
Darkness is falling

Helios I


9 Years
05-28-2014, 11:47 AM

His own kin were ill, deathly so and he didn?t know what to do. Virgil was spending most of her time looking after the children, which he thought was probably for the best. It had become obvious that hallucinations weren?t uncommon among those affected and the last thing they needed was someone they barely knew watching over them and potentially causing panic. Still he wasn?t about to sit idly by and wait for things to get worse. Olympus had yet to secure any real treaties with the other packs but he would be careful, tread lightly and hope someone could help them.
But in the end, he had gotten lost, there were two packs up here by all accounts and yet as the cold winter weather had picked up he had found himself in the middle of a snow storm and any scent had been whipped away. He had no idea where he was going, all he could see was blowing white, vague shapes forming and then fading away upon the horizon as he stumbled through the snow. Head down and shoulders hunched he plodded onwards, a dark shape flitting in and out of existence in front of him. Finally it seemed to grow solid.
Trotting towards it he found himself beside a great metal beast, it?s great hulking form blocking some of the wind, though not enough. Gritting his teeth russet eyes searched the hull, spotting a jagged opening a few feet down. Once the man had finally managed to wrestle his way into the opening he allowed himself to collapse upon his haunches. The wind howled outside, causing an eerie echo but at least he was out of the snow.
