
1, 2, 3, breathe...


05-28-2014, 03:41 AM

It had been quite a long time since the warrior had wandered beyond Valhallan border lines. So far, it was a nice change of pace...he had left Leon and Caerul to patrol the borders, though the order was more for Caerul as Leon now had a new family to take care of. The dual toned warrior walked on, muscles rippling as he moved through the grasses, aquamarine eyes gazing about at the differences in the South. When he had first arrived, he had remained in the West. For that was where he had met a young girl who would later decide to leave. He would choose not to dwell on it, for it was often that those he cared for would leave.

The male would stop in a clearing of shorter grasses, the midday winter sun shining through a break in the clouds. It was a nice day for a walk, and he wondered what today would hold. Standing in his place, he watched as a pair of rabbits disappeared into their den when his scent wafted towards them. He wasn't entirely hungry, but perhaps he would hunt later before returning to his pack. He was alone, the silence all consuming around him. Thoughts would take hold, reminding him of everything lost in the past. He had been in wars, not just the one against Glaciem, but before coming to these lands...his home had been ravaged, destroyed, pack members mauled by the enemy pack. But he had been ready, he was a trained mercenary...and yet, he wondered what he was doing in a place like Valhalla...they weren't exactly fighters, they weren't trained soldiers...but upon finding Angeal after arriving in the lands, he thought perhaps that talk with his old mentor had changed something in him. Though he still held the fighting instincts he was bred with and trained into, it was something not easily forgotten.



05-28-2014, 07:51 AM

The massive brute would walk carefully through the prairie, sifting through the grasses with his powerful legs. The winter breeze was relaxing, and Series let out an easy sigh as it blew across him. His thick coat suited the ice and snow perfectly, though the season was not yet so advanced for that. Not to mention that he had found himself in the south, wandering again. It seemed to have become routine for the male, simply walking about in search of anything and everything. Of course, he always prayed to come across his family, but it never seemed to happen. That fellow from Olympus had spoken of a Ludicael queen by the name of Destruction, but Series was still working up the courage to travel there. He didn't want to intrude, and packs could be very territorial. Not that he worried for his own safety.

His sandy coat rippled as he stretched the muscles in his back, working up a yawn before settling onto his haunches. Dandelion eyes scanned the area, suddenly resting on a unknown figure in the distance. From here the other wolf appeared to be a snowy white. Series squinted for a moment before letting out a friendly bark. Perhaps the other brute did not wish to have company. Series would leave if he was not wanted, of course, but what harm could there be in meeting someone new?




06-07-2014, 08:52 PM

Ears swiveled this way and that, the silence undisturbed until now. He turned at the sound of a nearby bark, for he had not expected someone to be here this early. But who was he to say? The lands were vast outside of Valhalla, and it had been quite sometime before he had traveled beyond the borders, and for once letting his duties as Beta not get in the way of some much needed vacation time. The male would stand, stepping towards the other male with caution. Who knew if the male was aggressive, though he couldn't have been if he had tried to catch his attention first. Black paws and silvery tail swayed as he moved, and finally he would stop a yard or so before the other male, stance tall and gaze curious and interested. "Hello stranger, nice day for a walk eh?" He was not very good at small talk, and although he had wanted to be alone his mind demanded someone to talk to. Even Mercenaries got lonely from time to time, and perhaps he wanted to work on his cold and distant ways...not. For that, it would take a great deal of time, he was sure.
