
Is love still on the table

Void <3



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-06-2021, 08:13 PM

Ever since the pair of snow leopard cubs ended up in his life several weeks ago, they had taken up a good bit of his time and attention. One cub had seemed like more than enough, but after finding out that he lived in a pack the nomadic wolves he had gotten Viridis from insisted that he take another - bringing him Procella and not letting him say no. At first he was at a loss for what to do with the feline siblings, but after a couple of days he started to get into a routine with them and he found himself enjoying training them as well. If nothing else they gave him a bit of company and a project to focus on while he continued to wait for time to pass.

After the raid they held with The Hallows, he found himself thinking more and more about how easy it had been to island hop his way down to Auster with the group that had gone south. There was no real way to know if Void would still be down that direction or not, but as long as he could find another reason to justify the trip... why not give it a shot? He figured out how to get Viridis and Procella to ride on his back whenever he needed to make short swims between islands and then off they went, soon finding himself on Auster's shore.

He let the cubs explore and practice their hunting as they worked their way through the Wildberry Grove, keeping away from The Hallow's border and instead moving toward the stream that was clogged with beaver dams. While the young snow leopards kept them selves busy stalking and hunting any beaver that happened to wander too close, he started looking for any little sign or trace that Void had been through here even moderately recently. If there was any kind of trail for him to follow he absolutely would, but finding scents or tracks in this fresh layer of unseasonable snow was proving to be more difficult than he imagined.




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
03-06-2021, 08:29 PM
He was losing hope, Void could feel it everyday that went by and Eulogy was still so far from their grasp. He hadn’t seen any hint of her and Spring was already making its return. Vod felt like he’d failed his mother and his siblings. Void had yet to fully call of the search yet, mostly o he could avoid Spirit and Gloom’s reaction. He knew they would be even more devastated than he felt. When they’d embarked on this quest he knew coming home empty handed was a possibility, but Void truly thought they’d have found Eulogy by now. His spirits were dampened, but he wouldn’t show any detrimental emotions on the outside. There was still a chance she would be found. Void wanted to keep up hope for his siblings, but he was weary.

It had been a long time since they’d seen home and he could tell that his brother and sister were wearing down. He was feeling the effects and Void had always been more physically active than either sibling. Not only that but the emotional drain was getting to him, keeping a smile on his face when all he wanted to do was mourn his losses… It made his guilt even more extreme when he found his mind drifting to Plague.

Void tried to shake him from his mind, he still had a task at hand, he couldn’t allow himself to be distracted until he called their search one way or the other. When he started catching Plague’s scent he almost turned around before he realized it was really Plague and not his imagination running away with him. He couldn't help himself then, and massive paws swiftly carried him to the source.

”Plague,” there was a tone of relief in his voice. ”What are you doing out here?” Void found himself rushing to the ivory man’s side, realizing then how much he missed him. He was still a quiet refuge, a balm to the sores of his life. Void needed Plague.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-07-2021, 09:21 AM

After a a while of searching around the aspen forest, he slowly began to decide that whatever trail Void might have left here at one time would be impossible to pick up now. He wasn’t ready to give up the search, but moving on to a new area of Auster would require him to collect his companions and pull them away from the beaver den the pair was currently terrorizing. Just as he went to do just that, a familiar voice behind him pulled his attention and when he turned around his emerald gaze landed on the very man he had been searching for. A grin pulled at his lips, a rare thing for the stoic man, and his tail wagged gently behind him as he trotted over to meet him half way.

He didn’t respond to the question at first, instead just reveling in the joy he felt just from being with Void again. Plague boldly caught Void in a kiss as soon as he was within reach, satisfying that craving as soon as physically possible. He knew he had deeply missed being with the Destruction man, but he didn’t really realize how much until they were together again. Reuniting felt like his world had been pieced back together and he could finally breathe again. Just to see Void and know he was okay was enough for his worrying mind.

“I was looking for you,” he finally responded after several moments of just letting himself indulge in Void’s presence, giving him another grin. That was really the truth of it, despite any reasoning or excuses he might have made to himself. He stepped closer so he could press his cheek to Void’s and bury his face in the fur on the side of his neck, letting his comforting scent surround him. “I’ve discovered that I’m not very good at being patient... at least not when it comes to being with the man I love.”




