
Going Under


5 Years
Athena I
05-31-2014, 11:41 PM

Burning and cold and pain. That's all Meili had felt for days now. It had started suddenly with blood dripping from her eyes in the most horrifying display she had ever seen. She hadn't seen Gael in what felt like forever, she felt so alone, everything was dark. Her body jerked uncontrollably, leaving her unable to leave her den for help or even get enough air into her lungs to call for it. At least, that was until her mind and gone so far into the all consuming darkness that she completely forgot about trying to find help.

Her body went in cycles. She would wake up to severe nausea, dry heaving since she had thrown up her last meal days ago. Then her limbs would jerk painfully, her vision all but gone now. Then she would break out into seizures until she fell unconscious once more. Meili never truly slept, only coming in and out of dark unconsciousness. She had no comprehension of what was happening.

What little time she had in some form of consciousness was haunted with voices, voices from her past that she couldn't recognize. Voices of her mother, her father, her sister... all voices she had long forgotten thanks to her amnesia, but they came back to her now, whispering words that she couldn't quite grasp.

Meili jerked awake once again, gasping shallow, painful gasps of air. Her eyes rolled weakly in her head. She didn't even have the strength to lift her head any more. The hunter laid on her side, whining quietly and staring wide eyed at the den wall. Suddenly her mind cleared for the briefest of moments and she glanced wildly around her, seeing the blood and vomit that was splattered on the floor around her. Her breathing hitched in her chest, terror grasping her just as her body began to twitch and jerk once more. She whined again, trying her best to put some volume behind it so maybe someone would hear. It was the best she could do.




6 Years
06-03-2014, 06:23 PM

Sickness had taken over Alacritia. Never had she seen anything like it before. Wolves with bleeding eyes, their bodies burning with fever and then locking in exhausting and terrifying seizures. Azalea remained healthy, and thankfully so was Sarak.

She didn't know what to do for anyone, she didn't know how to fix it. Worry rested largely on her children and Sarak. Azalea lurked through Valhalla, trying to find any plants that she thought might help, wishing all the while that her mother were around to help her know what to look for. It had been so long since she had learned the bare basics of herbal medicine.

Her path was stalled, the scent of blood and sickness picking up strongly. There was also the faint scent of her brother and Meili. She didn't know where they denned or if they even denned together yet. "Gael?" Her call was loud and cautious. Then she heard a whining noise, head snapped toward it and she was jogging in the direction it came from. She found a den, not bothering to ask to go in before plunging in.

"Gael!" She called again but instead she found Meili. There was no time to be thankful it wasn't her brother or to apologize, her mouth fell open in shock. "MEILI!" The name choked in her throat, overwhelmed with how she looked.

No professional was needed to see what was happening here. Meili hadn't gotten help. She had fallen ill alone and now she was slowly dying alone and worse in her own filth. She stood there conflicted. To run and get help or to stay and console her? "Meili, where is Gael? Do you want me to go get you some help? You should really get out of this den, I'll help you." Her voice was stressed, panicked, uncertain. This would be the closest she had ever been to Meili and the poor woman was hardly even there.


06-05-2014, 01:01 PM
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Sickness. It came sweeping over the land, infecting several members of Valhalla and who knew how many others across Alacritia. Arwel couldn?t know for sure, but he was certain that this incident was not isolated in their pack alone. He had been trying to do what he could for the sick, morning over Vahva... It had, in fact, even temporarily made him forget his duties as a brother. Meili... He hadn?t seen her in days. Not even a scent. That was when worry grasped him, and Arwel would seek his sister?s den.

The closer her got, the stronger the smell of sickness, blood, and filth. Arwel could feel his breath catching in his throat, panic hitting him before he even arrived at the den. He had been close enough, seeing another fae turn into the den, to hear her cry out his sister?s name. ?No!? He damned himself. Mentally damned himself so many times over in those few seconds that if his sister didn?t clearly need help he would have wished to be struck down by the gods then and there. Where was Gael? Why was she alone? Or had been alone...

Arwel would move into the den entrance, gasping in horror at the state his poor younger sister was in. ?M-Meili...? Tears stung his eyes. Not another victim... Especially not his sister.. They had barely gotten back together... And now... He would glance to the other femme, ears lowered back against his head. ?Please... I can help move her but...? It was taking all he could to keep his voice calm as it was now.






