
The Hunt Is At An End




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-06-2021, 09:46 PM

Silver paws throbbed with overuse. Dust clung to the woman's pelt, dulling the otherwise silver sheen. It had been a long time coming, but Eska felt as though her quest was finally complete. With a lot of help along the way, the Timber fae had finally tracked down her quarry. It had taken years, but it was finally over.

On her journey, Eska had stumbled upon a few other surprises. Crossing trails of mother, father, sister and brother. It was all so confusing but she could only follow one, so she chose to follow the trail of her mother. The silver spattered woman arrived in the night. Though summer was slowly taking hold, the nights were still chilly. As the masked fae raised her muzzle and called out a summons at the edge of the packs land, steam rose from parted lips.

Though her body ached and her soul was weary, Eska couldn't help but pace back and forth at the border marker. She wanted nothing more than to collapse and sleep, but she needed to know. She needed to see her mother's face; a face that she could barely remember. A face that she had dreamed about repeatedly since they'd been separated so long ago.




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-06-2021, 10:50 PM
Ulric closed the door to the field house that stood next to their training area, putting away the last of the training dummies and his armor. Now that the weather was finally beginning to warm and loosen up its frigid clutches he was eager to get everyone out into training sessions again. The number of Kin that hadn't put in the effort to be Knights was concerning, one of the many things that currently held his attention. There seemed to always be something pulling him in one way or another. He wouldn't complain, he knew it was just part of the role he had agreed to take on, but it left little time in his mind for much else. In a way that had been a blessing as Aranea departed from the pack and Resin continued to decline and his children continued to struggle, though he feared the time when all of those things came barreling into him all at once.

A howl from the border pulled his head up to listen, his brow lifting curiously. Not only was it not a voice he recognized, but it was the middle of the night. That made him worry that something was wrong that would drive whoever the stranger was to call this late, but he would have gone to answer it either way. He turned and hurried away from the castle, long limbs carrying him forward at a brisk lope to carry himself toward the howl. As he drew closer he saw a dark figure take shape from the darkness, a woman that was clearly worn from travel, the dust clinging to her fur evident in the moonlight. Even marked with the heavy signs of travel she was a lovely woman, but he put that at the very back of his mind. She was pacing back and forth, only further making him worry that there was something he should be concerned about.

"Hello," his deep voice rumbled as he greeted her simply, his attentive silver gaze watching her curiously. "I'm Ulric, the alpha here. What can I help you with?"

Walk | "Talk" | think



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-06-2021, 11:03 PM

Pacing as she waited kept her legs from wobbling and her strength from failing. When a dappled, earthen colored man approached though, Eska stilled. Dark ears swiveled forward as the masked woman took him in. She sized him up as she did to every wolf that she came upon. He was larger than she was, but size had never bothered her. Both of her parents were giants as was the aunt that had raised her. She waited for the man to speak, dipping her head slightly in greeting. Ulric was his name. She found it rather fitting. He looked like an Ulric.

"Eska Datura Timber," she gave her own name in clear, naturally husky tones. Brilliant golden eyes stared straight into his own. There was no fear in her. No submission. A single dark brow raised as she spoke. "You could take me to see my mother. That would help me greatly." Damn, the fae's legs began to quiver, showing just how little energy she had left. She'd come such a long, long way.

"I followed her trail here. I've news to share with her. I'll be a bit of a surprise, I think." No doubt he thought her mind was addled. Giving her head as light shake, the dame continued. "You should know her. Resin is her name." Now both brows raised slightly in question as she waited for a response. If her mother wasn't here, she would have to continue on.




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-06-2021, 11:23 PM
Now that he was closer to the woman he could see the mask like marking across her face and her piercing golden gaze that held his confidently and assuredly. He wasn't taken aback necessarily, but she did catch his attention and held it easily as she began to introduce herself. Eska. He repeated the name back to himself in his mind, liking the sound of it quite a lot. His initial thought even before she began to speak was of how much she reminded him of Resin, though perhaps a bit more lively and talkative than his gruff mentor. Although he had to admit that he didn't know how Resin had been as a younger woman and this stranger was probably half of her age. He immediately explained away the similarity as coincidence - that was until she told him that he could be of help by taking her to her mother, making his brows lift with surprise. He wanted to be doubtful of her, but somehow as his eyes lingered on hers he knew that it was truth. How she had managed to find her way here or where she had come from in the first place was still a mystery, but she confirmed that her mother was Resin as she spoke the former Aegis' name, stating that he should know her.

