
Let's Be Real




Master Fighter (240)

Advanced Hunter (70)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Fail!Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-11-2021, 08:56 PM

He'd been avoiding talking to his sister - and most everyone else - since everything went down. He didn't know what to think about the whole thing, but the more time went on, the more he came to terms with it. Their bloodline seemed to have a thirst for power. Their father was an alpha, after all, and for all he knew, Tyranis had gone off to conquer someone else's packs like Ignis had done. He knew his sister despised the crimson alpha. Knew it all looked...wrong. But who was Tyto to judge? It was literally in their blood. Hell, he was sure that if Theta was around, she would've done the same thing to their own father. And while Tyto was content with following as opposed to leading, he simply didn't have the mindset to hold grudges against those who took power. However violent it was. He knew it was the way of the world. The strong took what they wanted, and the weak just had to deal with it. He wasn't sure that his sister would ever see it that way, but he didn't intend on trying to convince her, either. "Tsunami?" He called out as he walked through the pines.




6 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
03-11-2021, 09:41 PM

Tsunami couldn't tell if she was more pissed about Ig clearly thinking she wasn't worth keeping an eye on her or amused by his absolutely foolish arrogance to leave her to her own devices with hardly anyone to watch and make sure she wasn't posing a problem. Which she fully intended to do, winter had mostly done her work for her, and the harsh spring was continuing it, leaving hardly any vegetation that could be usable, and most small prey had yet to emerge from their burrows... all things she planned to make harder for the rest of the pack to rely on once the weather stopped making her job easy for her.

Though that she was being watched enough not to simply pass over the border and never turn back seemed evident enough to her. So she stuck to the inner parts of the pines, away from watchful eyes, and allowed herself to nurse her wounds... and nurse her anger and hatred. Kimuy was ever at her side, the stoic reindeer had committed herself to being there for when the woman was ready to challenge her cousin again. It wouldn't be too long now, her wounds were all but healed but she wanted to lull him into a false sense of security before she tore the rug out from under his paws.

That being said she didn't really expect anyone else to seek her out, as far as she could tell everyone around her had decided to abandon her, her uncle had left them, lost an eye, and run like a coward. His children clearly didn't have anything to say about what had happened and her own brother had hardly shown much interest in her before this. So why now? And did it even matter? She'd already abandoned the Praetor name, choosing her own new name... something that spoke of what she intended for everyone who bore her old one. A growl rumbled in her throat as she approached her brother, rounding a pine to stand before him, Kimuy standing just behind her, the impressive and imposing rack of her antlers still not shed and therefore a visible threat.

"Tyto..." She said, not bothering to hide the bitterness and derision from her voice. "I'll admit I didn't expect you to find the courage to seek me out." It was an insult, she thought him and the rest of her family cowards, she'd been the only one among them, aside from her uncle, to try and actually fight back... and her uncle had lost and still gotten to leave with his tail between his legs. No, she was the only one who'd stood for anything at all, and the only one who'd paid for it. She'd not let Ig forget his moment of weakness in letting his uncle leave, if he was going to demand she fight and be forced to stay then he would never be allowed to forget he'd already broken his own rules, and if she got her way everyone else would be forced to remember too... be forced to look at him and see what she did, a crying, whining brat who couldn't even be consistent enough to rule properly.

"What do you want?" It was clear, she didn't want any platitudes from him, if he was going to do anything but try and get her out of here she wanted nothing more to do with him, or anyone in her family, any longer.


Art by Zinderell
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



Master Fighter (240)

Advanced Hunter (70)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Fail!Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-11-2021, 11:57 PM

The sound of his sister's growl alerted him to her approach, and he didn't expect anything less from her. She wasn't happy with the situation. Some of the pack members had been keeping to themselves since the incident, and him? He'd always kept to himself for the most part, nothing out of the ordinary for him. "Tyto...I'll admit I didn't expect you to find the courage to seek me out."He scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "What do you want?" He stopped where he stood as he carefully studied her. "I came to check on you. We haven't talked in a while, but I'm not the only one at fault for that now, am I?" After all, she seemed to go around doing her own thing just as much as he had. Just as much as nearly everyone else around here. "So, asides from your bad attitude, how are you doing?" He questioned, his voice neutral. Of course, he expected her to answer with hostility. That's all she'd been lately, was hostile. While she was without a guard, he knew she wouldn't take her position lying down.

