
be the lightning in me



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-26-2021, 07:44 PM
Indigo didn’t like to leave the Hallows now and more specifically he didn’t like leaving the wolves he gathered there alone. After Duch insisted on him teaching her how to fight… he knew that he needed his band sooner rather than later. To have his own group wherever they wanted to be. If it just so happened they were very near the Armada… Indigo was alone and he shook himself heavily of the thoughts of his sister. He had to keep to the task at hand. He was out looking for herbs to bolster his stores and more specifically the packs. He knew he wanted to leave soon and he wasn’t about to make his way without leaving them prepared. Indigo cared deeply for the pack’s inhabitants. He had lived with them for more than a year now but his time in the Hallows was always supposed to be temporary.

Maybe when he was younger he imagined making a grand return to the Armada, but now that he was less naive he realized that would never be the case. They couldn’t allow their affection to become public knowledge. He didn’t want to see what his father would do should he find out about his secret. Again even when he wished her away Aslatiel was on his thoughts and he could feel the distance between them like a level of pain. He groaned darkly and grit his teeth as he shook himself yet again. Massive paws carried him to the far edge of Fossil Ridge and the river there.

He blinked back heavy emotions as brilliant blue eyes turned to the banks, hopeful to find some more rare species of plants. He managed to keep his mind on his paws and his surroundings instead of what ifs and lonely fairy tales. His massive frame waded through the tall grasses along the bank, he filled his senses with the smell of life. A welcome relief after the length of the winter. His gaze scanned the horizon in between a sweep around his feet. Indigo’s attention was caught by deep green leaves and he moved carefully towards the beautiful plant.

Today was perfect for being out and gathering, the sun was shining with only a few clouds in the sky and a gentle breeze in the air. It was afternoon by now but the heat of the day was already tapering off and the river was perfect. A gentle sound of running water, singing birds, and peace. There was no better place for Indigo to clear his mind.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
05-26-2021, 09:37 PM

Bloodied paws thundered across the uneven terrain, leaving specks of dark red in their wake on the fresh summer grass that had replaced the ice and snow. Two-toned eyes darted back and forth as she burst from the trees that made up the dense Wraith’s Woods to the east, finding nothing but open land and exposed ridgelines. Oh no no no, too open, too open…! But she couldn’t turn back now, not without another confrontation. She had no choice; she had to keep moving forward.

Emersyn ran her tongue over her dry lips, tasting the copper-flavor of stale blood from the last wolf she’s tangled with still there. There was at least one, maybe two more right behind her. Away. She had to get away! But out in the open plain with her black and purple fur making her an eyesore against the verdant grass, going forward meant exposing herself and surrendering all cover. She hesitated at the tree line, paws dancing back and forth in a nervous jitter while her mind raced to weigh her options.

A snap of a twig behind her made up her mind on her behalf. Em yelped and sprinted out across the plains, her muscles sore and tired, body aching and screaming for a rest. Even her breathing felt labored and difficult. It had been days since she’d eaten anything, and how long since she’d rested or had time for a drink? It didn’t matter. She was dead if she stopped now. Keep going. Just a little farther. They couldn’t chase her forever… right?

Emersyn’s paws carried her below the ridge, using the sloping terrain for cover while she navigated the uneven terrain to the best of her abilities with her bloodstained, painful paws. Her ears flicked atop her head, listening for any threats or signs of safety. The gentle lapping of moving water caught her attention, and the dusty violet fae adjusted her trajectory for it. Maybe she’d be able to follow the water to another hiding place.

Rounding the edge of the ridge, her duo-toned eyes lit up to see the mellifluous river. Water! The word had never sounded so pleasant in her mind as it did now. She all but flung herself toward the river, limping to the soft silt bank and collapsing to the damp earth before she buried her muzzle in the cool, refreshing water, greedily drinking her fill. Her parched throat cried in relief, and Em didn’t realize her eyes were weeping at the turn in her fortune while she drank and drank until her lungs burned for oxygen.

With a gasp, she re-emerged from beneath the water, face dripping wet. She caught sight of her reflection in the water’s surface: tired eyes, scratched and clawed face with freshly healing cuts, fur dirty and matted in places from where she’d had to hide in mud. She lifted her right paw, watching the blood dripping from where she’d lost two of her claws in a scuffle with a now very dead hunter. Finally, with a chance to rest and take inventory of herself, Em realized just how dead tired she was, how much pain her body was in, and how badly she just wanted to give up. The tears returned, and the broken violet fae’s body flopped over at the side of the river, looking half-dead while she tried to recuperate enough strength just to stand.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-27-2021, 05:01 AM
The grasses parted like waves as Indigo parted them with his huge mass. Dark ears swiveled through the young man’s mane, his senses far from relaxed out here in the wilds alone. His first warning that he was no longer alone here on the river was the sound of her crashing through the greenery that surrounded the water source. Indigo lifted his features, dismissing the emerald plant at his paws as his attention was drawn to the edge of the water. She was in desperate need of a drink, the woman had nearly thrown herself into the flowing water but seemed to settle for her entire muzzle. Only the desperate drank so greedily, or Indigo assumed with how long she remained there. For a brief moment Indigo thought he was about to watch her drown when she pulled herself free of the water. Intricately marked features dripping wet and not all from the river. Her eyes were red and she looked nearly beaten.

