
Mavia Pups!!!


05-30-2014, 10:35 PM
If you don't already know, Maverick had an affair with Maia when she was in heat... So now PUPPIES!! Andy and I want to keep the litter small, no more than 2, and I haven't decided if I will be keeping one or not. Now these pups will have to be active, as they are part of an ongoing pup with Epiphron, Maverick and Maia. Now onto the good stuff.

Here are some designs, keep in mind any red like Mav will have to be paid for but you get a 25% discount:

Design 1
Design 2
You guys are welcome to create your own designs, Andy also has a one or two that I need to get from her.
Andy's Designs-

Maia's profile can be found here
Maverick's profile can be found here

A little back ground for you guys. Maia's parents were both black, her mom had blue eyes, dad had green eyes with light gray markings. Maverick's mom was fire engine red, and his dad was grey and white.

And the form:

Your Name:
Character Name:
Appearance: 150 word min.
Personality: 200 word min.
RP Sample: 300 word min.

Twig I


05-31-2014, 06:35 AM
So. Much. Tempt.


05-31-2014, 11:51 AM
Dooo it Wolfie<3

Also.. Added in my two designs and edited the part about Mav's dad. I derped out and forgot that Gerhardt was not his actual father xD



4 Years
06-01-2014, 06:28 PM
Kat made a design too!

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



06-14-2014, 02:53 AM (This post was last modified: 06-19-2014, 02:53 AM by Raw.)
Your Name: Sasuke
Character Name: Islanzad? Adravendi-Mathias?
Gender: Female
Appearance: The beauty stands at a graceful height of thirty inches, not exactly tall, but not short either. The babe dons the cloak of a mysterious vigilante, for her base consists of the beautiful reds of her father, along with the second base of her mothers darker coating. She carries a lithe and graceful figure, tall and graceful she walks the lands on dainty yet sturdy paws. However frail she may seem, she is not daunted by those larger or stronger then she. She contains within her narrow chest, a heart of steel and the courage of a lion. She is unfazed by those who attempt to intimidate her with their size, for although she might not have the strength, she makes up for in speed and lithe movements. She bears dual toned appaloosa markings upon her pelt, red upon black and black upon red. Her right foreleg bears charcoal black from upon the location of her wrists, with red toes. While her left foreleg contains black up to just below her elbow at an angle, also with red toes. The entirety of her hindquarters are black, with the exception being her hind toes dipped in red and the tip of her tail dipped in white. Her ears are painted black, and the color falls along the back of her neck where it then shades down her neck, chest, and flows haphazardly beneath her figure where it meets with the rest of the charcoal coating her hind end. Her muzzle bears white, both top and bottom of her jaw. The joints upon her elbows and ankle joints of her hind feet are also dipped in white, as are the tip of her tail. Finalizing the color, the two stripes of purity that contrast the darkness, proof that she is her mothers child. It also outlines the bright green eyes inherited from both parents, giving her the feminine look she uses to her advantage.
Personality: Islanzadi is usually stoic, impassive and reserved; giving no hint as to what her emotions might be. When she does show them they tend to be very strong. In life, when pressed or asked things, she may refuse answering them if she feels the other does not need to know such knowledge. Those who continue to press, she may treat coldly and indifferently. Her span of tolerance is short, and she may frequently become annoyed or impatient with others. The girl is often outspoken and opinionated as well, often getting into arguments and insulting others. Islanzadi holds traditional boundaries in distaste. She is not a helpless woman, and will talk with an attitude should a male tell her otherwise. Gender roles are obsolete, for she believes a female can do anything a male can do, perhaps even better. She is quite solitary, aloof and withdrawing. Preferring to keep to herself as opposed to being in the company of others. The woman, however, is incredibly brave and loyal. Even with her disposition, she can become friendly to those she becomes close to, and it may not be many. Perhaps this might hold only true for the male that manages to capture her heart and earn her trust and loyalty, betraying her is not an option. For she will completely turn cold and shut you out as if you never existed. [More to come if I get her]
RP Sample: 300 word min.