"Indeed I do," he replied, noticing the tremble in her legs and the obvious exhaustion she was hiding. "I know her very well, in fact." His expression darkened some and he sighed as he nodded toward the castle. "Come, I'll explain on the way there." He began to lead her up toward the castle gates, matching his pace to hers. He didn't want to hurry her or put more strain on her already tired body by moving too quickly to keep up with his longer strides, though he could tell she was eager to see her mother. He hadn't known that Resin had other children so Eska's appearance was certainly a surprise. "Over the last season or so, Resin's mental state has started to deteriorate drastically," he explained, letting his gaze linger on the woman beside him since he knew the path to the castle like the back of his paw. "She attacked her mate in the middle of the night, injuring her badly, and has kept herself locked in the dungeons unless she is sedated since then." He didn't like having to give Eska such news as soon as she arrived, but he also wanted her to be prepared for what she might find if and when he brought her to Resin. "Her physical state is starting to go now... I'm not sure how much longer she'll be with us," he admitted softly and honestly. "You might have come just in time."

Walk | "Talk" | think



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-06-2021, 11:36 PM

Ulric confirmed that Resin, her mother, was indeed here. The smoke and shadow fae smiled, the action lifting the corners of citrine pools. The smile detracted from her formerly stern, hard look. Eska had no problem smiling when there was reason to. Her entire demeanor visibly perked up, tail lifting to give a little swish as Ulric invited her into the territory. His warning of an explanation brought that smile to faltering, however.

As the pair moved side by side towards the giant, looming castle in the distance, Eska listened with rapt attention as Ulric explained the current state of her mother. Dark ears tucked backwards and sadness slammed into her chest like a knife. She'd come all this way only to watch her mother die? The fates were cruel things. What could she even say to such a thing? "My half sister... her father had a similar malady. He killed two of my half brothers in a fit of madness." There was no real reason to tell the man, but she had to say something. "I'm sure she thinks the same is happening to her."

"Ulric," the fae spoke his name softly, her steps slowing to a stop. "She doesn't know that I'm alive. We were separated in a landslide when I was a pup. My brothers were killed but I was found by a friend of the family." Eska was a little unsure of what to do, so she looked to the man for guidance since he so obviously knew her mother. "Would it be kinder to let her think that I had died rather than shock her with my sudden appearance?" And she wasn't the only one... another of her children was alive as well.




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-07-2021, 12:08 AM
Ulric saw her deflate a bit as he broke the news to her and deeply wished that he had better news to greet her with. To have just met her and to have to rip apart her hope right away... It wasn't something he enjoyed doing - not that he particularly enjoyed telling anyone news as terrible as this. He nodded quietly as she explained that a similar tragedy had befallen the father of her half sister who had killed two of her half brothers because of it. He knew Resin was aware of what was happening to her and now what had seemed like her being overly cautious with how dangerous she believed herself to be seemed like maybe she had been right to lock herself away immediately. Tamsyn's attack had been bad enough and he knew if the former Seraph hadn't acted quickly then she could have gone the way of Eska's half brothers.

When Eska spoke his name he brought his gaze back to hers and slowed to a stop beside her, listening with sympathy tugging at his gaze. Oh how he wished he could make everything right. It was something he felt often and something that he hardly got the chance to deliver on. He considered her question seriously for a moment, a long sigh of an exhale through his nose leaving him. It was difficult either way. On one paw she would get to be reunited with her long lost mother and if Resin was in a good space or perhaps still under a bit of the effects of the sedatives Lúta gives her then it could be a good moment for them both. On the other side of the coin if Resin's mind slipped it could be even more damaging to the former Aegis and possibly traumatic to Eska. Or he could suggest they avoid her seeing Resin entirely... but then would she always regret never seeing Resin again?

