Russet body would relax as she was doted upon, Pandora's care obvious in the gentle yet efficient movements down her body. The other girl would take her time, Isolde would shiver involuntarily as the golden gilded girl's nose caressed her spine and lower back. Obvious chills would run over her skin as her massage would end at her luxurious tail. The last bur would be freed thanks to this mystery girl. "I think I got all of them...They weren't hard to find and set free..." Her golden glazed chocolate gaze would find her companion's cooler hues. Isolde would smile sheepishly, her elegant limb shuffling forward to draw lines in the sand as her eyes were averted.
She couldn't remember the last time someone had taken such good care of her. It hadn't been much time that the cobalt goddess had doted on her, but the time spent had been rather luxurious. "You're so careful.." she would whisper, gaze shyly finding the other girl's features again, "Why did you bring me out here, I don't even know your name?" she had an urge to curl herself against the other girl, she wanted to feel the electricity that had surged between them before. However the timid dove would keep herself still.

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06-11-2014, 06:27 PM

Pandora's intense gaze remained on Isolde as she watched the girl sheepishly make random patterns in the dirt. A soft smirk appeared on her face as her eyes looked away, then back as she commented on how gentle Pandora's actions had been. Pearly white canines briefly showed themselves in a tender grin as Pandora looked back to the Appaloosa spots across the girl's hind flanks. "Only because I didn't want to hear you scream or moan...for the wrong reasons." Ohh, the words that could come out of her mouth! Taurig would have a fit.
She stood in the opposite direction of Isolde, giving her tail the opportunity to lightly flick against her right front leg. The cream-colored girl continued to ask why she had been brought here. All Pandora could do was lightly shrug, unintentionally showing off the designs that glimmered in the growing darkness. "I didn't bring you came on your own." It was true, even though Pandora kind of lured her with the right words and movements through the thicket.
Then, Isolde asked her about her name. Pandora's turquoise blue eyes gave off a more vibrant stare as she slowly lowered her head back to Isolde's tail. Nipping the tip playfully, she looked back up and swayed it side to side before moving on. She then let go and traced her nose up Isolde's right side, noting the crevices and tingling bits of her spine. Whatever fur she had sticking up would be smoothed down in the future, if Isolde allowed her to do so. So, the cobalt beauty met her little friend's ear with her dark lips and she softly whispered, "Pandora..." As her voice faded, she lowered her head to meet Isolde's gaze and a coy smile appeared on her lovely face. "Artenie." You could never leave out the last name. Her head ticked to one side as she watched Isolde before asking, "Who are you?"

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4 Years
06-11-2014, 07:53 PM

She could feel Pandora's gaze upon her, brilliant aqua eyes taking in her every inch. The cobalt girl would flash her pristine teeth, "Only because I didn't want to hear you scream or moan...for the wrong reasons." Isolde would feel her eyes widen momentarily, her cheeks becoming rather flush at her bold words. Her companion would continue though, going on to shrug as an answer explaining, "I didn't bring you came on your own." Isolde would furrow her brows slightly, what had she expected Isolde to do? She had challenged her and then offered to clean her up afterwards. Their minds would not stay on the past however, as Isolde asked for her name Pandora would mischievously lower her head to the tip of her tail. A warm tickling sensation would build within her as the gilded girl's nose trailed up her side, she would feel a shiver run over her spine and a heat rise to her cheeks. A name would be whispered in her ear, Isolde would shudder in return. Eager gaze would catch that of Pandora's as she locked their gaze. "Who are you?" Then her own question would come.
Her voice was light as a feather, though there was a nervous eagerness within her tones. "Isolde Everlyse.." she would suck in her breath slowly, "Adravendi-Mathias." white lashes would flutter over her golden rimmed gaze as once again she looked to Pandora. What would she do now? Isolde felt frozen in place, unable to move or say anything else as she became trapped in the girl's vibrant orbs.


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06-11-2014, 08:24 PM

The way Isolde reacted to her touch was something Pandora enjoyed witnessing. She had never been with someone outside of her family, so having this chance to be this attentive was something she didn't want to easily give up. Isolde revealed her name and Pandora's ears perked to the long, lovely name. " sounds perfect," she softly remarked.
Her eyes continued to hold onto the young girl's as her tail flicked behind her.
Silently, Pandora was not sure what was going to happen next, but the electricity in the air around them was too much for her to ignore. She nipped at the girl's neck before pulling back and nuzzling the same place she had bitten her. Playful growls escaped through Pandora's clenched teeth as she rubbed her head against the thick, creamy pelt that Isolde so proudly wore. Perhaps Pandora was too young to attempt such thoughts that had been running through her head. Maybe, when she grew up a bit, it would be better...and more sweet.
For that night, Pandora took a few steps back to look at Isolde. "Isolde, will you do me the honor of watching one of the most lovely things nature can show?" Before Isolde gave her an answer, she lowered herself on the ground and made the perfect place next to her so they could look up without hurting their necks.




4 Years
06-11-2014, 08:39 PM

Pandora would dote over her, a gentle voice revealing her pleasure at hearing the princess's name. Isolde would feel the familiar heat of a blush at the sound. She would keep her gaze bound in her eyes, the spark between them intense as the cobalt girl would decide on what to do with the doll before her. Isolde was oddly still as her companion moved to nip at her neck, the feeling was sudden and unexpected. She felt a gasp fall from her lips, but it was pleasing. She would whine as Pandora growled, and caressed her pinched skin before nuzzling into her thick fur. Isolde would find her knees growing weak at the touch, but would lean into her movements. She would almost fall into Pandora as she stepped away, "Isolde, will you do me the honor of watching one of the most lovely things nature can show?" Her dusty ears would fall to her skull as she nodded curiously, gold rimmed eyes watching as she lowered herself to the earth.
She offered a perfect place to curl next to her, and Isolde would not resist. She would find her limbs folding easily beneath her as she placed her form next to the cobalt girl. Their fur would touch and she would hold in another quiet gasp at the sudden warmth of her side. "Of course, Pandora." she would say quietly as her form fit perfectly into the space next to her companion.


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