
Thought I Found A Way



05-09-2021, 07:07 PM

Do You Want To Feel How It Feels?


Aragonea was still with struggling being inside The Armada and coming out of a shell she didn't feel right in. Quiet, submissive, these were things she acted but didn't think was her. It didn't help that couldn't remember literally anything from her past, anything from before washing up on the shores. It hurt her more than it helped, maybe there were some wolves that could have wished a fate like hers. But even if she had done horrible, maniacal things before, she felt like it would be better to know than not. Considering she couldn't know herself.

Sitting and lingering didn't help either. Wandering through her dark, blank mind just seemed to frustrate her. So after a few weeks resting and recovering she finally stepped up to help provide for The Armada. She had to do something, it wasn't in her to sit around and be pampered apparently. Or maybe that was just because she felt like she owed The Armada and Sirius for taking her in and caring for her.

She made her way to the food stores, a mostly fresh kill, a doe, in her jaws that she dropped down into the tall grasses beside the dens. She took a seat, taking a break before going forward to portioning the meat. She didn't want to be lost in her empty mind, but she also didn't want to spend her life on her own only filling the stores, scouting, and sleeping. But what else could she do? It was difficult for her to approach others while she was fighting with the emotions inside herself. Even if she felt like she wanted to get to know others.

Walk "Talk"


Do You Want To Know That It Doesn't Hurt Me?

Valor I


8 Years

05-11-2021, 07:47 PM

Valor had taken a brief hiatus to mope. The death of Sirius' mate and child had brought on a flood of his own memories that he'd tried so hard to choke down. He understood the pain and grief of losing those closest to you and he certainly wouldn't wish that pain on anyone. Rather than deal with his emotions within the Armada, he'd left briefly to go sort himself out. Seeing as he had yet to fully get to know everyone within the pack he'd highly doubted his brief absence had even been noticed.

While his own pain would never fully go away, he'd managed to come to new temporary terms with his emotions and had shoved them back down to deal with at a later time. With a newfound composure he'd managed to make his way back to the pack with a rabbit hanging limply from his jowls. It wasn't much, but with the harsh winter and spring they had dealt with it was all he'd managed to find. Hunting for himself and the pack had been difficult, but he was hoping with the season change things would begin to turn around. Already he could feel the warmer winds blowing from the south and the snow melted ever so slightly. It wouldn't be enough to grow enough foliage before autumn hit them, but maybe the prey would begin to come back. They would just have to make do until everything went back to normal.

He headed towards where the dens where the prey was stored but was slightly surprised to see someone already there. He dropped the rabbit into the pile, too small to dissect into parts for others, and then turned to look at the woman and her catch. He couldn't recall ever hearing her name, but he remembered seeing her at various pack events between the preparation for hunting the hairy beasts and the most recent pack meeting. "Nice catch." He said eyeing the doe. It was a decent sized meal considering all the hardships that had been faced recently. "I'm Valor." He supposed now was as good a time as any to get to know more of his pack mates.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: AXsoNeI.png]
[Image: valor_by_centipedle-dah2lmt.png][Image: moegmmY.png]


05-12-2021, 03:32 PM

Do You Want To Feel How It Feels?


She barely noticed as a brute came from the other side of the stores, but it didn't startle her. Instead, she peered down at the small doe she had caught while he had mentioned it. "Thank you. I found a small herd by the falls now that it isn't frozen anymore." She paused, not sure how to hold on to the conversation. She struggled often keeping her voice rolling, it already wasn't comfortable but she didn't feel like it was herself to let her voice fall.

"It's nice to meet you, Valor." She stated, always leaving out her own introduction because simply she didn't have a name. Each time she was faced with this though, it made her feel like she should just pick something to get it over with, but she was being a bit picky. It was something she would like to stick with forever though, so it could have been understandable. She didn't want to change her name ten times and confuse everyone more.

She barely recognized the male himself. A faint memory of his green markings in the couple times she joined the pack for various things. More so she remembered him helping her with the fire for the mammoth hunt, but otherwise didn't think too much about him. Hopefully that wasn't embarrassing for him, Auri often didn't hold on to a lot of things even though her short term memory was still in tact. Her mind was busy with other thoughts, not that they were thoughts at all. It was surprisingly easy for her to keep her gaze towards him though, she wasn't hesitant on eye contact while her voice seemed to fault instead.

Walk "Talk"


Do You Want To Know That It Doesn't Hurt Me?

Valor I


8 Years

05-16-2021, 11:06 AM

I was always told I can be what I wanna be

She was quick to explain where he'd found the doe. He had yet to go near the falls, but he tucked the information away for a later date so he could try hunting there. If the falls were no longer frozen it meant, at least, animals would be heading that way for fresh water. Maybe their luck was about to change? He hadn't enjoyed trudging through the snow and tiring himself out just to catch a meal. It had to be done, of course, but that didn't mean he appreciated the extra effort that had to be put forth just to try and help feed everyone. No, for once, he was glad that the winter was slowly going away. He was getting too old for all of it.