He toyed with the options for a long moment, his gaze searching hers. "I think you should see her," he told her finally. "I never got the chance to say goodbye to either of my parents and it's still one of my biggest regrets. I'd hate for you to live with that as well." He gave her a firm look, refusing to sugar coat any of it for her. "But just... keep in mind that she's not in a good place. It's very possible she won't be herself when we go down there - not to mention that she has lost a lot of weight and doesn't look like she once had." He sighed, his ears flicking uncertainly. "If you'd like I can go down to the dungeons first and see how she is before I bring you down. Or we can wait till morning to have one of the healers give her some of the sedatives. I... I don't want you to miss out on this chance, but I don't know if this is what you want your last memory of her to be either."

Walk | "Talk" | think



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-07-2021, 08:49 AM

As the conversation shifted to the state of her mother and whether or not she should see her, the smoke and shadow woman kept her eyes locked on the face of the tall man beside her. He gave his opinion, offering to check on Resin before she went down to see her, offering sedatives to make her mother calm. He did insist that she see the old woman though and spoke of the regret that he had over not seeing his own parents before they passed.

Eska watched his face as she considered the options before her. In time, she spoke. "I am no coward. I won't have her sedated unless she's a threat to herself. I would see her as she is." Ears tucked for but a moment before she raised her sulfur yellow pools to meet the mans silver gaze. "Ulric, I'm exhausted. Is there somewhere that I might stay for the night? I'll see my mother in the morning when I'm rested." She felt a little strange asking, but if her mother was as bad as the alpha led her to believe, Eska felt that she had to ask. "When I see her, would you come with me?" She didn't know what sort of responsibilities he had to take care of in the morning, but she hoped that he could spare a moment to provide some moral support for a complete stranger. He seemed to understand a bit of what she was going through, so she would feel more comfortable with him near.




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-07-2021, 03:39 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2021, 03:41 PM by Ulric. Edited 2 times in total.)
Ulric considered the woman beside him as she spoke, appreciating her strength as she insisted that she would see Resin in whatever state she was in. He wondered if she fully understood the ghost of her former self that Resin was becoming, but he wouldn't question or doubt her. She seemed like the headstrong sort and he trusted that she knew what was best for herself. He smiled softly when she admitted to the exhaustion that clung to her and requested a place to stay. "Of course, you're more than welcome to stay as long as you'd like," he insisted. Secretly, he wondered if perhaps he might be able to convince her to stay with them permanently once this was all said and done. He could certainly use some more strong minded wolves around The Hallows, but he wouldn't mention it now. There were far more pressing matters and she needed to rest. "There's a hall of spare guest rooms that you can take your pick from," he added as he began to turn to lead her into the castle.

Before he could though she made another request and he paused, bringing his silver gaze back to hers. "Absolutely," he agreed without hesitation, giving her a small nod. He wouldn't have dreamed of sending her down into the dungeons on her own anyway, but he certainly wouldn't now that she had specifically requested that he join her. If nothing else it would give him a little more peace of mind that if something did manage to happen then he would be there to intervene. "Let me show you to the guest wing so you can get some rest," he offered with another warm smile, the expression naturally pulling more to the right than to the left. The rooms left open for visitors were fairly close to the entrance of the castle so there was just a brief walk once they passed through the main doors. On their way though the main hall he paused long enough to pick up a couple pieces of firewood from the pile next to a hearth that was currently burning. "You'll probably want the fire going tonight. The weather is getting better, but the nights are still quite cold," he explained before leading her the rest of the way.

He pushed open the door to the room at the beginning of the hall, setting down the wood next to the fireplace. It was a simple, small room with just a frame of what had once been a fairly large bed sitting against the far wall that had been layered with bedding and furs. He was glad that Tamsyn had gotten the chance to finish fixing up these guests rooms before everything began to go downhill. "Would you like for me to help you get the fire going? I could go get some food from the cellar if you're hungry or maybe some water?" he questioned, feeling as if he should be doing for for her. Realizing he might be overbearing the poor woman, he gave her a lopsided, apologetic grin and added, Ah, sorry... You're the first guest we've had visit since I took the this position besides some wolves from a neighboring pack so I just want to make sure you're comfortable."

