
Time Marches On

Twig I


05-28-2014, 04:34 PM

They had kept themselves from the packlands, wanting to stay far away from the high traffic areas of Valhalla. They didn't want to take any chances of encountering the sickness while they knew so little about it. It hurt not being able to be with her brother, she wanted to help him. She'd gotten into the habit of catching a pair of rabbits every morning. One for her, and one to be left at the border for those who were sick. She'd done her deed for the morning, now she would lay in the sun outside their den. It was rather chilly, the added warmth did her well. Especially after the day she had, and the nervousness that she tried to push from her mind. It had been close to a week, maybe even two weeks since they'd parted ways from Angel. Her heart would beat a bit faster. Two weeks since she and Alpine became mates.
Orchid gaze would flutter open, her nerves acting up again. She felt the stress in the pit of her stomach, but suddenly it would turn to queasiness. Vibrant eyes would snap open as she struggled upon her feet. Barely making her way to a bush not in direct path of their den. The rabbit she had eaten was no longer in her stomach, however the nerves were ten times worse. The quickening of her breathing would be noticeable visibly as she made her way back to the mouth of the den. She'd already had suspicions when her heat had ended so quickly. Slate covered ears would fall to her head, dread filling her. She needed Alpine.?




05-29-2014, 02:28 PM

It had been hard to hear of the sickness that ravaged the pack he had called home, and harder yet to be barred crossing to see them. He understood the need for quarantine when they weren?t even certain how it was spread or how the sick wolves had caught it. Knowing didn?t ease the worry in his gut at the thought of all the wolves he knew within the pack, and that their fates where unknown to him. Each morning he would lay his own rabbit down besides the offering Twig left for the pack. The gesture akin to placing his hand upon her paw and telling her they were in this together.

Days spent with Twig where a peace to his heart and mind despite the turmoil of the world around them. He had found for himself his entire heart?s desire and allowed himself utter selfishness in enjoying every moment by her side. The day had barely begun as he placed his own rabbit now over the one Twig had left for the Valhalla pack. He smiled at the scent of her that clung to it, gave Valhalla another parting glance before looping back to their den. He nudged his head inside and caught a glance of Twig. Hi smile became hesitant as he continued to take her in. ?Are you ok my dear?? the scent of her vomit touched the ear and his stomach flipped nauseatingly in his stomach. Oh god. Oh god. Had she caught the sickness? He flew to her side in a heartbeat, his own orbs searching hers, searching for any sign? ?My love?? he asked, his voice catching.

"Twig speech"
"Alpine speech"

Twig I


05-29-2014, 03:34 PM

Alpine would support her through the ordeal, though she knew not how her friends fared. The comfort her mate would allow her would save her life, the worry she held over Jinxx's condition would have thrown her overboard otherwise. He would soothe her, hold her, and tell her that everything was going to be okay. She had to believe him, she had to cling to the hope that they would make it through. Her form would curl tighter in on itself as thoughts of her condition overtook her. Thoughts of loosing their heartbeats again.. She couldn't handle it, couldn't handle more tiny graves to visit.
The scent of alpine's presence would surround her, jolting her back to the den. Orchid gaze would peer up in time to see the Alpine's form slip into the den. His smile would out her fears to rest only a moment as his voice reached her ears. She should have known he would know she wasn't well as soon as he saw her. She would lift her head, but before her lips could utter anything he was at her side. She would lean into his comforting presence, "I'm.. Fine. Alpine, I..." she would sigh, a deep worried sound seeping from her lips. "Alpine, I think I'm.. Pregnant." her words were quiet, filled with fear. Twig's form would push into Alpine's side, little trembles running over her skin.?

I can talk!