Indigo was, unfortunately, familiar with that look on her face. The one that one wore once they reached their last point, when they lost all of their hope and gave up believing they were going to persevere. The end of the rope, the bottom of a barrel, or a glass. Indigo felt it, every one of the wolves he led felt the last straw as well. The massive Fatalis hadn’t moved as he watched her, but he hadn’t let his attention stray far from their surroundings either. They were alone for now, but he didn’t miss the bright red blood running down her paw. She was running from someone or something.

”Are you alright?” He asked softly, not having moved from where he watched her, collapsed on the shore. She was exhausted, that was also very much obvious. He expected her to get right up and be off but she stopped. When you stopped you died, he’d seen it enough in exhausted prey, she had that look in her eye and the way she laid… ”Can I help you?” He lowered his head and dark ears fell to his skull. He meant her no harm but he was no fool to think a scared stranger would see past his appearance.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
05-27-2021, 05:38 PM

Em had been drifting somewhere between paranoid awareness and blissful unconsciousness when she heard it. A voice from behind her, words spoken softly and in lyrics she did not recognize. It didn’t matter, someone had caught her, and there were so many after her. Her black ear flicked back, showing signs of life and also that she had heard him. Her weary eyes drifted closed, surrounding herself in darkness while she focused on her heavy panting, chest rising and falling with each desperate gasp for air. No, it wasn’t fair! She had been so close to getting away! Why? What had she done to deserve this?

A weak whine escaped her, her paws flexing over the sandy banks of the river while she tried to lift herself up. "Please, don’t… Your freedom isn’t worth your life," she pleaded with whichever pit fighter had found her. Her eyes slowly opened, staring out at the river for a moment before she managed to lift her head and turn to glance at… not who she was expecting. This was a massive wolf, his fur a rich royal purple color with black stockings and red stripes along his legs. She had never seen this wolf before, but his gentle sapphire eyes kept her on edge. Who was he, and what game was he playing? Did she have bounty hunters after her now too?!

Em grunted while she rolled back to her stomach, trying to put weight on her paws to get to her feet and face the new threat, but only ended up collapsing to the soft ground again with a yelp of pain. Dammit! Why did she have to fall apart now? "Whatever he’s offered you, it’s not worth the trouble," she spoke, voice cold and hard to match the iciness in her narrowing eyes, cobalt and aqua staring hatefully at the giant wolf. "Just let me go, tell him you never found me, and I won’t rip your throat out and send your body down the river."

It was all a bold bluff, of course. Emersyn could barely stay upright, let alone stand. Her head was pounding and every movement felt like it took all of her strength to make. But if she was going to die, she was damn sure going to go down swinging. Bigger or not, if he tried to get close to her with that act of kindness, he’d end up getting bit. She would be no easy prey.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-27-2021, 05:39 PM
She did a poor job of hiding just how incapacitated she was, or maybe it was some kind of deeper more well laid out plan. Just look like she was unable to even stand to lure him close and then that’s when she would up and strike. He wasn’t answered right away, she hesitated like she was gathering her strength, preparing herself for the trial ahead. Indigo remained still and patient until she mumbled something nearly incoherent. He understood the words she said but was confused by what she was trying to say. It certainly wasn’t an answer to his question. Eventually she opened her eyes, almost as a follow up, and Indigo was given the reveal of her surprise. She had been expecting someone else.

Still, Indigo didn’t move from where he stood in the tall grasses as she took him in. Now that she was looking at him Indigo noted the duality of her gaze and the intricacies of the markings over her pelt. More evidence to her running was the muck and dirt unwashed from her subtle orchid fur. She rolled and wabbled, revealing further her inability to back up the words she spoke while doing so. Indigo lifted a paw as if to rush and help, but stopped himself before he could take even a step. She was cold and untrusting, but the last thing Indigo could do was blame her. Who knew what was chasing her, every face could spell her doom. She didn’t know him.

”I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He told her honestly. ”My name is Indigo, I’m part of a pack near here called the Hallows.” Indy didn’t know what else to do but tell her about himself, if she believed him or not. ”I don’t think you’d take my throat, but you’d give me a good run for my money.” He refrained from mentioning her inability to even stand up at the moment. She was doomed if whoever was looking for her found her now. ”I really just want to help. I can help see to your wounds, or set you up with a meal…” He didn’t know if she could even let herself accept any of that from him she was so mistrustful and cold.

Indigo’s attention was drawn behind him at the sound of paws through the grasses. He just barely saw a tail wave over the grass of one of the ridges. ”Get down,” he whispered warning. ”We’ve got company.”

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
05-27-2021, 05:44 PM

Despite her fire and vitriol thrown at him, the purple dire wolf did not back down from his insistence of offering her aid. He introduced himself as Indigo, and Em nearly balked with laughter to think his mother had named her purple-furred son something so on the nose. He tried to tempt her in with promises of the safety of some nearby pack and a meal. She scoffed. Shelter, food, and care? How dumb did he think she was? He had to be the laziest bounty hunter if he really was trying to put no effort into luring her to lower her guard. He could have easily just crossed the distance between them and killed her with those tremendous saber fangs. One bite and it would all be over.

But he didn’t. He didn’t cross the space between them. He stayed right where he was, partially obscured by the tall grasses flanking the flowing river, and he just spoke to her. Her fur bristled, but her expression softened the slightest. Why was he playing games with her? Was he just toying with her? Did he get some sort of sick delight out of playing with her emotions before killing her? Her paranoia spun her out of control and a ringing had started in her ears. Her head felt heavy, and the combination of gradual blood loss, exhaustion, and panic was making her feel sick.