-Will be finished tomorrow night.-


06-15-2014, 12:44 PM
Your Name:

Character Name:
Melasune Adravendi{-Mathias}


At the graceful height of 36 inches, Melasune may be the larger of her sibling or the smaller of the two. It is unsure to say for now, but either way, Melasune will carry her tail high up in the air, and her head will be raised high, as high as it will go. A blank expression will be on her face when she meets strangers, even if they are her own family. Her eyes seem narrowed and cold, and her mouth is a straight line, as if she were incapable of smiling or laughing. Her posture is straight, her front paws placed in front of her, and sitting with her back straight and her head raised high, her tail resting in the dirt behind him. If she is made angry, and if it is bad enough, the mask she wears around strangers will go away. One side of her ebony lips will twitch upwards in a snarl, and show her long fangs, fangs meant for slashing and killing. Melasune's claws are long and dark, curved, and ebony in color, with a small cream stripe.

The babe's base color is a dark gray, more ebony than anything, but she is a tri-colored girl. Her base color wraps around most of her like a cloak, and would make her invisible if not for the other markings on her. At night, or on a full moon, the color turns to a lighter gray, and makes her look a lot more unique than she really is. Around the large markings, the girl's base coat slowly fades into silver, starting at the scruff of her neck and stopping halfway down her tail. Past the silver, though, is the pure white of the markings on Maverick. The silver has faded into this color, that holds many tiny markings on her. The silver has dull splashes of white, but that isn't as important anymore. Large black spots cover parts of the girl's white fur, and some of the silver fur. It is only a few shades darker than her base color, and very important, considering her heritage. Around her legs are a mix of the three colors, splattered together in a mix of colors.

Melasune's eye color is the same on her right and left side, as both of her parents had the same color eyes. A light green, the color of Maia's eyes, mixed and flecked with Maverick's eye color. These colors blend in with her fur color, but not in the way you would expect. It makes her look all the more beautiful. She will grow up to be a beautiful wolf, even her appearance as a pup can show you that.

Melasune will grow to be bold and charming, like her mother, and both her looks and her personality will get her some possible suitors. She has a ruthless side, using these wolves to do anything for her; she could find a way to make them murder each other for her. Although she can be ruthless, Melasune sometimes uses these wolves to protect her family, or all of them, if there is a wolf trying to attack them, or kill them. The girl will never care for Maverick's mate if she ever meets her, thinking that she is too perfect to be a real wolf. She has a few requirements for real wolves, such as the fact that real wolves are not afraid to get their paws dirty, to fight. A real wolf will kill to protect a family member of a pack member. She loves the stories that Maia tells about her grandmother, Secret, and wishes that she could meet her. If she had met Secret, she isn't entirely sure what she would do, except promise to avenge her death. Melasune will grow up to have a very short temper, and even brushing against her will make her snap and become very angry.

Melasune will have a very active imagination, although she will make up things that would be half real, such as wolves with horns and wings, and wolves that have the markings of something called tigers, or leopards, or cheetahs. She tells stories about wolves that are bright blue, bright pink, bright green, or wolves that have no eye colors at all, only black. She won't really know that some of these wolves exist in the unique world of Alacrita, or that some wolves would attack her if they had the choice. All she knows right know is that they make for fun games, and fun wolves to pretend you look like. She wants to find one of those tiger striped wolves, if such a thing even exists, and tame it. She will bring it home to her mother and "Aunty Viridiana", so they can be proud of her catch. Or, that's what she thinks she'll do, anyway.

RP Sample:
It was a pack meeting, and, guessing from her sibling's face, it was a really boring one. Melasune had tuned most of it out, until her great aunt, Viridiana, raised her voice. Something about another pack paying the price, and Melasune acted like she was listening. Once the wolves began to get up, Viridiana jumped down and walked over, walking easily to a strange wolf that looked a little like her. The two walked over, and Viridiana dipped her head in greeting. "I see this is your two children, Maia. You must be Melasune." Melasune dipped her head. "Yes, Queen Viridiana. I am Melasaune." The other wolf snorted, and Viridiana glared at her. "Hestia, haven't you gotten in enough trouble with your pack?" Melasune winced, and the other wolf, Hestia, sat down heavily. For the first time, Melasune noticed the pale pink scar on the older wolf's face, the right side. "I'm Hestia Sovari, but you already know that." Melasune smiled at the blank expression on the black and female wolf's face. "You didn't listen to anything she had to say, either, did you?" Melasune whispered, and Hestia smiled a little.

