
a very round friend

Spring Year 16 Healing Prompt



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-19-2021, 05:39 PM
Although she was wary about venturing far from the territories during this unusual weather, she was desperate to make some kind of sense of it all. She wanted some kind of answer to bring home to her pack. The strangeness of it all put her on edge. Although they were getting by, their herb stores were running low. Naturally. Surely all the plants, laid deeply to rest under mountains of snow, were also wondering when they would see the sun again. Blowing out a breath as she trekked the outskirts of the thicket, Theo also found herself wondering when she'd see the sun again. The warmth of the sun felt like such a faraway memory now. As she left the thicket the cracked brown sticks and dead grasses that fought valiantly to reach towards the sky petered out into great drifts of snow. Just white, white, everywhere. Alouette soared high in the sky and would commiserate with her mistress and friend later - even from a birds' eye view, there was only white.

Just ahead of her she could see a big - a huge - porcupine? trundling along. It'd been a while since she'd seen such a big creature. It almost rivaled herself in size which was a bit intimidating, but she didn't mess with other creatures enough to be truly afraid. Most creatures kept to themselves in these parts... but the weather conditions had made everything unusual. Just as she wondering the demeaner of the creature ahead of her, she watched its feet fly out from underneath it on a sheet of clear ice. It was barely noticeable, only glinting in the sun at certain angles. "Oh!" she breathed, watching the poor thing tumble down a steep incline ahead of them before landing in a heap on the banks of Firefly Lake. "Hold on!" Theo signaled to Alouette overhead to fetch her med kit. Hopefully the big ol' fellow wasn't too banged up.



2 Years
Extra large

ExplorerPride - DemisexualHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
04-27-2021, 04:38 PM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2021, 04:42 PM by Lyric. Edited 4 times in total.)
[Image: lyric.png]

He still felt depressed and lost, he felt like nothing in his life could be any worst, any horrifying as he didn't find a lighton it anymore. All he had left to anchor him to this life was his family and pack needing him, or that was what he thought. But Beat needed him, Theory and Abaven needed him. And his parents wherever they were now wouldn't want him to neglect the pack they loved.

Lyric walked along with his companion Lola who as always rode his back so both could move around easier. It was cold and Lola wasn't the type of creature born to endure cold environments, but Lyric's coat helped her get warm enough to function and as both made their way, the young male came to the Firefly lake, wanting to find herbs, yes herbs on this cold place. But he had to at least try.

But as he came in, he saw Theory's shape at the distance. Approaching an actually big creature, almost as big as a wolf his size. It seemed to be stuck and wanting to help Theory he approached announcing his presence so he wouldn't scare anyone up.  "How may I help?" He asked ready to do as he was told.

"Should we sedate it to have a safer chek up?"

[Image: lyric.png]

Lyric has a female Perrier's sifaka named Lola she is with him all the time unless specified otherwise.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-03-2021, 04:41 PM
"Lyric! And Lola," she said warmly before turning to greet them both. She was lucky to have some help, because this certainly wasn't your typical patient. Theo stared at the great furry thing with her brow furrowed in concentration. "I'm not sure if sedation is necessary..." There was no telling how much a creature like this might need, and if you couldn't get a handle on your patient's weight before dosing them, they could go to sleep forever. Slowly the creature began to wobble to its - what were they? Paws? Hooves? They were cloven and almost hand-like. Like a horse with fingers. Theory snorted at the thought and backed up to give the creature space. "Uh, hello!" she backed up to stand by Lyric's side and gestured to the creature. "Are you okay? I saw you took quite a tumble there - all the way down the hill." The furred animal groaned and nodded, shaking its head to try and rid itself of the accompanying brain fog. "Oi, yeah! I've never, ever taken a spill like that one!" Theo chuckled softly. "Well, are you hurt? Myself and Lyric have studied the craft of healing. I'd like to help you, if I may." "Well," the voice was a bit deeper, so she assumed it was a gentleman they were speaking with, "I'd be might obliged if you would!" "Okay! Lyric, can you take a look for abrasions or cuts? I'll do some palpations." Theory circled the furry guy and began to press lightly on the parts of him she could reach.



2 Years
Extra large

ExplorerPride - DemisexualHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
05-03-2021, 08:54 PM
[Image: lyric.png]
Theory has been a sort of a mentor for the young healer, and even if she wasnt his official teacher. She was the only one he was actually learning from, he never got a true teacher, and Theory was his only way to learn, to gather knowegle he wouldnt be able to get from somone else. Back in the present moment. he was impressed by this creature, a creature he had never seen in his life.

It actually spoke. "Oi, yeah! I've never, ever taken a spill like that one!" The creature said, he was stunned by this but Theory's commands woke him back to his duty as a healer. Shaking his head free from the surprise he was right into the action. Searching for any bruises or cuts that could have been made during the accident.

With that amount of fur he didnt know how he would actually find them without having to touch and probabily disconfort their unnusual patient.

He then closed his face to find any indications of blood, using his nose to detect the characteristical metallic scent of it. And there near the apparent right back leg by the hip, he smelled blood. And upon a closer inspection, there was a gash, not too severe but bleeding. "I found a gash." He said.

[Image: lyric.png]

Lyric has a female Perrier's sifaka named Lola she is with him all the time unless specified otherwise.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-31-2021, 12:28 PM
By the time she had rounded back around the creature to his hind end, he had begun to squirm on his back. "Oh no, please lie still," she said, frowning just a bit. Theo wouldn't hold him against his will for treatment but she had really been hoping he'd be cooperative. The whiskered, fat fellow chittered his teeth together and tried to stand but fell down again. "Oof, sorry. I'm just used to looking after myself, you see?" He grumbled. She chuckled and nodding reassuringly - if she ever had to treat her father, which she hoped she wouldn't, it's likely he'd act much the same way. Gruff and grumpy. Used to going his own way. Rhyme had a soft touch but he prided himself on being a good father. She'd do anything not to undermine that. With this in mind, she tried a different approach. "Okay! What would you like me to do then?"

Just then, Lyric found the gash. "Ooow! Oo! There it is," he howled. His wriggling in pain made it a fair bit worse than it would have if he was able to stay still. It wasn't a bad cut, but it seemed like he'd dislocated something. Maybe his hip? His leg was dangling at an odd angle. "Stay still! It looks like you may have torn a muscle, maybe dislocated your leg..." He squinted a bit at the pain. "It sure does feel like somethin' fell out of place." Theory took on a softer tone when she turned to Lyric and began to outline a plan of treatment. "Lyric, his hip has dislocated. I think I can brace him if you can take the lead in setting the leg back in its place. Do you want to try?" Theo stepped around to his other side and braced her shoulder against his side to keep him in place. "Alright, just use your mouth to gently grasp his leg and quickly reset it! Use your strength, but don't tighten your jaw so much that you cut him with your teeth."