05-29-2014, 05:57 PM

He held her and waited for her reply, if she was ill then he wanted nothing more than to be ill with her, for if she was to leave him he would have nothing left to live for. When at last she spoke her words where drawn out and hesitant, serving only to clasp his heart further in fear and tighten his grip upon her form. Yet when at last she told him what it was he could only stare at her for long moments of astonishment. Blue eyes would blink slowly, once, twice, and thrice before the words could fully sink in. When they did his astonishment would be overtaken with pure joy and he would draw her into a tighter embrace yet, his heart quick against her chest and his breathing ragged. ?My Twig... this is? I?m going to be? Oh my Twig, my sweet Twig you are truly an angel? he rasped as he rubbed his head against his chest closed his eyes and listened.

He shook a moment longer as he thought of all implied. Then at last he would register why she was afraid, and to what she feared and he moved apart to put his head directly before her, press his forehead gently against her own until their eyes where just apart. He would fight to hold her gaze, to not allow her to move away. ?Beloved, they will be fine. The other.. the other was traumatic, this is shrouded with family and peace and love, don?t fear for them my sweet? Surely the fates would not be so terrible as to take even this from her.. no, he would never give up hope for the little lives inside of her. His own heart swelled and grew, and already he loved these unborn creatures with ever part of his essence and heart. He ached to see and hold them and watch them grow. He drew in a shuddered breath and gently moved to his knees before her. ?We may not yet have someone to marry us my Twig, but if you accept I will call it so now, I would call you my Wife, my mate, my partner and my other half.? He moved his forehead back to hers, this time with his eyes closed. ?Please. Let me take you from here, take you somewhere safe and away from the world for a while so they can be utterly safe and grow inside you until they are ready.?

"Twig speech"
"Alpine speech"

Twig I


05-29-2014, 06:59 PM

Alpine's blue eyes would stare at her, disbelief strewn across his features as he blinked back at her. She felt her muscles grow tight, what did he think? Why was he just staring? Then he was holding her, tightly. She'd feel a whine leave her lips as she buried her features into his neck. The joy he felt would be enough to overcome her fear for that moment, but what happened when that joy was crushed? Her body had proven incapable of producing viable life this far, what would make these babies different. His words would comfort her, he would show her how much he cared for her, for their unborn children. Still she felt a dread in her heart for the fear of loosing them again. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if she were to take such joy away from Alpine.
He would hold her and she would hold on to him dearly, he was a lifeline. Alpine would make everything alright, he always did. Vibrant blue eyes would slide to her own, his forehead pushed against her own. He would force her stare, the finality in his voice not to be argued with. She would look into his eyes and she would believe him fully. They were going to be alright, they were born from love already a better start than Fern. She would feel his subtle shiver as he moved to his knees in front of her. Determination playing in his gaze as he continued. He would claim her again, he wanted to officially call her his wife. With carrying his children there was little else stopping her except a ceremony. That meant little when their proof of love was growing contentedly within her. "Of course Alpine, these children, they will be more evidence of our love than words said in front of a pack " she would breathe as he sat before her.
She would close her eyes as he moved back to her forehead, his close presence calming her frightened nerves. What he said next would fill her with confusion and uncertainty. She pledged herself to him fully, she promised she would follow him where ever he went. She still felt a deep guilt for wanting to run away from her family. She couldn't just leave Jinxx here, sick and possibly dying. She had to help them.. Somehow. "Alpine, I said I would follow you anywhere. But what about my family, I have to help them somehow." her words were a whisper, would they understand she fled to protect her children? What of Erani and the pack? Could she go when they needed them the most?



05-29-2014, 08:20 PM

The very thought of children was an astonishment he could barely comprehend. He had never planned on having a family, or for that matter of falling love? yet here he stood now pledged to this girl in every way he could an incapable of ever leaving her side, and now she bore his children. He swelled with the pride of it, of the thought of little Alpine?s and Twigs running about their feet. It was almost hard not to laugh at the thought and a rumble of happiness sounded in his throat as he held her. Twig held no doubt in her heart that the two of them where meant to be together, he could hear it in her words. He reached forward and nuzzled against her chest again, breathing in her lush scent and sighing with the deliciousness of it. He could still remember their night together, the beauty of it... and he knew now what had been created.