And yet he still did not attack her. Why not? What was he waiting for?! She stared at him in confusion, scrutinizing every word he said, every move he made, every breath he took. Those dark sapphire eyes were filled with emotions she hadn’t seen before, a certain softness she couldn’t place. While she was busy trying to understand what the hell was going on, a distant rustling was heard heading their way. Em’s head lifted, following Indigo’s gaze in the direction of the sounds. Her heart sank; that would be one of the wolves she was running from for sure.

Indigo whispered a word of warning to her, but already Emersyn was in a frantic struggle to get back to her feet and run, her eyes wide, pupils pinpricks of terror. She whined, begging her body to cooperate, but it only resulted in her ending up face-down in the sand again with a yelp of pain. It was too much to ask. Her body had given up after four days of nonstop running. This was it… this was where she died.

Em growled and grit her teeth, smacking a paw in angry defeat against the damp earth. Her ears fell flat to her head, mismatched eyes drooping closed with resignation to her fate, and a heavy sigh slipped past her lips. “This isn’t your fight… Please, get out of here before you get hurt too,” she pleaded with the kind stranger. He didn’t deserve to get caught in the crossfire when her hunter found her just because he had shown a doomed wolf sympathy. But if he really wanted to help her... “Actually, just… just put me down before he gets here. Do me a favor and make it quick. He’ll drag it out...”

If there was one thing Emersyn didn’t want if she was going to die, it was to die slowly and painfully. She’d choose a quick mercy at the end of Indigo’s fangs than whatever torture she might be subjected to. Keeping her eyes closed, Em lay still where she had fallen, waiting to feel the inevitable bite of Indigo’s saber teeth ending her life and sparing her another moment of suffering while the rustling of paws on grass got closer and closer.

Not more than a minute later, another male emerged from the tall grasses. He stood between Emersyn’s and Indigo’s heights, and was fairly well built and covered in scars from a plethora of fights he’d won. He eyed the stranger for a moment before settling his predatory gaze on Em, a wicked grin of triumph twisting at his lips. ”Finally caught ya, bitch,” he taunted the downed femme while slowly closing the distance between them, teeth bared with deadly intent. ”Gave us all a hell of a chase. Can’t run forever though, huh?”




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-27-2021, 05:46 PM
The woman didn’t believe him, not that he truly expected her to with how on edge she really was. Indigo still had no idea beyond time a way to gain someone’s trust. Especially like this run down wolf. She couldn’t trust anyone, everyone was out to get her, every face was ready to claim her life and the reward for taking it. Indigo didn’t know exactly what was going on but he was smart enough to put a few pictures together. She was ready for him to attack her, it was what everyone else she’d come across had been ready to do, and yet that outcome couldn’t be farther from what Indigo truly wanted. He couldn’t know what kind of past she had, but from the look of her he could make his guess. He wasn’t so naive to the world and its cruelties anymore, that ship sailed long ago. There was evil in the world and he had three wolves to prove that.

Even as he spoke there was a threat on the horizon, not from him like she expected but the men that were after her. Both of them were forced to look but even as Indigo spoke the woman was scrambling feebly. Panic took her and Indigo’s features returned to her and the fear that was so obvious on her features. She couldn’t get up, her body was done and no matter how she struggled there was no lifting herself, there was no escape. Her acceptance was made more obvious by the way she spoke next, pleading for him to be gone and then almost changing her mind as she begged him for a swift end.

Indigo wasn’t about to take her offer, she had no way to defend herself and was facing certain doom. He couldn’t kill her, not even a mercy killing as she sought. Indigo was no pushover, he had been training to fight for his whole life and his body was bred to do just that as well. With his massive saber fangs, sharp cat line claws, and thick protecting mane, there was little to threaten such an impressive wolf. Certainly not a bounty hunter that had been trailing this stranger for days.

”I couldn’t,” he told her softly as she closed her eyes, awaiting her swift end from him. He did put himself on guard though, joints bending and his hackles raising to make his huge form look even bigger as the threat finally appeared between them. The man should have given Indigo more than a dismissive glance, already the Fatalis felt heat rising in his belly as the edges of his vision turned red at the sound of the hunter’s voice. There was little left to the imagination, she told him her death would be drug out and Indigo had no doubts. A deep growl rumbled through his chest, the only warning the stranger had to cease his advance.

”Touch her and I’ll take your paw.” Indigo warned, lowering his head as he coiled his limbs, ready to strike should he not be heeded. The stranger turned towards him just slightly, only barely acknowledging Indigo and his promise. Testing his luck the hunter took another step forward and turned his feature’s from Indigo’s attention. Another growl surged through him and Indy was done with his warnings and chances. The young man had no true desire to see pain and suffering, especially by his own paw. However, this woman was about to be torn apart in front of him and as Indigo saw it, his actions were just.

Indigo sprang from his place in the grass, with two strides he was on the huge stranger. Not nearly as big as himself, but still a threat that Indigo would have to be careful fighting. Thoughts were gone as Indigo acted solely on instinct. His massive frame slammed into the other man’s side, sending both of them tumbling into the river. Indigo couldn’t think of the relief he had for getting the man away from the downed woman, mostly because of the teeth he was warding away from his face.

