
a dance with dragons.


06-04-2014, 03:39 PM

She had eagerly begun to search for herbs so that she might have a store when it came to sick and injured wolves. Her eyes focused on each plant as she organized them into holes she had dug under a large and old tree. It was nice to know that she could start a new life in Arcanum, one where she could be a lead healer even. A Baron as they were called in the particular pack in which she sat. A fierce wind of winter swept over her pelt and sent a shiver down her spine. With a deep breathe she would endure. She was a healer, a hunter, a fighter. Nothing would ever change that because it was part of her personality. It was a part of her very soul.

Several things formulated in her head but she could not seem to put them into complete ideas. It bothered her because she had never been that... scatter-brained before the events of the previous day. She looked up to the moon as she took a deep breathe. "Selene, please let this winter end soon." The words rolled off her muzzle before she went back to work. She hated the cold.


06-09-2014, 05:40 PM

Padding over the light layer of snow that still lay on the earth floor soothed Rakshra's sore paws. This perhaps being the reason why she walked through the forest at this moment. She wondered about the alpha she had met that had allowed her into the pack, and about the epidemic. She wished that hopefully, it would soon come to an end. Having a sick pack leader was a weakness to all in the pack, and an advantage to all who wished to attack. She knew most of the packs were currently working on combining herbs into a medication that would help the epidemic. Hopefully, it was possible. She imagined if it was, they must be getting close to it by now.

Rakshra would smile to herself as she took in the beautiful scenery that was within the Arcanum borders. She had never once before been within this territory, and never knew until know how beautiful it truly was. Her mind wandered from the small plants that have survived with little shelter from the cold winter. Plant to plant, tree to tree, pine cone to pine cone, and so on. Her banned waved gently in the breeze. Rakshra knew next to nothing about plants and herbs, though, it might be a good idea to quickly learn some stuff. Maybe she would be lucky and stumble upon a wise wolf or a healer sometime, and they would be kind enough to offer their wisdom to her.

After mistakenly spotting a white wolf in the distance, Rakshra slowed to a very slow walk, not wanting to surprise or upset the wolf. She called out from a fair distance.
"Hello. she barked.



06-09-2014, 05:51 PM

Apocalypse allowed his gaze to take in the new land, of the unfamiliar division whom took him in. He grimaced slightly, allowing his coral hued tongue to graze over his dentitions; coating them in a fresh layer of saliva. His talons grazed the earths chilled domain as he paced forth. The dull expression left among his visage portrayed the uptight thoughts of adjusting to this new life. His grim glare narrowed ever so slightly; inhaling deeply. The muscles within his chest rose and fell at the intact of the oxygen. Apocalypse shook his cranium and lunged forward; his elongated columns allowing himself to carry his robust framework in a swift manner; instead of ruggedly. His shoulder blades rose and fell, the scents of many other canines from the Arcanum division filling his nasal passages. He gave a low snort, yet kept his summit high and continued forth.

Apocalypse slowed to a faltering halt, once two figures came into view. His brows furrowed as he suddenly realized the dark, somber and crisp silhouette in the distance with the striking luminous azure gaze. He gave a low growl of annoyance, of course he'd catch up with his first acquaintance again. Regardless, Apocalypse brushed off the wave of frustration and aggravation and strode toward the pair easily in a casual manner. "Hello," he greeted, his tone muted and smooth but still audible. He lowed his posteriors towards the earths level; allowing his appendage to wrap around his base loosely as he addressed the two.

"Rakshra," he stated, sending a simple nod in the madams direction, locking his gaze on her facade for a fraction of a second before sending a gentle glance towards the other unknown miss. "I am Apocalypse," he stated, dipping his summit towards her with a slightly faded smile along his facade. Apocalypse inhaled deeply; stealing a quick glance around and growling towards himself as the chilled atmosphere began to creep in on him and nip at his nose.