Ulric Adravendi



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-07-2021, 04:43 PM

Ulric was a very open, accepting man. He offered her a place for as long as she wished and she almost reminded him that he didn't know her. She could have been masquerading as Resin's daughter. He had no proof. Yet there he was, offering her a place within the very castle where his packmates slept. Eska almost told him this aloud, but she'd just met him as well. It wasn't polite to chastise someone that was offering her a place to sleep. So, instead of pointing his out, she merely nodded and followed along.

Before they entered the castle, Ulric agreed to her request to stay in the dungeons with her while she met her mother. The brindled fae's maw lifted at one corner and she nodded her thanks. Though she didn't need someone there, it would be nice all the same. If her mother was as addled as Ulric made her out to be, she could use his presence to keep herself grounded.

As Ulric stopped to grab some wood, she grabbed some as well. Eska wasn't one to let anyone do work for her when she was capable. The man explained that the nights were still cold and she nodded. More talkative than her mother, but still not a stellar conversationalist, it was clear. She didn't really know him and she was incredibly tired, so her mind and body were running on fumes as it was. Making up words would have been difficult.

Soon they came to a room and Ulric pushed open the door. Eska surveyed the interior. It would be the most comfortable sleep she'd gotten in a year. Maybe more. Since the man had offered to start the fire for her, she would allow him to do so with a simple, "Please." He then offered her many other things then gave a bashful look which brought about a soft chuckle from the bright eyed fae. "I would be glad to have some water." Eating could wait until morning.

As Ulric worked on the fire, Eska's exhaustion won out. On shaking legs she leaped onto the fur covered pallet, sinking into the warm, plush skins. Her eyes became heavy and her blinks were getting long and slow. "Thank you for your kindness," she whispered before quickly drifting off to sleep. She simply couldn't stay awake any longer.




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-07-2021, 04:59 PM
Ulric nodded when she accepted his help with the fire and requested some water, giving her another grin. He'd never done well with holding any suspicion over strangers, though he liked to think he was a fairly good judge of character most times. She was alone and tired and he wouldn't have dreamed of doing anything less of making her feel completely at home. He thought of all the times that he had been forced to be the sole caretaker of his mourning mother as they traveled and even some of the time when he was living on his own that he could have used even a small kindness from someone else and was just grateful that he now had the resources to be Abel to do that for someone else.

He immediately went to work starting the fire for her, knowing it wouldn't take but a few moments. With as cold as it had been, especially in this large, drafty castle, keeping the fires going was almost a necessity to stay comfortable so he had gotten quite adept at starting them. By the time he had a nice sized fire going in the hearth he turned back to her and saw that she had settled into bed, practically asleep already as she thanked him for his kindness. A smile softened his expression and he watched for a moment longer as she fully drifted to sleep, clearly even more exhausted than she had even appeared. Keeping to his promise, he slipped out of the room and trotted across to the other side of the main hall, ducking into the infirmary for a moment since he knew that bowls and water skins would be readily available. Picking up one of each, he hurried back to her room and was glad to see that she was still sleeping soundly as he padded quietly over to her bed, carefully setting down both items on the floor beside her.

With that he backed away and slipped out of the room again, closing the door behind him. He lingered there for a moment longer, thinking about her striking golden eyes outlined and the soft shadow of silver under each one as he finally forced himself away to walk up to his own room for the night.

Ulric Adravendi



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-07-2021, 05:42 PM

Eska slept like the dead. The furs were perfect and the fire kept the room just warm enough to be comfortable though anything was better than sleeping out in the cold. She'd been squeezing herself into trees and logs for the past several months. A warm bed was a drastic difference. As such, she hadn't had a single dream. Just deep, restful sleep.