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
03-07-2021, 10:32 AM
Void had felt like he couldn’t smile anymore. What happened to Eulogy and their failure at even finding a clue had his spirits low. He really was trying his hardest for his siblings but he was losing hope and he knew it. Seeing Plague now raised him up, and he welcomed the feeling of being alive. He buried his emotions when Plague wasn’t here, though guilt and hopelessness was more difficult to ignore. There was a huge sense of relief that washed over him as their eyes met, and it intensified as Plague helped to close the distance between them.

He knew that he missed the ivory pelted man, but seeing him here revealed just how much his heart yearned for him. Too much time had passed since they’d been together, but Void couldn’t bring himself to call off the search. Not even to be reunited with Plague. Dark ears fell to his skull and his vibrant gaze closed as Void leaned into Plague’s kiss. He didn’t even care that his question went unanswered, having him here in his arms again could dissipate his troubles for a few minutes. If bliss was a place it would have been right here.

Eventually Plague pulled away enough they could speak, and the confession brought a chuckle and Void’s arm up to pull Plague closer to his chest. His lips pulled back into a grin, an expression that seemed all but impossible now. It seemed like Plague wanted to be as close to him as Void wanted to be to Plague. Despite the frozen weather Void was warmed as Plague pressed into his neck.

He thought his heart might stop as Plague continued, profession impatience and… love. Void froze for a moment, feeling the truth in his words but still feeling the surprise at hearing them out loud. The longer they were apart the better he knew that Plague belonged beside him. A soft whine slipped from his lips as he squeezed Plague a little tighter in response. He buried his head in the soft white fur of Plague’s neck and embraced the sudden flood of emotions over him.

”Plague,” he said again, wondering if he’d ever tire of savoring his name. ”I’m glad you were, it’s been so hard this winter. I needed… You.” He spoke softly and held Plague tight as he whispered against the man’s ear. The last season had been one of the most difficult of his life, but having Plague here now rejuvenated his soul.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-07-2021, 11:14 AM

As soon as the words left his lips it made him pause, his heart skipping a beat as he felt Void freeze against him. There was nothing but truth in those words and even though even he hadn’t expected to admit it in that moment, he didn’t regret it. After all this time of only wishing and hoping that he would soon be with this man again he had removed any doubts from how he felt.

Once he felt Void squeeze him tighter and heard the soft whine he got in response, Plague was able to relax again and shifted to press himself even more into Void’s embrace. He enjoyed hearing that the feeling of needing each other was mutual. There wasn’t much more he could ask for than to be wanted and know that this warmth he felt in his soul when they were together was shared by him. Anything beyond that was just extra things to add to his joy.

“I needed you too,” he agreed without hesitation, knowing that anything less than that just wouldn’t describe how he had felt. He had tried to lessen or ignore that desire in favor of letting Void have the time he needed, but the truth was that he needed him more than he had ever needed someone in his life. He wasn’t dependent on anyone, but he thought that he might be approaching that point with Void - at least for his happiness. Plague nuzzled into Void’s neck while one of his legs came to wrap around Void’s side as well, keeping himself pressed to the speckled male with no intentions of letting go until he absolutely had to.

He didn’t ask how the search was going because he already knew the answer. If Eulogy had been found then Void would already be with him. Since his love was still out here that told him all he needed to know. “I hope you find her soon,” he admitted. “The waiting is so difficult... I just want to be with you.” It was a selfish reason, but it was the truth. The sooner his mother was found, the sooner they could begin building a life together. Until then his life was in limbo and that wasn’t something he wanted for either of them.




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
03-07-2021, 08:47 PM
Void felt complete as Plague relaxed against him, and pressed into his affections. He smiled softly as Plague returned his embrace and for a moment he didn’t have to think about letting go. He knew he had pressing matters waiting on him, but he’d already spent so long trying to find Eulogy. He needed a reprieve, an oasis he found in Plague. The Abraxas man echoed his sentiments softly, and Void’s heart swelled, the feeling of being loved and needed like this was still a vibrant and new experience. The warmth helped to thaw his hopeless freezing heart.

He felt enough guilt about the feelings he had, the ones that distracted him from the task at hand. Void needed the wolf in his arms, but he felt like he couldn’t truly have him until he made sure his family was safe. They were the only ones he had for so long, he couldn’t bring himself to abandon their quest. Spirit and Gloom needed him too, and Void knew they were not near as strong as Plague.