He found it odd that she didn't introduce herself. He couldn't help but to feel slightly offended. He hadn't done anything to upset her, had he? Her body language did not display any signs that she didn't want him there, if he was reading the situation right. He couldn't imagine that was the case so, instead, he decided to settle with a joke not realizing how much truth would be behind it. "Do you not have a name?" He asked with a soft smile and a chuckle. Maybe she'd just forgotten to introduce herself. Or maybe she'd introduced herself at one of their earlier pack meetings and events and he hadn't been paying attention. Maybe the assumption was there that he should already know?

No matter the cause, the offense he'd taken initially quickly slipped away to a more relaxed demeanor. He was doing his best to make friends. He wouldn't ruin it by letting assumptions get the best of him. With so little family, and no friends to call his own, he wasn't too keen on messing up his first attempts. He'd been trying his best to shake off the funk he'd been in since his mate had died. He'd finally realized he wasn't going to do that by keeping to himself.

No one ever said your dreams are always out of reach

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: AXsoNeI.png]
[Image: valor_by_centipedle-dah2lmt.png][Image: moegmmY.png]


05-16-2021, 12:03 PM

Do You Want To Feel How It Feels?


She would catch the joking tone in his voice that was obviously followed by a chuckle. She tried not feel discouraged, at first her ears remained perked and intent on him, but then they turned to face backwards, not sadly against her skull though. She was troubled with how many times this happened to her, it probably would happen to her another hundred times. She wouldn't leave him without response though, because while he may have been expecting a name, he would certainly be surprised.

"Well actually uh-" She paused but quickly regained, surely he'd realize this wasn't a joke, "No, I don't have a name. I don't remember it." While her expression may have been less than excitable before, she relaxed, giving a gentle smile in his direction before adding, "I guess I should actually figure something out in the meantime." She was trying to give that same joking manner that he had given her. And little did she know that it was just as serious as his own words. He may have been offended that she hadn't introduced herself, and while she may have felt a little offended too that he called her out in such a way, she understood why he would feel that way.

Walk "Talk"


Do You Want To Know That It Doesn't Hurt Me?

Valor I


8 Years

05-16-2021, 04:55 PM

I was always told I can be what I wanna be

He was surprised when her ears turned backwards and his own flattened just slightly. Had he said something wrong? He'd only been joking with her, trying to lead the conversation in a direction to get to know her, but clearly he'd said the wrong thing. It was something that didn't sit well with him. Her words captivated his attention and he listened as she awkwardly explained that she didn't remember her own name. Oops. He cringed, gritting his teeth as he did so, and immediately sent her an apologetic look. He felt mortified. There was no way he could have known beforehand, but he instantly regretted the joke he'd made. It was in ill taste looking back at it. In fact he wanted to crawl into his own skin and hide there. He was off to a great start.

Her own joke and smile wasn't enough to bring him back from the embarrassment either. He took no joy in the fact that he'd even said that, even less so if it'd hurt her feelings. Yep. Crawling in a hole and hiding for the rest of his life definitely seemed like a tempting offer if it was something he could pick. "I am so sorry." Hanging his head slightly in shame. "I didn't know ... I never would have said that ... had I known." He grimaced. He was only making it more painfully awkward for himself at this point. His only hope now was to reconcile and let her know he had meant no harm.

"What happened to make you not remember your name?" He asked cautiously. He was curious, but he didn't want to say anything else that could possibly make the situation worse. It wasn't his goal to hurt her feelings.

No one ever said your dreams are always out of reach

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: AXsoNeI.png]
[Image: valor_by_centipedle-dah2lmt.png][Image: moegmmY.png]


05-16-2021, 07:03 PM

Do You Want To Feel How It Feels?


She chuckled when he felt and showed that instant sign of regret, but she didn't hold a grudge toward him. She was understanding to those that didn't know her situation, which was pretty much everybody. "It's quite alright." She assured him, hoping he would turn around and not feel so bad. "I doubt there's anyone like... me." She didn't sound dishearten, only honest. But she still looked toward him with that gentle grin, showing that any offense she could have felt was quickly washed away by knowing the issues were unavoidable.

He asked what had happened to her to forget her memory, but she didn't remember that either. "I washed up on the shores here and Sirius found me. I don't remember anything before that." She confessed, not proud of it but at terms with it. Sitting and thinking too long was exhausting and harmful. She had finally just let it flow behind her so she could move forward. Of course, if she could just settle on a name than everyone wouldn't be asking her about it. She was shamed by not remembering though, not necessarily telling people that. She didn't know if she had done anything wicked in her past life. Her worse fear was that she was in some type of battle that left her unconscious. But it didn't feel right in her to be evil. "Have you been in the pack long yourself?" generally curious, but she also wanted to move the conversation away from this part of herself.

Walk "Talk"


Do You Want To Know That It Doesn't Hurt Me?