
A Greater Foundation




1 Year
Extra large
03-27-2021, 02:50 PM

The grumpy yearling found himself heading north. He'd recently reunited with Zosime so he imagined she wouldn't be too far from him now. Not that he was afraid of her, but he didn't quite listening to her or deal with her temper if he were to leave her too far behind again. As it stood, they both had yet to find Odyssia and the further north they traveled looking for her, the bitchier and more annoyed he became. He hated winter, he hated going north where it was colder, and he hated that spring wouldn't show itself. In summarization, he hated anything, anyone, and everything. Which was really just about a typical day for him. Since when was he not grumpy? He'd say when hell froze over, but it was apparent that that was probably frozen over by now too.

In his search for the older white woman, he stumbled across something he hadn't expected. He could see the peak of a volcano not far away, but the scent of a pack strongly filled his nostrils and made him wrinkle his snout in disgust. The reality of the situation was that he wouldn't be able to get anywhere near that molten mountain. He could try, sure, but he didn't feel like having a whole pack up his ass for stepping over a border that was not his own. As much as he didn't give two shits about the silly little pack and what they claimed home, even he was not stupid or brave enough to risk the wrath of more than a couple wolves. He believed himself to be strong and competent, but no one was that good.

What he found instead of the volcano, happened to be something far better in his opinion. After grumbling to himself for a better part of an hour, he stumbled upon a steaming pool. Even from a few feet away, he could feel the heat radiating from the depths of the pools. He took in a deep breath, enjoying the scent of something that wasn't freezing, before languidly sliding into the shallower waters of one of the hot springs. He let out a soft sigh as the chill was instantly shunned from his body. At last. Something that wasn't fucking frozen. This couldn't be more perfect for the horned beast.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Rhaegath is not friendly! Most (if not all) of his posts will be rated M for the ridiculously foul mouth he has. Thread with him at your own risk (cause half the time even I don't know what he's gonna do.)

Carnage I


2 Years

03-30-2021, 01:22 PM

The babe had finally stepped over her borders, exploring away from the pack borders and away from safety. Carnage was very excited to see what the new lands had to offer and was met with surprise with how different each place looked. While she was beaming with excitement, the girl was tense and very aware of the surroundings around her. She knew the world was a dangerous place and was not about to have her life cut short. The girl had spoken to her mother prior and had only finally gotten permission to leave... though for not too long or two far and wisely their mother had given her Potoo for security and that put her somewhat at ease. Some may find it silly she had not come with one of her other siblings, though that may be a lesson to be learnt.

Her eyes were wide and bright with wonder, taking in the changes in soil beneath her paws, walking past a variety of different trees and shrubs she had not once seen before in pack lands. It was rare that Carnage came out in daylight, though she was full of energy and quickly adjusted to the light. Her strides were long and powerful and she carried herself forward and while she was fascinated with what life had to offer she would slow down as she reach the hot springs. It hit different, the land was quiet and calm and she could a heat radiating. Intrigued by what their was to offer she would follow her senses and it wouldn't take long till she heard the huffs and puffs of a boy. For a moment Carnage would stop in her tracks, her ears perking to the location of the noise and wondering if it were wise to approach

She would shrug off the thought of 'danger' as she came across a steaming pool. It seemed so warm and welcoming and she would for a moment not care that a stranger was by. Perhaps because she was used to wolves accepting her status and had yet to meet a rogue. She would stand atop the ledge and look upon her reflection, her crown raising high as her eyes would trace to meet the stranger before her. Her was far larger than her and as she observed him in silence she couldn't help but find he looked rather mystical with his horns and feathers. Where could he possibly have come from. While it was clear he seemed rather irritable she was clever enough to keep her distance and observe the situation at the Potoo circled above and in the distance.
"Having a bad day?" She would call over, trying to get a feel of the boy's mood. Tempted to take a step into the waters and allow the warmth to engulf her, though not taking a chance with strangers, perhaps she will have to come visit the hot springs again in the future.



1 Year
Extra large
04-01-2021, 07:32 PM

He slowly brought himself into the deeper part of the water until the pool's surface just reached at the hollow of his throat. A soft sigh of contentment slipped from him as he relaxed his muscles. This was far better than the frigid temperatures that Boreas had to offer. He could feel the heat seeping past his fur and settling in his muscles and bones. He would have considered closing his eyes and fully giving into the call of the soothing waters and possibly dozing, but he could hear the foot falls of someone in the distance.