"Not a bit." Melasune closed her eyes and sighed softly, before Hestia nudged her. "Hey, you okay?" Melasune nodded, then pushed her sibling. Maia was getting up to leave. "I'm sorry, Hestia, but I have to leave." Hestia's smile faded, but she nodded. "We'll meet again." She said, and Melasune nodded.

It was a great way to possibly have a new friend. Melasune glanced at her sibling and sighed, nudging her sibling again, before shaking her head and grabbing the scruff, dragging the wolf away while muttering under her breath. Hestia trailed beside her, the black wolf's fur ruffled up. Suddenly, Maia called, and Melasune walked away with a nod at her new possible friend.


06-16-2014, 03:49 PM
Your Name: Pandafox
Character Name: Koray
Gender: Male
Fully grown, Koray stands at the tail edge of the large scale, at 35? tall and weighing 145lbs. Having inherited a size mixed from both his parents, he is strong in the neck and shoulders but his muscles are lean and built for running and moving quickly rather than attacking hard and heavy; but able to struggle effectively against larger foes.

He carries himself in a reserved but defensive manner and smiles rarely. His bright eyes are watchful and his ears often perked up to listen to what is around him intently while his posture is usually relaxed, or introspective. His tail usually hangs low as if dusting the earth behind him; but can become expressive.

Koray?s name means ?Ember Moon? and one look at him explains why it was selected. His base color is a deep charcoal grey, which fades to true black on his back. From the knees of his forelegs down to the pads of his front paws, and from his hips to the pads of his hind paws, his legs are also this true black color.

While he did not inherit the spots of his father, his rump is blended with a red that is even more muted than his grandmothers to be a natural reddish brown. This color is lightly blended in with his charcoal fur on his rump but grows more prominent further down his tail until the natural redish hue is all that remains on the end of his tail. This seems to be a more natural combination of his father?s coloring and unusual rump, and his mother?s abnormal tail.

The deep charcoal grey of his fur covers most of his face, however, like his mother, both eyes are ringed with a marking like a mask, however rather than a lighter grey, this ?mask? is that same natural red-orangeish hue that is found on his tail, and gives the impression of glowing coals. This motif of glowing coals is made stronger by the fact that he inherited his grandfather?s blue eyes which glow like blue flames within the orangeish mask on his pallet of charcoal fur.

Koray?s name means ?Ember Moon? and it seems this meaning does not only match his appearance; but also his personality. Like the moon he is silent and watchful of the world around him. He passes through phases, and changes silently but always within the same spectrum. A constant guide and to some a light in the darkness, save when he grows shy or cold and keeps his light to himself.

Like the embers of a fire he is quiet, yet warm. A loving brother, and son; but stays in the background doing his duties silently, and being difficult to notice. He smolders with thoughts, nagging feelings, and questions, in addition to a withheld sense of wisdom, compassion and caring. Koray does not spread out to bring his warmth to others; but instead they must draw close to him to find it. In this way he is much like his mother, knowing they are bastard children and the cause of someone elses pain is one of the many thoughts that smolder in his mind.

Like any embers, there is a dangerous side to Koray. While being near to him is the only way to feel his warmth, getting too close can burn you. While he is usually quiet, reserved, in the background, and doesn?t often stand out, like with all coals, the right gust of wind can quickly turn him into a blaze, which can then spread into a vicious wildfire. Koray keeps to himself and stays quiet because while he may have inherited his mothers reserved nature, and his father?s kindness, he has also inherited his fathers temper. While the red of his fur may be more dulled, the fires that burn in his heart burn even stronger, and that rage can explode in a savage heat which threatens to burn everyone around him, having had the kindling of his bastard origins and dark thoughts stoking theses flames.

