
Dawn of Gods


06-07-2014, 07:00 PM

The brute braced himself for the impact and winced as his right shoulder struck home. The snowy woman scrambled to find purchase in the dirt, her paws flailing as Lekan caught her off guard. For a moment the golden boy let himself smile, feeling pride in his chest. But Cataleya wasn't here to see his accomplishment. It didn't matter anyway. He kept his ears pinned and narrowed his eyes as he observed Daegmar for no more than a second. Then, taking cue from the experienced fighter, he leapt forward and curled back his lips to reveal a set of razor teeth. Lekan would snap at the intruder. He aimed for a bite that would sink into the flesh above her scapula, hoping to injure her shoulder and make it almost impossible to fight back. If the dame had ripped muscles across her thigh and shoulder, moving would be incredibly painful. She would be unable to fight, and therefore unable to harm Daegmar or any of the other Arcanum members. This was the goal Lekan had set forth. He thrashed his golden head about for a moment to do the most damage.

As soon as he had completed his attack, the brute started to back away. But the white female had tumbled to the ground and was now lashing out on anything she could get her claws on. Or her teeth, for that matter. Lekan yelped indignantly as her jaws clamped down on his left foreleg. Fangs punctured the tight flesh around his shin, drawing blood slowly. His first thought was to shake the leg free, but Lekan knew enough of battle to realize that this was a mistake. So he instead lifted his right leg and firmly planted a paw on his opponent's throat. He leaned all of his weight onto the girl, focusing it on that right front leg. His claws began to extend. This time, his goal was to choke her and force her to release the bite on his leg. Lekan Mercado was not a ruthless killer, of course. He would let up on his grip as soon as the snowy dame obeyed his wordless command.

Little did he know that another fight was about to begin nearby.



claws extended | ears pinned | jaws unhinged | lips curled | eyes narrowed | stomach tucked | head tucked during impact | muscles in back tightened | legs braced | weight evenly distributed
Lekan will follow the lead of his partner and attempt to bite Nephele on her left shoulder (the flesh above her scapula) and thrash his head to shred muscle. As a reaction to Nephele biting his foreleg, he will plant his right foot on her throat and press down, hoping to choke her and force her to let up on her bite. This may also be counted as a defense, I'm not really sure. xD
INJURIES:Ramming was successful, resulting in some slight bruising to Lekan's right shoulder. He also has some bite wounds on his lower left foreleg, severity depends on reaction from opponent. If she digs deeper or changes her attack, cuts could be painful. If his attempt to choke her succeeds and she lets go, further injuries will be avoided.


The Judge


06-18-2014, 03:21 PM
Default to NEIOS & MENIX

Due to CERBERUS not responding to this challenge, NEIOS & MENIX are the winners.

CERBERUS must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.

The Judge


06-25-2014, 02:03 PM

Daegmar and Lekan vs. Nephele and Artemis for Dominance

Round 1

9 for clarity- -1 ?D?gmar was perpendicular to Nephele's left side? perpendicular to where on her left side? Minor deduction because it?s just a picky thing from me.

7 for powerplaying. -3 ?D?gmar was perpendicular to Nephele's left side when she started her attack. ? don?t assume this; when specifying positioning in relation to an opponent you must use an attempt.

7 for defenses. hackles raised, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, jaws parted, chin tucked, neck aligned, tail, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, weight evenly distributed, toes spread, claws -3 for not rebalancing limbs when she did her double leg attack

6 for attack. +2 for foot attack one (full points not given because Daegmar did not re-balance upon lifting her paw) +0 for ankle attack (I don?t see how Daegmar would be able to realistically do two claw attacks at the same time. It would put her in a very vulnerable position balance wise) +3 for bite to left thigh +1 for grip/thrashing

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Daegmar Total: 39/50


4 for clarity- -2 ? The slam would cause some sort of bruising? you need to specify the severity of the bruising caused. -2 ?The woman tucked in her ash tipped tail as a bite was landed on her right hind thigh. ? Daegmar attacked Nephele?s hind left thigh. Left & right confusions here. -2 what damage was done to her thigh specifically? -2 ? Kylar was at her front, causing her to attempt to bite at his left bit of scruff. ? where on his scruff? At the top? To the bottom? It?s quite a bit of an area.

