
the last thing i'd do is forget about you, baby



5 Years
05-29-2014, 04:11 PM
The man's favorite place in all of Alacritia- the Col. Where him and his beloved first met and fell asleep side by side. Oh- that was the best day of his life. She was his star, his queen. And the boy would forever bow to her, no matter she was a queen or not. She was still his wife. And just because he didn't become a king, or a father, he still had her. That was all the man needed. Besides, it was possible the pair could try for pups again! Maybe they're life as one started a bit rough...but he knew things would get better. Although...the thrill of Six being near him again was just so hard to let go. No pups, saddening, but his love was here again! Alive! The man just wanted to embrace her and never let go. But of coarse she needed to collect herself first. Then he could let her rest on his shoulder and breathe on his neck gently with the warm breath of hers. To look at him and smile with those beautiful purple gems yet again. Oh how the man was excited. He loved her so much- and he just couldn't believe she was alive. Hopefully this wasn't a long, horrific dream, and at any moment he'd wake up curled up in a den. Alone.

As he thought about Six and the way she looked at him on the mount, the boy climbed the Col, smiling as snow fluttered down and kissed his soft obsidian fur. The snow was much lighter than last time he had come here, and the view of the star-littered sky above was just overwhelming. Aldoro was trying to find the spot he found Six curled into a ball that one night. But of coarse it would take forever to locate the exact place. Maybe he'd just rest somewhere at least slightly close to spot. Then he could just relax and think about what would take place in the future. Or how he would help Six collect herself. Sighing, the massive behemoth shook his head softly and allowed a light amount of snow to tumble of his head, then he would continuing climbing the dangerous terrain. He could feel his large paws gradually beginning to numb up as snow and ice clung to his toes. But instead of complaining or groaning, he ignored it. What was the point? Over time the man had grown stronger and regained maturity. No more being a doormat.

The snow quickly ceased, and it caused the remainder of the snow on his back to melt through his ebony fur. Aldoro shuttered softly and noticed his breath was beginning to fade away quickly. The air pressure was decreasing, and finally, he decided he had climbed high enough. The masculine brute slowly lowered onto the ground and crossed his forearms across his chest. He lifted his chin and attempted to detect another soul's aroma- but smelt nothing, and relaxed his spine. Finally at peace. But the man kinda did hope his goddess would creep up behind him and soon rest beside him.


05-29-2014, 05:22 PM
Her mind ached with thoughts of failure. The pain of the loss of the pack did not bother her much anymore. It was her pups. The one thing she had to do in life, breed, pop out pups. Raise them to carry her legacy. But, no. The woman could not even manage to give birth. Stillborn children had come from her. Was she not good enough to have pups? Was it her or was it fate? The woman would never know but the thoughts would kill her until she finally had pups. The man who kept her stable before the incident was now trying to bring her back. She truly did miss spending time with her mate, Aldoro. His gentle attitude and nice ways. He was so adorable and nice. His touch was so soft, unless it envolved pleasure. He was the perfect mate for the temptress. Well, once temptress. Now she was nothing but a depressed slob. Her fur was matted in places and her joints cracked when she laid down. The woman did nothing but sleep and eat. Her belly had become slightly more plump, due to her now being a lazy bones. But, hopefully her mate could help.

The woman had found herself always near her mate. But, she did not know where he had ran off to. He was now her sanity. The one thing she had to hold on to. She remembered the sight of the place they had first met. The Col. It was truly a place of dreams. The starry sky reflected off of the ice that surrounded her. The scent of her lover was fresh in the area and she was getting close. The woman really hoped he did not find her to annoying. Always just popping up. But he was her love. The one thing she had. The woman would be diminished of all hope if he thought ill of her. Six slowly climbed up the Col, which she could have done much quicker if she weren't all drained of life. But, when she saw her husband, the fae seemed to melt. A tear threatened to slide from her eye, but she forced it back. A long breathe was sucked in before she slithered closer to her mate. Six sighed gently and slid in next to him. The woman laid down at his right side and rested against him. "I love you, Aldoro."



5 Years
05-29-2014, 06:51 PM
The obsidian man had gazed over the celestial display for awhile as he lay there, motionless and silent. Though hopeful. His two-toned eyes glittered to the light of the many stars, and that one big moon in which had always interested him. The stars had reminded him of the one time he found pictures in the night sky with his young sister. He found a rose, a bone, and a wolf paw. His sister found a duck. The heart warming thought made him smile. But soon- a familiar aroma invaded his nose. One that caused his smile to grow even wider. Six. His flower, his love. His reason to be living. It seemed she read his mind, and had immediately came to him. Or maybe she was just passing through? Either way, his heart began to quicken, and both his eyes lit up with happiness. Just as the boy had hoped.

Aldoro twisted his head to the side as the mistress slipped in beside him. They're fur mingled and combined, black with black. Quickly the babe had pushed herself against him, and it caused his big heart to throb. Her warmth quickly spread through his body and caused a rumbling noise- one that erupted from his chest and sounded like a soft cat purr, to ring out into the darkness. She hummed a few sweet nothings to him, and all he did was smile and reach down to the spot between her ears. His tongue rasped itself through her soft obsidian fur, right over her eyes, and slithered back into his mouth smoothly after a few licks. Then he moved his maw down to her ear and whispered, "I love you too, my flower. My queen." Voice was but a soothing hum, his lips pulling back into a softer smile. He nipped lightly at her ear and turned his head to the stars slowly. "This is where we first met. When we both drifted off you remember?"


