
On My Teeth



2 Years
Extra large
03-31-2021, 05:53 PM

Dawn had just broken the surface of the horizon and the life around her was just beginning to wake up. She typically wasn't an early riser herself, but anxiety and anticipation of finally making it home had kept her awake half the night. She'd come near the borders late last night and come to the realization that should would probably be waking someone up if she called for someone past midnight. Rather than possibly starting her first day back with a whole pack pissed off at her, she'd denned down nearby to wait the night.

And what a horrible night that had been.

She'd been restless all night and unable to sleep a wink save for some light dozing every now and again. So when the sun finally started to make its appearance the girl wasted no time in rushing to the border's edge. Despite being antsy and impatient, she sniffed for a brief moment to take in the scents. Her family was still here from what she could tell. That got her bushy tail wagging faster than a flimsy tree whipping around in gale force winds. Past that she didn't really care about whose scent laid thickly on the border. If she had she might have picked up on the fact that it no longer smelled like the previous alpha she'd known while she'd been living here.

She shuffled here front paws back and forth as she almost toed the line of the pack borders. Not knowing if she'd be accepted back or not is what kept her from crossing. She decided to treat it as though she were a loner (she technically was after all), but all she really wanted to do was run across that border and track down her siblings. She imagined smothering them in a good bear hug would be more than a sufficient way to start the reunion. Despite all that she was trying to wait patiently. She raised her fluffy head and let out the loudest howl she could muster.

Walk, "Talk" Think



3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
04-03-2021, 06:45 PM
As awful as it sounded, finding Océan in the state she had and spending so much of her time caring for him had really given her a purpose. Before then she had felt so disconnected from everyone since their mother's death and it had been taking a toll on her. Now that she had gotten the chance to focus on something other than her own thoughts she felt recharged and had a new focus in the form of wanting to rebuild her relationship with her siblings. It felt as if they had all scattered to the wind without Avalon to hold them together. She didn't believe that she could possibly fill her mother's shoes, but she had to try. They were all she really had left in this world so if she could possibly pull them back together that was all she could hope for.

As if the world around her was reading her thoughts, she heard a familiar voice howling from the border and it made her head snap up to listen. Sév?" she breathed to herself before taking off at a sprint to go find her. She hadn't seen her sister in what felt like ages and she was so excited to go and see her again that it didn't even cross her mind that she probably should let Ignis answer the call first. Physically she still wasn't in the greatest shape so pushing herself to run through this heavy snow made her so entirely out of breath by the time she got to the border along the Sparse Pines, but seeing Sévérine standing there made it worth it.

She was giggling breathlessly as she ran up to her larger sister, tail wagging and big smile stretching across her muzzle. It took a lot to break her out of her normally calm and even demeanor, but the return of her sibling was more than enough for celebration. She couldn't speak as she continued to suck cold air into her burning lungs so settled for just happily whining as she embraced her sister, hugging her tight and letting that affection speak for her.




2 Years
Extra large
05-09-2021, 08:36 AM

Sev waited hours. Hours! Well not actually hours, it was mere minutes, but to her it felt like hours. She'd never been a very patient wolf and something like this ... well it was near impossible. How was she supposed to sit here and wait for an alpha to come and accept her when she wanted to see her family right now. To her surprise it wasn't an alpha who answered her call and instead the familiar form of Chrystelle.

"Chrystelle!" the squeal escaped her as her breathless sibling ran to her. She quickly helped closed the gap and easily fell into the eager embrace of her smaller sibling. She'd never been much of a hugger, but it had been far too long since she'd seen her family. She hadn't realized just how much she'd missed their company until she was right her experiencing what she'd missed out on. "Damn I've missed you." She said, finally pulling away from the tight hug as she looked the other wolf up and down with a grin. "Have I missed anything?"

Walk, "Talk" Think



3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
05-10-2021, 06:32 PM
She continued to pant and catch her breath between happy laughter and giggles, squeezing her sister tight for a long moment. With as few of them as there was left in her family it felt like she had to hold the ones she had left extra tight and make sure that they remained with her. By the time that Sévérine pulled back with a comment on how much she had missed her, Chrystelle had mostly caught her breath and was able to return her sister's grin. Gods, she couldn't wait for a time when a simple run across the Pines wouldn't completely wipe her out. The illness she had survived had set her back so much and it only continued to hinder her daily life. She was only grateful for the fact that she had found healing and had a way to contribute to the pack and her family that didn't involve a significant amount of physical strength.

When the question came of what she had missed, Chrys gave a small shake of her head. "Honestly, not that much," she admitted, wondering where to even begin. "Océan just returned recently and he was in pretty bad shape when I found him - all beat up and heartbroken... a little frown pulled across her features at the thought of their brother. "I can't remember who lead the pack when I saw you last... Acere had passed it down to his daughter Winter, but a little bit ago his nephew Ignis challenged her for it. It was... interesting. Not everyone is pleased with the change, there was a lot of fighting involved. He helped me dig my den out form the snow recently though - he seems nice enough... Despite how he took the pack from Winter." She'd have to let Sév make her own conclusions about the Rex and how he wanted to run things. As long as she had a place that was safe for her and her siblings to live that's all she really cared about.

"That's... That's the biggest things," she decided after another moment of thought, giving a small shrug. "Otherwise it's just been pretty quiet. What about you? Where have you been?"



The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (75)

Expert Intellectual (150)

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod
05-27-2021, 10:38 PM

She hadn't been doing much of anything save for moping around, but that always seemed to be her usual. She couldn't figure out how to get out of the rut she felt she'd been stuck in since mom and dad passed, but she couldn't bring herself to ask for help, either. She sighed as she ultimately decided to go for another mindless patrol, that is...until she heard a very familiar call. Her head lifted, brows knitting with confusion. Was she just hearing things, or was that really who she thought it was? As the howl started to die off, she realized it was her, and right away Claire took off in the direction her sisters call had come from. She hadn't seen Sev in what felt like forever, and while she didn't know what to expect from seeing her again, she hoped it was something good.

She knew she wasn't the only one to find her sister, nor was she the first. She spotted her other sisters tracks in the snow along with her scent, and it only sent her hurrying along until she spotted Sev and Chrys there at the border. "Sev!? Is that you! It feels like it's been forever!" She greeted as she rushed up to the two of them, aiming to practically tackle hug her sibling.