0 for powerplaying. -4 you need to specify more why Nephele isn?t getting knocked around, especially in the attack with Kylar where a full grown gigantic wolf slammed into her, and she is a small framed yearling. Similarly you need to specify why Daegmar?s attack did not knock her off balance, not just say it didn?t. -3 ? Though, the tugging would cause more damage, due to the fangs rubbing against her.? Don?t assume that Kylar kept his grip on her paw. -3 ?This would affect Daeg's stability upon Neph's rear? don?t assume that it would, it?s up to your opponent to decide -4 not responding to Daegmar?s left attack where she tried to put weight onto Nephele?s hind quarters

7 for defenses. head tucked, lips snarling, ears back, eyes narrowed, paws biting into early, legs squared, tail

3 for attack. +2 biting scruff (full points not awarded due to vagueness) +1 for lowering & raising hind end (not sure this is likely due to the amount of weight being pushed on Nephele?s hind quarters, and not sure this would be an effective attack)

10 for injuries.First round; deep bruising to chest (assumed by judge due to wolf being huge and running at full speed into Nephele, who is little), severe damage to right limb (no deductions in injuries this round due to first round rule)

Round one Nephele Total: 24/50


2 for clarity- -5 where on her ribs is he trying to attack? Which side? You say her upper ribs, but this isn?t specific enough. This is a heavy clarity deduction because it?s incredibly hard to respond to this attack due to extreme lack fo information.-3 so he?s just watched her stumble and then he?s attacking her while she?s stumbling?

0 for powerplaying. -5 ?In the short moment when Nephele was caught off balance, Lekan would slam into her once more.? You need an attempt here. -5 ?His head would tuck down as his right shoulder connected with her upper ribs.? Once more, you need an attempt here. You are not allowed to assume your attacks hit; this is entirely up to your opponent.-3 ?If his force was enough, she would at last fall to the ground? this is not for your to decide. -3 ?If she somehow managed to recover her balance, however, she would sustain more bruising than Lekan would because of where the damage took place.? Once more, this is not for you to decide.

7 for defenses. ears pinned, eyes narrowed, lips curled, jaws parted, balance, muscles tightened, head tucked

2 for attack. +2 for shoulder slam (deduction due to vagueness)

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Lekan Total: 21/50

Round 2


8 for clarity- -2 Lekan?s attacks were aimed when Nephele was toppling, so it would occur before/during this set of attacks, not after

2 for powerplaying. -5 ?Her right front forelimb shifted in a bit to wrap behind Nephele's back left ankle and tug it forward again? you need an attempt phrase here. -3 ?so that she could push? less severe, but also needs an attempt phrase.

10 for defenses. hackles, ears, eyes, neck, shoulders, limbs spread, bent, tail, toes, claws

4 for attack.+3 for trying to worsen bite +1 for pushing with left limb (it?s kind of pushing across Daegmar?s front now, so rather awkward. Also it probably wouldn?t do that much damage) +0 for attempted trip (once more we come across balance issues, and a huge powerplay issue)

10 for injuries. none received

Round two Daegmar Total: 34/50


0 for clarity- -2 ?The Elysius bitch felt throbbing within her upper ribs, she assumed bruising at the least.? You need to specify bruising from this attack, as a slam at a sprint from a male would result in damage. -2 ?Though, as she would try to curve around and snap at the new man? I realize your opponent did not specify a side, but when they don?t it?s up to you to either speak with them and decide one or to simply choose a side. -2 ?Daegmar fixated her teeth within her hind right leg.?? More left and right confusion -4 ?Though, as she would try to curve around and snap at the new man?? snap at him where? -3 ?She would aim for anything, mostly his left leg? you need to be specific about what Nephele is trying to attack. -6 ?Though, she would also try to 'donkey kick' the Wolf in front of her.? Which wolf? How is she donkey kicking (with her hind legs? Front legs?)

4 for powerplaying.. -3 ?his would cause Daeg to either let go of her hind right leg (which would induce even more ripping) or she would have to position herself oddly to remain a logical grip on the thigh.? You need a hopefully or something in here; you cannot assume, no matter how obvious, how a move will affect your opponent -3 ?If not with her right leg, due to the bite, then with her left. ? conditional

7 for defenses. paws in ground, knees bent, tail lowered, head tucked, eyes narrowed, lips curled, ears pinned

2 for attack. +1 for attempted leg bite (vagueness is really extreme here), +1 for donkey kick (vagueness issue here as well)

5 for injuries. -2 severe bruising to side, -3 damage to leg

Round two Nephele Total: 18/50


10 for clarity-

10 for powerplaying.

10 for defenses. tail, head lowered, eyes narrowed, ears pinned back, limbs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributed, bent legs, toes spread, nails biting into soil, shoulders, chin tucked, neck scrunched, jackles raised, jaws parted, lips peeled

8 for attack. +4 for shoulder slam (extra point given for maim attempt) +4 for attack to neck (extra point for maim attempt)

10 for injuries. n/a

Round two Artemis Total: 48/50


2 for clarity- -2 what damage was done to his shoulder? There should be some bruising. -2 ?He aimed for a bite that would sink into the flesh above her scapula,? which side? -2 what damage specifically was done to his left leg? -4 ?His claws began to extend.? He is a wolf. Wolf claws do not extend.