His eyes narrowed to slits as he glared in the direction of the noise. Maybe, whoever it was, they would go on somewhere else. It was to his dismay that they got louder and closer. Yellow eyes zeroed in on a pale pup as she approached. One thing Rhae was not known for was his kindness and, pup or not, he had no filter when it came to expressing his annoyance with whatever it was that bugged him. And everything bugged him

To make matters worse, the gangly little thing had the audacity to ask him if he was having a bad day. He snorted and rolled his eyes and remained quiet for a few moments. He hated pups. They asked too many questions, were far too noisy, and were often accompanied by their parents who got offended when he insulted their ugly little brats. He supposed it was why he didn't mind Zosime too much. She had no parents who annoyed him. He could say whatever the hell he wanted, when he wanted, and wouldn't have to deal with the aftermath save for what nonsense she could spew back at him.

"It was just fucking fine before you showed up with your questions." He spat at her, not caring to save her feelings. If she was going to try to play a million questions and bug him about his feelings, well he wanted no part of it. He couldn't help but notice the way she eyeballed the pool as though she wanted to hop in too. His nose wrinkled at the thought. He sure as fuck wasn't sharing if she wasn't going to pester him the entire time.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Rhaegath is not friendly! Most (if not all) of his posts will be rated M for the ridiculously foul mouth he has. Thread with him at your own risk (cause half the time even I don't know what he's gonna do.)

Carnage I


2 Years

04-06-2021, 02:26 PM

The babe would continue to stand on the ledge, her crown high as she stared at the man with little care if she were being annoying, in fact, she was in the mood to ruffle some feathers though she promised her mum she would behave and be safe. She would carelessly scratch a claw across the ledge as her gaze still would not waiver. She would watch as he relaxed for just a moment before he would grunt in annoyance. She guessed he wasn't much of a wolf kinda guy. Before long the stranger would speak, his language foul. She would smirk, her ebony lips curling up and she would roll her eyes. Her facial expression mocking him, as if mimicking the exact same sentence. " I'm happy that my presence disturbed you." She would say, her voice not cracking it was as though she was baiting him to go further. As a few moments pass she again would look upon the warm water, her right paw skimming across the water. The boy before her didn't look too much older than her, though he spoke and looked upon her as if she had just come out of her mother's belly yesterday. " Maybe that bath with cleanse all of that negativity you seem to be holding... What happened? someone hurt your feelings?"
she would continue, wondering if she would get anything at all out of him, what made him this way?



1 Year
Extra large
04-11-2021, 04:37 PM

He eyed the pup warily as she drug a claw across the stone edge of the pool. It wasn't as though he was concerned for his safety. He had a pretty high opinion of himself and his fighting abilities. If a pup could beat him ... well hell froe over and he no longer would deserve to call himself a Spartan. No, it was the fact she was in his presence and clearly not caring that she was poking the angry wolf. He wasn't sure what it was about him that attracted the sort, but he seemed to be a magnet for wolves younger than him. Weren't they supposed to like cuddly and happy-go-lucky wolves? He was anything but and yet he still found himself forced to deal with their company.

His snout wrinkled as she smirked at him and rolled her eyes and he could clearly see his annoyance was not a deterrent to her. Instead he just seemed to be fueling the fire with gasoline. Perhaps the gods just liked to mock him by throwing natives his way that liked to get under his skin. If this was some kind of test he wasn't appreciative in the slightest. What was it with pups trying to delve into his past either? First Relm and now this pup. Even if he felt like story time, the details of his past weren't any of her concern. Kids were too nosy for their own good. Despite the fact he found Zosime annoying, he couldn't help but miss her company. She at least would insult him back and not ask questions where the answers weren't hers to know.

"Kid, I promise, I will hurt more your feelings if you keep pestering me. Either get in the water and quiet down or go away."

Again, he really wasn't trying to piss an entire pack off by attacking one of their young. He liked fights, but he wasn't too keen on that today. He wasn't a complete idiot. But pack be damned, he just wanted to relax and warm up. It seemed like everything in the known universe was fighting against him since he'd traveled to this winter-cloaked continent. Couldn't a guy catch a break?