Despite being so exhausted the night prior, Eska was up with the sun. Noting the dish and waterskin beside the pallet, she filled it and drank deeply. She hadn't realized quite how dry her throat had been.

It was going to be an interesting day. Despite her outward confidence, nervousness nipped at Eska's belly. Her mother believed that she was dead. Would the woman even know who she was? Moving towards the door, the brindled fae pushed it open before stepping out into the hall. Her golden gaze scanned in either direction and when she didn't see anyone, she made her way out the front door of the castle. After moving off a ways to relieve herself, she came and sat in the courtyard. Now she would simply wait for Ulric to rise and find her. Up above the sun was shining and the birds were already singing. It looked as though it would be a warmish day.




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-07-2021, 07:03 PM
Ulric hardly slept through the night, but that was nothing new for the large brute. Ever since his children moved into their own rooms the only nights he had slept soundly was the few he had following Aranea's visits. Now his mind was too busy, constantly thinking about anything other than sleep as he laid there in his bed, staring at the wall. He dozed in and out of sleep for a while, but once the sky began to lighten with the coming sunrise he finally gave it up. He was too caught up in thoughts about Eska and having to lead her to her mother to get any more sleep. He went downstairs and drifted past Eska's room and saw that it was still closed so he went outside instead, deciding to get a quick patrol in just as the sun was beginning to rise.

When he returned to the entrance of the castle she was there in the courtyard, the silvery sheen of her brindled markings standing out far more in the morning light than they had the evening prior. He walked up to her with a soft smile, glad to see that she looked rested at least. "Ready?" he asked gently, waiting for her to rise and join him before he began to make his way back into the castle. There was no real use in putting it off any more than they had to, he supposed. He led the way to the stairs that would take them down into the dungeons, blinking his silver gaze to adjust them to the change in light.

He stepped into the room, glancing back over his shoulder at Eska for a moment before going over to the fireplace and tossing another log onto the fire. "There's someone here that would like to see you, Resin," he told the older woman, his gaze seeking her out.

Ulric Adravendi



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
05-08-2021, 10:59 AM

Why were they holding her here? What had she done? What was this place? The grey woman had been biding her time, sitting quietly in the corner of the cage, though her muscles, what was left of them, were fully tensed and ready to spring. How long had she been locked in here? Trails of saliva dripped from the grizzled fae's maw and her sides heaved, stilling only when she heard the door above creak open.

Light filled the room as wood was added to a fire. A man then stepped up close and she took it as her opportunity. Launching herself forward, she slammed herself against the bars. Spittle flew and jaws snapped furiously. She hadn't gauged the distance properly and her serrated teeth bit down on nothing, much to her chagrin. With a frustrated snarl, the beast pulled back and released a half snarl, half scream, "LET ME OUT!" There was a wildness in her. The fae's singular eye burned like golden fire. She'd cut her lip between her teeth and the bars and so blood mixed with the spittle that dripped down her maw. Fury consumed her. There was nothing that could tear down an inferno. Sometimes it just had to burn out on its own.


Coding|Alice. Art|Resin.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-09-2021, 08:11 AM

Descending into the dungeons was a quiet affair. The only sound was the rhythmic clicking of claws on stone as the pair of wolves went down the long set of stairs. Nervousness fluttered within the brindled fae's stomach. Would her mother remember? Would she be happy to see her or ashamed to be seen in such a state. As it turned out, neither would be the case.

The moment that Ulric stepped near the bars of the cell, violence and rage filled the place. It choked Eska with the sheer bloodthirsty brutality. That... was not her mother. It couldn't be her mother. Not after she'd traveled so far to find her. This salivating, bloodied beast... Its eye wasn't even wolflike. This was a demon in  her mother's skin. Ah, and the skin... Eska could see the ribs and spine of the imprisoned woman. Her mother was dying.

Eska moved into the space beside Ulric, taking a step forward to make the enraged woman focus on her instead. She hoped that something in the sight of her would trigger some sanity in the emaciated fae. Resin had pulled back and was pacing back and forth behind the bars like a mindless beast. There was no recognition in that cold, sulfur eye.