1 for powerplaying.-3 ? If the dame had ripped muscles across her thigh and shoulder, moving would be incredibly painful.? Don?t assume this, no matter how obvious it seems. -3 ?He thrashed his golden head about for a moment to do the most damage.? Once again, don?t assume. -3 ?As soon as he had completed his attack? don?t assume his attack had even been able to land; this is for Nephele?s post to decide -5 ? So he instead lifted his right leg and firmly planted a paw on his opponent's throat? you need an attempt when you are trying to touch your opponent. You can?t just assume

0 for defenses. ears pinned, eyes narrowed, curled lips, -3 no mention of balance or adjusting it at all when he lifted a paw

3 for attack. +2 for bite to shoulder (full points not awarded due to powerplay and vagueness, extra point for head shake) +1 for throat stomp (points not awarded due to powerplay, point for maim attempt)

7 for injuries. -3 damage to left leg

Round two Lekan Total: 13/50


Daegmar: 39 + 34 = 73, divided by 2 = 36.5

Nephele: 24 + 18 = 42, divided by 2 = 21

Lekan: 21 + 13 = 34, divided by 2 = 17

Artemis: 48/1 = 48

And the knocked out opponent is...

Lekan! Due to having the lowest score in this group fight, Lekan is now knocked out. The fight may continue for additional rounds between Artemis and Nephele vs. Daegmar. It may continue until there are no more wolves fighting on the opposing side. Lekan must give up by passing out, submitting, or running away.

Damage so far:

Daegmar- None yet

Nephele - damage to hind left thigh (1 ic month to heal), damage to front right paw (2 ic weeks to heal), bruising to ribs (2 ic weeks to heal)

Artemis - none yet

Lekan - bruising to shoulder (1 ic week to heal) damage to left front leg (1 ic month to heal)


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
In general this was a fun fight to read! I have a few tips for all of you, but I?ll keep this short because I know this fight has been waiting a little while already.

For Lunarcat7
I think the big thing here was the realism of Daegmar?s paw attacks. If she?s raised up, it would be impossible for her right paw to reach the ground, and also it would set her off balance and make attacking with her right paw unbeneficial. Otherwise I loved your posts; they were easy to read and understand, and I never had to read over anything twice! Perhaps try more diverse attacks in the future, as well as keep Daegmar?s balance in mind.

For Canttina
The big thing with Nephele was that she needed to attempt more attacks, and her attacks needed to be more effective. Also you need to explain things better; what damage does she take? Why didn?t she trip? Stuff along those lines. You did well playing her in this two on one, I thought the damage you took was fair and you did well to address attacks.
For Aly

Probably the best fight post I?ve had to read on Alacritis, congratulations! If you were able to squeeze one more attack in there you could have had a perfect score. In general 3 attacks are needed to obtain full points in the attack category, but otherwise your fight was nice. Perhaps keep an eye on your post length if possible in the future; your post was clear and beautifully written, but long posts can be tedious to judge.

For Requiem

The big thing you got deducted for was assuming things. Never assume your attacks hit; everything you try to do with an opponent must come with an attempt or synonymous phrase. While you did good taking damage for Lekan, you need to watch that you specify where your attacks are aimed and you need to be careful about assuming things about your opponent (safe thing to do is to assume nothing unless they have specifically stated it).
Good job everyone! If you have any questions feel free to PM me.

- By [MUSE]


06-28-2014, 10:50 PM
luns gave me pp to just pretend like dae was too stunned to fight further, but if anyone else wants to continue this let me know. i just didnt see a point since this is outdated xD BUT I NEEDED TO POST AN EXIT CAUSE IM ORGANIZED LIKE THAT.

Right shoulder ruthlessly slams into the dappled wraith?s left side, carnivorous jaws simultaneously carving bloody trenches into the woman?s left shoulder--though no grip is maintained due to her adversary?s sideways motion, and gored jaws are left to threateningly gape before the fallen woman?s eyes. Defenses remain secured as she hovers above her opponent, attention briefly wavering to the pathetic heap of her defeated brother and then to her wounded sister, fury left to seep from pallid pores as she assesses the damage done. ?Go,? vocals are a guttural snarl--a domineering command the phantom directs towards her youthful half-siblings with the intentions of forcing them to escape harm?s way; she will handle whatever punishment they deserve on her own, even if that means facing the cowardly tactics of these Arcanum worms. Chest inflates and deflates rapidly as adrenaline freely surges throughout her veins, motions stilled until the haggard forms of her siblings slip out of sight and into the perpetual fog that encumbers their former home. Mismatched gaze ravages the three remaining assailants--tauntingly--sinewy muscle rippling eagerly beneath taut flesh, silently baiting them to attack her so that she may mercilessly admonish them for their pitiful display; though they do not move to attack her. A snort brushes past velveteen nostrils as she backs away slowly, amethyst and silver gaze narrowed in contempt before the banshee turns her back on them and slips through the underbrush of her former domain and after her siblings.

---exeunt artemis and co