Walk, "Talk" Think

Rhaegath is not friendly! Most (if not all) of his posts will be rated M for the ridiculously foul mouth he has. Thread with him at your own risk (cause half the time even I don't know what he's gonna do.)

Carnage I


2 Years

04-18-2021, 10:55 AM
She had a certain joy in getting under the skin of another and though she liked to press a few buttons she was also aware she was still very vulnerable and not at her optimun, the last thing she wanted was for her mother to get a report that she was already creating trouble and making foes, afterall, the pup did want to get out and about again in the future. She would stop clawing at the rocks even though it brought her satisfaction to see him want her to leave. The boy would spit some words at her and she would weigh up her options, she was eager to get into the water though she knew that the moment she got in he could quite easily drown her. Perhaps she should think twice.

" It's Carnage Klein" She would say bluntly, her brow rising, though she knew he did not care for formalities or whom this pup was, So she would simply not ask for a name back. Though he may forget her name thus day, as she grows she won't be a face to forget. " I do not fancy being drowned, thanks though. but if I am a pest then I would happily watch you leave" She would giggle to herself before again extending a paw to tip tap above the water. She would let a few more moments pass by before backing up slightly as if she were about to jump right on in and say 'fuck it'. Though alas, for now, she would remain standing tall.



1 Year
Extra large
04-18-2021, 01:43 PM

She at least had stopped clawing at the rock beneath her paws. He almost thought she might heed his advice and leave, but alas, he was going to be tortured some more today. He could have gotten up and left, but now that he was good and wet he wasn't keen on having his fur turn to a sheet of ice the minute he walked away from the springs. His plan had been to warm up quietly by himself and then get out and rest by the springs while his fur dried out. So much for that plan. Life had a funny way of ruining every single one of those plans. Every. Single. One.

An eyebrow rose as she introduced herself without him prompting her. She just really couldn't get the hint, could she? As if he cared about her name. Her comment about him drowning her brought a grin to his face and he let out a hearty laugh at her words. "So your at least smart enough to realize that I might just decide to drown you." He said with another chuckle. He closed his eyes as she looked like she was preparing to jump in, but when he didn't hear a splash he opened them again and squinted at her. Letting out a sigh he resigned himself to her company. He could sit here and be irritated by her or he could do his best to ignore her more annoying qualities. Unfortunately that seemed to be all of her, but he refused to be chased off by a kid. "Listen, I was here first so your tactics aren't going to get you anywhere. So unless you have some hidden strength in that tiny body of yours, then it looks like I'm not going anywhere." With that he closed his eyes with a huff and sunk back down in the water until it was almost level with his nose. He was trying to give off the air that he was going to ignore her from here on out, but his ears were still planted firmly forward as he listened to her movements.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Rhaegath is not friendly! Most (if not all) of his posts will be rated M for the ridiculously foul mouth he has. Thread with him at your own risk (cause half the time even I don't know what he's gonna do.)

Carnage I


2 Years

05-20-2021, 02:06 PM

She would stand in silence as he would not return his name, though she expected as such. He seemed arrogant and she wondered if he had always been so? Carnage still had a lot of growing up to do and with the events surely to come in the future who knows how the girl will turn out. Will she turn out as grumpy as this boy at a young age? What a thought. It would seem he had no desire to move and she would quietly hold in her frustration, mindful for her face not to show her annoyance. Before debating whether to leave, it was as though she had a lightbulb moment when he spoke. While he cackled that she was smart enough not to come in in case he drowned her, it was clear he was smart enough to know she reeked of pack lands. In that moment she would allow herself to slowly submerge in the waters, letting the warm water kiss her body. She had not jumped in like she had planned, she atleast spared him that.

" And it's clear you're smart enough to not make hurt a girl with a large family waiting for her return."
She would laugh to herself, if anyone was leaving, it would be him. Though, it was not safe for her to be so cocky, she had lot to learn about the minds of strangers. " Or you'd have gotten rid of me by now" She would continue to speak after a pause, as if forgetting to finish her previous statement. Could it hurt him to get to know one stranger?