When he spoke of moving them away for a while, to find a paradise to call their own she became hesitant. He gave a softly weary sigh, it was hard to argue for something when he himself wanted nothing but the opposite ? he also was worried about his friends in Valhalla. But more than that, more than anything in the world he wanted safety for Twig and for their children. ?Exactly Twig? What about your family? They need security ? if you catch this, then there..? he could come out and say ?as good as dead? after all she had been through. ?You have more then just yourself to think about right now, and your family will understand. We will come back for them Twig, when its safe. If you like I can come visit as often as possible to check how their doing? he offered gently.


Twig I


05-29-2014, 09:00 PM

He held her so close he kept her fears at bay, gentle words soothing her scared form. She wanted to give him these children more than anything, he already had her heart. Now they would be making a family of their own. She, as he felt, had never planned on having children. She had never planned on making her own family, but now that their offspring were forming in her womb... She had never felt so right, however fearful she was of their hearts being crushed. He would nuzzle her chest, the same feeling of oneness she had with him the night of their mating would over take her. There was only she and him in the entire world.
?She would feel him sigh as her worries were voiced, she felt the same hesitance in him to leave their pack. His words rang so true within her, the same fright coming back as she thought of the innocence that grew within her. She had to protect them at all costs. She could not chance getting sick, the consequences were too dire. She would whine, knowing how right he was. Twig would cling to her mate, the decision so hard to make yet completely necessary for their children's safety. "I will go with you Alpine. I have to keep our babies safe." her whisper was hushed into his fur. She could feel tears welling up within her violet gaze, it would be hard to leave but she knew it was the only choice.?

Talk like this



05-29-2014, 09:11 PM
[Image: kPxY7Jv.png]

Quote:With her agreement came great relief and he drew her in again, enjoy the feel of her soft coat about him and her presence that so strong to him it was almost tangible. She would go with him, go from the dangers of this sick world as her young developed within her. He would see those children to health if it killed him to do so. He would have loved the safety of a pack around them but knew the impossibilities of it well sickness revenged the lands. ?Thank you? he murmured gently to her, knowing how much he was asking of her when he asked her to leave her family. Yet he knew it was the right and only thing to do in this situation. He had learned a little of herbs from Friction and others in the pack and would use all he knew to ease her pregnancy. He realised they may well have an absence of a healer and shuddered very subtly at the thought ? but he did nothing to worry his Twig.

?Where do you want to go my sweet? Anywhere safe, the world is at our hands? his voice was soft, although he did not think he would mind where she picked, it was after all anywhere that she was that was to him home.

Twig I


05-29-2014, 09:56 PM

She knew she would never be able to get enough of Alpine's musky scent. His brilliant eyes or his protective embrace, all these components would soothe her as the dangers of the world flooded her mind. The need to protect her young was strong, it needed to be if she was to leave what little of her family had gathered. She would have to trust Erani and the pack to care for her brother, but she would be back. She would be back with nieces and nephews for her newly recovered kin to meet. Alpine would whisper his thanks into her ear, though she knew the pack would have held it's protection normally the virus was too dangerous for them. She wouldn't think of the consequences of being alone, the likelihood of having a healer with her was small. She had to trust Alpine, she would have to rely on him fully for the next season.
His comforting words would continue as little whispers on her pelt. Where would they go? It had to be somewhere isolated, somewhere free of disease and other wolves. Twig would hold him longer, her mind trying to pinpoint a location. Her memories were vague of her time before her attack, that event still would cause her lasting trauma. The memories then had been suppressed, but so had anything before then too. She would sigh, a thought of possible refuge crossing her mind. "There is an island, off the coast of the plains. I've never been there but it seems highly vegetated so prey must be somewhat abundant." she would offer, it was somewhat close and very much isolated. There was even a land bridge between the two at low tide, easy for Alpine to come and go as well as a safe way to get their children back across.?

"Talk" Think "You"



05-31-2014, 07:31 AM

It would be alpines job and honor to care for his girl in every way she needed. He had no doubt that he would do his best by her and find them a cozy den to wait this time away. He would hunt and care and cherish her and find news of the packs whenever she desired it. She could almost think of it as a holiday where she could relax by the beach and all was handed to her on a silver platter.