Void sighed into Plague’s coat as the other man wrapped his arm around him and held him just as tightly. He was thankful the question was not asked, he feared he might not keep himself together if he had to confess his failure. ”I do too, I..” he buried his features further into soft white fur, he breathed in Plague’s warm scent. ”I’m losing hope I’ll ever see her again.” His voice was a whisper as he said the words for the first time, a confession he couldn’t make to his siblings. ”I struggle everyday with keeping on the trail and.. Giving up.” If they ended the journey that would be like admitting that Eulogy was dead, and the thought flipped his stomach and caught his breath in his throat.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-07-2021, 11:00 PM

Plague could feel the strain rolling off of Void in waves. He knew how much this journey and this search had meant to him and to go so long with no results... It was easy to understand how difficult that would be. He wished there was something else he could do to help, anything he could possibly do to either speed the progress along or ease this burden Void had put onto himself. It was just his nature to be the support for those few wolves he held dear - it was the same reason he had dedicated his life to supporting Venom and, by proxy, Ashen as a whole. With Venom it had been an obvious choice. She was his sister, his blood. Very little mattered more to him than his siblings. In fact, nothing had until Void entered his life and now this love was quickly over taking all of his attention.

After a moment he pulled away just enough to lift his face away from Void's neck. He brought his paw up to the man's delicately marked face, resting his paw on Void's cheek as he gently turned his stunning gaze to meet his. His expression was serious, but still understanding and kind. "Keep going. Don't give up on her yet." In a way it was hard for him to say since all he wanted was for Void to come home to him, but he also knew what the monochrome man needed to hear. "I know that you'll never be content until you've turned every stone... and perhaps not even then, but... I want you to be at peace with the results - no matter what happens." Of course he knew that at the end of all of this they could still turn up empty handed, but there was something to be said about feeling like you had done everything you could possibly do.

He smiled softly, letting his paw fall away from his cheek and gently pressed his nose to Void's as he added, "And I don't want you to feel guilty about taking time for yourself. What you're doing is hard. Searching for your mother, caring for your siblings... You need to take care of yourself for them... For me. If you burn yourself out you'll be no good to anyone... If taking care of yourself includes spending a bit of time with me then I certainly wouldn't complain." He chuckled and gave Void a soft kiss, hoping that he would take the words to heart.




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
03-08-2021, 07:29 AM
Void didn't have to hide his emotions with Plague, he could expose himself in all of the raw feelings that flowed through his body. They weren't comfortable, and the emotions were difficult, but if anyone could understand the turmoil beneath it was Plague. Void's safe harbor. The Destruction had to keep himself together for his siblings and now that he was here with Plague he could feel his walls crumbling. The strong foundation he had to build himself upon was shaken as he revealed his weakness to the ivory man. Just being here, having put the effort into finding him, Plague did more for him than he could ever know. As Void held tightly to him, he hoped Plague could feel how much Void needed him. If he had no end to look forward to, a line where they weren't seperate, gave him something to hold onto when he felt like hope was dying.

Plague pulled away slightly, just enough so their eyes could meet, and Void leaned into the man's touched as his paw lifted to his cheek. The pale coated Abraxas said exactly what Void needed to hear, he had to keep going. Despite how much they wanted to move on he had to keep going and hearing Plague say it renewed his determination. He let himself get lost in Plague's endless gaze as he spoke soft encouraging words. Even as a detriment to desire. Plague proved his emotions as he put Void and his needs ahead of his own, he proved how well he knew the star spangled Destruction with those encouraging words. Void thought he might melt right there in Plague's embrace. He sighed softly as he pressed his nose back against's Plague's dark skin.

The man he was swiftly learning to love didn't hesitate in calling his behavior out either. Plague was sweet, but serious as he uttered his observations. Void had to care for himself as much as he was looking after his siblings and searching for Eulogy. The corners of his dark lips pulled back bashfully, because he knew he would have done just that. He would feel torn between staying with Plague and dashing away to return to his siblings. He was being unfair to himself, and to Plague. Pale lips met dark and Void gave in to the advice he was given. He wanted to be here beside Void, he missed his presence greatly. He was constantly torn between duty and desire, but while he was denying himself he was neglecting Plague.

