
Like A Thief In The Night




7 Years
Dire wolf
05-23-2021, 11:30 AM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2021, 11:32 AM by Oxx. Edited 1 time in total.)
(For plot purposes, it has been agreed that he entered and left undetected.)

The call had permeated the silence. An alert. A notice. The leader of The Hallows was dead. From his place at the edge of the pack territory, Oxx grinned. Finally, she was gone. For some there might be mixed emotions, but for the hulking predator, there was only joy. He'd worked so hard to make her life a living hell. That was what he had been created to do. His life had been spared with the single, long term goal that he would see his mother's life to its end.

Oxx had been her back luck in life. The things that had happened, he was the catalyst. How did this all come about? Let me tell you.

'Run and never look back,' She'd told them. Oxx and his siblings scattered into the wind. From behind, they could hear the guttural snarls and roars; the dull thud of flesh on flesh as their mother fought the demon that was intent on claiming their lives. They ran as though the hounds of hell were on their heels but in actuality, it was only a single hound. He wouldn't find out until later that his brother Artemis fell beneath the power of the beast. Valkyrie fell as well. Iolaire escaped, his sweet, tiny sister. Oxx was the last to be found.

The red beast with eyes of fire bit into him, ready to end his life, but he stopped at the last moment. There was something in him, he was told. He was more of his father than he was his mother. And so he was taken and taught. Instructed. Molded. Crafted into an instrument of destruction. He had only one goal: Make her suffer. She who had stolen children from their father. She who had told them that he was a demon. In that aspect she hadn't been wrong. Oxx's mind had been bent though. It had been poisoned. Resin was the evil one. It was she who needed to pay for her sins. As an agent of Destruction; a servant of Slaughter... he would collect her debt.

The woman that had succumbed to insanity and taken Resin's eye? Gifted a tasteless, mind altering poison and fed lies about the grey woman until she was raving mad.

The bear that had left the nasty scars upon her neck and shoulder? A hive of wasps thrown into its den at just the right moment.

The landslide that murdered her second batch of pups and her mate? A giant rock and a little bit of leverage. That one had been particularly tasty.

When Resin had taken the life of his father, Oxx hadn't raised a paw to help the man. That wasn't his purpose. Even with his sire dead, his mission still existed. He would continue to follow the woman that gave birth to him. He would continue to make her life miserable. When he ended up following her to this place, this castle... things became a little more difficult. He needed to be stealthy. He needed to bide his time. In the end, he didn't need to do much of anything. Nature took its course, eating her mind like a starving dog. Now she was dead. Oxx's life mission was over. And yet he wasn't satisfied. There was One. More. Thing.

They'd buried her at the edge of the courtyard. Silly of them. Though he loathed the woman, he knew enough about her to know that she wouldn't want to be a fucking lawn ornament for all to see. It would also make his final task exceedingly difficult. He would have to wait until the elements worked with him. There was time. There was always time.

Days passed. The burial was done. Still Oxx waited, always slinking around the border of the lands, but just out of reach enough to keep his scent hidden. After all this time, he knew enough to mask his scent anyway. And then it came. The rain that he'd been waiting for. Wishing for. Hoping for.

The night was pitch black and the wind whipped like a pack of screaming banshees. Trees fell, crashing to the earth with the roar of a thousand lions. Rain came down in torrents of razors, cutting into the land with its ceaseless ferocity. It was then that Oxx made his move. There was no way to be seen, heard or smelled. Anything with a fraction of a mind would choose to stay inside, safe against natures onslaught. Oxx was a man on a mission. The morning would bloom and the Hallows would be left with a nice, bloody little surprise.

As the rain fell, the winds whipped, the lightning struck and the thunder crashed, Oxx dug. Wide paws pulled away mud, dirt and rock. He worked quickly, but it was difficult going. Rivers of mud ran back into the hole as he scooped. He was fighting the elements, but the end game would be worth it. In time, the shrouded figure of his dead mother appeared in the hole. Sinking his teeth into her cold, wet flesh, he drug her from her grave.

Unwrapping her corpse, Oxx looked down at the mangled fae. She didn't look nearly as impressive as she used to. Age and disease had taken its toll. Pity. Still though, he would get what he wanted. Extracting a sharp knife from a sheathe on one hind leg. Oxx cut through the skin around each of his mother's legs. He then cut a slit from each ankle up to her chest and groin. Down her belly went the knife. With everything disconnected, he began to peel back the fur from the rotting meat of her dead body. Once it was removed and rolled away from her broken corpse, he carefully removed the skin from her face, careful to keep every little feature of her scarred visage for posterities sake. All the while he hummed into the tsunami that raged around him as though this was just another day. Just another task.

With Resin's skin wrapped and tied, Oxx looked down upon her body. No use in kicking it back into the hole, so he left it there, laying in the courtyard. With a little hmmph of satisfaction, the massive, dark man, all thunderstorm and rain himself, loped out of Hallows territory and into the surrounding regions. Just in case, he ran loops, back and forth, zigzagging over his own trail. Frequently he would cross streams and leap ravines. All of the things that he'd learned on how to remain undetected. And it would work. When the rains ended and the sun finally showed her face, he would take great care to process his mother's skin. He had big plans for her. Big, big plans. He cradled the rolled flesh almost lovingly as he padded along towards the cave that he and Isidora were temporarily holing up in. He simply couldn't wipe the grin from his face.



Oxx is insanely mature and is prone to
sexual acts
and degradation of women.
Please don't read his threads.