


06-02-2014, 11:00 AM
So guys, I've decided to put Sevan back up for adoption. She's one of several Syros babies.

To give you a little info on her, her profile can be found here

Currently, she is a rogue, wandering around doing nothing, her sister Meinx is in Arcanum. She is an angry little girl that hates the world and basically everyone in it. She is mad at her father since he lost their pack and abandoned her and her sisters.

I'd like to see her active, a lot more active than I have been doing with her. She had no real plots going on, except maybe breaking Soren's heart (Lolafs boy).

Your name:
Her name: Sevan -not to be changed-
Personality: 150 words
Appearnce: 150 words
RP Sample: 275 word min

Please out the above information, in your own words. Post away! I'd like to see her adopted ASAP!



2 Years
06-02-2014, 02:07 PM (This post was last modified: 07-16-2014, 02:45 PM by Ainsel.)

Your name: Croatoan

Her name: Sevan


An anger burns in Sevan, an anger that her father willingly gave his pack up. She resents Virgil, for making her father seem so weak. She has taken her anger out by fighting, moving up the ranks the best she can. She wants control, she needs control over all things. She does not want friends, she does not need friends. Her family betraying her has made her realize that she doesn't need anyone besides herself. She can fight by herself, hunt by herself. Her independence is something that will stay with her. She cares for no wolf, nobody at all.

Sevan is a tough wolf, no longer whimpering whenever she gets hurt. She isn't a pup anymore, and her anger fuels her. She kills anything she can, or maims it, just to get that feel of power again. Even around her siblings, Sevan will struggle to be the one with the most control over the others. She will struggle with wolves in her pack, if she joins one, just to have power over all the others. One day, she plans on taking Syrinx's pack back, and ruling it all herself. She plans on defending her pack until her last breath.


At a magnificent height of thirty-six inches, and a weight of one hundred and ten pounds, Sevan is a large girl. But most of her large build comes from muscles and straight up power. Scars, hidden by her fur, cover her body in a strange way. Her ears are ripped sightly, and the fur is thin over and below her right eye. Somehow, though, this eye is not blinded by the scar covering it. Sevan always has her tail raised in dominance, her eyes narrowed slightly as if she were very angry. Her lips are always slightly snarling and fierce.

Sevan's face, underside, and toes are a rich dark sandy brown. The color leads down her chest and belly, turning into auburn along the way. Her face color will turn into a chocolate brown color. The auburn goes up from her toes, up her shoulders and down her back. It is mixed in with lighter colors, resembling stripes. The color is darkest along her spine, but fades halfway along her side. Her hind legs and underside of her tail will be very light. Sevan's eyes, shining like jewels, are a vibrant blue. Around the edges, the blue fades into silver.

RP Sample:

A low growl escaped beautiful jaws, and Sevan's light blue and mercury eyes narrowed. Where was Meinx? Where was her sister? For some reason, the girl wanted someone to get close to, or at least talk to. The rustle of weeds made her glance up, her lips twitching in a snarl. A golden and black male burst out of the forest, a coyote on his trail. Unsure what this was, if the coyote was the wolf's friend, or they were fighting, she stayed still. Until, finally, she gained courage to speak. "Such an interesting duo. Why are the two here?"

The golden and black male shook his head, his own gaze narrowed. "I hunted down a rabbit, and this.....creature won't stop following me." Sevan sent a glare at the coyote, a smirk on her features. "So kill it. Such a creature does not deserve to live if it cannot hunt for itself." The coyote pulled away, fear obvious in its gaze. The scarred wolf moved closer, amusement in her light blue and mercury eyes. With a sudden movement, she sunk her fangs into the coyote's chin, piercing the life giving artery. The coyote whimpered once, then suddenly went limp.

The golden and black male stared at her as she watched the coyote's dead body, it's eyes glazed over and dead. Before she could turn to the male, he was gone, running back to wherever he had came from. Sevan glanced at the coyote one final time, her eyes narrowed, and turned around to try and pick up her sister's scent. The smell of blood wasn't helping her much, but she didn't really care about that. She needed to talk to Meinx again, before she went and tried to get stronger. She needed dominance, and being strong would get her dominance.