
fire & ice

For tip of the iceberg skill prompt



2 Years
Extra large
Judas I
03-06-2021, 07:45 PM (This post was last modified: 03-29-2021, 07:43 PM by Enenra. Edited 1 time in total.)
The blizzard seemed endless though the worst was still upon them. The snow fell in giant heaps at first as they began their way. Then came the winds, whipping snowfall sideways, pushing the wolves to stumble and tuck their ears down onto their lowered heads as the braced the storms, making way on the frozen path that led the southern continent into the north. The bifrost by now was frozen over, rocky and sandy earth icy and with the push of the winds, causing the wolves to slip.

Would they make it across? Would they fall into the icy waters instead and die of hypothermia? Drown all together? And why north, during this horrible winter no less?

Enenra's stomach growled and between the now three in this group, they had not been lucky in the south in way of hunting to sustain the three of them. You'd think the herds would have moved south, but perhaps not. Maybe they would find some hardy reindeer or moose. Maybe they would find an equally suffering pack to steal from.

Life was growing desperate for the loners and one could see no end to their plight.

Count: 193
Player Note: Speech written in italic means Enenra is speaking Japanese. This is his primary language and does not yet know common well.



2 Years
03-08-2021, 06:10 PM
It was getting old the blizzard they were now traveling through. Emiko was tired of it all. The wind and snow, her stomach growling. It was getting to the point it was the only thing she could think about. Not how the cold bit at the tips of her ears and nose or how she wasn't sure she could feel her paws anymore. She wanted to call out to her two companions that they needed to find shelter and get out of the wind. Emiko knew she couldn't.

They needed to get across the bifrost as quickly as possible, that was difficult. Their traveling was made slower with every stumble or slip. She was starting to feel she was spending more time slipping than actually walking. "How do we know where we're going?" She yelled trying to be heard over the wind. Her eyes were closed against the elements. She'd tucked her chin and tail as close to her body as she could. It'd been whipped around so much that it had started to hurt.

She couldn't even smell through the wind and snow to know if she was even still with her companions or not. Eniko chanced cracking her eyes open long enough to see that Enenra was still with her. That was a relief, she didn't want to get lost and be left behind. "How much longer do you think this will last?" She called out again though she wasn't sure the others even heard her. Emiko wouldn't be surprised if they hadn't. She'd trained to get through the winter but not for anything like this. How were they supposed to get through this blizzard with their lives.



2 Years
Extra large
Judas I
03-29-2021, 08:04 PM (This post was last modified: 03-29-2021, 08:05 PM by Enenra. Edited 1 time in total.)
Though Emiko followed not far behind him at all, the smoke and flame coated wolf could barely hear her over the roar of winds and sea which whipped all around him. His own ears were pinned against his skull, protecting them from the snow and ice burrowing inside of them. Out here on this thin stretch of land, salty waters lapped around them, reaching for them, eager to claim their next victims.

He turns his head round, bright yellow pools in slits as he struggled to find his black and white coated companion even as she was so near. He sees her and moves towards her, finding himself pressing his black and gray coat to her white and black one. Thought she was average in wolf size, she was little compared to his own self and he hoped that maybe closer together he could help to shield her from the winds. Though young, Enenra had already inhabited a chivalrous manner which was benefitting to a older and knowledgable gentleman. That and perhaps together they might have a better grip on the ground under them.

"I dont know!" He screams out to her with his native tongue. Another heavy wind hits and his nails dig at the salt and ice bifrost, clinging on best he could. This was only and ever his first time leaving his homeland, something which he wasnt sure was the best idea or not. With the coming of Spring (though it sure didnt feel like it) he had just turned two. His skills when it came to navigation were quite horribly limited. All he had known was that Auster no longer could give them what they needed to survive. They had to move on, go elsewhere. The only option they had was up.

So he pressed further still and after some time, he thought they might have been close to the end of the bridge which connected the southern isle to the north. Dark shapes were in the distance, shapes which he would soon to come to realize were trees. "Cover ahead!" He calls out yet again to his companions, unknowing if they could hear him, unknowing that one of them had fallen behind...

Count: 367
Player Note: Speech written in italic means Enenra is speaking Japanese. This is his primary language and does not yet know common well.



