
Summer Sunder




4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
02-23-2021, 11:37 AM
Iroh had Sarabi help him pack a small bag for a short trip to the south. The wildberry grove was calling his name and he didn’t want anyone else there with him besides his beautiful little Elise. He wasn’t sure where she was this morning, but like she promised she was proving herself useful to Aerie. Not that Iroh’s confidence wavered in her for a moment. He trusted her even more now that they lived together, she was good for her word. He’d given her his heart hadn’t he? Iroh had nothing of more value than that, and it was all hers.

Iroh was also well aware that she wouldn’t deny him this little vacation, he could feel how tense she was at the end of a long day. He’d also promised they wouldn’t remain stagnant inside Aeire’s borders. He loved the adventurous nature of his bride, and couldn’t imagine having to stifle that quality in her. Maybe they’d get even further than the camp in the grove, but that was up for discussion as well. Wherever they went, he was eager to get his paws moving. Iroh was well ready to be on his way, and he hoped as he sprung the surprise on her Elise would be satisfied with the supplies they had.

The Abraxas man made his way towards the border closest to Auster and he called for his lady to join him. Likely she would realize something was up when he didn’t come and find her as well as the location he called her from. This would also likely clue Eligos where he might be if the man happened to come looking for him. Iroh lowered his head and then his haunches to the ground as he waited, not expecting much delay on Elise’s part. Iroh waited patiently and his dark features sported a happy but subtle grin.

Where My Demons Hide



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
02-24-2021, 04:37 PM
Adjusting to pack life hadn't been as difficult as she had feared, but the fact that she had more than just herself to think about was a big change of pace. For the first few days she was able to keep herself busy just learning the lay of the land and finding her way around. At least she enjoyed the navigation aspect of things so it didn't feel tedious to map out the Ravine and the Lake for herself. Of course, that was only when she wasn't spending time with Iroh and it was sometimes difficult to peel herself away from his side. She didn't want to prevent him from taking care of his own work and at some point she would need to find her own footing around here as well so putting a bit of space between them wasn't a bad thing during the day. It made coming back home in the evening all the more enticing and gave her a motivation to do good work while she was away from him.

Once she was pretty comfortable with where to find everything she started to really dive in to where she might fit in best in the ranks. She knew Eligos had made his recommendation of what path she might fit in, but with so many options she really tried to dabble in a bunch of different things to see what might stick best. She did a bit of hunting, a sampling of a patrol, played around with some crafting, spent some time analyzing the weather patterns... anything and everything she thought might come of some use. Her biggest fear was that the other wolves in the pack might view her as just Iroh's mate. She was proud and thrilled to be with him, but she wanted more than that and she didn't see anything wrong with thinking that way.

However, if she was being honest, she was going a bit stir crazy. This was the longest period of time that she had ever spent in one place and while that was a good thing in many ways, she still slightly missed all the miles she used to travel and the sights she used to see. She knew she wasn't trapped here by any means, but she also didn't want to just run off on her own so soon after joining. That was why when Iroh called for her from a place that was very distinctly not their den it made her ears perk with interest and her head pop up to listen. She had no issue with abandoning the project she was working on in order to take off at an easy jog in her love's direction, finding him fairly easily after a few moments. She spied the bag he was carrying and easily noticed the fact that he was right in the path in order to head down to Auster. A grin pulled at her lips as she trotted over to him, her tail wagging gently behind her. "You look like you have something up your sleeve, handsome," she commented with a chuckle before giving him a light kiss, her sapphire gaze gleaming with curiosity.

WC: 529 (841/1500)

Walk | "Talk" | think



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
02-25-2021, 10:39 AM
He hoped that their time apart might lead to Elise growing more comfortable with her place and role here in Aerie. She was his mate, the love of his life, and the sun with which his world revolved around. However much she meant to him Iroh wanted her to find her place here. She was so much more than just his woman and he wanted his family to know that. Already she’d familiarized herself with her new home, and he’d seen the fruits of her labors as she worked out where her skills would be the most well utilized.

All of her hard work and effort wouldn’t go unnoticed by him, that was why he was so eager to take her out and about. She hadn’t been there long, but Iroh would keep every promise he made to her. Including the one that she would not be held behind pack borders. Iroh was loathe to deter her free spirit, so his suggestion of the grove would be just that. A suggestion. He wanted to put Elise in the lead, to follow her wherever her heart desired.

Iroh wasn’t forced to wait for very long, as he figured Elise was eager to meet him at the odd location. He could see the sudden look of realization that overtook her features as she realized what he might have planned for the two of them. The spotted beauty called him out on his motives as she approached with a sweet grin and her tail wagging at her lovely hips. Iroh returned her grin and kiss, though his was slightly more suggestive than her easy affection.

”Am I so obvious?” He asked with a chuckled as he pulled back to admire her beautiful gaze. ”I thought I’d ask my lady to join me on a trip… a vacation you could say.” He offered with a crooked smile as he aimed to shift himself to stand shoulder to shoulder with her. ”If you’re ready, I know I’ve sprung it on you but I think I’ve packed enough for the two of us to make it to the grove.” Their special little place in Auster that would always hold a special place in his heart.

Where My Demons Hide



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
02-26-2021, 09:50 PM
Elise would forever be entranced by his unique gaze and the sometimes not so subtle flirting he always offered her. She was naturally a flirt on her own accord, but he brought that out in her even more and it almost seemed as if they fed off of each other in that regard. Maybe that's why they were always so insatiable - not that she was complaining. She grinned with amusement when he asked about being obvious with his intentions and she teased, "I'm afraid subtlety isn't always your strong suit, my love." As soon as he mentioned a trip - a vacation in fact - she was fully on board. He knew exactly what she needed without her ever needing to say and that was one of the many things that made being with him so easy. She leaned into his side as he shifted to stand next to her, nuzzling into his neck with a grin. "Say no more... You had me at "trip," she insisted with a chuckle, giving his cheek a playful lick before setting off toward Auster with him. No need to waste any time, in her opinion at least.

The Wildberry Grove would most certainly always have a special place in her heart. It was where this amazing relationship of their's began and every each time they returned here it only led to more and more amazing memories. Sure, at some point she'd want to explore the rest of Auster more thoroughly as well, but she couldn't think of anywhere more perfect for a little winter vacation. Not only was she getting to spend some time with Iroh all to herself, but they were escaping a bit of the cold and coming back to a place that she loved so much. The trip felt like it flew by as they shared little bits of conversation and sweet nothings along the way, sneaking in kisses and affections any chance she could. If it wasn't obvious that she was head over heels for this man yet, this certainly proved it.

Her wide, blue gaze shifted upward as they passed through the maple trees, the dapples of fading sunlight filtering through and adding more spots and lines to her coat in the form of shifting shadows. A relaxed, happy grin spread across her face and she giggled as she turned her attention back toward Iroh, looking at him adoringly. The ever present sweet smell of berries was in the air and continued to pull back all of those memories that she could always look back on fondly. "It feels like ages ago and just yesterday that we met each other here," she mentioned wistfully as she leaned into his side again, tipping her head up to leave a teasing lick along his jaw.

WC: 466 (1682/1500)

Walk | "Talk" | think