The two wolves were both fighting for their life. Indigo promised to take his paw but as they wrestled there in the water he realized he would be doing more than that. Indigo had taken lives before, of his prey and of predators that threatened him and those he loved. He’d never killed another wolf before, but the possibility became reality now.

He struggled with the other wolf, aiming mostly to keep his opponent's head under the water to drown him. Indigo himself gasped and struggled for air as the hunter did the same. Indy had the advantage of height and weight, but in this situation his mane was more of a hindrance than help as he was quickly soaked through. This realization came late, but Indigo also tried to start backing up to the shore, hopeful that the woman had managed to crawl into some kind of shelter, but he couldn’t spare her any extra thought as the hunter struck him. His flesh split open as he was struck with well placed teeth, blood tinted the water red as Indigo attacked again, swinging his long terrible teeth.

Indigo’s attack did win him a small victory as his teeth cleaved through flesh. He ripped open the other man’s thickly muscled thigh revealing bone and blood but at a high price. He was left open and the hunter took his chance and went for Indigo’s belly.

The young Fatalis had never felt physical pain like this before. An excruciating surge of pain throughout his whole body that sent a strangled scream from his lips. It was enough to drive him further. With his stomach ripped open Indigo returned fire, every ounce of effort left Indigo nearly blindly attacked the hunter in his grasp. Tooth and claw met flesh as he surrounded the beast and unleashed the wild rage that was always so carefully hidden deep within. He didn’t notice the damage done as he tore and severed, but there was little life left within the corpse as Indigo finally lifted his head for a breath.

But it was difficult and near impossible to do. Indigo could hardly suck in a breath, but he was done. The assassin was dead or dying, but so was Indy. He struggled to the shore, his body much worse for wear than he had ever intended. If he didn’t have his mane and the thick fur down his belly he would have already been dead. He pulled himself up to the shore, unable to catch his breath he struggled. Much like the woman he’d given no thought in protecting, because there was no second thought. He couldn’t have left her, there had been no other choice but this.

As the adrenaline faded and the pain started to well and truly take hold his body began to try and go into shock. Indigo knew it, but was nearly powerless to help it. His strength was waning fast but he still managed to get himself to the meager supplies gathered before now. Maybe if he could just stop the bleeding.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
05-27-2021, 05:48 PM

Despite waiting to feel the cold bite of death, the wolf named Indigo surprised her yet again by refusing her request to end her life, admitting that he couldn’t bring himself to that. Then the other voice came, and a shudder of real fear rippled down her spine. She allowed herself to open her eyes again, facing the hunter that had pursued her for so long with a venomous glare. With Indigo, she had been willing to die silently, submissively, head hung and eyes closed. This bastard would not get that satisfaction.

But before he could take a single step towards her, Indigo was threatening him. Him! Confused eyes turned between the two brutes. He… really wasn’t a bounty hunter, was he? The actual hunter disregarded Indigo and stepped toward his prize anyway—and then in a blur of purple, both wolves were gone from her sight, tumbling about until they ended up in the river with a splash. Emersyn scurried to watch the fight, shock and dread on the stranger’s behalf. He had attacked the hunter and saved her. He was defending her! What the hell was going on?!

She winced and grunted as she tried her best to stand again, struggling against her own body to help where she could. She couldn’t allow this man to get hurt on her behalf. But it was useless. Her legs refused to stand, and she was forced to watch the battle in the river turn gruesome and bloody. It was difficult to make out what was happening in the tussle of fur, bodies, blood, and water, but the scream she heard from Indigo was unmistakable. Her heart wrenched in her chest, but she was powerless to do anything to help. Anger at herself burned in her chest, the mental derision at letting herself get to run down that she couldn’t do anything but watch the man suffer on her behalf.

And then, as quickly as it started, it was over. Indigo was wading his way toward shore, water and blood pouring from him while the hunter’s massacred body floated lazily down the river. Em ground her teeth together while she tried to stand again, and ended up forcing herself to crawl across the silt ground toward Indigo’s collapsed body. She was not going to let him die for her. It was painful to make herself move, but she had to do it. She had to protect the giant lummox that was dying for her.

”Why did you do that, you giant idiot?! I told you I wasn’t worth it!” she snapped at him, though the tone in her voice betrayed her worry instead of anger at him. No one had ever done anything to protect her before. She wasn’t used to the sentiment. Her paws hurried to keep a light pressure on his bleeding stomach, hoping to stem the blood loss. She knew next to nothing about healing, having only been the fighter in the coliseum while medics tended to her. She knew basic triage, and nothing else. ”Tell me what you need and what I need to do.” She looked around at his medical supplies, recognizing a couple, but entirely unfamiliar with how to use them. Emersyn didn’t care though. He was not dying today.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-27-2021, 05:49 PM
He struggled with each breath but they came every time, but even as he managed to breath he could feel himself dying. The steady cold grasp that originated at his belly, fiery and painful in a way he was only just coping with as he fought to save his own life. He was struck by just how strongly he felt his will to live. He leaned back against the bank and the thick grass, it cushioned his massive frame as he exposed the wound. Washed with river water but gaping, for a moment he thought he was going to see all of his insides hanging out. He might have accepted death at that point but as he looked over the massive gash he was relieved to find his guts still in their place.
A nervous chuckle left him as he grew a bit delirious, at the pain and the sight of seeing himself laid open like this. Only his incredible resolve, and the appearance of the hunted girl, kept him stationary. If he passed out now he’d lose the battle. Another chuff of amusement in a situation that was anything but. Indigo was in real danger of losing his life. Suddenly it was not only the pressure of his own paw holding himself together but the stranger as well. Indigo was trying to keep his eyes open but found he was already blinking up at her. She needed direction and he needed to give it if he wanted to get out of this.

