
Blood and Fire



2 Years
Extra large
Judas I
02-19-2021, 10:27 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2021, 08:02 PM by Enenra.)
[For Emiko.]

By now, the iron blooded young wolf knew he was by far lost from the stronghold from home and its commanding grip. A weight had been lifted off the young wolf's shoulders upon his leave though in its place was uncertainty, confusion and curiosity. Enenra opened himself to it, happy with the prospect of a new start, away from not neccesarily his style of life but his cold and hardened father.

Kanna had been his guide through all of this, but even she too had her limits. After her mate and son's death, Enenra could see why his presence with her would be strained- a bad memory she could not escape from. So, he offered her space, making certain he would not abandon her though went his separate way for a time all the same.

Life alone was, of course, lonely and it was the first time which Enenra had experienced such and in winter, no less. But this land here was warmer then any he had come across. Chilled, snow flurries dancing in the air, but not bare and cruel. He would stay here during this season where it was pleasant, he figured. Where life took him from there, only time would tell.



2 Years
02-27-2021, 12:52 PM
The warrior had wandered far amd wide in search of something that she hadn't given a name to. She thought once she found it she would know but it remained the feeling of something missing. Very much like the feeling of forgetting something that you aren't sure you actually forgot. Her search was the reason she'd left her home and the feeling that it was time for her to move on from that life.

So now in this new place it was time to start a new life. The biggest question that plagued her was where to start. She had many skills but she didn't know if she sought a life where she would be using them. Maybe she was looking for something simpler. With all the time she'd had she still hadn't figured out what she really wanted from this life.

Now her black and white figure moved through the forest. It was about survival in the winter months in a place that she wasn't familiar with. Her gaze scanned the landscape ahead of her until it landed on the figure of another. She paused for just a moment deciding her next move. Black paws moved toward the figure, "Hey," she called out to announce herself. There was something about him that seemed familiar. "Have we met?" She asked as she drew closer.



2 Years
Extra large
Judas I
03-06-2021, 08:18 PM
He didn't mind the cold, not really. It was the lack of food which drove him south. He was after all despite his age a very large wolf and was still a growing boy. He was hungry, but not so much so that he felt the need to risk himself by stealing from caches from another. This land was warmer then that of the north and he was blissfully unaware that the worst was yet to come.

For the time being whilst he still had the energy about him, he set off to finding a sort of shelter to shack up in from the elements, knowing already in his youth how unpredictable winters were. This forest was a grand and beautiful place, with large and thick twisted oaks spreading over the ground as they reached put with their limbs. The redwoods which dotted were towering, as far up as Enenra could see, their tops surely to ward off some of the snowfall. He would find a home here he knew, if only temporarily.

Nosing around the tangling branches of a massive fallen old oak, the flame-licked boy only lifted his head at the arrival of another. 'Hey', he understood that and he was surprised at how easy she had come to him without he noticing. A stealthy woman, far shorter then he but with a light, fit and swift figure.

A flamed ear twitches and then they both perk forth with a youthful curiosity. He couldnt understand the rest though her tone suggested questioning. Maybe she asked how he was? Maybe she asked who he was? "Ah...." He hesitance rolled off his tongue, revealing the beginnings of heavy accent. He had no choice but to respond by his own tongue to allow her to know of the language barrier. "I'm sorry. I do not know much common..."
Player Note: Speech written in italic means Enenra is speaking Japanese. This is his primary language and does not yet know common well.



2 Years
03-08-2021, 06:05 PM
Though her search has carries her far from home winter wasn't the time to set up a new life. It was more about getting through the cold months. She might be a little worse for wear, nothing a few weeks of abundant food wouldn't cure, but still alive. Emiko didn't have any doubts that she wouldn't make it no matter how harsh the weather might become. She'd traveled south in search of food and perhaps a shelter as her home base.

It was the spring and summer she looked forward to. This was when she could really start figuring out the new life that she sought. Maybe it would be the time that she would find the thing that she felt might be missing. Ot would also be the time to see what else this land might have to offer. She knew some others of her clan had left before so maybe she might find them too. For now she went about looking for the food and shelter she needed.

In that search she came across a wolf that seemed her age but was much larger than she. It was his flaming markings against a dark coat that gave her the feeling that she might know or knew him or someone like him. Emiko couldn't be sure, her past at times could be a blur or memories had faded. She needed to know so she approached asking him questions but she soon found out that when he spoke he probably didn't understand. She understood him though. He spoke the language of her native land. She still spoke it but in a new place where others spoke the common language she chose to speak that.

Speaking in her native language she asked her question again, "Have we met?" It was almost a relief to her to finally meet someone that spoke her language and might be able to understand her better than some of the commoners that were in this land. She would speak with him longer and see what information he might give her.



2 Years
Extra large
Judas I
04-04-2021, 05:55 PM
There was a few moments of lingering silence between the two young wolves and he took those moments to study her. That average sized wolf of a light and trimmed build of a huntress or scout, perhaps both. Her coating reminded her of the patchwork and spots often found around where he had once lived. She did not hold any mutations of horn, antler or great claws as some he had come to meet, however. His family, though often holding vibrant and beautiful markings over a dark base, was not 'blessed' with some of the mutations which the royals of his previous home came to have. Perhaps not blessed enough, not pure enough…

He mused on this, a hum on his coal lips and then she spoke once more. This time he understood and this time his flame-backed ears perked up with quite a curiosity. “I...” Hesitant, for her was quite shocked to meet someone that not only looked like the wolves he had since left behind, but spoke like them too. He wondered then if this woman had been unhappy in her home much like he had. That, or she had come to retrieve him. He doubted however his father cared enough to have someone hunt him down, granted the brand new wife which he now held to make him plenty of capable heirs where his first wife had failed. “I don’t think so but, you look familiar too?” Maybe they had known of one another despite never really interacting. His father had kept him from making many friends and so this was not farfetched that they had seen each other and yet did not know each other. "I was part of the Iga clan, once..." He admits, voice trailing. Would she deem him a traitor then?
Player Note: Speech written in italic means Enenra is speaking Japanese. This is his primary language and does not yet know common well.