
paint me all around, in your head, in the clouds.


05-27-2014, 02:03 PM

nevermind that, you'll soon be dead!

A moving structure in the darkness, a permafrost catching up wind as it laid upon the moving mass. Determination set in deep pools as the dignified matron worked against the coldest of nights. The woman truly enjoyed the darkness, preying upon the unknown, and taking them down least expected. But that wasn't what she was after. She was after something much greater. There had been word going around the atmosphere that there was a new pack in town, a new pack that was growing abnormally large. A pack where she would belong. The night was rather short in her opinion, though, as she was across the land, she would have to leave at the night. When the vibrant alabaster orb shone into the sky, casting minimum light upon the forsaken darkness. Though, the darkness was coming to an end, which was such a unfortunate thing for the girl, that she could almost frown. Almost. Her facial features never really grasped her emotions in one shot, it wasn't that she didn't put effort into showing her emotions, it was just that she didn't really care about it.
Her movements were shaded, and from a distance, she would've looked rather out of place against the pure white snow. The wind brushing her fur to the side, as well as her plume, while agitation set in, but again, she didn't show it. Navy wanted to find out what this pack was really about, and how it became so strong, and maybe, just maybe, she would lend her strength upon the ranks. The rather large female daringly stepped near the line, though she knew her boundaries, and if she wanted information, she needed to act respectful. But dear God, that would be such a hard thing to do. Navy was everything but Polite. She was a spitfire, someone who didn't think about saying whatever it was that had to be said, but instead said whatever came out of her mouth, no matter how irrelevant it was. Raising her skull, her tongue clasped upon the roof of her mouth before a haunting melody traced the atmosphere in it's own way.


05-27-2014, 06:57 PM

ooc;; 37 replies to do today so sorry for the crap post XD

He could barely function anymore, barely keep bleary eyes open and barely handle life as he staggered and stumbled forward. Seeming to fall into gravity as if ready to topple foreword but each time a forepaw would drag itself forward to catch himself. His neck and shoulder was matted and crusty with both dry and fresh blood. Since finding his love sick there was only a few minutes he would manage to drag himself away from her side to do pack duties. He was it, he was one of the last high ranking wolves not sick and who could carry out duties. But he could scarcely bring himself to do them. Marking boarders with little feeling and minimal effort. Often times if wolves came to join he didn't bother to greet them. Who would want to join a plagued pack? Today when he heard the call of a strange wolf the massive male would scarcely lift his head, black ears flittering forward to catch the sounds before turning in that direction. If he didn't answer another one Cat would kill him before she died, so he would move until he stood a sort distance from the female at the boarders. A small grunt escaped him, a sound of recognition without really putting any effort into the sound. For a moment he stood, swaying slightly and blinking before he cleared his throat as if the sound might ground him to the present. "You're at Arcanum's boarders, I am Kylar, duke and beta here. What do you seek?" So many words... It made his skull ache and split to the point where he had to close his eyes for a moment before he could focus again.



05-27-2014, 07:16 PM

nevermind that, you'll soon be dead!

She was a serpent, and snake that preyed upon the living and the dead, someone who could easily pull someone to their grave. Her silence brought no tension to her being as some others might have run away by now. But soon enough, she found herself in the stance of a scent, that was not her own. Her skull whipped around as she found herself near a massive male, but she just rolled her eyes before turning towards the male fully. "You're at Arcanum's boarders, I am Kylar, duke and beta here. What do you seek?" What did she seek? She didn't know. Grunting slightly, she stood stiff legged as the man introduced himself. She didn't trust him yet, but if she ever would, that would be another story. "Navy." She uttered simply, the first time she had ever turned her name out to someone that wanted to know it, even if not asked. The matron would then step forward on one step, her eyes, now neutral with the silence. "What do I want? I would like to join, but if that's in no order then... whatever. Send me on my way." The dignified matron shrugged in a almost common way, as if it was the simplest thing in the entire world to answer. Breathing out, she rolled her shoulders back before hearing a crack and the woman's melodic haunted voice graced the atmosphere. "But first, would you be able to tell me about Arcanum?" The woman grasped before sitting down. There was no way in hell that she would leave any time soon without information. Grunting, she then sat down, waiting for the answers to her questions.


06-05-2014, 12:04 AM

Eyes would churn and stretch to the sky, an blatant sign of disrespect and for a moment he would stand, upper lip twitching slightly, hackles seeming to be unable to decide where they wanted to lay across his spine. Then a simple syllable dropped from the ebony woman's lips, clattering to the ground like a stone as verdant eyes continued to narrow. She took a step forward and he struggled to try and figure out its meaning. Dominance? Threatening? Either way hackles continued to raise in disgust and annoyance even though the entirety of his right side seemed to be stuck to his skin and simply remained laying flat. And then she spoke again, so many words it almost made his skull ache. He was sick of words. "Who am I to say no?" It wasn't a question, it was a simple statement. Arcanum seemed to collect the most sick and twisted wolves out there, seemed to gather up the underdogs of society. This woman had no manners? Well he might care, Cat might care personally but really? Who was he to turn away numbers? If she could hold her own and support herself then who was he to tell her to piss off, besides? They were in the middle of a plague and their numbers were already pretty much cut in half. "We take in any and all. The scum of the earth mostly. We're a war based pack. Normally we expect those seeking acceptance to prove themselves but we're in the middle of things and I really don't care. So. What skills do you have that would make us want you?" So many fucking words! He almost hissed at them but that was the shortest he could possibly make them. Blunt enough that if she was picky or delicate his demeanour would probably turn her away. Only time would tell...