While he respects his father?s strength he is uncertain how he feels about his decisions, and he loves his mother and siblings with a protective intensity, that might sometimes be oppressive to his sibling. However he also knows the dangers of his own passion and temper, so works hard to keep it held within; but one strong breeze in the form of danger to his family, or a harsh enough insult, can turn him into a raging inferno of teeth and claws and violence.

He enjoys the twilight hours and the night more often than the day, liking the peace and quiet, and the time to be thoughtful. Much like his name, Koray is poetic, often full of thoughts and artful dreams. He appreciates the beauty of a sunset and a moonrise as much as the elegance of combat, and the cycle of life and death which keeps the whole world moving. He likely prefers the role of a hunter or protecter more than an attacking warrior; but would not be opposed to being a spy or a scout, as he feels he works better alone and in small numbers than with a large group where the odds of his temper being stirred up is greater.

All in all he is a quiet yet fiercely passionate soul, with a raging beast inside him; but the wisdom to know that it must be contained.

RP Sample:
Koray sat, watching the moon with his bright blue eyes. It was full tonight and it was pleasant to see his old friend again. The day had been a long one today, the summer heat making him feel lazy and sleepy, even now that the world had grown cool. There had been a hunt earlier and all had eaten well; but in this dry summer he was concerned that perhaps other less friendly wolves, or possibly even other larger threats, might come to the smell of their recent kill.

His family was small and he worried over them, Koray knew it was not his place to worry over his mother as well as his sibling but it was something he could not help but do. Deciding the best thing to ease his nerves would be a walk, he rose from where he lay, and padded out by the light of his shining brother overhead. As he walked he sniffed the air for signs of anything that might not have been in the area before.

As Koray?s eyes took in the landscape, he admired the way that the silver moonlight washed out the colors of the living world, bathing everything in a tint of grey. While surely the flowers and the fields were beautiful in all their colors in the daylight, there was an eerie harmony to the world washed out beneath the pale moonlight. His eyes caught sight of a particularly defiant flower, that had risen above the grasses around it. Its color was hard to determine in the light of the moon; but Koray was certain it was not so elegantly shaped in the daylight. He wanted to show it to someone, wanted to bring it to his mother so she could see, but knew that doing so would kill the flower. Killing the flower only to show its beauty, seemed like a foolish waste, so he remembered the place, and took in the sight for a moment longer before continuing his patrol.

It was not far from the flower that Koray smelled it, something different. Something alive, had moved through here, for the musky scent was not something that was a familiar prey and was certainly not a plant. His ears perked up straining to listen for any sound of some potential intruder. The scent could be a wolf but it was foreign enough that it could be something larger or more dangerous. Either way it did not belong here. His heckles raised and his nose took in the air deeply.

No need to alert the entire pack yet, he would seek out whatever this intruding creature was and deal with them himself? if they were misguided, he could turn them away, if they were a threat? the fire burned in his chest aching to be let out. His paws pounded against the earth as he picked up speed, following the scent and making certain he would catch up to whatever the intruder was, before they got near his family. His mother and sister were sleeping after the long day, no need to wake them, Koray would take care of things.

Chrono I


5 Years
06-18-2014, 08:59 PM (This post was last modified: 06-18-2014, 09:57 PM by Chrono I.)
Your Name: Chrono fo life

Character Name:

Amarant Mathias




If I seriously had a choice, I'd be lovin up on This Sexy Babe I made. But 1200 Gems is a little out of my league.

Anyway, since I'm pretty confident I will get enough Gems before babies are popping, I will be using Kat's Design Here.

Amarant Mathias (Ah-Mah-ront Mah-Thi-is]

Amarant is a large wolf, standing tall and sturdy. He stands at 36 inches and weighs 148 pounds. He is a wolf of thick muscle, easily seen from a far distance. He may be intimidating to some wolves.