Void kissed him back, giving in to the temptation and emotions that he had tried so hard t push away until he found and returned his mother to where she belonged. He pulled away slightly, again sighing softly through the turmoil as he struggled internally. "I know that I should listen to you, and I want to so bad." He rumbled softly as he pressed his lips to Plague's again. "It's so hard to relax when everything..." He trailed off, revealing his weakness in full to the one he adored.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-08-2021, 07:46 PM

"I know," he replied simply once Void's words tapered off under the overwhelming nature of everything that was currently consuming his life. He didn't need to explain anything for Plague to understand what he meant. Plague wished there was more that he could do to relieve some of this stress from Void's shoulders and as he watched Void struggle against the conflict of duty and desire the Abraxas man decided to take matters into his own paws where he could. He couldn't make Eulogy appear and he couldn't make the search go faster, but he could keep Void from going back to his siblings and make him relax for at least a little bit longer.

A barely contained grin tugged at the corners of his lips as he wrapped a foreleg around Void's side again and pushed off the ground with his back legs to shove Void down into the snow, pinning Void down on his back as he stood over the star spangled man. His emerald gaze sparkled with amusement and as he leaned down give Void a kiss and offer him a grin. "If you're not going to relax on your own accord then I'm going to make you relax," he declared, leaving no room for discussion or protest. He chuckled as he nuzzled into Void's neck again and even allowed himself to lightly nibble along the taller man's jaw, catching the dark hairs gently between his teeth. The more physical affection he gave and received the more he wanted, slowly pushing the envelope farther and farther.

His gaze met back up with Void's again, this time with a bit more loving sincerity in his gaze. "I don't care if I have to hunt you down every few weeks and make you take a moment for yourself like this... I will not allow you to continue wearing yourself out like this. At this rate you're just going to be a shadow of your former self by the time you make it back to me and I don't want that... I want all of you, every last bit." If it took him being selfish with Void's time to save Void from himself then damn it that's what he was going to do.




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
03-08-2021, 08:37 PM (This post was last modified: 03-08-2021, 08:38 PM by Void.)
Plague tried to share his struggle, and he succeeded in relieving the burden just by understanding. Void didn’t even have to speak his hardships and Plague could see through him to the truth deep down. Sad blue and lavender eyes met the other man’s vibrant verdant gaze, a soft sigh left dark lips as the solution baffled the young Destruction. Plague’s suggestive smirk would only hint at his own idea as he asserted his control for those too brief moments. Void didn’t fight as Plague shoved him back, his dark shoulders were forced into the snow.

Surprise overtook the uncertainty and guilt that tried to build up as he looked up into Plague’s mischievous features. He managed a grin of his own as he leaned into the offered affection. ”Forced relaxation?” He questioned with a pleased rumble as Plague nibbled at the edge of his jaw. Plague clarified as their eyes met once more. He had no care if he was hunting him down, giving himself time to process and unwind was vital to his health. Plague could tell within only a few minutes together that he was running on empty, that his efforts were tiring and draining him of everything he had. Void needed this time with Plague, so he could forget for a moment all the weight resting on his shoulders.

Void’s expression grew serious and her averted his gaze shamefully because he couldn’t refute Plague’s words. He was going to run himself into the ground trying to find Eulogy. Then he wouldn’t be of use to her or anyone, especially Plague who waited so patiently for him. It was hard to accept but he knew Plague was right. ”You deserve better than how divided I’ve been. I'm sorry.” He whispered as he looked back to Plague’s features, he deserved more but Void felt truly loved in all that Plague sacrificed. ”I want to give you all of me.” His heart, he soul, there wasn’t another wolf that made him feel more alive. Plague deserved everything for that.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-09-2021, 01:10 AM

Plague saw the shame and guilt he felt for how things had played out, hearing the apology he gave for being divided. A less family centered man might have taken advantage of the chance to double down on that, to pressure Void into coming to be with him now rather than later - but that wasn't who Plague was. He knew that there would be times when his own family had to take precedent for portions of time as well. It was part of life for men like them that cared for their relatives so deeply. "Don't apologize. Never apologize for taking care of your family... Your dedication to them is something I admire in you." he insisted without hesitation. "There will be plenty of time for us to enjoy our lives together once everything has settled down... don't feel like you owe me anything."