”I couldn’t… just… stand there.” He was wasting what breath he could come by as he tried to explain himself as he displayed his random bits and pieces of plants. The wound was kind of clean, he needed something to stave off infection and hold him together so he stopped bleeding. His stomach was the worst of his wounds, it needed the most attention. He gasped again and tried to point with one paw as he kept the other to his wound. ”Horsetail and goldenseal.” What they really needed was a trained healer that wasn’t currently bleeding out.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-28-2021, 04:15 PM
Tiny little paws picked their way across the grassy landscape. Though it wasn’t all grass, was it? Big patches of raw earth were interspersed with the grass. Giant bones unlike anything that the small woman had ever seen stood up from the earth like dead trees. This was where she had been staying. A massive skull, eye holes bigger than she was, had been her temporary home. Iolaire didn’t know where she was. Half the time she didn’t know who she was. Insanity had set its hooks within the tri-colored woman and refused to let go. Little did she know, it ran in the family.

A very accomplished mouse hunter, Iolaire had just finished procuring herself some dinner when the commotion reached her ears. Those ears tucked against her skull for a moment as many different scenarios and possibilities shot through her addled mind. In the end, she had no idea what in the hell the noise had been. The curiosity that Io had always possessed hadn’t traipsed off when her mind had gone. No, it was still there, thick and strong. She tapped her front claws on a rock for a moment, warring over whether or not to investigate. Eventually, curiosity won out. Sticking her mouse inside of the skull, Io quietly slunk along through the long grass.

More sound met her ears and this, she was able to decipher. Someone was dying. Or going to die, at least. It meant nothing to her. Nothing meant much to her. Not with… She couldn’t even say his name in her mind. No no no. Gone gone. There was no name. Nope.

Coming to the place where grass ended and river began, Io’s slender muzzle separated the greenery. Citrine and verdant eyes narrowed as she peered through the grass and onto the scene before her. Lots of purple. A purple woman. A purple man. A floating… body. Hmm. Ioaire curled up in the grass like a cat, paws tucked beneath her. She was prepared to watch the goings on and then maybe later she’d go find the dead body and see if it had anything useful on it. That was when things changed.

The bloodied man dragging himself out of the river… she knew him. Green and gold eyes went wide and Iolaire gasped audibly. A face from her past. One that she adored. How was he here in this place? Was he dead too? She knew for certain that she was. When he had died, so had she. The man of her heart. Gone gone. She had woken up in this second world. It seemed that Indigo had woken up here too.

As the now grown boy pulled himself from the water, Iolaire hissed at the gaping wound in his stomach. No, no. That wasn’t good. Instantly, she moved from the concealment of the grass. All gone was the quirky, addled brain from a moment before. He needed her help, this boy that she loved. Striding forward, the small but authoritative fae began giving orders. “Girl, bring me his pack.” Without waiting to see if her orders were followed, Iolaire snatched off handfuls of dried grasses and pressed them against the wound in her nephews stomach. Yes, handfuls. Rather than your standard paws, Iolaire had dexterous appendages. That was why she was… had been… the best healer in the land.

“Indigo, you hold on, boy.” Once the blood had been staunched enough, she peeled back the grass to look at the severity of the wounds. It seemed that Indigo was in luck. Nothing vital had been pierced. His belly basket was all in one piece. A bit of muscle had been torn, but she could sew that up no problem. All she needed were some supplies.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
05-28-2021, 05:32 PM

Emersyn was more annoyed than perplexed by Indigo’s gasping words that he couldn’t stand by and let her get killed. She could worry about his stupidity later, after he wasn’t bleeding to death all over her paws. Thankfully, he did say something actionable. Horsetail and goldenseal. She knew horsetail well, a number of the reeds were growing along the shore, but what the hell was goldenseal? Suddenly this task seemed even more insurmountable than it already had been.

Fortunately, by the grace of some merciful god, another woman appeared, much smaller than either of them, and all but pushed her aside while she barked an order to her. Em stared in shocked stupor as the small woman began to tend to Indigo’s wounds as if she had been sent to complete that task personally. She addressed him by name, and although Em had no idea who this mysterious doctor was, it was evident they knew each other, so it was enough for her to let her guard down for now.

Find Indigo’s pack. Emersyn sat up, peering around the banks of the river that had been a battlefield moments before until she spotted Indigo’s bundle of supplies just off to the side. He must have dropped them sometime during the fight. Clenching her jaws to fight against the protests of her body, Em managed to force herself to her paws, keeping all weight off the bloody right foot and hobbling over to snatch it up. It reeked of plants and herbs, medicines she didn’t recognize, but she didn’t care. She limped back over to the tiny doctor, setting the pack down beside her and Indigo, keeping close in case she was given another direction but saying nothing, just watching the fae work with worried eyes.