He muzzled his head against his neck, brushing his lips across the nape of it as she spoke. Drawing in her breath, sweet and soft and warm and full of the life that he had been honored enough to see. "This place sounds perfect my dear. May I escort you?" He teased as he wrapped his tail around hers and pressed his side against her. He could lose himself in the scent taste and feel of her and his senses where drowning in her loveliness.

His thoughts also would turn to the children she bore, children that he had fathered. Every time he did so he would swell with pride and love and hope for the unborn creatures. He could barely contain his heart with its throbbing and swelling beneath his chest. He nuzzled against her again, letting out a sigh of pure contentment, he could barely wait to see these little lives.


Twig I


06-04-2014, 03:19 PM

Still Twig could not quite believe that Alpine was completely hers, she felt safe and at home in his embrace. Nothing could replace the feeling of finally feeling happy, that irreplaceable feeling of protection all around her. He'd saved her life, on more than one occasion. The Black girl didn't know if she would have even been there had he not been there for her. She also knew he would always be there for her, no matter what she needed. She had a foundation to build herself back up on, a rock to stabilize her seas of emotions. She would breath a sigh of contentment as her mate brushed her coat affectionately, his voice finding her possible retreat quite satisfactory. Orchid gaze would close blissfuly, her form pressed firmly into him as she let the reality settle over her once again. She was pregnant. Pregnant with Alpine's child. They were going to make their own family, this was a start of something all their own.
She could feel her husband's excitement through her fur, an electric shock of eager emotions. She would bear their children, she would give Alpine live children, she had to. Twig had endured many things in her short life, but losing this wonderful man's children would devastate her completely, she knew she would never be able to come back from such an event. These babies had to survive. "I'd be honored to be escorted by a gentleman such as yourself." A smile and innocent giggle would fall from her marked lips. Nuzzling him once again, breathing in his masculine scent.. it was so easy to loose herself in all that he was.




06-04-2014, 05:20 PM

She offered all of herself to him with no hesitation and no doubts. In return he would guard her heart with all of his being and never would he let harm come to it or to her physical form. He shivered beneath her ouch and the strength of his emotions of love to this girl ? before Twig, before these moments he never would have thought it possible to love another as much as he loved her, nor be loved by another as much as she did him. Having given herself over to him was the greatest gift she could ever give him and he snuggled his muzzle into her neck again with a sweet and intoxicated smile forming across his muzzle.

She gave permission to his escort and he bumped his shoulder lightly against her as the light giggle escaped her. his own grin was wide and with nothing held back as her nuzzle touched against his own coat. ?Alright Twig, let?s go see what our home for a while will hold for us? he murmured in a breath thick with anticipation and excitement. He could not wait to share it with her, to watch the young grow within her until at last he could meet the wonders that they both had created. Holding his head to her in the gesture of escorting he would start forward from their den outside of Valhalla.

It would never be easy to leave behind a home that had sheltered them, but so long as Twig was beside him... she would be his home and all that he needed. Keeping her safe was all he cared about right now. He wasn?t certain of the way and after exciting the den allowed her to take the lead.


Twig I


06-06-2014, 07:35 PM

Knowing Alpine would forever protect her Twig could start to let herself relax, she didn't have to hold onto her anxieties anymore. She would press into his pale side as his skin trembled beneath her touch. The pure love she shared with him was enough to cause shivers down her slate back, the two fit together perfectly in every way. Alpine made her heart whole again. If she had to narrow her reasons down to one of why she loved him, it would be how he made her feel alive. She could smile, and sorrow would not weigh her down in his presence.
His murmured whisper would reach her dark ears, ?Alright Twig, let?s go see what our home for a while will hold for us? She could feel the excitement within him, it would flow over into her. Briefly her mind would touch upon the fear that she still felt, it would drown as her mate moved. Offering an escort to safety, and to isolation. She and Alpine would be alone, somehow she felt okay with that. She would pull herself away from the den, looking back once as she started down the perimeter of wolfpaw lake.