5 Years
Athena I
06-10-2014, 06:02 PM (This post was last modified: 06-10-2014, 06:02 PM by Meili.)

Voices came out of seemingly nowhere through the darkness, two forms that she struggled to focus on. She forced her teal eyes open, gasping weakly as she strained to look at who had finally found her. She recognized her brother's face first. "Arwel," she rasped quietly, barely able to get the word out at all. She saw Azalea next, trying to say her name as well and failing. She let her eyes fall shut once more, the energy to keep them open simply too much. She felt hollow and empty, just a shell now, there was nothing left. The voices that crowded her head put her on edge. She wanted to scream, tell them to be quiet, but she couldn't.

She swallowed hard, her dry throat making the motion painful. "A-Arwel, Azalea... I don't- Gael, where's Gael?" In the long hours that she had been laying in the den she hadn't seen him once. He was here and he left for some reason she couldn't remember and then this sickness happened. A choked mix between a whine and a growl echoed in her chest, loneliness and darkness crashing in around her all over again. Blood tainted tears touched her cheeks yet again and she sobbed, the motion quickly getting cut off as she heaved, pain shooting through her sides, her legs pulling up against her stomach. There was nothing left in her stomach to be sick over, but her tired, worn muscles still went through the motions anyway.

"I-I wish we- Arwel, I wish we... I love you, brother." she gasped, her words barely audible, but she desperately wanted to say them. To her it felt like she was screaming and her ears felt so muffled by the voices in her head that she couldn't hear what she was saying to begin with.

Everything began to feel cold, her muscles twitching and tightening as another seizure began to grip her, and then suddenly there was silence. Suddenly there was nothing. The voices were gone, the pain was gone, she was able to breathe. She blinked open her eyes and the den was gone, Arwel and Azalea were nowhere to be found. She rolled onto her paws, her timber hued fur blowing in the breeze. The sun was shining and when she looked around it looked like a huge, grassy field with trees occasionally casting shade here and there. Was this a dream? Was... was she dead? Her ears flicked back, but in the end she couldn't find any sadness at this development. She smelled a deer on the air and her teal gaze lit up, everything from moments before disappeared from her mind and she ran off with a spring in her step.



06-13-2014, 11:42 PM

How his mind was reeling, his heart breaking in his chest. Damn him. He should have come to check on Meili sooner... Should have thought it was odd when he didn?t see her about. This was partially his fault... If he had come to her sooner it wouldn?t have been this bad, or so Arwel was telling himself. Though the sickness was one that none of the healers knew how to deal with. Not even Erani. It was something that would truly be embedded into his mind forever, as it would be with many others. The tears of blood... The smell. The death it caused.

A whine would leave Arwel as Meili spoke, her voice so quiet, not at all how she should have sounded. The male was shaking, cerulean gaze shifting back to his sister as his heart broke into a million pieces. Why was this happening to her? Had she not suffered enough in her life? He would swallow hard as Meili?s eyes closed. ? Her name came out choked, not even fully formed on his lips. Oh god why was this happening? Not now... Not... Not to her. He wished, so sorely wished that he had an answer for her question. Gael, her mate. Arwel had no idea where he was, or where he had been. But he knew he hadn?t been around for some time, because Meili had been alone... The remains of whatever the last meal she had and the blood was proof of that.

Arwel would give a louder whine as she started to attempt to wretch, though there simply was nothing left in her stomach to bring up. Then she was speaking again, the words barely audible, though they were for him. His heart, though it had been breaking, was now shattering. ?No... Meili... You... You can?t... Please...? His words came out pleading, head lowering as he lowered himself, not even caring about what got on him at this point. He would set a paw on her own, ears flicked back as he trembled. She... She was dying...

?...Meili...? Tears were falling from his eyes now, her name spoken so quietly now, fear within his voice. He didn?t want her to die... So much was unspoken, so many memories not yet shared between them. He was surprised by the seizue that suddenly took her body, moving to hold her weak body, being there with her as she faded, the other fae for the moment forgotten. All that was there was Meili and himself... Until only he remained. She was gone.

?I... Love you.... Meili...? He would whisper, burying his head into her scruff.?[/color][/b]