Running away no longer dwelled in Em’s mind. In her eyes, this was all her fault. She had led the bounty hunters here, had failed to send Indigo away or help him in the fight. He had been wounded because of her. She had to make this right. After he was stable, then she could keep running—running and running until she perished in some faraway land. But for now she owed him for saving her life, and she would guard him until he had recovered.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-28-2021, 05:41 PM
He was slowly coming to terms with the way this was all going to play out. He’d just given his life to save this complete stranger. He was never going to see Aslatiel, Duchess, Gypsy, or Segin ever again. He wouldn’t be able to train Briar like he told her he was going to. He wouldn’t be able to uphold any of the vows he made because this was it. The way the exhausted woman looked at him when he asked for the plants was enough to fully convince him. Indigo swallowed hard, still gasping for breath as he held tightly to his wound. Maybe. Maybe by some incredible miracle.

He tried to hold his head up but the weight was becoming too much for him. Just before he couldn’t any longer and lowered his head to the ground a familiar voice sounded over the river. Iolaire. Relief washed over him. He wasn’t out of the woods yet but if there was a wolf alive that could save him today it was his aunt. Immediately she went to work stuffing his wounds to stop the bleeding. Pain hit him, but he had already lowered his head to the ground it was far too heavy to hold up now.

”Io,” he greeted her softly, his breathing still difficult. ”Where did… you…? He was having difficulties keeping his thoughts organized. She said his name and commanded him to hold on as she saw to the most prevalent on his wounds. The jagged gashes that tore through his underbelly. As he lay there, feeling like he was only half present as the fight took its toll. Indigo didn’t miss how even exhausted and unable to stand, the stranger was still standing over him, keeping guard as the healer worked her magic to try and save his life.

”What’s your name?” He barely whispered, uncertain if her dark ears could even hear his words. Deep blue eyes searched her features as he anchored himself to her face. Hold on. Stay here. He wasn’t ready to leave so he held on however tightly he was able as Iolaire was forced to work with his small amount of supplies. He was torn between being taken by complete surprise Iolaire had shown up in the nick of time, and thinking about how long this stranger had been forced to run by the man he had… killed. It was kill or be killed, and he wasn’t about to allow the fight to end in a draw. Indigo groaned as Io poked around and hit a few nerves. The pain was starting to come back, both good and bad news for him. ”Tell me.. Tell me a story.” He was nearly begging the delicately marked woman now, he needed a distraction, from the pain and from his actions.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-28-2021, 05:43 PM
The small, dark woman muttered to herself as she worked on her nephew's wounds. It was sad that Indigo was dead too, but at least he got another chance on this plane. As of yet, she hadn’t run into anyone else, so she assumed that they were all alive and thriving. She hoped so, at least. Oh, wait. She had seen Deathbelle. Right? A little frown crossed Iolaire’s face as she worked. Memories weren’t reliable so she couldn’t be sure. Could have happened in her last life for all she knew.

Paws worked quickly once the purple woman brought the bag over. Io gave it a cursory glance before she began pulling out this and that. Once more she glanced to the woman beside her. “Moss from those rocks,” she motioned with a point of her nose. “Soak it in water and bring it here.” She could work on the wounds, but she needed to clean away the blood to see what she was working with. Sifting through the bag, she brought out a bone needle and a bit of horse hair. Supplies that she’d instructed Indigo to never go without. Smart boy. Smart, sweet boy. He said her name and her ears perked. He seemed confused to see her here and why shouldn’t he be? She was confused to be here. ...Or something like that. “Quiet. Save your strength. We can talk later.”

Once she had cleaned the blood from the wounds with the water from the moss, Io gently squeezed the muscle back together. With deft fingers, she pulled the threaded needle through. There had been no time for pain relievers to kick in and so she hadn’t bothered. Indigo would just have to deal with the pain. Just like they all had to deal with the pain. Once the muscle was doubly secured, Iolaire moved on to the surface wounds. The silly boy had gotten himself slashed pretty well. What had he been thinking? A head full of rocks, just like his father. How many times had she patched up Sirius?

Like a surgeon, Iolaire’s needle slid through flesh. With practiced stitching, she pulled both sides of the wound together. Settling back, she eyed her work, only listening partially as the purple boy spoke to the purple girl. Ha! So he didn’t even know her? JUST like his father. Taking up a few of the herbs in the pack, Iolaire chewed them between her tiny teeth to make a paste. Once satisfied with the thickness, she tamped it gently over the wound. It would both seal in the healing herbs that she’d placed down first and would keep the wound clean as he was transported.

Moving to the river, Io washed the blood from her paws. “He’ll need to be transported somewhere safer. If whoever did this has friends, it won’t be hard to track them to this place.” Quick witted, was Iolaire. She didn’t have her carts in this world, but she could craft a travois. The girl herself looked as though she was ready to fall over. Well… Io could do something about that. Moving up to the big purple lady, Io’s green and gold eyes narrowed. “If I give you something to help with your energy, do you think you could pull him?”
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
05-28-2021, 05:51 PM

She was as amazed as she was perplexed by the smaller woman’s deft paws and keen intelligence while she tended to Indigo’s wounds like she had been born to do this. She was given another direction: go retrieve some moss and soak it in water. Again, Em forced her body to move, limping over until her paws touched the cool water of the river. She wasn’t sure how much to get, so she grabbed as much as she could carry and dunked it into the clear water, then brought the dripping moss back to the healer.