He gently settled his body over Void's and offered him another soft kiss. The warmth of Void's form against his was so drastically different from the cold around them in the most wonderful way, but it made the way his stomach and chest rested against the speckled man's all the more noticeable and welcome. As he looked down into Void's gaze with a soft smile, adding, "But... I want to give you all of me as well." Right now, in this moment, as he laid with him in the snow somewhere in Auster, feeling Void's heart beat against his chest, the man's scent filling his nose... This was when he felt the most alive, the most himself. Everything in this moment was as it should be. The only thing that kept him from being perfectly content was the fact that at some point he would have to let Void go again. But someday he wouldn't have to. Someday, hopefully soon, he could hold Void and know he'd never have to let him go.

Plague let himself indulge in Void's presence even more, getting his fill and creating more pleasant memories for them to think back on during their absence from one another. His muzzle dipped to meet his love's, leaving a tender trail of kisses and nibbles along the under side of his muzzle, along his jaw, down along the tender skin of his throat. Once he got to a point where he couldn't reach any further down Void's chest without moving how he was laying, he worked back up the way he came, ending the trail of affections and attention with another, deeper kiss. His pale lips lingered against Void's, one kiss rolling into another and another.

If it wasn't for the wintery cold world around them, he thought that he might just light on fire from the heat that radiated through him from the inside out. Void made him feel like himself and made him feel alive... he brought out emotions in him that he never would show to anyone else. There was no one else he would rather entrust his life, heart, and soul to. He only pulled away from Void's lips so that he could brush their cheeks together, his muzzle lifting toward his love's ear and gently catching the delicate skin between his teeth. "Void..." he breathed, savoring the feeling of his name on his tongue as he gently squeezed him tighter in his embrace. "I've never..." He hoped perhaps the man's imagination could help him fill in the blanks. A man, a woman, it didn't matter. This was all entirely uncharted territory. All he knew was how much his heart yearned for the man he was pressed against and how much he wished to give his entire soul to him. "But I... I'd like to..."




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
03-09-2021, 10:40 AM
Plague was swift to correct him, to make sure he knew there should be no guilt for taking care of his family. The man completely understood what was going on beneath his surface, and Void felt even more drawn to him as he spoke. They had their whole lives ahead of them, and even if difficult, taking care of his family was most important. As much as Void devoted himself to his family so did Plague, and if the opposite was true Void would want Plague to do what he could for his own kin. ”Thank you. I’m taking for granted how understanding you always are.”

He found himself smiling again, the expression was so much easier in Plague’s presence. Void was tense, and was indeed struggling with relaxation, but he could easily feel the difference in himself compared to before he stumbled on the ivory Abraxas. Void sucked in his breath with surprise at the sudden feelings racing through him as Plague lay himself over Void’s pale belly. The closeness was welcome, and the warmth that ebbed and flowed was indescribable. Void was further warmed by Plague’s confession, that he wanted to gift himself as well.

Void gazed up into Plague’s vibrant green eyes to allow himself to get lost in those endless forest colors. Without the guilt that held onto him Void truly did begin to relax. His muscles lost their tension as Plague’s kisses sent waves of fire over his skin. He was easily whisking away any thoughts of Void’s responsibilities and for a few moments he could shrug off the weight resting on his shoulders. Everything but Plague fell away.

Massive arms lifted to wrap around Plague’s form as Void held the one he loved tight as he lost himself in him. His senses were overwhelmed, the warm scent of him, the heat radiating between them, the feeling of having Plague so close after being apart for so long. The star splattered Destruction wasn’t sure that he would evite tire of Plague’s lips nor the kisses he gave him. Passionate acts of affection that elicited even stronger emotions within him. If he hadn’t been certain about his love previously, he was now in that peaceful, bliss filled moment.

Underneath it all Void knew that he would have to let go again. His journey wasn’t over, he couldn’t give up on his mother yet. That’s why he felt himself hesitate as Plague whispered tempting words into his ear. There was no confusion about the unsaid words, Void felt the same desire as the man above him. This was his soul mate, his other half, the one, he stopped himself because he knew how special the next few moments should be.