Amarant is a variety of Black and White. He holds the black color of his mother and white from his father. He also holds the appaloosa markings of his father and his father's father. Both of his parents traits are well known by one look at him. Both his eyes are a pale green, the light grey markings from Maia's Fathers eyes dulling them from the bright green eyes of his parents.

Amarant's ears stay low to his head in just about everything he is doing. The only time the point forward is when he is listening to someone speaking or he sees something different or out of the ordinary. His ears flick up and down during conversations, but this shows that he is listening intently.

If I don't get enough gems before time is up, I have a back-up. I will post the image here later. The only part that will change about the appearance are the colors.


(This may change a little depending on sibling personas; the persona will also be written as it is in chrono's, with titles)

As a pup, Amarant loves making friends and pushes others to do so as well. He is very jumpy and energetic and want to go out and have fun all the time. Adventuring is his favorite thing to do. He loves finding new things and new friends. He may even wander from his mother often too.

Due to the fact that his father never came around, Amarant begins his life with finding a strong respect to girls. He would do anything in the world to make his mother happy. His sisters the same. He befriends girls better than he does boys, but he doesn't hate them. He has a hard time understanding why other pups can have fathers when he can't, but he doesn't grow jealous of any of them.

When Amarant grows up, he is very self conserved. though he is very friendly and cares for the well-being of just about everyone, he likes to have most of his time alone. He still likes to meet other wolves, but doesn't continue to see them unless they cross paths again. Amarant wants to be apart from his mother as soon as he can to start life on his own. The only wolves he continues to make a part of his life are his sibling and his mother even though he leaves when he is ready. it is Amarant's dream to be a father one day.

RP Sample:

It was still plenty dark but the young pup knew it was coming. He gently moved from the family bunch in his den and made his way outside. His eyes switched back and forth as his head hung from the den. When he was sure no one was around, he took off in a steady, quiet beat of his paws into the trees. The leaves were brushed aside from his constant running on his one path. The ground wasn't molded yet, but it was to be in days to come.

The pup made his way through, zig-zagging through the tall forest trees, leaping over logs that stray in his way. Just as the forest cleared, he slowed to a walk and approached the top of a hill that overlooked the edge of the pack lands. His tiny paws hit the crest of the hill and he set his rump down to the grass. The clear skies were just turning a light grey, the stars lightly fading one by one. The pup stared desirably up at them as they vanished. He searched for the last star, the one that stood to be the last one every morning. And his eyes stayed on that lone star until every spot was gone from the sky. And finally the final star held in the sky slowly faded into the blue and silver sky. Instantly the boy flung his head to the horizon and his rump jolted from the ground. His tail began to wave as his eyes, wide and excited, searched for what?

It was here,the pup rose his chin to see how far he could make it to see the first glimpse. Red slivered it's way over the plain, the ball of fire shimmering from it's heat. It slowly rose, revealing different shades of orange, red, and soon the globe was yellow. The boy then relaxed, a smile showing and then fading from his face. There was no way of telling what went through his mind in that moment. His head dropped low to the ground as he turned around and headed back to the den. His paws tapped on the soil, the same trail he took to get here. The life drained from him, he seemed pouty instead of bouncy.

His body slugged it's way all the way back to the family den, no one was outside, but was anyone in? He made his way behind the den, and slowly inched his way to the entrance. When he hit the opening, his eye creeped along the edge, looking for the ones who resided in the home. There he saw his siblings,and his mother silently snoozing exactly where he left them. He let out a long breath, thankful that his mother had not woken and worried about her missing child. And so he gently scooted himself into the den, and laid next to his brother. He wondered when they would all wake up, or if he had woke them in the process. Either way, he would stare at the den wall, and wait for someone to get up.


06-19-2014, 12:03 PM
After discussing the applications with SAF, we have chosen two pups:

Chrono's Amarant


Panda's Koray

Congrats to you both!


06-19-2014, 12:17 PM
Both pups are due Sunday, I will posting a birthing thread Sunday evening, so make sure both pups have complete profiles and are accepted by then! Congrats guys and thanks to everyone who applied.