2 Years
03-31-2021, 02:09 PM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2021, 02:14 PM by Emiko. Edited 1 time in total.)
Emiko was thankful that her companion had a dark coat. In the moments that she could open her eyes she could just barely see him through the snow. It was enough that she kniw where he was and where to go. She didn't want to get separated from tje group on the bifrost. The piebald woman worried what could happen if she were to get separated. Though her survival skills were sufficient enough she wasn't sure they were good enough to make it through this storm. Especially when they had no idea how long it would last. She only lifted her head enough to try and spot her friend before being forced to press her muzzle against her chest once more.

Her eyes were closed momentarily against the snow so Emiko didn't see Enenra move toward her. She felt his presence when he pressed his side against hers. She opened her eyes to slits to see his large figure next to her. She leaned into the gesture hoping that maybe now they would stay a little warmer. She felt like the wind was going to whip her tail right off of her. At least she did until his large body was protecting her a little from the wind. "Thank you," she shouted trying to be heard over the wind whipping around them.

Well that was just great. Neither of them knew where they were going. "I wish this would stop," she found herself shouting again. Then maybe they would be able to see where they were going. Truth be told Emiko was a little afraid they were going to he lost on the bifrost for the rest of their lives. At the very least until thus storm passed and frankly she didn't think it looked like it would be passing anytime soon. She couldn't see anything ahead of them because the wind was causing her the snow to hit her face so forcefully there were many moments where she had to keep her eyes closed. That was one reason she was Thankful to have Enenra pressed against her. She knew where he was and he knew where she was. They couldn't get separated.

She kept pace with him as best she could her fear of getting lost keeping her going. She thought she might sleep a whole week once they finished fighting this storm. When he spoke of cover ahead of them she tried to look for herself. Lifting her head and looking in that direction she could see some dark shadows but with the snow she couldn't make out any details. "I hope we can get there quickly," she shouted again. The black and white woman was really growing tired of shouting. She urged them a little faster not wanting to take the chance of loosing sight of their salvation.

Word count: 471
Note: Any speech in Italics indicates Emiko is speaking Japanese. This is her .fluent language.



2 Years
Extra large
Judas I
04-04-2021, 05:23 PM
They continued on, the frown in Enenra's expression never seeming to ease as Emiko shouted how she wanted this to end, as she wondered when it might end. Enenra knew at some point Spring would be reunited to them, but how long would it take to come? Enenra was still quite young and these lands horribly new to them both. Maybe in this vast, strange place, the snows lasted far longer…

A silent whimper, caught on the back of his tongue. His sunshine eyes sought for the comfort of Kanna but he realized he could not see her, could not find her. Where had she gone??? Had she slipped and been pushed into the sea by the strength of the winds? Had she fallen behind? Had she found safety elsewhere and could not be heard over the storm when she had called out to them to let them know?

A deep pit in his gut stirred and he felt the bile of it rise up from within. Kanna had been good to him, despite how hard it must have been for her, despite Enenra likely being a constant reminder of her son's death. She had allowed him to accompany her here, to seek out Hattori, to start anew. Now he had lost her and the thought made him chilled to the bone even more then he had been before.

The remaining pair, in time, would reach the Faller's Fjord at the other end of the Bifrost. Here, the ocean cut into the earth of land, moving inland. The couple could manage to find cover along the rock face, split in half by the sea. Here, a thick forest once thrived, now mostly of branch and bark then thick and lush trees as it may have been in spring and summer. Still, there was much shield from the forest and rocky terrain. Far better then it had been on the open, flat Bifrost at least.

The winds no longer blasting in his ears, the flame-licked young wolf hesitantly lifts them. He could hear a ringing in his ears from the wind, snow and sea spray they were not leaving behind. He does not slow down however, quick to stay along the side of the swift Emiko in order to find comfort and shelter for the night. “I hope Kanna is okay...” He whispers ever delicately as golden eyes scan the Fjord around them. Surely they could find a cavern of some sort nearby in order to wade out the rest of the snow storm.

Count: 423
Player Note: Speech written in italic means Enenra is speaking Japanese. This is his primary language and does not yet know common well.