Void pulled away slightly, seeking Plague’s loving gaze as his heart nearly burst from his chest. He couldn’t help the grin that played on his features now as Plague filled his conscious. ”I want to, I want you, but…” he paused to offer a much more innocent kiss to Plague’s nose. Void's expression hardened slightly, this wasn't right, not here in some random forest of Auster and not now when he had his duties looming above him. ”I want this to be perfect, I don’t want to ruin anything when I have to let you go again.” Void whined softly, again feeling himself conflicted. He hated to deny Plague, especially when they were so close like this. He wanted him more than anything, but Void’s devotion continued to drive a wedge between them.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-09-2021, 12:13 PM

He had been so lost and entranced in everything that was Void - his presence, his warmth, his scent, the feeling of their fur twisting and mingling together - that when the Destruction man pulled away slightly and managed to catch his gaze it was like he was snapped out of a dream. That "but" after Void admitted that he wanted him as well told him all he needed to know and a touch of disappointment clouded his expression. He understood Void's reasoning and he appreciated the importance that he was giving to this moment that they wanted to share, but... with his love and passion running so deep it was difficult hide that disappointment. He also didn't want to make Void feel badly about the choice though so he quickly pulled a soft smile onto his lips and gave the man another soft kiss. "I understand." He truly did - even if he didn't like it in the moment. "Something to look forward to then," he added, though he wasn't sure if he was just confirming the decision or reasoning with himself.

He carefully untangled himself from Void then, getting to his paws and climbing off of the man so that Void could stand as well. He would have continued to lay with Void forever, but he didn't trust himself to not try to tempt and sway his love to change his mind if he remained there. After a shake of his fur he turned to face Void again with a faint smile. He could feel that dread of having to part ways again creeping up on him like a spirit that was always looming and haunting somewhere in the background. He knew it was an inevitable part of their relationship for the time being and he did not put any blame or guilt on Void for this fact - it was just a burden that they both had to bare.

He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by the feeling of something leaning against his leg. Looking down, he saw that Vridis had grown bored of the hunting he and his sister were doing and was now leaning against him and looking up at him expectantly. He sighed softly and chuckled with a little shake of his head. Procella wasn't far behind, running toward the trio and finding her place on the opposite side from her brother. "Void, this is Viridis and Procella," he introduced, nodding to the adolescent cubs in turn. The young snow leopards turned their green and blue gazes toward the Destruction man then and bounced over to him, their wide paws carrying them over the snow as they circled around his front legs as well. "They've been pretty good company while you've been away," he added as he looked back up to Void's gaze again, knowing full well that as much as he was bonding with these two companions it was no where near the fulfillment he felt when he was with the one he loved.




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
03-09-2021, 01:09 PM
Void couldn’t fully indulge himself, and that was a disservice to the one who held him. Uttering those words were as difficult as parting ways, but he did both because he dedicated himself to his family and didn’t want to deprive Plague of any part of him. His heart or mind. Disappointing his alabaster love pained him, but he was gracious. As he showed so much, too much, already he showed endless understanding and undeserved patience. ”You are too good to me.” He whispered and squeezed lightly before Plague pulled away. Void understood why, and knew with not much more pressure, he would have given in to his heart’s desire.

Void caught his breath and reluctantly pushed himself to his paws. Before he could close the distance between them again Void was surprised by the presence of a small fluffy cat. The distraction helped his recovery and dissipated the disappointment he’d created. With the tilt of his head and dark perked ears he was introduced to not only one, but two young snow leopards. Without hesitation the two young cats raced forward to circle his legs just as enthusiastically as they had with Plague. His heart warmed, and he felt his worries settle. He would always have Plague there to support him, even if they were miles apart. Knowing what they had to look forward to would help his weary heart.

”Hello,” he offered warmly as he tore his gaze from Plague’s sweet face. ”Have you been taking care of Plague for me?” He asked while stealing a glimpse upwards towards his love. Void looked forward to that someday when goodbye would be forgotten and when disappointment wasn’t lingering at their doorstep. ”I love him a lot,” he spoke softly, as though he were just talking to the cubs. ”I need to know he’s in good paws.”



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-09-2021, 04:30 PM

A more genuine smile pulled at his lips as he watched his feline companions dance and play around Void’s legs and he saw the friendly, gentle reaction Void gave the young cubs. Not that he had expected anything different from the good hearted man, but... there was just something about it that made him smile. His mind took him somewhere else for a moment, imagining that instead of snow leopard cubs wresting between them... it was pups of their own. The thought caught him off guard and he quickly brushed it to the side, but it was enough for him to miss part of what Void was saying to the young felines.