Their uncle and Winter had both been exiled. Though Acere had paid a higher price than anyone else in the pack before he was cast out. He looked his sister over, assessing the wounds that were nearly healed. No doubt that sooner or later, she would try to fight her way out again. "I'd be careful if I were you. Ig's the new alpha now, and as long as we're here, it'll remain that way whether you like it or not. You're welcome to hate me for saying it, it seems to be a family trait, wouldn't you say?" For him, it was true. He hated his mother. Hated Theta. Was starting to hate his father even for leaving them. Hated that Winter hadn't even tried to fight for her position. Though he tried his best not to hate Tsunami, it got harder with each passing day that neither of them spoke despite living in the same pack all this time...until today.




6 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
03-12-2021, 01:14 AM

Her brother's offhand comment earned a gruff huff, the barest sampling of a chuckle. "Forgive me for assuming your alpha wouldn't want me to fraternize." She looked him over cooly. "And that you didn't care." Time after time Tyto had made himself scarce and she'd welcomed him back, worked to tear down his walls with small gestures, a bump of his shoulder, closing the gap when next to each other... and each time she saw him again those walls would be right back up. She would admit she hadn't exactly sought him out much, her own head alight with the drive to succeed but she'd never been the one to try and enforce a strict space be between them... that was all him. "I wouldn't have answered anyone else..." It was true, she wasn't keen to let anyone else near her right now, not even Ig would find it simple enough to call her name and have her appear, there was a brief moment of her defensiveness lowering, she needed someone in her corner now more than ever and she hoped, prayed he could do that for her. For the briefest of moments, she was the scared pup she'd been so long ago, thrown into a situation she could not grasp and clinging desperately to the only stable thing left in her life, her brother.

Still she was irked by his comment on her attitude, and up the walls went again, her expression growing hard once more. "My attitude? Sorry for not rolling over like everyone else I guess!" She stalked away, not turning her back on him but clearly putting more distance between them. "I'm fine thanks for asking." Her tone was sarcastic. She rolled her eyes at her brother's comments about their cousin.

"If he wants to have his kingdom of sticks so badly then let him, I have no intentions of stopping him. But I shouldn't have to be involved if I don't want to... though I guess if he wanted a pack with no drive then he got it and is doing a great job maintaining it, might as well make a few more wolves who don't want to be here prisoner just to make sure we're really hitting the quota of wolves who refuse to earn their keep." The family remark earned an actual laugh, just one, a hard barking noise of a laugh.

"Family? What family? Our mother was a lying manipulative bitch that only ever saw us as pawns in her weird little war against our father, who as it turns out was a shitty king incapable of paying attention to his own kids for more than two seconds to run off and make more, our siblings didn't fall that far from the tree, our grandfather was a psychopath, his brother is a coward who reared a whole line of cowards and our cousin?" She turned and moved towards Tyto then, her voice lowering. "You and I both know our cousin is unstable, he's a powder keg but the fuse is already lit and we have no way of knowing when he's going to explode, or what he'll ask of everyone else here... but I know for certain he'll try to drag us all down with him." She moved away then, turning her back on her brother, a final sign of her trust in him still, though her reindeer was clearly still watching him with narrowed eyes. "I don't believe in family, what good has it ever done us?"

"So I don't hate you Tyto, but I hate what you stand for, what you're standing for. A violent throwback to the blood that runs through our veins? You really think that's better than the alternative?" She paused and glanced over her shoulder at him, the wall slipping for the second time to show just how tired she truly was. "I'm tired of it, I don't want my legacy to be the anger and the hatred. I want family to mean more than just cursed fucking blood. I want it to be those that I can feel proud standing beside, that choose me. That won't throw me to the sharks. I'm tired of trying, of working, of giving all of myself to get nothing or worse to get what we've always been dealt: a shit hand!" She turned away again, she didn't want to see him anymore, it hurt to look at him. "If family is hatred to you, then we're not family."