"I am Eska," she began, her voice a little softer than she'd planned. "Your daughter. My father is White Timber." At that, Resin's step faltered and her pelt bristled.

-"Dead. They're all dead. You aren't mine." The words were spoken on a low, icy growl.

Eska took another step forward. "Balaa found me after the landslide. She raised me. I've been looking for you for years." Please, she silently pleaded. Please recognize me.

"Dead, dead, dead, dead and rotting, dead and buried, dead, bones, DEAD!"

Whatever had caused the woman to slow and contemplate had drifted away on the wind. She was lost. There was nothing there of her mother. A grimace formed on Eska's face as Resin began thrashing against the bars once again, wailing and demanding that they let her out. A drop of bloodied spittle landed on Eska's muzzle and it was enough. Turning, golden eyes met silver for a moment before she began to ascend the stairs. "I'm sorry," she whispered over her shoulder. She couldn't see that anymore. Not after so long. A little piece of Eska snapped off. An end to her journey. A bad end.




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-10-2021, 12:42 PM
Ulric cringed and his gaze shifted to the floor when Resin flung herself at the bars, remaining where he stood for Eska’s sake. Seeing Resin like this was always painful for him, but he could only imagine how difficult this was for her long lost daughter. He wouldn’t look at the former Aegis again, but he would lift his gaze to look at Eska as she stepped up beside him to attempt speaking to this wolf that at one point had been the Resin they loved.

Guilt twisted in his gut as he watched Eska tried to introduce herself and prove and reason how she was truly Resin’s daughter while Resin only continued to violently assert that Eska couldn’t have been hers. She was supposed to be dead. To have this be the greeting she received after years of searching... Her eyes met his for a moment and he knew they were done here. He didn’t hesitate to follow her as she fled up the stairs, shaking his head to her when she apologized. She had no reason to be sorry - if anything he should be the one apologizing.

Once they were up at the top of the stairs he closed the door behind them, shutting out the raging wolf below. He sighed heavily as he turned to face her with a guilting, apologetic glance. “I’m sorry you had to see her like that,” he told her quietly, resisting his natural instinct to reach out and pull her into an embrace. She was still a stranger to him. No matter how much he always wanted to comfort and protect those around him he knew it wasn’t appropriate to do something like that. “I should have insisted on her being sedated or told you not to see her. I was hopeful that she might have a good day, but it seems the good days are gone.” He frowned, glancing toward the ground between them. “I wish you could have seen her as I knew her. She was the best mentor I could have asked for. And built this pack from nothing.”

Ulric Adravendi



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-10-2021, 01:01 PM


Once she was above ground once more, Eska could breathe again. She inhaled deeply, filling her lungs with oxygen before exhaling through dusty blue nares. That had been... a lot. The interaction with her mother had lasted only minutes, but it had spoken volumes. Her mother was gone. There was no way to get her back.

Ulric came up beside her after shutting the door. She could still hear the dull, muffled sounds of the demon below as it slammed itself against the bars. The man apologized and Eska cast him a sidelong glance. Why was he apologizing? It was her mother down there. She should have been her burden to bear. And yet... she never wanted to go into that dungeon again. Would that be like giving up on the woman that had given birth to her? Possibly. Or maybe it was an act of self-preservation.

Eska gave her head a shake. "Please, don't apologize." There was nothing that he could have done. She hadn't wanted to see the woman drugged and dull. She'd wanted to see her as she truly was. That beast down below... that was what Resin was now. That was what her mother was.

Ulric's next words brought a soft, dry laugh from the brindled fae. "I wish I could have seen her that way too." She had been too late. "The last time that I saw her, I was maybe two or three months old." Eska felt her golden eyes getting a little wet and she turned her face away from the giant man. "I'll try to remember what she was then instead of...this." Gods... she was going to cry. Eska never cried.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Ulric," she whispered. "I'll be close enough to call for if..." If what? She couldn't say it out loud."If you need me." She then turned and made her way out of the castle. Shifting her course, she threw herself into a lope, putting as much distance between herself and the imprisoned beast below as she could manage.