Meanwhile, Viridis took charge of replying to the questions that were posed to them, the cub nodding in agreement when Void asked if they had been taking care of Plague. After all, just like their mother had taught them, it was very important to protect their master! Both of the cubs looked up at Void with wide, excited eyes when they heard that this man loved their master, Procella in particular giving the biggest, sweetest eyes as she looked between the two men. ”We’ll protect him!” Viridis vowed, puffing up his little pale gray chest proudly.

Plague’s gaze rested solely on Void through the whole exchange, love and amusement mixed in his emerald gaze in equal measure. Hearing Void admit his love was still all it took to make his heart skip a beat and make his tail wag gently behind him. ”Alright you two,” he said with a chuckle, waving the pair of felines away. “Go pester the beavers for a bit longer. I’ll be along in a minute.”

At his insistence, the snow leopards ran off - but not before rubbing against Void’s legs one more time. He grinned as he closed the small distance between them, indulging in one more kiss and nuzzling his cheek against Void’s again. “I love you,” he said softly, “Be safe... and take care of yourself.”

Plague | Viridis | Procella



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
03-09-2021, 05:22 PM
Void had a lot to work through before his mind might comfortably touch on the prospect of raising his own family. For now he had enough responsibility in leading his siblings on what he tried not to think of as a wild goose chase. They had to keep going, and he couldn’t let himself give up so easily. The winter was harsh, and the weather was only getting colder, but it would all be worth it when Eulogy was home again.

For now he could rest easy knowing the two young cats would be diligent in their defence of Plague. Their reaction was sweet and endearing, offering their determination without hesitation. ”I feel better already,” he returned to the leopard proudly before Plague stepped in. He told the cubs to go off and play and Void leaned into the affection they offered before doing as they were told. The were adorable, and he was glad Plague had them.

Void watched them go, but as Plague returned to his side all of his attention was stolen by his loving kiss and encouraging words. The star touched Destruction leaned into Plague’s affection and buried his face into pale white fur. His stomach dropped as he was cruelly reminded of how sparse their time together was. ”I don’t want to leave.” He admitted with mumbled words uttered into warm fur.

”Plague, I love you.” He spoke softly, struggling internally. How was this fair, to either of them? ”Can you come with me?” Void whispered, afraid he already knew the answer. ”...For a while.” To be another pair of eyes, to meet his siblings, and most importantly be that pillar of hope Void needed.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-09-2021, 08:52 PM

Plague tried his hardest to hold back the palpable sadness he felt at the thought of Void having to leave him again. He didn't want to let that emotion come to the surface since he knew that it was already going to be hard enough on the both of them without him admitting his own disappointment. He'd rather put on a brave facade for Void to make his departure a bit easier on him, no matter how difficult it was. However, that mask he wore threatened to crack when heard Void tell him that he didn't want to leave, the words muttered into his fur breaking his heart. He leaned into the touch for a moment with a soft sigh. "I know. I don't either," he admitted quietly, doing his best to keep some sort of soft, sad smile on his lips.

The request that Void made was one that Plague had considered more times than he could count. Every time Void crossed his mind in their time apart he tried to figure out how he could pull himself away in order to join him on his search. Every fiber of his being wanted to be at the monochrome man's side and to deny both of them that presence felt so wrong. He just couldn't find a way to separate himself from his family, much in the same way Void was dedicated to seeing this mission out for his. Plague whined softly as he wrestled between the two sides of himself, pressing his face into speckled fur while he contended with the fact that he was going to have to tell Void no. He didn't want to deny the one he loved something that was so fundamental and necessary to each of their happiness.

He thought about his sister with her new born pups, he thought about the position that he was preparing himself to challenge for, he thought about the harsh weather that Ashen was having to survive through, all of the resources that they were having to hunt for harder and harder... And still couldn't bring himself to tell Void any of these excuses for why he couldn't go with him. A spark of frustrated anger lit in his gut, but not at Void or either of their families or anyone in particular - just at the situation as a whole. He wanted to be in too many places at once and he was tired of constantly sacrificing time with Void in favor of supporting his family and pack.