05-30-2014, 02:32 PM
The woman stared at the stars above. Her eyes were wide, for once. She had been stuck in a fog for a while, but she finally broke free of that. Her mate had helped her a lot. She met a lot of wolves along the way, a lot of men. But, not one was close to her love. The girl was once a whore, a minx, a temptress. But, she had changed her ways for him. She became a leader, ambitious, and a Wife. Though, it was all ruined in the end there was still possibility of her having pups and living a happy life with her husband. Did he still even think of her as his Wife? She did not leave in spite of him. she could never disgrace her Aldoro. He was so nice, fluffy, and happy. It hurt her when he hurt. It was horrible. But, the lady could solve things, right? Right. So, in those moments the babe relaxed with her man under the stars, like they did once before.

The woman loved the heat from his body invading hers. His fur slid along hers in elegance. It was delightful. It was as if nothing had changed. Six listened to the rumble from her mate. A content sound from his chest, it excited her. It showed her he was happy and excited all the same. The black and white couple were perfect, once again. As he licked her the babe smiled softly and returned the gentle kisses. Six nibbled on his lip softly and smiled even more. As she heard his voice the woman sighed softly, not in annoyance, but in content. But, as he said Queen the woman felt a sharp pain in her heart. Six looked away for a few moments, thinking of how she had the chance of being Queen but did not take it. He reeled her back in with another line of baritone vocals that made her smile return once again. "I do remember, that was the greatest night of my life." The ebony babe licked his muzzle once more. "Im so sorry for leaving."



5 Years
05-31-2014, 12:14 PM
The man was so happy and relieved to see his wife light up. For her to accept and return the gentle nips and kisses he presented to her, while smiling and relaxing herself against him as if things hadn't changed. Though not knowing why she left, where she went, and what happened there, the obsidian boy thought she had been through complete hell these past seasons. So seeing her smile was but a miracle. And he wanted to continue making her happy, so that maybe she was capable enough to think positive by herself, and without him being right there beside her. would take some time, and the man wondered if she wanted to try for pups again. He'd ask her eventually...for now, he'd show her nothing other than love, and focus on fixing everything that had been destroyed.

Aldoro's smile gradually extended as time went on, sweet nothings and kisses given to one another becoming constant. It was indeed exciting yet peaceful to once again spend time with his wife like this. Especially after so long,..those days of endless tears running down his face, the cold silence in his little den in Tortuga, and the depression. It was all a dead sharp thorn to his heart. But now the hole in him healed- and hoped the same will happen to his wife. Just a little more time...suddenly, Six turned her head after he spoke, as if he had said something horrible. The man clenched his teeth together and gritted them softly while rethinking his words. But she seemed to come back as her sweet tone filled the air. "I do remember, that was the greatest night of my life." Aldoro sighed as she licked his muzzle and added, "Im so sorry for leaving."

The black and white boy simply frowned and kissed her forehead gently, ears drawing back against his head as a sigh left his inky black lips. He then rested his maw on the back on her neck and gently nipped his way down to her shoulder. Words of concern were but a soft whisper as they slipped off his tongue, "My Six...I was so worried. I had spent days praying that you'd return to me..." Lyrics gradually grew out of a whisper as the man added, "And though I thought you were gone came back to me. So I am not mad or sad, just very happy," A tear threatened to escape his eye, but Aldoro held it back, sucking in a breath. He ran his tongue over her ears gently and added only a few loving nips, hot breath seeping through the soft black and white fur of the woman aside him.


06-02-2014, 06:40 PM
The woman felt normal with the man at her hip. They bodies grazed together. They fur mingled and connected. It felt right, to be so close to the man she loved with all her head. That little, black, rusty heart within her chest. It had been from hell and back, but yet, it still thumped. Her eyes were dull still, but they light up at times. When he moved to kiss her or when his baritone vocals slid into her ebony audits. She was a broken babe. Her mind had gone downhill. But, now, it was recovering. She saw things more clearly and was not so angry. The bitch wanted to kill, witness bloodshed, and participate in sadistic acts. She was reverting to her old ways. But, the vixen stopped herself before it all went downhill. Her meetings with others reminded her of the sanity she could have. So, she came back to Ala, to seek her once mate. To beg for forgiveness, but she needed no begging. They fell limp at each others will in an instant.

The man reacted to the sharp pang of unhappy feelings that overwhelmed her when he spoke of Queen. He gently swooped in to save the day. His tongue met her muzzle in lovely kisses and pecks. His breath mingled with hers, making her feel even more at home. His words rang into her delighted ears. Words of forginess and love. "My Six...I was so worried. I had spent days praying that you'd return to me..." The babe smiled gently and nodded softly. "I am very happy I returned. You were in my thoughts the entire time." Six closed her eyes for a few moments, nuzzling him in the fiery love that enveloped their very beings. "And though I thought you were gone came back to me. So I am not mad or sad, just very happy," were the next words emitted. She let her eyes flutter open once more and sighed softly. "You are my Soul Mate, forever and always."