
When You Were Young

Spring Year 16 Seasonal Prompt, Solo



2 Years
04-03-2021, 06:58 PM

ooc: Warms the Heart: Healing Skill Thread - Talk to or be treated by a Neochoerus pinckneyi

The young wolf dog had been wandering on her own for a while now. Ever since the passing of her father she'd found that company was hard to come by. For a social little creature like her, it felt like a death sentence. Not in a literal sense of course, but she thrived on being around others of her kind. It felt like it had been forever since she'd gotten to chat with another wolf, much less see one. Aodhan had told her of a pack that had lived in Auster years ago. He'd also explained that the lower continent was less populated, but she'd expected to see someone at this point. Maybe the cold had shoved them all into hiding? She certainly didn't believe that she was the last wolf on earth. That would just be silly. She wasn't the last one, was she?

Shoving the silly thoughts from her head, she trotted happily over snow covered stones. Crumbling structures surrounded her everywhere she went. She squinted her eyes against the blinding sunlight as she tried to picture what they used to be. Large dwellings where a pack used to live? Perhaps strange rocks left by alien creatures from another planet. The possibilities were endless! She laughed to herself at the thought of the wild ideas running through her head before she continued on.

She'd been herb searching for a while now. Even the hardier plants that grew in winter had been scarce, but this place yielded more than other areas she'd scoped. She personally didn't mind the extended season of cold, but she was sad to be missing out on a beautiful spring. Flowers, new life everywhere, bursting colors, it was all things that should have been happening by now, but instead all she saw around her was white, brown, and maybe some evergreen shades here and there. Definitely not the colors you would expect this time of year.

Despite mother nature working against her (and everyone it seemed) she'd managed to collect a mediocre stock of plants for use. It wasn't much, dismal even, but it would be enough if she needed to patch someone up or cure a cough. She couldn't imagine running into a situation where she would need anything serious, but she worried slightly that that would be the case at some point. But hey, she hadn't seen anyone for a while now. Maybe she was anxious about nothing?

Of course fate was a fickle little creature. It seemed like the second she thought that the scent of blood reached her nostrils. Her brows furrowed as she came to a standstill. She stood, one paw raised as she scouted out her surroundings, and her dual-toned gaze finally rested on the creature that the blood was coming from. A capybara! Wait, no, this thing was far larger than a normal capybara. Six feet long, but everything was larger than her it seemed. The tiny healer made her way forward to the bleeding creature. She took note of the oozing wound on his side. It looked like something big had tried to take a bite out of him. The capybara thing eyed her warily but she smiled and waved her tail as she approached. "It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you. I'd like to help you, if you'd like the assistance that is." She said soothingly. The beast eyed her for a moment, not fully trusting her intentions, before nodding. "I will accept your assistance, wolf."

She reached for the herbs she'd tied in a bundle and pulled out her meager supply. First she pulled the horsetail out of the makeshift pack and then meadowsweet. "I'm sorry I don't have much. The season has been unnaturally harsh." She explained as she worked. She didn't give him much time to respond before she was crunching the horsetail between her teeth into a nasty looking goo. "This might hurt a bit." She warned him, before smearing the paste over his open wound. Once that was done she didn't wait for him to react before she was plastering her goo with a healthy dose of mud from a patch she'd found near them. "Let that dry and it'll cake up and keep the wound from bleeding again. Try not to make any sudden movements and it should scab over enough. Once it has just let it air dry and keep it clean. Also, take this for the pain." She spoke in a whirlwind before shoving the meadowsweet in his direction. It was probably going to be painful later to have dug into her small stores of herbs, but worth it to her. This was exactly why she kept things around, for situations like this. "Thank you stranger, you're kind for a wolf." The creature expressed to her. He didn't talk much, but that was okay by her. "Of course! Any time!" She said with a smile. "Just try not to let anything else take a chunk out of you mister." She said with a soft giggle.

"speak."| "You"