The pale man lifted his head from Void's neck, his emerald eyes finding the mixed tones of Void's. He realized that in all of the time that they had found bits of time together here and there, they had never spent a full day together, had never slept in the same den, had never shared a meal... He was fed up with missing out on these moments with him. Yes, he loved the Destruction man more than he could describe, but what was it like to live with him? To truly be at his side supporting him? He didn't know.

"I can't leave Ashen for a long time... but... I could spare a few days... maybe even a week," he offered, knowing that was hardly sufficient for what they truly wanted, but it was better than nothing at all. It would give him a chance to finally meet Void's siblings, finally get a chance to live out some of the things they constantly missed out on. He smiled softly, a flutter of excitement replacing that frustration. He brushed his muzzle against Void's and asked, "Would that make you happy, my love?"

Plague | Viridis | Procella



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
03-10-2021, 06:45 AM
Plague was hiding his emotions better but Void could tell how much they shared the struggle before them. He felt the man sigh into his coat as he uttered echoing words. Neither wished to be separate again. Void had endured enough time yearning to be in his presence again and letting him go again was nearly impossible. He only wanted to hold on tightly to the pale furred Abraxas. Void grit his teeth as he held tightly to the other man, and they both struggled. He could feel Plague hesitate, he could feel the excuses rolling through his mind. Void knew it was unfair to propose the question he had. Plague was just as much devoted to his family as Void was and they needed him.

Void felt the frustration and couldn’t decide if it was worse or better they had no one entity to blame their woes upon. The pair of them just had to endure, all good things came to those who wait, and Void loved Plague so much that he would have waited eternity. That wasn’t fair to ask of either of them though, and Void craved the day he could stand beside Plague, to share a meal, enjoy a sunset, sleep side by side… It seemed like an unattainable dream as he held him there.

Eventually Plague moved, pulling away slightly so their eyes could meet. Void looked up into endless forest eyes, wishing he didn’t have to ever leave Plague’s perfect glade. He expected to be denied as he had been before, and he didn’t blame Plague at all. Their situation would have to remain for a little bit longer. He just hoped that he would find Eulogy sooner than later. When Plague spoke though, Void nearly lost his breath.

He would have felt blessed to have a day, but the potential for a whole week in his presence warmed his heart and Void grinned up at the face he loved. ”Very few things could make me happier.” He returned softly, leaning against Plague’s affection. Coming to an end of his journey would be one of the only events he would place above his time with Plague. ”You'll be my lucky charm. We’ll find my mother and brother before Ashen misses you.” He tried to keep a positive attitude. They hadn’t found them so far and his real hope for Plague to help was very small. His presence would brighten his spirits, and that was what Void really needed.

Without hesitation Void leaned forward to kiss Plague again, his emotions building like they hadn’t ever before. Knowing they would have days in a row together put a smile on his features that couldn’t be torn away. Instead of heartache he had hope. He’d have Plague and with toes crossed, he’d have his mother returned too. He wouldn’t get nervous about his siblings meeting Plague yet, but that nervous next step was looming.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-11-2021, 10:50 PM

As soon as he saw Void's grin he knew he had made the right choice. Just to see the man he loved happy was more than enough repayment for any repercussions he would have to face from his absence if there was any. He knew it was probably too much to hope that he would actually be their good luck charm, but he would certainly wish for it to be so. Either way, he was just excited to spend some true quality time with Void and finally get to feel like he was actually helping him. That feeling of being helpless and useless to the search that was preventing them from moving on in their lives together had been one of the hardest things about this time. It was only a week at most, but it was something - at this point he'd any little step in the right direction.

He nuzzled into Void's cheek happily, his tail wagging gently behind him. "Wait here for me. I'll take Viridis and Procella home, let my sister know where I'll be, and meet you here." The Abraxas man leaned back enough for their gazes to meet, the joy clear in his emerald eyes. "I'll be right back, my love," he added, giving Void a quick but exuberant kiss before turning back toward Ashen. "Viridis! Procella! Come on, we're heading home!" He didn't wait to see if the snow leopards would comply - he knew they would without having to double check. If nothing else the cubs were always glued to his heels. The siblings immediately abandoned their games, running over to Void one last time to rub against him before hurrying after Plague to catch up to him. For once Plague didn't feel the need to look back as he left because he knew he had so much more to look forward to very, very soon.

Plague | Viridis | Procella