
The Other Side




9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
04-06-2021, 01:48 AM
She'd been slowly making her way back North, heading back to the lands where her mother had her final resting place. She didn't plan on joining the pack that was there, but rather, wanted to see the younger siblings that her mother had left behind. She wanted to make sure they were thriving. That they were safe. That they weren't being mistreated. She knew how hard it was not to have a parent...but her younger littermates had lost both parents at a young age...and she wanted to support them and help them where she could.

As she approached the wall, she walked alongside the stones to shelter from the cold winds and the snow that never seemed to stop falling. The season was incredibly strange this year, and strange giant wolves she'd been seeing were unlike anything she'd seen before. To top it off, she had seen a herd of strange-looking elephants...only they were bigger, and covered in shaggy fur. Although she was capable of fighting and taking care of herself, she couldn't help but feel a bit on edge with all the strange things happening. Blue gaze kept darting to the top of the wall every minute or so, making sure nothing was going to surprise her from there. When she wasn't looking up at the wall, she was scanning the tundra, noting the lack of vegetation and even prey animals...she wondered then, would her Spartan brethren be able to find her in these conditions? Would she be able to find them? She told those who hadn't immediately followed here where they could find Boreas...but with all the snow, she wasn't sure how they'd fare...




Arrow is allowed to crash her threads, regardless of the tag


04-27-2021, 10:19 PM
After the incident with the bear Rhae had up and pulled a disappearing act on her, "looking" for Odyssia most likely. That was fine though. She didn't need him. She'd proven her strength and even helped him kill off that monster of a beast. She was a Spartan for all intents and purposes, she would be fine all on her own.

Or at least that's what she kept telling herself. She kept it like a mantra, She didn't need no one fucking else.

She sat against the strange wall she had found, the snow had only kicked up more. She was glaring out at the wastelands as the snow buffeted her. She had snow stuck in her fur in places she had never dreamed there would of been. Her back was covered as she used the wall like a shield to the winds. Her feet were fucking freezing and she was sure you could hear her teeth chattering in the distance. Her ears were pressed in annoyance of the situation. Her form hunkered as she shivered. Her puppy coat still not yet thick enough for this bull shit.

She was spaced out from the cold, tired and wanting nothing more than to fall asleep in a warm place again. She was so zoned out she completely missed the sounds of another walking up on her. Though she probably looked half dead or like a frozen statue right now. No amount of spartan training would have prepared her for heaps of snow in fucking spring or summer.
