
To Catch a Cow

Pack Hunt


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-10-2021, 08:38 PM

Rudy jogged towards the edge of the pack’s boundary before letting out a howl, a call for others who wished to join him on the hunt.  It was evening and the prey he had scented last night was still present though a bit faded.  The animals were likely in the garden area knowing the falls weren’t too far off as a source to drink.  Rudy couldn’t manage to break up a cowherd and taking down one alone and even if he were to use a snare as mom had it would be safer to at least have one partner.  The boy was hoping for more than one though.  It was time to try a good size group hunt.  While he hadn’t hunted with so many before the motley grey wolf trusted both his instincts and the foundations of what Resin had taught on hunting would still have application here.

As far as Rudy knew there were no other experts to go to in the pack to learn better hunting skills.  Mom had been it and that was just fine.  Rudy Carpathius wouldn’t let anything stop him from the future he had set for himself.  The cattle were called Gaur and about this time they should be settling in for the evening.  Rudy knew they had to separate one from the others and had seen how skillfully and easy mom had made it seen.  Mom.  It hurt remembering the pleasant memories he’d had with her in training.  Looking to one side he tried to imagine his mom standing there with him, heard the praise she’d offered him when they chased away the bear.  Mom.

Rudy shook his head free of the mournful thoughts and focused on thinking of just the hunt and his plans and who might show up.  Who else did know how to hunt at all, or who wanted to learn?  Tonight would serve both for keeping up on the food and supply and taking their minds away from the suffering inside their home and hearts.

Rudyard Carpathius



3 Years
05-12-2021, 06:44 PM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2021, 06:47 PM by Jane. Edited 1 time in total.)
Jane as time passed was giving up on the idea of returning to how her life was, to return to how complete her family used to be. She felt lonely and few things now cheered her up in comparision to her puppy days.

Hunting, a thing she had yet to know more, but that she was growing more and more interested in it,but she still didnt know how to intepretate how she felt about that. How could she know? Perhaps giving it a closer try? A more intimate appraoch? But she just didnt have the enough knowledge to know how to start.

As she walked by God's Garden she saw Rudy, and quickly she approached even without knowing the reasons. She just couldn't ignore her inquisitive nature. "What chu doing?"



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
05-14-2021, 05:58 PM

Ezra's head turned toward the sound of a howl from near the border, giving it a curious tilt before nodding his head for Aquila to follow and turning to trot out to meet up with his pack members. He had put more of a focus on his fighting skills since he began to train with Artorias, but hunting was still his favorite task out of all the things he did around the pack. It was one of the things that he and Aquila did really well together so it made it all the more fun to do. He neared the border of the pack and noticed Rudyard and Jane sitting just beyond it with the Carpathius boy being the lead of their hunt tonight. He gave them both a grin as he approached, sitting beside his sister and giving her a playful nudge with his shoulder. He felt like he had been the moody one for so long and now the rolls had reversed a bit it seemed so whenever he ran into his sisters he always tried to be extra chipper for them to help lift their spirits. He knew he hadn't always been the best brother, but that didn't mean he couldn't start now, right? He turned his pale gaze up to Rudyard curiously, interested to see what he had in store for them.

Ezra Adravendi


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-16-2021, 11:36 PM

Rudy had time to sit there and just think for a time.  As much as it might surprise some the motley wolf did know how to be still and let his mind wander, well sort of.  Rudy’s mind tended to find one thought to focus on and delve into plotting on the one thing.  He hadn’t informed anyone of planning a hunt beforehand so who knew how far away other hunters were.  Rudy didn’t think of mom long, refusing himself to get lost any longer in that pain tonight.  There was no option to be distracted in this upcoming hunt.  Instead, he focused on the future he had designed for himself.  How things would be in a few years and what he needed to become to reach his goals.

After a time Jane showed up and Rudy shifted his focus to her and the upcoming hunt.  He gave a quick sway of his tail in acknowledgment, “Hi Jane,” the young Carpathius offered in false good cheer.  It was false but Rudy was a dang good scam artist in this area when desired.  Fake it till you make it and maybe this hunt and socializing could offer him a bit of true fun. “There is some gaur not too far away.  It seemed a good time to get a good size meal to share with the pack.  You want in?”

Maybe he should have waited to explain things as then Ezra showed up, “Hey Ezra, interested in helping us catch a gaur?  They aren’t overly far away.”  Rudy glanced farther into the gods' garden before looking back at them, flashing a grin, “So, either of you done much hunting as a group before?” Rudy imagined it would be a good idea to verify their current abilities.  Three would be enough to get the job done.  Rudy determined right then not only would they catch one but they wouldn’t get hurt either.  This was going to be a perfect hunt.  It was his job to protect everyone in the pack right?  That would include this hunt also.

Rudyard Carpathius