“Here,” she said plainly, setting it with the other medical supplies. Duo-toned eyes followed dexterous paws while they cleaned and stitched Indigo’s stomach back together. She flinched for the giant purple man, her ears flat to her skull, uncertain of what to do. She had caused this. She had brought this pain to him. It was exactly what she had been trying to avoid, but now the deed was done and the consequences had to be faced. Her eyes lifted momentarily to the ridgeline, to the grass swaying in the breeze and the world beyond. She could leave. It would be so easy to just get up and go.

But Emersyn didn’t. She couldn’t. She had to at least know Indigo would live. Get him back to his pack… the Hallows? She couldn’t remember what he had said. Maybe this small healer would know. She cringed when the woman’s paws drew groans of agony from Indigo, each one like a sucker punch of guilt to the gut. He asked for her name, and Em froze up. Her mouth hung open, caught between giving the truth or telling a lie. How could a question as simple as her name be so complex? Nobody knew her real name; the world knew her by another, the name she had been given when she’d been sold off like goods. She had never spoken her real name since that day. Did she trust him enough to give him that truth? Or did she shut him out with the lie, like she had done to everyone else?

She met his deep blue eyes again while he panted through the pain, waiting for her response. She had done this to him. At the very least, he could know who to blame when it was all said and done. ”Emersyn… My name is Emersyn,” she said, words slow and voice trembling while she spoke the name that tasted foreign on her tongue. Realizing that she was little help to the healer, Em instead moved around to sit near Indy’s head, lifting a slow paw to rest it on his crown and run delicate claws through his thick fur. She was doing her best to comfort him through the pain, the same way she had done when she held her dying friends in the arenas.

She began to hum a quiet tune while alternating between watching the healer and scanning their surroundings for any threats, her paw moving to trace gentle paths through his fur and across his cheek. Ears pricked up when he spoke again, asking her to tell him a story. She glanced down to meet his gaze, seeing the desperation for relief in his eyes. Em didn’t fancy herself a storyteller by any means, but in this one specific circumstance, she figured she could try. But what sort of stories did a wolf with nothing but pain in her soul tell to someone looking for reprieve?

”I don’t have many good stories to tell…” she confessed with an apologetic smile. ”How about I tell you about this empire of beautiful wolves that lived in beautiful marble palaces?” Emersyn looked back up to keep an eye on their surroundings while she told Indigo her tale. ”It’s a pack a long, long way away from here. There’s an old city, made entirely of granite and marble, perched along a cliff beside a shimmering sea. All of the wolves that lived within this city were gorgeous, sporting richly colored fur with intricate markings and details. In the summers, pups would play on the beach while the adults lounged around the berry orchards, and in the winters, the days would still be warm enough to take a long stroll along the coast. There was never any snow, nor cold, and even the rains felt warm and gentle.”

She paused long enough to take a breath, glancing down to make sure he was still doing okay. ”Stay awake, big guy, and I’ll tell you more about it. But you gotta stay with me, okay?” There, something for him to hold onto. And then, just like that, it was done. The healer stepped away to clean herself off, then returned and said they had to transport him somewhere safer. Em nodded, then added a grim, ”He has friends.” It was a simple confirmation of her fears. She knew exactly how many were after her. He would not be the last. Now that the adrenaline in her system had begun to ebb away, fatigue returned in force to the weary fae. She looked between the smaller lady and the giant Indigo, wondering just how she’d be able to pull him along. But she had no choice; she would have to.

”I’ll make it work.” She got back to her feet, just barely keeping from wobbling as she did, and waited for the healer to provide her whatever stimulant she had to keep her going. She only prayed that the Hallows weren’t too far, or they’d all be dead by sunset.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-28-2021, 05:52 PM
Iolaire quieted him, but she had a lot of work to do as well. There were no pain medications offered or taken, but as Iolaire really got into his wounds he had to grab whatever piece of driftwood was close to clamp his jaws around. The pain was unlike anything he had ever felt, he whined and groaned as she worked, biting hard into the wood between his teeth. His breathing hadn’t improved any, each one came in heaving breaths as Iolaire pieced him back together again. Had he been able to sweat his brow would have been drenched, he dropped the driftwood and panted heavily as his head swam. His saving grace was the woman he’d put his life on the line for. Through everything he was experiencing the young man wouldn’t have changed a moment. Except perhaps getting himself torn apart.

He was far too lucid to really understand how difficult the question he gave Emersyn was, nor could he appreciate the truthfulness she offered. He grinned as she told him her name, a goofy squinty grin that revealed just how much he was struggling. Were it not for Iolaire’s quick work he would have been fading fast, but he held stable. The delicately marked woman shifted and held him tight, stroking his fur gently and comforting him through the pain. Indigo forced his focus on her as he struggled through the pain, this wasn’t an experience he wanted to relive. He kept his eyes open somehow, maybe it was a little easier while looking up into pretty dual toned sapphire eyes.

Able to keep himself awake and focused enough that he could listen and follow along as Emersyn told him a story, just like he asked. He looked up at her, still gritting his teeth and squinting through the pain, but he held on. He didn’t let his eyes fully close and he ignored the tunnel vision that threatened his sight. As she spoke he could almost see the magical places she described. He lived in a castle, he knew what old structures looked like, but of marble instead of stone?

The thoughts occupied him as Iolaire finished her work and moved away from him. Just because she was finished didn’t mean that he was yet to feel any better. His whole body throbbed.Emersyn directed him to stay with her, to not go to sleep. He nodded, feeling the reason Io told him not to speak and save his strength. He was sapped, done, through, there wasn’t much left to give. But Indigo kept his eyes open. No matter what.