Art by Zinderell
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



Master Fighter (240)

Advanced Hunter (70)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Fail!Christmas 2019Treat 2019
04-03-2021, 01:16 PM

He listened quietly to what she had to say, though truthfully, he understood. She didn't know it yet, but he had tried to fight Ignis after she left, but had failed just like her and Acere before him. "My attitude? Sorry for not rolling over like everyone else I guess!" His ears flattened a bit, but still he kept his mouth shut. Lips pursing as he fought the urge to blurt out that he had tried to, but he was so sick of his constantly feeling like a failure that he just couldn't bring himself to say anything quiet yet. As she stalked away, putting more distance between them, he took a step forward and stopped himself. "I'm fine thanks for asking." He couldn't help but look at the ground for a moment, guilt eating away at him. He knew it wasn't all her fault that they weren't as close as he wished. And yet, despite all the wishing, he kept putting walls up left and right.

He supposed he could blame his mom and dad for that...and Theta didn't exactly help, either. The only thing that set him and Tsu apart from their hateful sister, was the fact that they were more driven compared to her.

She went on about Ignis and the pack, and honestly, he had to agree with her to some degree. Some members didn't mind the sudden change in leadership, while others like her, despised it. He was on the fence. On one hand, he was curious to see where Ignis would take them. On the other hand, he felt this new leadership would be disastrous. Not just because of the potential new changes, but the fact that the crimson alpha appeared...unstable as of late. Or maybe he'd always been that way and Ty just never noticed, he wasn't sure. "Family? What family? Our mother was a lying manipulative bitch that only ever saw us as pawns in her weird little war against our father, who as it turns out was a shitty king incapable of paying attention to his own kids for more than two seconds to run off and make more, our siblings didn't fall that far from the tree, our grandfather was a psychopath, his brother is a coward who reared a whole line of cowards and our cousin?" He had to agree with her for the most part, however, he couldn't on the last. "Tsu, I agree with you on most of that. But you're forgetting, Acere tried. He challenged Ignis and lost. Not just the fight, but he lost what he built, he lost his nephew, I'm sure he feels like he failed his children and his family, and the rest of the pack. And not only that, but he suffered a bad injury which I'm sure will leave him blind after that. You can be angry with him all you want, but at least he didn't just stand back and do nothing. Winter didn't do anything because she was afraid. She didn't know what she was doing which...I have to admit was her fault. She didn't want help to learn how to lead, and admittedly, our uncle should've taught her if not resumed leadership. Was he perfect? No. But no leader is. We all have our flaws, Tsu. And I admit my flaw was not paying more attention. Especially to you."

He looked at her. Regardless of how she felt, he hoped she'd try to understand. While he wasn't any good at showing his emotions or speaking about how he felt, he was trying. He tried to put himself in his uncle's shoes. Tried even now to put himself in his sisters shoes. But if there was anyone he could speak up to about his thoughts and feelings, it was her. So when she continued on about Ignis and how she felt about family, he fell silent. He understood where she was coming from. He didn't want that to be their legacy, either. But what was he supposed to do? Challenge Ignis for his throne and turn everything around? It was a tempting thought...but he didn't know if he was capable. He had constant self doubt even though he never showed it on the outside. But perhaps he was just being too hard on himself...?

"I..." he paused for a moment as he took a deep breath and exhaled before continuing. "Family isn't hatred to me. That's why I've stayed with you. Wherever you are, I want to be there. I...I tried to fight for your freedom after you left. But...I didn't win. I'm not as good as I thought, or maybe I'm just not experienced enough. If I could, I'd rip the crown right off of Ignis' head, but I'm not sure that I'm strong enough to do that. I know the way we grew up sucked. I hate our mother and father, and...well I've always hated Theta and her stupid attitude, but you and I have real reasons to be angry about what's happening. I understand, Tsu. Believe me, I do. I'd do anything for you, even though I feel we're not the closest brother and sister, I'd do anything for you. I'd give my life for you if it brought you happiness."

Slowly, he started to feel the doubt melt away the more he spoke. Realizing that he had been holding himself to a standard much too high for anyone. But for Tsu? He'd do anything. "What do you want me to do. I'm not asking. And especially not for just myself. But for what you stand for. What we should be standing for. Whatever it is, I want to help."
