
Indeed a fool am I




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
02-27-2021, 12:44 PM
A chill in the air cut deep to the bone as the female rose that morning. A yawn left her as she shook out her coat and began to stretch each limb. Gavroche was still curled up, the winged male shivering slightly even curled up with his companions, Whiskers, and Ears. The female watched them for a long moment and then let out a sigh. No, it was better that she tried to keep a distance between herself and the male. She would protect him, sure, but to call him friend…? She wasn’t sure if she was ready for that. It wasn’t that the healer was a bad creature, no, quite the opposite… in fact it was his softness that had her worried. He was so delicate… it was a wonder how he had made it to his fourth year.

The female left the makeshift den behind and shifted a bit more so her cape was settled nicely around her shoulders. She took a breath in; the air was cool, crisp, with the promise of snow and ice on the way. Just great… Bells grumbled to herself. While she enjoyed the summer storms with rain and lighting the snowstorms of winter were not quite as welcomed… but alas there was little she could do to go against the wishes of mother nature. All she could do was deal with what was tossed at her. She was a survivor… and she’d be damned if it was some simple storm that took her life.

The female’s paws lead her away from the territory of the lake towards a short expanse of water that, beyond, held stones of various sizes. Bellamy flicked her ears back, glancing at the running water as she debated if it was worth crossing the area again… She and Gavroche had come this way a couple of days ago. But still… when she had tried continuing onward she was met with the scent of a pack border… so perhaps it was better to try heading back this way instead?

But was it fair to head out so far without her companions? A sigh left her lips and she glanced over her shoulder guilty. She hadn’t even told them where she was heading… Great Nox this wasn’t like her… Worrying for others?

She supposed she had Acere to thank for that one. Had the male not been willing to give her a chance… Her ears flicked back at the thought of him.


She shook her head to dismiss the thoughts about the pack.

Her green gaze shifted back to the water and she moved closer to the edge, judging the distance between herself and some of the stones that were jutting out of the river. The biggest one was a fair distance away but it offered the safest landing from where she stood… and one slip into the icy waters could leave her denbound for Gods knew how long…

“Living with doubt now… I really have changed…” She let out a scoff and took a leap.

...and very nearly slipped on the very rock she intended to land on.

After catching herself Bells muttered a curse.

Maybe she was right to worry a little...
Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.