He heard Iolaire speak about getting him home and he really did try and argue, but it was hard to defend your abilities when you couldn’t even make words pass through your lips. Surely if they gave him enough time to rest he’d be up on his feet so no one was forced to try and carry him. Instead he focused on his breathing instead of arguing, keeping his eyes open was hard enough right now.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-28-2021, 05:53 PM
The purple woman, Emersyn, if Io had heard correctly, stood and was ready to do what needed to be done. The tiny fae appreciated her enthusiasm, but she gave the lady a gentle pat on the leg. “Sit back down. Reserve your strength. Keep him awake. I’ll return shortly.” With that, Iolaire’s tri-colored form disappeared into the long grass. Yes, she had things that could keep the fae going, but she didn’t carry those sorts of things around with her. Those were all back in the big old skull that she called home.

Thankfully, when Iolaire died and came to this afterlife, her trusted satchel had come with her. The small dame had it packed full of well organized herbs, plants, concoctions. A plethora of items for a plethora of ailments. Indigo hadn’t collected what she needed and so it was a good thing that this part of her demeanor hadn’t changed between worlds. Who knew when she would even come back to this place? If she came back at all, that was. The little wolf shoved as many of her acquired belongings into the pack before glancing to her mouse. Hmm… snatching it up, she shoved the rodent in her mouth, gulping it down as she moved back towards her waiting nephew.

Io parted the grass for a third time, coming into the clearing beside the river. Seating herself beside Emersyn, she dipped her lithe little paws into the pack, rifling through its contents before bringing out a set of pressed leaves. Peeling them carefully apart, she offered one to the purple woman. “Eat this.” It was a mash of natural stimulants coated in honey. The sweet substance helped the otherwise tangy and earthy herbs to go down. The leaf that they were stuck to wouldn’t hurt the girl any.

While Io waited for the energy to go zinging through Emersyn’s body, she set to work on crafting a travois. With a jaw bone that she’d turned into a type of saw, Iolaire hacked down two relatively evenly grown saplings. Quickly, she stripped them of their little branches and leaves, leaving them bare. Again she dug into her pack, pulling out a section of braided rope that she’d made herself. With practiced paws, she fastened the two saplings together. Between them she placed an old deer pelt that she’d been using as a blanket all this time. Io fastened the pelt to the poles with well placed little holes. Next she crafted a sort of harness for Emersyn, careful to pad the strap that would go across the young woman’s chest to prevent her from injury. All of this came so easily to Iolaire. Crafting, healing, taking charge. It was as easy as breathing.

With the pole drag crafted, now they had to get Indigo onto the fur. Io placed the drag beside him as close as she could manage, one pole resting against his spine. Lifting one white toed paw, she patted Indigo’s purple cheek. “This might hurt a bit, my boy, but once we’re done, you’ll be able to sleep all the way home.” Wherever home was. “You just have to point us in a direction.” Nodding to Emersyn, Io planted her paws beneath Indigo’s big body and gently worked to slide him into the travois. His wounded side was facing up and she gave him her herb filled pack to use as a pillow.

Hooking the woman into the harness, Io shot her a somewhat crazy little grin. “Shall we?”
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
05-28-2021, 05:55 PM

Em was relieved to see that her efforts had managed to keep Indigo distracted through most of the surgeon’s work, and he hadn’t blacked out or given into shock. Good, the worst was over. He wasn’t out of the woods yet though. They needed to get him back to his pack, get him something to eat to regenerate the blood he’d lost, and rest for his body to heal. She had already mentally vowed that she would stay with Indigo and watch over him until he had fully recovered, even if it meant staying in one spot for a long time. If one of the hunters managed to track her to the pack, she wouldn’t ask anyone to stand up for her. She would surrender herself quietly. No one else would die for her.

The healer passed her a salve made of honey and some unidentifiable herbs. While skeptical, she had shown no signs of malice, so Emersyn took a leap of faith and chewed the sticky mush, tasting only the sweet honey and the leaf it had all been wrapped in. She swallowed it down, sitting as she had been instructed to do so while she watched the tiny fae begin to construct a travois from nearby raw materials. She was awed by the healer’s depth of knowledge and handiness.

As seconds slipped by, Em began to notice an alertness rising in her, her brain sharpening and focusing and the fatigue melting from her muscles like ice from a hot rock. By the time the healer had finished her work, Emersyn felt more like herself, even the pain in her bleeding paw numbed. She rose to her feet and stepped to the opposite end of Indigo, nodding back to the healer and ever so carefully lifting the dire wolf enough to slide him onto the makeshift drag. He was heavy, but they managed.

While the healer made sure Indigo was comfortable, Emersyn took her place at the head of the travois. She waited until she was secured to the sling and then looked back to the eccentric, if not somewhat crazed woman, and gave a curt nod. ”Let’s.” With Indigo navigating them, Emersyn began the slow yet steady process of hauling the injured wolf back to his home. It took a good bit of effort from the smaller fae, but her muscles were reinvigorated from whatever this witch doctor of a wolf had put in that paste, and the former pit fighter found her pace soon after getting started.

”Thank you,” said Em to the little healer after a few moments of silence, still unsure who she was or where she had come from, but not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Emersyn was not very talkative on a good day, and today as definitely not a good day. She just wanted to get Indigo home and maybe find somewhere to collapse and either sleep or die, whichever came first.
