
As Promised




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
03-08-2021, 04:43 AM


While out patrolling the previous day, Resin had stumbled upon a fascinating sight. A small group of elk were picking their way across the plains. She supposed that the bitter cold of winter had pushed them farther south than they were used to. It worked for her. The grey and black woman had promised her son an elk hunt and it seemed that the hunt had come straight to their door.

Before the sun even rose, Resin roused Rudyard from sleep. Hopefully he'd gotten enough of it because today wasn't going to be easy. Elk were difficult beasts at the best of times. The ground outside was still frozen and crunchy. The temperature was bitter cold. By now, most wolves winter pelts started thinning out, but not this year. Auster was freezing. She could only imagine how bad things were further north.

With Rudy at her side, the ashen fae loped out of the castle and onto the plains. She searched for the area where she'd seen the elk the day prior. Nose to the ground, it was difficult to pick up scents with the ground so cold. Steam rose from the woman's nose and maw as she scented. In the end, it wasn't scent that led her to them, but a bugle; a telltale sign that they were nearing their prey. The scarred woman's voice was low and quiet as she instructed her son. "When we near the edge of the hill, don't let yourself be seen. Simply observe them. See what their movements and behaviors teach you."

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-13-2021, 10:08 PM

Rudy was a deep sleeper so mom first got that bleary ‘huh?’ look but once he knew why his youthful energy got him up.  Certainly, any part of him that had tried to remain in a sleepy state would be awake by the cold outside the castle walls protection.  Where he might have once charged ahead of Resin with plans of looping back and forth the boy now stayed beside her, waiting for instruction even as his own nose and ears were keenly searching for the animals.  His memory of what elk smelled like was quite strong with how the memory was associated with near-death as a small pup.  It was the sort of thing that doesn’t fade away fast.

His head rose up higher as he heard the elk’s bugle and his tail started to raise with excitement though he lowered it directly after.  There was still a pup in there that just wanted to spring out and charge them, fortunately, he had learned the self-control to not give in to that inner child. When mom spoke he turned his head to listen with a silent nod to show he understood.

They traveled on and Rudy paid close attention to his environment, the wind would not be sending the elk his sent, nor his paws make noise that would alert the elk.  The boy was growing up in both muscle and maturity.  Once at the top of the hill, he squatted low, eyes forward watching the elk with a focused gaze.  His gaze sought for any that appeared weaker whether by age or injury.  The only sign of his desire to run versus watch was how the legs occasionally quivered with the caged energy.




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
03-29-2021, 07:47 AM


From where the pair of wolves lay atop the gentle, snow covered rise, Resin had already located their target. Near the back of the herd was an old bull. His hock was swollen and he limped when he moved. Giving Rudyard a nudge, the grey and black fae motioned with her muzzle towards the end of the group. Would Rudyard see the wisdom in choosing the injured bull? Yes, it was a bull and yes he was large, but he would fall quicker than the others and they would use up less energy.

At almost a year old, Rudyard had his height. Within the next year, his form would fill out and he'd gain his bulk. Resin had no doubt that, together, they could bring down this injured bull. Once they scattered the rest of the herd, then it would be easier to bring down their target.

In a low voice, Resin pointed out what she had hoped that her son would see. "Always choose the injured prey. It will fall faster than the others due to its injury. Stay away from the front end until it's on the ground." With her golden eye still locked on the herd, she continued to give her boy this lesson. "When we rush the herd, the healthy animals will scatter. Though they will hear the dying calls of the bull, they won't return. Before, you were a weak pup and they believed that they could kill you without harm coming to themselves. This time, there's two of us. Together, we're a formidable foe." She glanced his way, wondering if he might have any questions.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]